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Fisher Y. — Fractal Image Compression. Theory and Application |
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Adaptive bit allocation 63
Adaptive block classification 177
Adaptive classes 197
Adaptive cluster centers 197
Adaptive coding 61 63 69 76 77
Adaptive partitioning 19 134 136
Adaptive smoothing 298
Adelson, E.H. 312
Adjacent domains 111 146
Adjacent hexagons 308
Adjacent pixels 95 98 102
Adjacent pyramid levels 99 106
Adjacent range boundary 290
Adjacent ranges 11 49 115
Adjacent signal samples 139
Adjusting pixels on range boundary 298
Affine image mapping 157
Affine maps 153 154 172 201 216 299
Affine maps in 299
Affine matrix operator 53
Affine operator 137 146 149 230
Affine operator, example 149
Affine operator, Lipschitz factor of 146 147
Affine transformation 3 9 37 46 145 148 150 232 299
Affine transformation in PIFS 11
Affine transformation of pixel values 56 120 240 261 263 308
Affine transformation, fern 3
Affine transformation, local 9
Affine transformation, minimizing rms 21
Algorithm, adaptive 19
Algorithm, decoding 243 244 301
Algorithm, encoding 16 20 243 250
Algorithm, encoding, targeting fidelity 19
Algorithm, inference 243 244 248 250 250 255—257
Algorithm, quadtree parameters 58
Algorithm, relating pyramid levels 106
Algorithm, termination 251
Algorithm, unstable 240
Algorithm, VQ 81
Algorithm, zoom-in 102 106
Algorithmic description of fractals 26
Alphabet 244 246
Ap-function 244 244 250—252
Ap-WFA 247 247 249 251
Approximating an image 232 243
Approximating contour pieces 41
Approximating fixed point 20 59 94 102 143
Approximating fixed point in lower-dimensional space 123
Approximating image in lower-dimensional space 59
Approximating image pieces 13
Approximating original image block 178
Approximating pieces of a signal 137
Approximating range block 181 184
Approximating signal 105
Archetype 81
Archetypes 79—81 82 83 90
Archetypes in iterated transformation encoder 82
Archetypes, comparison with conventional scheme 85 86 88
Archetypes, comparison with different teaching images 88
Archetypes, determining 81
Archetypes, dissimilar 85
Archetypes, diverse images to generate 86
Archetypes, encoding time 85
Archetypes, example 84
Archetypes, flow chart 82
Archetypes, number of 83
Archetypes, similarity to VQ 81
Archetypes, variable number of 296
Arcs 301
Arithmetic coding 76
Arithmetic operations 168 189
Arithmetic shift 126
Artifacts 128 134
Artifacts in Orthogonal Basis scheme 209
Artifacts in quadtree scheme 59
Artifacts in triangular partitioning 18
Artifacts, blocky 59 124 262
Artifacts, minimizing 308
Attractive mappings 231
Attractive operator 237
Attractiveness condition 240
Attractor 2 3 35 37—39 46 49 50 138 143 144 153 157 158 161—163 168—171 177 216 229 231 232 293 308
Attractor for copy machine 2 7
Attractor for non-contractive IFS 2
Attractor for operator 143
Attractor for P1FS 11
Attractor for RIFS 39
Attractor for RIFS, example 40
Attractor for RIFS, fractal dimension of 50
Attractor, 161 162 172
Attractor, 153
Attractor, 7 38 51
Attractor, affect of grey-tone scaling.s on 157
Attractor, contrast in 12
Attractor, detail in 12
Attractor, direct optimization 153 171
Attractor, error 161 162 171
Attractor, example 5 39 294
Attractor, fractal dimension of 293
Attractor, identical to collage 171
Attractor, nonoverlapping 233
Attractor, quality with orthogonalization 162
Attractor, scaling 4
Attractor, unbounded 310
Audio signal 138
Automata see “WFA”
Average of quadrants 121
Average preserving, function see “Ap-function”
Average preserving, image 247
Average preserving, WFA see “Ap-WFA”
Averaging decimation 14 19 22 56 98 121 123 140 160 286
Averaging pixels 61 124
Baharav, Z. ix 91 175
Barnsley, M. 2 3 25 39 41 42 144
Basis 148 155 158—160 172 178 184 199 201—204 206—209 214 256 296;
Basis, a priori 202 203 209
Basis, additional 205 206
Basis, block 178
Basis, initial in WFA 255 256
Bielefeld, B. ix 215
Bilinear interpolation 59
Bin search 85 88 90
Binary matrices 256
Binary subsquare 243 254
Birkhoff's Ergodic Theorem 224
Bit 1 22 122 123 305
Bit, allocation 63 69
Bit, allocation in comparison of results 311
Bit, allocation in quadtree 61
Bit, allocation in simple example 14
Bit, allocation in WFA 256
Bit, encoding 76
Bit, quantization 174 240
Bit, rate 45
Bit, rate in FIF 312
Bit, rate of block coding method 240
bits 3 5 21 22 76 122 123
Bits, per transform 19 22 134
Block 139
Block, 8 x 8 235 240 307
Block, classification 177
Block, codebook 178
Block, collage 178
Block, comparisons 179 180
Block, diagonal matrix 102 146
Block, diagonal structure 146
Block, edges 134
Block, image 232 234 240
Block, index 139 139—151
Block, matrix 101
| Block, structure 145
BLOCKS 79 92; “Domains”
Blocks, 2 x 2 22
Blocks, 3-dimensional 300
Blocks, constant 164 165
Blocks, independent 229
Blocks, nonoverlapping 141 169
Blocks, orthogonal 181
Blocks, parallel 181
Blocks, texture 301
Blockwise, constant 155
Blockwise, mapping 153
Blockwise, orthogonal 171
Blockwise, scalar multiplication 174
Blockwise, transformation 94 94
Blocky artifacts 59 124 262
blue 45
Blurred texture 107
Blurring 124 133 134
Boat image 173 174 312 314 323
Border 124 126
Boss, R.D. ix 2 14 42 79 144
Bound 52 94 110 143 157 169 172 183 184 232 240
Boundary of point 26
Boundary, block 59
Boundary, pixels 124 295
Boundary, political 2
Boundary, range 49 124 134 290 298 308
Bounded 6 7 30 189 216 223 224 299 310
Bounds on operations 297
Bow tie, example 48
Bow tie, figure 295
bpp see “Bits per pixel”
Brain 45
Bright 22
Brightest 85 121
Brightness 10—12 14 21 56 58 79 82 85
Buzo, A. 80
BYTE 14 259 260 262 263
canonical ensemble 83
Canonical form 79
Canonical group 121
Canonical orientations 121
Canonical pieces 2
Canonical position 58 287
Cartesian pair 232
Cartesian product 48 92
Cauchy sequence 32 33 36
Cauchy — Schwarz inequality 189
cell 4 123
Center 178 182 183;
Center of quadrant 234
Centroid condition 185
Channels 45 312
Characteristic functions 216
Chasing pixels 306
Children 244 254
Chrominance 45 312
circle 28 38
class 63 64 66 69 75 76 79 127 261 287 288
Class, comparison 66
Class, first and second 287
Class, search 59 66 85
Classes 58 61 64 66 68 69 72 75 76 79 81 82 85 127 177 197 261 288 296
Classes, 24 subclasses 58 85 260
Classes, 3 major 58 260
Classes, optimal number 77
Classes, three major 85
Classification 57 64 79 82 85 88 121 122 127 128 177 197 287 290 301 302
Classification by archtypes 79—90
Classification in HV method 121
Classification in Jacquin's scheme 57 177
Classification in quadtree scheme 57 58
Classification of curves 42
Classification, block 177
Classification, conventional 79 82 85 86 90
Classification, near 57
Classification, sets 86
Classified VQ 177
Clipping 63 289
Cluster, center 181—184 187—191
Cluster, center, computation of 188
Cluster, centers 178 179 182—187 190 192
Cluster, centers, adaptive 197
Cluster, centers, finding 186
Cluster, centers, fixed 197
Cluster, centers, precomputed initial 197
Cluster, size 180 186 190 192
Cluster, size, adjusting 180
Clustering, a rationale for 182
Clustering, K-means 205
Clusters 178 205
Coarser resolution 104 110
Coarsest resolution 99
Cocurullo. F. 197
Code 18 19 301 311
Code C 259—291
Code, fractal 229 232 237 239—241
Code, PIFS see “PIFS-code”
Code, vectors 80—82
Codebook 80 81 82 90 178—197 255
Codebook, size 179
Coder 153 199 203
Codewords 256
Coding by projection 201
Coefficients 21 61 134 148 155 156 159 160 163 178 240 241 250 260 262 298 299
Coefficients, -optimal 157 164
Coefficients, distribution 63
Coefficients, Fourier 2
Coefficients, of PIFS 21
Coefficients, quantization 162 163 181 255
Coefficients, quantized 172 178
Coefficients, scaling 64 76 157 158 163 170
Coefficients, scaling and offset 61
Coefficients, wavelet 243 255
Collage 38 110 137 144 148 149 153 153 155—157 161 162 163 169—172 180 307
Collage theorem 36 37 52 94 110 137 143—145 148 153 157 168 169 171 172 232 307
Collage Theorem, Generalized 36
Collage Theorem, new 169
Collage, approximation 159
Collage, block 178
Collage, error 161 162 170 171 180—184 186 189 298
Collage, subspace 159
Collage, subspace basis 158 159
Collie image 16 134 135 318
Color encoding 45
Color images 42 312
Color television 45
Compact 32 33 40 50 138 216
Comparing domains and ranges 20 42 55—58 61 69 70 119—123 127 163 165 177—197 260 288 309
Comparison of results 199 311
Complete metric space 32 33 35—37 39—41 48 92 143 215 229
complexity 157 158 165 168 174 177 179 180 182 189 192 197 240 302
Compression ratio 5
Computational cost 103
Condensation 216
Condition, attractiveness 240
Condition, centroid 185
Condition, contractivity 12 50 52 156 230 232
Condition, fast decoding 172
Condition, nearest neighbor 185
Condition, orthogonalized codebook blocks 181
Condition, tiling 51
Constraint on cluster centers 184
Continuous functions 34 36 37 104 105 113 138
Continuous signal 110
contours 14 41 42
Contraction, spatial 50 93 95 101 102 300
Contractive Mapping Fixed-Point Theorem 7 11 12 25 30 35 36—38 41 48 49 51 92 143 215—217
Contractive maps 2 33 34 37 48 92 156 202 203 215 230
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