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von zur Gathen J., Gerhard J. — Modern computer algebra |
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McKenzie, Pierre 6
mdeg, multidegree of a polynomial 572
Mean value 682
Median in a triangle 566—568
Mega 19
Mellencamp, John Cougar 196 690
Menabrea, Luigi Federico 689
Menezes, Alfred J. 555 718
Meng, Sun 6
Mergesort 209
Merkle, Ralph Charles 477 478 483 550 718 724
Mersenne number 238 491 505 508 715 726
Mersenne prime 491 505 506 508 510
Mersenne, Marin 79 486 718
Mertens conjecture 477 482 720
Mertens, Franz Carl Joseph 482 718
Metropolis, Nicholas 187 718
Meyer auf der Heide, Friedhelm 707
Meyer Eikenberry, Shawna 508 718
Meyer, Albert Ronald da Silva 590 592 718
Meyn, Helmut 6
Micali, Silvio 712
Mignotte bound 131 153 156 157 161 174 183 184 187 408 410 412 430 462 465 467
Mignotte, Maurice 136 187 396 718
Mihailescu, Preda 6 509 718
Millenium bug 78
Miller, Gary Lee 505 507 508 510 513 699 716 718
Miller, Raymond Edward 706 713
Miller, Victor Saul 555 718
Minimal distance of a code 198 199—201 203
Minimal Euclidean function 57
Minimal Groebner basis 585 594
Minimal polynomial of a matrix 321 324 332 380 680
Minimal polynomial of a sequence 320 321—328 331—333 380 382
Minimal polynomial of an algebraic element 142 165 192 198 199 321 332 390—392 605 627 674 675
Minkowski, Hermann 447 470 560 718
Mishra, Bhubaneswar (Bud) 593 707
Mitchell, Joan Laverne 344 721
Mittag-Leffler, Gustav Magnus (Goesta) 690
Mixed-radix representation 123 125
mobile 290 291
Mobile, stochastic 290 291 292
Mod, congruent modulo 63 670
Mod, residue class 65 66 374 670
Modular algorithm 3 17 89 89—129 142 151 172 181 186 384 407 418 479 491 497 499 500
Modular algorithm, big prime 89 92 142 151 274 418 434 435 501
Modular algorithm, prime power 89 91 92 187 257 407 434 435 445 501 502 511
Modular algorithm, small primes 89 90—92 103 128 235 293 418 434 435 442 445 501 502 511
Modular arithmetic 63 64 65 123 269 274 673
Modular composition 116 317 331 333 382 383 402
Modular composition, fast 316 317 395
Modular determinant 101 105 499
Modular determinant, big prime 102 104 157 435 500
Modular determinant, small primes 103 104 127 157 178 435 500 502 511 512
Modular EEA, big prime 178 179 183 195
Modular EEA, bivariate 178
Modular EEA, small primes 177 178 179 183 309 435 500 502 512
Modular exponentiation 69
Modular factorization 410 427 432 463
Modular factorization, big prime 407 409 410 442 500 501 503
Modular factorization, prime power 409 427 432 441 442 500 501 503
Modular gcd 131 136 142 148 151—153 179 185 187 191 645
Modular gcd, big prime 152 156 157 159 161 182—185 195 387 435 500 503
Modular gcd, bivariate 131 152 157 192
Modular gcd, small primes 157 159 161 183—185 191 195 435 500 502
Modular inversion 63 67 70 71 102 107 116 129 153 249 251 254
Modular multiplication 67 231 248 269 435 436 511
Module 320 327 331 474
Module, 327 447
Module, cyclic 326 327
Moebius inversion 385 389 404
Moebius, August Ferdinand function, 385 404 482
Moeller, Hans Michael 592 719
Moenck, Robert Thomas 235 272 290 310 396 635 637 701 718
Monic Euclidean Algorithm 47 55 174—176 181 185 186
Monic polynomial 30 33 38 45 672 674
Monien, Burkhard 707 717
Monier, Louis Marcel Gino 507 508 719
Monomial 565 570 571 575 576 581 585 594 673
Monomial ideal 575 576 577 594
Monomial order 570 571—573 578—580 584 594 595
Monomial, leading, lm 572
Monte Carlo algorithm 151 187 403 688
Monte Carlo Turing machine, one-sided 686
Monte Carlo Turing machine, two-sided 685
Montgomery, Peter Lawrence 266 272 273 292 331 516 543 704 719
Mora, Ferdinando Teo 592 593 702 706—709 718 719
Morain, Francois 6 509 699 719
Morenz, Robert 6
Morgenstern, Jacques 593 707
Moritz, Robert Edouard 693 719
Morrison, Michael Allan 515 516 542 719
Moses, Joel 18 187 441 719
Motwani, Rajeev 81 187 719
Moura, Arnaldo Vieira 720
Mourrain, Bernard 662 705
Mueller, Dirk 6
Mueller, Olaf 6
Mulders, Thorn 188 719
Mullen, Gary Lee 707 719 726
Mullin, Ronald Cleveland 81 554 698 719
Multidegree of a polynomial, mdeg 522
Multifactor Hensel lifting 424 425 426 427
Multiple polynomial quadratic sieve 541
Multiplication by scalars 324 326 328 677 678
Multiplication of integers 35 213 231 234 269 270 313 315 435
Multiplication of integers, fast 209—241
Multiplication of polynomials 33 34 37 209—241 266—271 302 313 435
Multiplication of polynomials, classical 32
Multiplication of polynomials, fast 209—241
Multiplication time, M 232 235 241 243 357
Multiplication, Cantor 267 269 272
Multiplication, FFT see “Fast Fourier Transform”
Multiplication, matrix 40 313 315—317 387 679 684
Multiplication, matrix exponent 315
Multiplication, modular 67 231 248 269 435 436 511
Multiplication, Schoenhage and Strassen see “Schoenhage”
Multiplicative group 86 97 124 199 200 237 238 266 360 510 552 554 667 668 676
Multipoint evaluation see “Evaluation”
Multiprecision integer 27 28—30 32 35 39 76 269 272
Multivariate see also “Bivariate”
Multivariate division with remainder 570 572 573 574 575 578
Multivariate factorization 467 471 475
Multivariate gcd 179 187 191 441 470 475
Multivariate Newton iteration 423
Multivariate polynomial 3 4 19 93 180 187 241 354 468 560 565—595 673
Multivariate quotient 574
Multivariate remainder 573 574 575 582 584
muMATH 18
Mumford, David Bryant 592
MUPAD 7 18 76
Musical interval 78 79 80 481
Musical scale 9 63 78
Musical theory 78 79
Musil, Robert 242 691
Musser, David Rea 440 712 719
Myerson, Gerald 6
Naeslund, Mats 555 710 719
NAG 18
Najfeld, Igor 662 710
Napoleon I. Bonaparte 8 476 689 692
Nash, Stephen Gregory 704
Newton expansion 635
Newton formula 253 275 276
Newton Interpolation 95 125 127 635
Newton inversion 246 247 248 254—256 261 268 269 273 274
Newton iteration 3 83 92 93 206 207 209 246 254 243—277 279—293 418 422 423 425 556 597
Newton iteration, linearly convergent 276
Newton iteration, multivariate 423
Newton iteration, numerical 248 257
| Newton iteration, p-adic 254 257 258 276 277
Newton, Humphrey 206
Newton, Sir Isaac 0 3 22 26 55 186 191 206 207 242 272 275 334 348 350 486 596 689—691 708 719
Nicely, Thomas Ray 76 719
Niederreiter, Harald Guenther 382 395 396 403 483 675 707 710 716 719 720
Niesi, Gianfranco 593 709
Noecker, Michael 6 81 555 708
Noether, Amalie Emmy 560 579 712
Noetherian ring 579
Non-Archimedean valuation 260
Non-Euclidean geometry 23 349 350
Nonresidue 394 505
Nonscalar model of computation 272 303
Nonsingular curve 532 542 545
Nonsingular matrix see “Matrix”
Norm 394 447 671 681
Norm form, Hermite 81 472 473 725
Norm form, Smith 81
Norm of a lattice 447 448
Norm, Euclidean, 10 147 154 447 448 454 461 555 681
Norm, max—norm, see “Maximum norm”
Norm, one-norm, 155 681
Norm, q-norm, 680 681
Normal basis 70 555
Normal degree sequence see “Degree sequence”
Normal field extension 374
Normal form 45 46 47 50 58 59 140 180 188 189
Normalized 46 58 137 138 139
Normalized polynomial 46 50 134 140—142 153 299
Novalis (Friedrich Leopold Freiherr von Hardenberg) 62 690 693 698
NTL 3 7 18 182—185 265 269 270—272 435 437—439 441
Nuesken, Michael 6
Nullstellensatz proof system 643 661 662
Nullstellensatz, Hilbert 560 569 591 592 595 700 722
Number field sieve 515 516 543
Number field, algebraic 265 354 447 508
Number theory 503 505 508 688
Number theory, analytic 482 497 507 616
Number theory, computational 3 4 491—545 560
Number theory, fundamental theorem of 353 492
Numerical analysis 1 30 109 111 113 123 245 595
Numerical Newton iteration 248 257
O, “big Oh” 2 28 30 667 679 685 687 688
Odlyzko, Andrew Michael 194 330 416 471 482 483 508 555 661 702 707 710 714 715 720
Oesterle, Joseph 417 720
Ofman, Yurii Pavlovich 211 232 713
One-norm, 155 681
one-time pad 548 552 555
Ong, Heidrun 483 720
Online algorithm 187
Onyszchuk, Ivan M. 81 719
Oosterhoff, Luitzen Johannes 662 711 720
Operation, arithmetic 29 30 32 33 38
Operation, bit 30
Operation, butterfly 222 223
Operation, word 30 32 38
Oppenheim, Alan Victor 344 720
Oppenheim, Tan Sri Sir Alexander 702
Optical character recognition (OCR) 597 606
Order 570 572 674
Order of a group 668
Order of a group element, ord 492 668
Order, graded lexicographic 571 572
Order, graded reverse lexicographic 571 572 592
Order, lexicographic 570 572 582 589 658 659
Order, monomial 570 571—573 578—580 584 594 595
Order, partial 570
Order, recursion 321 322 323 332
Order, total 570 576 577 594
Order, well 570 577 582 594
Ordering information xiii
Orthogonal 447 450 451 454 456 460 471 480 681
Orthogonal basis 449 452 681
Orthogonal basis, Gram — Schmidt see “Gram — Schmidt”
Orthogonal complement 450
Osthoff, Johanna 349
Ostrogradsky, Mikhail Vasil’evich 606 720
Ostrowski, Alexander Markus 560
Oughtred, William 207
O’Shea, Donal Bartholomew 588 591 592 704
O’Shea, Donal Bartholomew 588 591 592 704
p-Adic completion 423
p-adic expansion 120 121 123 124 250 251 275 556
p-adic integers, 256 261 423 441
p-adic inversion 248
p-adic lifting see “Hensel lifting”
p-adic Newton iteration 254 257 258 276 277
p-adic valuation 259 260 261
Pade approximant 75 113—115 123 128 129 193 202 203 310 330 700 701
Pade approximation 93 109 112 123 129 303 322
Pade, Henri Eugene 123 720
Paderborn i 6 18 341 488 689 707 708 717
Pan, Victor Yakovlevich 290 310 330 381 395 396 711 720
Panario Rodriguez, Daniel Nelson 6 81 394 396 555 707 708 720
Papadimitriou, Christos Harilaos 685 720
Parallel computation 4 17 19 91 103 186 330 387 437 565 643
PARI 18 265
Parsons, David 662 720
Partial fraction decomposition 61 92 119 120—123 129 275 293 403 599—601 604 607 637
Partial order 570
Partition of an integer 415 416 442 443
Pascal, Blaise 486
Patashnik, Oren 7 633 634 681 684 710
Paule, Peter 6 634 635 661 716 720
Peitgen, Heinz-Otto 263 721
Pell, John 486
Pengelley, David 6
Pennebaker, William B., Jr. 344 721
Pentium processor 76 77
Pepin, Jean Francis Theophile 505 508 513 721
Perfect field 373
Perfect number 506 510
Perfect power 249 259 277 510 517 518 522 537
Perfect square 524
Period 336 338
Periodic function 337 338
Periodic sequence 326
Permutation 81 101 127 415 548 636 658 669 680
Permutation matrix 457 679 680
Permutation polynomial 400
Perron, Oskar 82 721
Peterson, James Lyle 661 721
Petkovsek, Marko 639 640 661 693 721
Petr — Berlekamp matrix 313 318 330 377 380 403
Petr, Karel 377 395 721
Petri net 643 644 661 662 717 721 722
Petri, Carl Adam 643 721
Petrick, Stanley R. 711 716
Petrovitch, Michel 715
Pfaff — Saalschuetz identity 635
Pfaff, Johann Friedrich 634
Pfeiffer, Ruediger 726
PGP 16
Phelps, Kevin T. 203 711
Piano 80
Piazzi, Guiseppe 350
Pickering, William Graham 6
Picot, Abbe 693
Pigeonhole Principle 642 661 662
Pilote, Michel 6
Pinch, Richard Gilmour Eric 507 721
Pirastu, Roberto Maria 634 637 721
Pitassi, Toniann 661 700 721
Pitt, Francois 6
Pivot element 101—103
Plane curve 163 187 192 569 588
Plane curve intersection 131 161 162 165 192
Plato 22 294 691
Playboy 348
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