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Burden R.L., Faires J.D. — Numerical analysis
Burden R.L., Faires J.D. — Numerical analysis

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Название: Numerical analysis

Авторы: Burden R.L., Faires J.D.


The book contains sufficient material for a full year of study, but we expect many readers to use tbe text for only a single-terra course. In such a course, students learn to identify the type of problems that require numerica) techniques for their solution, see examples of error propagation that can occur when numerical methods are applied, and accurately approximate the solutions of some problems that cannot be solved exactly. The remainder of the text serves as a reference for methods that are not discussed in the course. Either the full-year or single-course treatment is consistent with the purpose of the text.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 5-th edition

Год издания: 1993

Количество страниц: 772

Добавлена в каталог: 27.07.2013

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Heat flow in a rod      624
Hermite Interpolation Algorithm      128
Hermite piecewise cubic polynomial      131 150 251
Hermite polynomial      91 123
Heun method      258
Higher-order differential equation      294
Hilbert matrix      433 451
History problem      247
Homotopy method      575
Hooke's law      435 445
Horner's algorithm      84
Horner's method      83
Hotelling deflation      521
Householder algorithm      526
Householder method      523
Householder transformation      523
Hyperbolic partial-differential equation      624 649
Ideal gas law      1 24
Identity matrix      348
Ill-conditioned matrix      426
Implicit method      181 271
Improper integral      224
IMSL      37
Induced matrix norm      397
Initial-value problem, A-stable method      317
Initial-value problem, Adams Predictor-Corrector Algorithm      279
Initial-value problem, Adams Variable Step-Size Predictor-Corrector Algorithm      284
Initial-value problem, Adams — Bashforth method      275
Initial-value problem, Adams — Moulton method      276
Initial-value problem, characteristic polynomial      309
Initial-value problem, consistent method      304 308
Initial-value problem, convergent method      304 309
Initial-value problem, definition      234
Initial-value problem, error control      263 282
Initial-value problem, Euler Algorithm      240
Initial-value problem, Extrapolation Algorithm      290
Initial-value problem, Heun method      258
Initial-value problem, local truncation error      248 274
Initial-value problem, midpoint method      257
Initial-value problem, Milne method      280
Initial-value problem, Milne — Simpson method      280
Initial-value problem, modified Euler method      257
Initial-value problem, multistep method      270
Initial-value problem, perturbation      236
Initial-value problem, predictor-corrector method      278
Initial-value problem, region of absolute stability      317
Initial-value problem, root condition      311
Initial-value problem, Runge — Kutta Order Four Algorithm      259
Initial-value problem, Runge — Kutta Order Four for Systems Algorithm      297
Initial-value problem, Runge — Kutta order two      257
Initial-value problem, Runge — Kutta — Fehlberg Algorithm      266
Initial-value problem, Simpson method      280
Initial-value problem, stiff equation      314
Initial-value problem, strong stability      311
Initial-value problem, Taylor method      249
Initial-value problem, Trapezoidal Method with Newton Iteration Algorithm      318
Initial-value problem, weak stability      311
Initial-value problem, well-posed problem      236
Integral, improper      224
Integral, Riemann      5
Integration      see "Numerical integration"
Intermediate Value Theorem      7
Interpolation using zeros of Chebyshev polynomials      464
Interpolation, cubic spline      132
Interpolation, description      96
Interpolation, Hermite polynomial      123
Interpolation, inverse      110
Interpolation, iterated inverse      110
Interpolation, Lagrange polynomial      98
Interpolation, Neville method      106
Interpolation, Taylor polynomial      97
Inverse matrix      349
Inverse power method      513
Inverse Power Method Algorithm      515
Isotropic      622
Iterated inverse interpolation      110
Iterative refinement      424
Iterative Refinement Algorithm      429
ITPACK      434
Jacobi Iterative Algorithm      409
Jacobi iterative method      408
Jacobi method for a symmetric matrix      539
Jacobian matrix      555
Jenkins — Traub method      94
Kahan's theorem      417
Kentucky Derby problem      146
Kirchhoff's laws      167 247 288 297 323
Lagrange polynomial definition      100
Lagrange polynomial, recursively generating      105
Laguerre method      94
Laguerre polynomial      91 229 459
LAPACK      37
Laplace equation      623
Laplace equation on a rectangle      565
Leading principal submatrix      370
Least squares, continuous      449
Least squares, discrete      436
Least squares, exponential      442
Least squares, general      440
Least squares, linear      438
Least-change secant update method      561
Legendre polynomial      207 457
Levenberg Marquardt method      576
Life-expectancy problem      448 567
Limit of a function      2 546
Limit of a sequence      2 394
Linear basis functions      607
Linear boundary-value problem      578
Linear Finite-Difference Algorithm      594
Linear Shooting Algorithm      580
Linear shooting method      578
Linear system definition      324
Linear system reduced form      328 348 362
Linear system triangular form      328 348 362
Linear system, backward substitution      325
Linearly dependent functions      451
Linearly dependent vectors      498
Linearly independent eigenvectors      500
Linearly independent functions      451
Linearly independent vectors      498
LINPACK      36 387 434
Lipschitz condition      12 234 295
Lipschitz constant      12 234
Local truncation error, multistep method      274
Local truncation error, one-step method      248
Local truncation error, related to global error      305
Logistic population growth      294
Long real      14
Lower triangular matrix      348 362
Machine number      13
Maclaurin polynomial      8
Maclaurin series      8
Macsyma      38
Mantissa      13
Maple      38
Mathematica      38
MATLAB      38
Matrix definition      325
Matrix identity      348
Matrix Jacobian      555
Matrix norm      396
Matrix rotation      531
Matrix, $LDL^{t}$ Algorithm      376
Matrix, $l_{1}$ norm      400
Matrix, $l_{2}$ norm      397 403
Matrix, $l_{\infty}$ norm      397
Matrix, addition      346
Matrix, augmented      326
Matrix, band      379
Matrix, block tridiagonal      384
Matrix, Choleski's Algorithm      376
Matrix, convergent      404
Matrix, Croat Reduction for Tridiagonal Linear Systems Algorithm      380
Matrix, determinant      358
Matrix, diagonal      348
Matrix, Direct Factorization Algorithm      366
Matrix, equal      345
Matrix, factorization      362
Matrix, Frobenius norm      400
Matrix, Gauss transformation      363
Matrix, Gauss — Jordan method      336
Matrix, Gauss — Seidel Iterative Algorithm      411
Matrix, Gaussian Elimination with Backward Substitution Algorithm      330
Matrix, Hilbert      433 451
Matrix, ill-conditioned      426
Matrix, inverse      349
Matrix, Iterative Refinement Algorithm      429
Matrix, Jacobi Iterative Algorithm      409
Matrix, lower triangular      348 362
Matrix, Maximal Column Pivoting Algorithm      340
Matrix, minor      358
Matrix, multiplication      347
Matrix, nonsingular      349
Matrix, null      348
Matrix, orthogonal      500
Matrix, partitioned tridiagonal      384
Matrix, permutation      367
Matrix, persymmetric      505
Matrix, pivoting      340
Matrix, positive definite      373 423 502
Matrix, product      347
Matrix, reduced to diagonal      510
Matrix, reduced to tridiagonal      523
Matrix, scalar multiplication      346
Matrix, Scaled Column Pivoting Algorithm      343
Matrix, similar      500
Matrix, singular      349
Matrix, SOR Algorithm      418
Matrix, sparse      390
Matrix, square      348
Matrix, strictly diagonally dominant      371
Matrix, submatrix      358
Matrix, sum      346
Matrix, symmetry      353
Matrix, transpose      353
Matrix, tridiagonal      379
Matrix, tridiagonal block      384
Matrix, unitary      501
Matrix, upper Hessenberg      529 537
Matrix, upper triangular      348 362
Matrix, well-conditioned      426
Matrix, zero      348
Maximal column pivoting      340
Maximal pivoting      344
Mean value theorem      5
Mean Value Theorem for Integrals      6
Mesh points      239 626
Method of collocation      618
Method of false position      63
Method of False Position Algorithm      64
Midpoint method      257
Midpoint rule      182
Midpoint rule, composite      188
Milne method      280
Milne — Simpson method      280
minimax      437
Minor      358
Modified Euler method      257
Monic polynomial      462
Mueller's Algorithm      88
Mueller's method      87
Multiple integrals      211
Multiplicity of a root      73
Multistep method      270
NAG      37
Natural boundary      133
Natural Cubic Spline Algorithm      136
Natural matrix norm      397
Natural spline      133
Nested arithmetic      20
Neville's Iterated Interpolation Algorithm      108
Newton backward difference formula      116
Newton backward divided-difference formula      116
Newton forward divided-difference formula      116
Newton forward-difference formula      116
Newton interpolatory divided-difference formula      113
Newton — Cotes closed formula      179
Newton — Cotes open formula      181
Newton — Raphson algorithm      57
Newton — Raphson method      see "Newton's method"
Newton's method algorithm      57
Newton's method definition      56
Newton's method description      57
Newton's method for nonlinear boundary-value problem      587
Newton's method for stiff equation      318
Newton's method for systems      555
Newton's Method for Systems Algorithm      555
Newton's method, convergence criteria      60
Newton's method, modified for multiple roots      75 77
Newton's method, quadratic convergence of      60
Noble beast problem      147
nodes      133 659
Nonlinear Finite-Difference Algorithm      601
Nonlinear Shooting Algorithm      588
Nonsingular matrix      349
Norm of a matrix definition      396
Norm of a matrix, $l_{1}$      400
Norm of a matrix, $l_{2}$      397 403
Norm of a matrix, $l_{\infty}$      397
Norm of a matrix, Frobenius      400
Norm of a vector definition      390
Norm of a vector, $l_{1}$      399
Norm of a vector, $l_{2}$      391
Norm of a vector, $l_{\infty}$      391
Norm of a vector, algorithm      33
Normal equations      438 440 450
Null matrix      348
Numerical differentiation description      157
Numerical differentiation, backward-difference formula      158
Numerical differentiation, five-point formula      161
Numerical differentiation, forward-difference formula      158
Numerical differentiation, higher derivatives      162
Numerical differentiation, instability      165
Numerical differentiation, Richardson extrapolation      168
Numerical differentiation, round-off error      165
Numerical differentiation, three-point formula      161
Numerical integration, adaptive quadrature      192
Numerical integration, closed formula      179
Numerical integration, composite midpoint rule      188
Numerical integration, composite Simpson's rule      186
Numerical integration, composite trapezoidal rule      187
Numerical integration, double integral      211
Numerical integration, explicit formula      179
Numerical integration, Gaussian quadrature      205 214
Numerical integration, implicit formula      181
Numerical integration, improper integral      224
Numerical integration, midpoint rule      182
Numerical integration, multiple integral      211
Numerical integration, open formula      181
Numerical integration, Romberg      199
Numerical integration, Simpson's rule      175
Numerical integration, stability      189
Numerical integration, Trapezoidal rule      175
Numerical integration, triple integral      219
Numerical quadrature      see "Numerical integration"
Numerical software      32
o notation      29
Oak leaves problem      146
Open method      271 see
Open Newton — Cotes formula      181
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