Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
von zur Gathen J., Gerhard J. — Modern computer algebra |
Предметный указатель |
, harmonic number 440 609 614 615 616
, “soft Oh” 250 251 303 685 688
, nth prime 497
, variety 568
, variety 568
, difference operator 610 611 624 635 637
, Carmichael function 510
, length of an integer 28 53 132
(Lambda-Upsilon-Omega) 661
, finite prime field 67 396 403 437 445 542
, finite field 67 675
, projective plane 541
-module 327 447
, p-adic integers 261 423
, integers mod m 66
504 555 590 685 686—688
590 661 687
203 448 477 478 483 504 509 550 553—555 590 686 687
, neutral element of an elliptic curve 532
590 591 687
, polynomial time 504 555 590 685 686—688
504 686 687
492 504 686 687 688
, Moebius function 385 404 482
, feasible matrix multiplication exponent 315
, totient function for polynomials 86
, cyclotomic polynomial 388
62 74—76 82 83 187 209 235 562 674
, rational approximation of 75
, number of primes 497
see “Euler totient function”
, transpose 679
3-adic FFT 229 230 234 239 240
3-adic FFT 229 230 234 239 240
Abel, Niels Henrik 349 698
Abelian group 668
Abramov, Sergei Aleksandrovich 635 639 698
Abramson, Michael 702
Achilles 151
Active attack 554
Adams, Douglas Noel 693
Addition chain 81
Additive group 238 552 667 677
Adleman, Leonard Max 14 397 483 504 506 550 554 698
Affine part 542
Affine variety 587 588
Agnew, Gordon B. 554 698
Aho, Alfred Vaino 272 310 698
Ajtai, Miklos 554 555 698 699 709
al-Hajjaj see “Hajjaj”
al-Hajjaj ben Yusuf ben Matar 23
Al-Kashi see “Kashi”
al-Kashi, Ghiyath al-Din Jamshld ben Mas’ud ben Mahmud 0 76 83 272 717
al-Khwarizmi see “Khwarizmi”
al-Khwarizmi, Abu Ja’far Muhammad ben Musa 62 82 242 272 690 691 704 707 723
Albanese, Andres 203 699
Albert, Abraham Adrian 546 692
Alford, William Robert (Red) 502 507 699
Algebra, fundamental theorem of 348
Algebra, homomorphism 218
algebraic 674
Algebraic closure 680
Algebraic complexity theory 230 316 685
Algebraic computation problem 89
Algebraic curve 9 161 163 164 660
Algebraic equation 660
Algebraic field extension see “Field extension”
Algebraic geometry 532 542 569
Algebraic integers 671
Algebraic number 192 605 627
Algebraic number field 265 354 447 508
Algebraic variety 162 187 560 565 587
Algebraic, degree of an algebraic element 674
Algebraic, geometry computational 4 565 569 593
Algebraic, integers ring of 671 672
Algebraically closed 161 569 591 595 675
ALICE 14—16 477 478 547 548 551—554
Alon, Noga 203 699
Alquie, Ferdinand 693
Amerbach, Bonifatius 23
Amoroso, Francesco 592 699
Amplitude 336 338
Analog signal 336
Analysis of Algorithms 27 263 661
Analytic number theory 482 497 507 616
Analytical engine 294
Andrews, George Eyre 608 661 693 699
Ankeny, Nesmith Cornett 505 699
Annihilating polynomial 319
Annihilator, 320
Annus confusionis 77
Antoniou, Andreas 330 699
Antoniszoon, Adrian (Metius) 75
Apery number 648
Apery, Roger 635 648 661 721
Apollonius of Perga 187
Apostol, Tom Mike 57 699
Archimedean valuation 260
Archimedes of Syracuse 22 75 76 206 278 334 348 350 596 699
Aristotle 22
Arithmetic circuit 34 37 40 81 93 211 212 222 223 235 239 240 469 593
Arithmetic circuit representation 469 471 475
Arithmetic, hardware 265 269
Arithmetic, operation 29 30 32 33 38
Artin, Emil 542 710
Arwin, Axel 393 699
Aryabhata 55 82
Aryabhatiya 272
Ascending chain condition 578 579 584
Asmuth, Charles A. 122 699
Associate 44 137 492 671 672
Associated sequence 633 634
Asymmetric cryptosystem 14 549
Asymptotic complexity 6 316
Atkin, Arthur Oliver Lonsdale 507 509 699
Authentication 550 552
Automorphism 415 677 678 679
Automorphism, Frobenius 373 374 395 440 677
Average 682
Average depth of a Huffman tree 292
Average depth of a stochastic mobile 290 291 292
Average-case analysis 151
Avicenna 81
Axiom 18 22
Axiom in a proof system 641 642 643
Axiom of Choice 58
Azra, Jean-Pierre 707
B-number 524 525—527 530 531 542
Babai, Laszlo 187 688 699
Babbage, Charles 294 640 689 691 693
Baby step/giant step strategy 518
Babylonians 272 276
Bach, Carl Eric 6 55 272 396 397 502 505—508 510 541 542 699
Bach, Johann Sebastian 79 699
Bachet, Claude Gaspard, sieur de Meziriac 55 487 699
Bachmann, Paul Gustav Heinrich 507 688
Back-tracking 642
Bacon, Lord Francis 0 689
Bailey, David Harold 2 76 315 700 701
Baker, George Allen, Jr. 123 700
Ball, Walter William Rouse 508 700
Bareiss, Erwin Hans 123 700
Barrau, Theophile 689
Barrow, Isaac 206
Basis of a lattice 447 451
Basis of a vector space 197 200 449 628 679 681
Basis of an ideal 567 575 582 670
| Basis orthogonal 449 452 681
Basis reduced 272 452 453 454 456 462 466 471 472 478 480 482
Basis reduction 449 452 453 454 458 462 467 470 471 473 474 477 479—483 550
Basis standard 565
Basis, Hilbert basis theorem 560 575 578 579 580 591
Basis, normal 70 555
Baur, Walter 330 700
Baxter, Rodney James 715
Bayer, David 592 700
BCH code 3 197 198 199 200—203 304 310 353 387 391 392 717
BCH code, designed distance of a BCH code 200 201
BCH code, generator polynomial of a BCH code 199 200 202 203 391
Beame, Paul William 6 661 700
Becker, Thomas 592 700
Bell, Eric Temple (John Taine) 8 88 207 608 689 690 693 700
Beltrami, Eugenio 693 698
Ben-Or, Michael 386 396 472 593 700 720
Benecke, Christof 662 700
Berenstein, Carlos Alberto 592 700
Berggren, Lennart 83 692 699—701 711 713 715 722 724
Berkeley, George 596 692
Berlekamp algebra 372 378 379 395 399 402 403 405
Berlekamp algorithm 151 187 313 377 378 380—382 395 399 403 404 504 707 712
Berlekamp matrix see “Petr — Berlekamp matrix”
Berlekamp — Massey algorithm 304 705
Berlekamp, Elwyn Ralph 187 203 313 318 330 377 380 381 393—396 403 437 440 441 504 700
Berman, Benjamin P. 606 700
Bernardin, Laurent 444
Bernoulli number 614 633 636
Bernoulli polynomial 636
Bernoulli random variable 683
Bernstein, Daniel Julius 235 272 330 700
Bert 126
Bertossi, Leopoldo 6
Bertrand, Joseph Louis Francois, postulate 499
Beth, Thomas 709 721
Bezier curve 128
Bezier, Pierre Etienne 128 700
Bezout coefficients 42 55 131 143 145 151 186 303 304
Bezout matrix 186 189
Bezout theorem 147 162 163 164 187 533 656
Bezout, Etienne 162 186 564 688 692 700
Bible 22 207 675
Biermann, Gottlieb 689
Big Oh, 2 28 30 667 679 684 685 687 688
Big prime modular algorithm see “Modular algorithm”
Bijective 668 669
Bilinear complexity 315 316
Bilinear map 332
Bimberg, Guido 726
Binary calendar 78
Binary Euclidean algorithm 60
Binary rational 188
Binary representation 69 81 92 248 269 383 478
Binary tree 280 287 289—291 293
Binet, Jacques Philippe Marie 56 701
Bini, Dario Andrea 330
binomial 590
Binomial coefficient 70 155 633 634 648 677
Binomial ideal 590 645 661
Binomial theorem 70 631 633 637
Bipolar 3 18 265 267—269 435 436
Birch, Thomas 690
Birthday problem 520 522
Bit operation 30
Bivariate factorization 407 432 434 467 468 470 471 560
Bivariate interpolation 125
Bivariate modular EEA see “Modular EEA”
Bivariate modular gcd see “Modular gcd”
Bivariate polynomial 131 151 167 172 175 191 193 195 234 241 274 310 432 447 468
Black Box 93 318 329 330 333 470 472
Black box linear algebra 313 312 323 329 330 380 382
Black box representation of a polynomial 470
Blakley, George Robert (Bob) 122 699
Blau, Peter 6
Blocking strategy 397 436
Bloemer, Johannes Friedrich 203 699
Boat conformation see “Cyclohexane conformation”
Bob 14 15 477 547 548 551—554
Boltzmann, Ludwig 596 692
Bolyai de Bolya, Janos (Johann) 350
Bolyai, Wolfgang 350
Bombieri, Enrico 82 701
Bonnet, Ossian Pierre 350
Boole, George 633 701 726
Boolean circuit 30
Boolean variable 642
Borodin, Allan Bertram 6 272 290 472 701 718
Borwein, Jonathan Michael 76 83 692 699—701 711 713 715 722 724
Borwein, Peter Benjamin 76 83 699—701 711 713 715 722 724
Bose, Nirmal Kumar 702
Bose, Raj Chandra 203 701 717
Bosma, Wiebren 6 508 701
Bound, Hasse 482 536 538 539 703
Bound, Weil 542 699
Bourgne, Robert 707
Bouyer, Martine 76
Boyar, Joan 479 701
Boyle, Robert 42 690
Brassard, Gilles 39 684 701
Bratley, Paul 39 684 701
Brauer, Alfred Theodore 701
Brent, Richard Peirce 83 310 330 331 516 541 701
Brickell, Ernest F. 483 701
Brieskorn, Egbert 542 701
Brillhart, John David 515 516 542 701 719
Broda, Engelbert 692
Bronstein, Manuel 606 607 701
Brook, Clifford Hardman (Clive) 693
Brown, William Stanley 55 187 188 310 701
Brownawell, Woodrow Dale 592 701
Brun, Viggo 719
Bshouty, Nader Hanna 330 713
Bubble sort 209
Bucciarelli, Louis 6
Buchberger algorithm 565 582 583 584 585 586 591 709
Buchberger, Bruno 19 565 583 591 592 701 702 712 714 718
Buchmann, Johannes 18
Budach, Lothar 723
Buergisser, Peter 81 210 272 316 330 590 702
Buettner, J.G. 348
Buhler, Joe Peter 718—720 724
Bunch, James Raymond 330 702
Burrus, Charles Sydney 234 711
Buss, Samuel Rudolph 661 702
Butler, Michael Charles Richard 395 702
Butterfly operation 222 223
Cade, John J. 550 702
Caesar cipher 547 548 555
Caesar, Gaius Julius 77 78 549
calendar 9 63 77
Calendar Gregorian 78 84
Calendar Julian 22 84
Calendar lunar 72
Calendar lunisolar 77
Caliph Harun al-Rashid 23
Camion, Paul Frederic Roger 394 395 702
Cancellation law 670
Canfield, Earl Rodney 541 702
Caniglia, Leandro 592 593 702
Cannon, John 18
Canny, John Francis 593 662 702 720
Canonical form of a rational function 108 110 112 113 115 129
Canonical form of a rational number 117 118
Canonical representative 374
Canonical ring homomorphism 66 96 102 670 673
Cantor and Zassenhaus algorithm 358 382
Cantor multiplication algorithm 267 269 272
Cantor, David Geoffrey 232 234 265—267 269 272 381 393 702
Caratheodory, Constantin 560
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