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Roberts A.W., Varberg D.E. — Convex Functions |
Предметный указатель |
-convex function 252
-family 251
-convex 241
-mid-convex 241
-convex, definition of 247
-convex, weakly 247
-convex 243
-convex function 269
-neighborhood 40 46
Absolute continuity 4 96
Absolutely monotonic function 234
Aczel, J. 217 269 273
Additive function 217
Affine combination 75
Affine function (transformation), characterizations 7 55 214
Affine function (transformation), definition of 2 55
Affine hull 75
Affine set, characterizations 74 75 79
Affine set, closure properties 75
Affine set, definition of 73
Aggeri, J. C 97 273
Alexandroff, A. D. 28 120 273
Almost convex function 257
Anderson, B. J. 21 273
Anderson, R. D. 119 273
Approximately convex function 256
Approximation of convex functions 269
Approximation problem 181
Arsove, M. G. 28 273
Artin, E. 8 9 21 216 222 224 273
Ascoli, G 117 274
Asplund, E. 96 118 274
Banach space 47
Banach, S. 62 274
Bary, N. K. 265 274
Barycentric coordinates 77
Basis, definition of 39 42
Basis, Hamel 217
Basis, orthonormal 53
Basis, standard 39
Beale, E. M. L. 147 154 274
Beckenbach, E. F., P 15 20 189 193 207 208 209 240 242 244 245 246 255 255 258 259 274
Bellman, R. 189 193 207 208 209 255 255 258 259 274
Bendat, J. 261 262 274
Bereanu, B. 218 274
Berge, C 36 138 152 176 178 274
Bergstrom’s inequality 209
Bernstein, B. 103 274
Bernstein, F. 218 220 223 224 274
Bernstein, S. 233 274
Besicovitch, A. S. 22 274
Best approximation 181
Bilinear transformation 68
Bing, R. H. 242 246
Birkoff, G. 200 274
Birnbaum, Z. 36 274
Blackwell, D. 138 275
Blumberg, H. 221 225 275
Boas, R. P. 234 235 236 236 237 239 240 275
Boltyanskii, V. G. 73 271 287
Bolzano — Weierstrass theorem 40 52
Bonnesen, T. 73 275
Bonsall, E. F. 243 246 275
Borel, E. 138 275
Borsuk’s covering problem 271
Boundary behavior of closed convex functions 30 95
Boundary behavior of convex functions, continuity 4
Boundary behavior of convex functions, derivatives 6
Boundary behavior of convex functions, envelope function 97
Boundary behavior of convex functions, maximum 127
Boundary point 40 47 84
Bounded function 3
Bounded linear transformation 56 61
Bounded set 40 47
Boundedly polyhedral 96
Bourbaki, N. 219 225 275
Bracken, J. 178 275
Bremermann, H. J. 255 255 267 269 275
Brendsted, A. 36 97 111 187 271 275 275
Brenner, J. 271 275
Brock, W. A. 104 275
Bruckner, A. M. 22 276
Brunn — Minkowski function 267
Brunn, H. 8 276
Buck, R. C 41 47 54 66 104 120 128 185 187 223 276
Bulanov, A. P. 269 276
Bullen, P. S. 194 200 238 240 248 276
Busemann, H. 120 265 276
Carafheodory’s theorem 76
Cauchy sequence 41
CBS inequality 41 53 191
Cebaevskaja, I. V. 253 276
Chain 107
Chain rule 66
Charnes, A. 154 160 276
Chaundy, T. W. 104 276
Chebyshev set 187
Cheney, E. W. 185 186 187 276
Ciesielski, Z. 239 240 276
Clement, P. A. 245 246 276
Close to convex 256
Closed convex function 30 95 111
Closed set 40 47 51
Closure of a set 40 51
Closure properties, convex functions on 94
Closure properties, convex functions on 13
Colonel Blotto game 137
Combination, affine 75
Combination, convex 75
Combination, general 217
Combination, infinite convex 267
Combination, linear 39
Combination, rational convex 212
Compact set 40 47
Complete normed linear space 47
Completely convex function, almost 236
Completely convex function, definition of 235
Completely convex function, minimal 235
Completely monotonic 234
Complex convexity 255
Composition of convex functions, 16 20
Concave function 2
Conjugate convex function, closed 30
Conjugate convex function, definition of 21 30 110
Conjugate convex function, properties 28 111
Conjugate convex function, relation to convex programming 178
Continuous function 54
Continuously differentiable 68
Converge 40 47
Convex combination 75
Convex function, absolute continuity 4 9
Convex function, boundedness 3
Convex function, characterizations 8 9 97
Convex function, closed 30 95 111
Convex function, conjugate 21 28 30 110
Convex function, continuity 4 7 91 215
Convex function, definition of 2 89
Convex function, derivatives 5 10 11 97
Convex function, differentiability 7 101 113
Convex function, Lipschitz condition 4 7 93
Convex function, maxima-minima 14 122
Convex function, support 12 104
Convex programming 170
Convex sequences 265
Convex set, characterization 75
Convex set, closure properties 75 79
Convex set, definition of 73
Convex set, separation 81 83
Convex set, support 84
Convex set, topological properties 77
| Convex, hull 75
Convexity at a point 268
Cooper, L. 154 276
Cooper, W. W. 154 160 276
Core 80
Counterexamples 266
Crownovcr, R. M. 28 276
Csaszar, A. 221 225 276
Cudia, D. F. 118 270 277
Cummings, I.. 271 275
Curtis, Jr., P. C 251 253 277
Cycling 160
Dantzig, G. B. 153 277
Danzer, L. 80 277
Davies, R. O. 22 274
Davis, C 260 261 262 277
Day, M. M. 42 53 54 270 277
Daykin, D. E. 194 277
de Finetti, B. 228 229 233 277
de la Vallee Poussin, C 28 277
Deak, E. 221 225 277
Debrunner, H. 271 272 279
Derivative, directional 62
Derivative, distribution 265
Derivative, Frechet 63 114
Derivative, Gateau differential 113
Derivative, generalized 32
Derivative, generalized second 14
Derivative, gradient 101
Derivative, one-sided 5
Derivative, partial 63
Derivative, Schwarz 265
Derivative, second Frechet 67 119
Dieudonne, J. 70 71 118 270 277
Differences of convex functions 22
Differential inequality 245
Dimension of a convex set 76 80
Dimension of a linear space 42
Dines, L. L. 112 277
Distance function 95
Divided differences 24 237 260 265 266
Doetsch, G. 218 220 223 224 274
Dorfman, R. 154 277
Doubly stochastic matrices 86 200 258
Dresner, M. 137 138 277
Dual problem, convex programming 175
Dual problem, linear programming 147 168
Duality theorem of Linear Programming 148
Duality, conjugate convex functions 29 178
Duality, convex programs 174
Duality, general notion 28
Duality, linear programs 147
Duality, linear spaces 60
Duality, set operations 52
Duffin, R. J. 128 277
Dunford, N. 62 277
Eggleston, H. G. 73 80 277
Eliezer, C. J. 194 277 278
Envelope 97 112
Epigraph 80 95
Euclidean n-space 38
Evelyn, C. J. A. 104 276
Expected payoff function 134
Exposed point 86
Exterior point 40 47
Extreme point 84 86 145 200 208 269
Extreme subset 86
Fan, K. 138 278
Farkas, J. 152 278
Farkas’ lemma 152
Feasible set 140 171 175
Feller, W. 120 276
Fenchel, W. 9 36 73 96 110 111 228 229 233 271 272 27:5 278
Finite dimensional space 42
Flat 73
Ford, L. R. 154 278
Forsythe, G. 267 278
Four color problem 271
French railroad space 266
Friedman, B. 96 27S
Fulkerson, D. R. 154 278
Functional equations 269
Functions see “Affine function Convex etc.”
Functions, terminology 54
Gale, D. 97 148 154 275
Games 128
Gamma function 21
Gateaux differential, definition of 113
Gateaux differential, relation to Frechet derivative, 114 11
Gateaux differential, strong 117
Gauge function 95 216
Gelbaum, B. 266 278
Generalized convex functions 240
Geometric mean-arithmetic mean, condition for equality 192
Geometric mean-arithmetic mean, generalized inequality 195
Geometric mean-arithmetic mean, inequality 190
Geometric programming, 128
Ger, R. 221 225 239 240 278
Gerretsen, J. 256 256 285
Ghouila — Houri, A. 36 138 152 176 178 274
Girshick, M. A. 138 275
Gradient 101
Green, J. W. 9 243 244 246 257 257 278
Greenbcrg, H. J. 227 231 233 278
Grunbaum, B. 73 80 267 271 272 277 278 279
Guberman, I. Ja. 94 279
Hadamard matrices 271
Hadamard, J. 8 279
Hadamard’s determinant theorem 205
Hadamard’s three circles theorem 267
Hadley, G. 154 118 279
Hadwiger, H. 271 272 279
Hahn — Banach theorem, 105
Halfspace 81
Halmos, P. 42 69 260 279
Halperin 1 265 279
Hamel, G. 217 279
Hammer, P. 266 279
Hanai, S. 245 246 279
Hardy, G. H. 9 189 198 199 224 225 245 259 267 279
Harmonic function 254
Hartman, P. 15 28 249 251 252 253 279
Heine — Borel theorem 40 52
Henderson, A. 154 160 276
hessian 103 119 231
Hewitt, E. 30 195 199 266 279
Higher order convexity 237
Hilbert space 51
Hirsch, W. M. 128 279
Hirschficld, R. A. 138 279
Hirschman, I. I. 224 225 279
Hoffman, A. J. 128 279
Holder, O. 8 279
Holder’s Inequality 191 193 194
Hopf, E. 237 240 280
Huggins, F. 28 266 280
Hukuhara, M. 224 225 280
Hyers, D. H. 256 257 257 280
Hyperplane 81
I-feasible form 158
Infinite dimensional space 42
Inner product 41 50 186
Interior point 40 47
Ioffe, A. 36 111 280
Isometric isomorphism 60
Isomorphic (isomorphism) 43
Jackson, D. 185 280
Jensen function 217
Jensen, J. L. W. V. 8 211 218 220 225 280
Jensen’s Inequality 89 189 213
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