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Burden R.L., Faires J.D. — Numerical analysis
Burden R.L., Faires J.D. — Numerical analysis

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Название: Numerical analysis

Авторы: Burden R.L., Faires J.D.


The book contains sufficient material for a full year of study, but we expect many readers to use tbe text for only a single-terra course. In such a course, students learn to identify the type of problems that require numerica) techniques for their solution, see examples of error propagation that can occur when numerical methods are applied, and accurately approximate the solutions of some problems that cannot be solved exactly. The remainder of the text serves as a reference for methods that are not discussed in the course. Either the full-year or single-course treatment is consistent with the purpose of the text.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 5-th edition

Год издания: 1993

Количество страниц: 772

Добавлена в каталог: 27.07.2013

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Operation counts, Cramer's rule      362
Operation counts, factorization      371
Operation counts, fast Fourier transform      488
Operation counts, Gauss — Jordan      336
Operation counts, Gaussian elimination      332
Operation counts, scaled column pivoting      343
Operation counts, systems      355
Organ problem      656
Orthogonal matrix      500
Orthogonal set of functions      454
Orthogonal set of vectors      499
Orthonormal set of functions      454
Orthonormal set of vectors      499
Osculating polynomial      123
Ostrowski — Reich theorem      418
Over-relaxation method      416
Overflow      14
Pade approximation technique      470
Pade Rational' Approximation Algorithm      471
Parabolic partial-differential equation      624 635
Parametric curve      148
Partial pivoting      340 see
Partial-differential equation definition      622
Partial-differential equation, elliptic      623 625
Partial-differential equation, finite element method      657
Partial-differential equation, hyperbolic      624 649
Partial-differential equation, parabolic      624 635
Pendulum problem      232 303
Permutation matrix      367
Persymmetric matrix      505
Perturbed problem      236
Petroleum reservoir problem      649
Picard method      238
Piecewise cubic Hermite polynomial      150
Piecewise linear basis functions      607
Piecewise Linear Rayleigh — Ritz Algorithm      610
Piecewise polynomial approximation      131
Pipe organ problem      656
Pivot element      329
Pivoting, complete      344
Pivoting, maximal      344
Pivoting, maximal column      340
Pivoting, scaled column      342
Pivoting, strategies      344
Plate sinkage problem      543 560
Poisson equation      623
Poisson Equation Finite-Difference Algorithm      630
Polynomial definition      82
Polynomial evaluation      20 83
Polynomial, algebraic      96
Polynomial, Bernstein      111
Polynomial, characteristic      309 401
Polynomial, Chebyshev      91 459
Polynomial, Hermite      91 123
Polynomial, interpolating      98
Polynomial, Lagrange      98
Polynomial, Laguerre      91 229 459
Polynomial, Legendre      207 457
Polynomial, Maclaurin      8
Polynomial, monic      462
Polynomial, nested      20
Polynomial, Newton      113
Polynomial, osculating      123
Polynomial, roots of      82
Polynomial, Taylor      8 97 255
Polynomial, trigonometric      455 480 485
Population growth, Gompertz      68
Population growth, logistic      294
Population problems      39 67 95 110 121 145
Positive definite matrix      373 423 502
Power method      506
Power Method Algorithm      508
Power method for symmetric matrices      511
Power series, economization of      466
Precision, degree of      179
Predator-prey problem      303
Predictor-corrector algorithm      284
Predictor-corrector method      278
Program, general-purpose      32
Program, special-purpose      32
Pseudocode      24
QR algorithm      534
QR method      530
Quadratic convergence      70 72 81 554
Quadratic formula      18
Quadratic spline      132 144
Quadrature, Gaussian      205 214
Quasi-Newton method      561
Racquetball problem      68
Rate of convergence      29
Rational function approximation      469
Rayleigh — Ritz method      605
Reduced form, system of equations      325
Region of absolute stability      317
Regula falsi method      63
Relative error      15
Relaxation method      416
Remainder term      8
Residual vector      414 424
Reverse shooting method      583
Richardson extrapolation      168 596 602
Richardson method      642
Riemann integral      5
Rolle's theorem      4
Romberg algorithm      202
Romberg algorithm, cautious      203
Romberg integration      199
Root definition      40
Root finding, bisection method      40
Root finding, method of false position      63
Root finding, Mueller's method      87
Root finding, Newton's method      56
Root finding, Newton's method for systems      555
Root finding, secant method      61
Root, condition      311
Root, multiple      73
Root, simple      74
Rotation matrix      531
Round-off error      13 15
Rounding arithmetic      15
Row vector      326
Ruddy duck problem      139
Runge — Kutta for Systems of Differential Equations Algorithm      297
Runge — Kutta method      254
Runge — Kutta Order Four Algorithm      259
Runge — Kutta order two method      257
Runge — Kutta — Fehlberg algorithm      266
Runge — Kutta — Fehlberg method      265
Runge — Kutta — Verner method      269
Scalar product      346
Scaled-column pivoting      342
Schur theorem      501
Secant Algorithm      62
Secant method definition      61
Secant method for stiff equation      318
Secant method, for nonlinear boundary-value problem      587
Secant method, order of convergence      78
Sequence, limit of      2
Series, Fourier      455
Series, Maclaurin      8
Series, Taylor      8
Set, convex      235
Sherman — Morrison formula      562
Shooting method, linear equation      580
Shooting method, nonlinear equation      585
Similar matrices      500
Similarity transformation      501
Simpson's composite rule      186
Simpson's Double Integral Algorithm      217
Simpson's method      280
Simpson's rule      175
Simpson's three-eighths rule      180
Singular matrix      349
Slap      434
SOR Algorithm      418
SOR method definition      416
SOR method in heat equation      640
SOR method in Poisson equation      632
Sparse matrix      390
SPARSPAK      434
Spectral radius definition      403
Spectral radius, relation to convergence      404
Speed and distance problem      130 145
Spread of contagious disease      269
Spring-mass problem      199
Square matrix      348
Stable algorithm      26
Stable method      189 305
Steady-state heat distribution      623
Steepest descent algorithm      570
Steepest descent method      568
Steffensen Algorithm      80
Steffensen method, quadratic convergence      81
Stein — Rosenberg theorem      414
Step size      239
Stiff differential equation      314
Stirling formula      118
Strictly diagonally dominant matrix      371
Strongly stable method      311
Sturm — Liouville system      497
SubMatrix      358
Submatrix, leading principal      370
Successive Over Relaxation (SOR) Algorithm      418
Successive over relaxation (SOR) method      416
Superlinear convergence      82 561
Surface area      223
Symmetric matrix      353
Symmetric Power Method Algorithm      511
Synthetic division      84
System of differential equations      233 294
System of linear equations      325
Taylor method for initial-value problem      249
Taylor polynomial      8 97
Taylor polynomial in two variables      255
Taylor series      8
Taylor's theorem      8 255
Terrain vehicles problem      68
Test equation      315
Three-point formula      161
Total pivoting      344
Transformation matrix, Gauss      363
Transmission line problem      657
Transpose matrix      353
Trapezium rule      see "Trapezoidal rule"
Trapezoidal method      248 317
Trapezoidal rule      175
Trapezoidal rule, composite      187
Trapezoidal with Newton Iteration Algorithm      318
Triangular system of equations      325
Tridiagonal matrix definition      379
Tridiagonal matrix, block      384
Tridiagonal matrix, reduction to      523
Trigonometric polynomial approximation      455 480 485
Triple integral      219
Truncation error      8
Two-point boundary-value problem      578
Unconditionally stable      639 642
Under-relaxation method      416
Underflow      14
Unitary matrix      501
Unstable algorithm      26
Unstable method      165 311
Upper Hessenberg matrix      529 537
Upper triangular matrix      348 362
van der Pol equation      591
Variable step-size muLtistep method      282
Variational property      605
Vector definition      326
Vector space      346
Vector, convergence      394
Vector, norm of      390
Vector, orthogonal set      454 499
Vector, orthonormal set      454 499
vibrating beam      497
Vibrating string      624
Wave equation      624
Wave Equation Finite-Difference Algorithm      652
Weakly stable method      311
Weierstrass approximation theorem      96
Weight function      453
Weighted Mean Value Theorem for Integrals      6
Well-conditioned matrix      426
Well-posed problem      236
Wielandt's Deflation Algorithm      518
Zero matrix      348
Zero polynomial      82
Zero, definition      40
Zero, multiplicity of      73
Zero, simple      74
Zeroth divided difference      112
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