Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Roberts A.W., Varberg D.E. — Convex Functions |
Предметный указатель |
Toupin, R. A. 103 274
Transformation, affine 55
Transformation, bilinear 68
Transformation, bounded linear 56 61
Transformation, continuous linear 56
Transformation, linear 55
Transformation, matrix representation 58
Transformation, nonnegative definite 69
Transformation, positive definite 69
Transformation, symmetric bilinear 68 69
Translate of a subspace 74
Tucker, A. W. 97 174 176 178 278 281
Ulam, S. M. 257 257 280
Uniform convex space 186 270
Uniformly convex function 268
Unit ball 45
Unit sphere 45
Unit sphere, smooth 270
Unit vector 45
Vajda, S. 154 286
Valentine, F. 29 73 80 85 187 216 267 271 272 286
Valiron, G. 245 246 286
Value of a game 135
| Van der Waerden’s conjecture 271
Varberg, D. E. 28 285
Variation, bounded 22 54
Variation, bounded reth 240
Variation, total 23
Variation, total nth 239
Von Neumann minimax theorem 131 138
von Neumann, J. 138 286
Wesler, O. 267 285
Widder, D. V. 224 225 234 235 236 240 265 275 279 286 287
Williams, J. D. 138 287
Wintner, A. 235 237 287
Witsenhausen, H. 97 287
Witzgall, C 120 178 286
Wright convex function 223
Wright, E. M. 223 224 225 287
Yaglom, I. M. 73 271 287
Young, W. H. 36 287
Young’s inequality 29 191
Zalgaller, V. A. 28 287
Zamfirescu, T. 22 287
Zener, C 128 277
Zorn’s Lemma 107
Zygmund, A. 9 265 287
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