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von zur Gathen J., Gerhard J. — Modern computer algebra |
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van der Waerden, Bartel Leendert 187 327 330 395 440 560 562 667 693 698 726
van Emde Boas, Peter 554 705
van Leeuwen, Jan 715 725 726
van Lint, Jacobus Hendricus 203 716
van Oorschot, Paul Cornelis 555 718
van Tilborg, Henricus Carolus Adrianus see “Tilborg”
van Tilborg, Henricus Carolus Adrianus see “Tilborg”
van Tilborg, Henricus Carolus Adrianus (Henk) 203 700
van Tilborg, Henricus Carolus Adrianus (Henk) 203 700
Vandermonde convolution 636
Vandermonde matrix, VDM 95 201 219 236 313 318 329
Vandermonde, Alexandre Alexis Theophile 634
Vandermonde, Alexandre Alexis Theophile 634
Vandewalle, Joos 701
Vandewalle, Joos 701
Vanstone, Scott Alexander 81 554 555 698 718 719
Vanstone, Scott Alexander 81 554 555 698 718 719
Variance 682
Variance 682
Variety of an ideal, 568 569 588 591 592
Variety, algebraic 162 187 560 565 587
Variety, algebraic 162 187 560 565 587
Vaughan, Robert Charles 187 190 726
Vaughan, Robert Charles 187 190 726
VDM see “Vandermonde matrix”
VDM see “Vandermonde matrix”
Vector 678
Vector 678
Vector addition system 661
Vector addition system 661
Vector space 199 318—320 331 338 377 638 662 674—676 677 678 680 681
Vector space 199 318—320 331 338 377 638 662 674—676 677 678 680 681
Vector space, dimension of a vector space 326 377 638 649 652 662 674 675 678
Vector space, dimension of a vector space 326 377 638 649 652 662 674 675 678
Vector space, finite-dimensional 674 678
Vector space, finite-dimensional 674 678
Vector space, finitely generated 678
Vector space, finitely generated 678
Vector, shortest 454 467 471 474 554 555
Vector, shortest 454 467 471 474 554 555
Vernam, Gilbert S. 555 726
Vernam, Gilbert S. 555 726
Vetter, Herbert Dieter Ekkehart 265 691 723
Viete rule 155
Viete, Francois 207
Viete, Francois 207
Villard, Gilles 330 726
Villard, Gilles 330 726
Viola Deambrosis, Alfredo (Tuba) 394 396 720
Viola Deambrosis, Alfredo (Tuba) 394 396 720
Vitter, Jeffrey Scott 661 726
Vitter, Jeffrey Scott 661 726
Vogel, Kurt 724
Voltaire (Francois Marie Arouet) 278 476 691 692
Voltaire (Francois Marie Arouet) 278 476 691 692
von Coburg (Koburgk), Simon Jacob 56
von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang 130 334 690 691
von Hardenberg see “Novalis”
von Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, Freiherr 24 81 82 88 186 207 278 486 487 506 596 690 715 717
von Lindemann, Carl Louis Ferdinand 75 716
von Schubert, Friedrich Theodor 440 723
von Schubert, Friedrich Theodor 440 723
von Tschirnhaus (Tschirnhausen), Ehrenfried Walther, Graf 186
von Tschirnhaus (Tschirnhausen), Ehrenfried Walther, Graf 186
von zur Gathen, Desiree Dorothea Sarah Fatima 6 689
von zur Gathen, Joachim Paul Rudolf 57 81 122 186—188 265 272 330 381 382 394—397 400 441 471 472 474 555 556 633 634 688 699 700 704 707 708 712 717
Wade, Leroy Graver (Skip), Jr. 662 726
WagStaff, Samuel Standfield, Jr. 507 508 515—517 543 701 721 726
WagStaff, Samuel Standfield, Jr. 507 508 515—517 543 701 721 726
Wahloeoe, Per 490 692
Wahloeoe, Per 490 692
Waldeck, Minna 349
Waldeck, Minna 349
Wall, James R. 203 711
Wall, James R. 203 711
Wallace, Gregory K. 344 726
Wallace, Gregory K. 344 726
Wallis, John 596
Wallis, John 596
Walton, Izaak 666 693
Wan, Daqing 400 726
Wan, Daqing 400 726
Wang, Dongming 727
Wang, Dongming 727
Wang, Paul Shyh-Horng 352 691
Wang, Yuan 330 703
Wang, Yuan 330 703
Waring, Edward 122 272 562 726
Warlimont, Richard Clemens 394 713
Watson, John H.M.D. 666
Watson, John H.M.D. 666
Watt, Stephen Michael 39 709 726
Watt, Stephen Michael 39 709 726
Weather prediction 1
Weather prediction 1
Weaver, Warren Eduard 724
| Weaver, Warren Eduard 724
Web page xiii 2 4 7 506 651 688
Web page xiii 2 4 7 506 651 688
Weber, Heinrich 689 722
Weber, Heinrich 689 722
Weber, Wilhelm Eduard 350
Weber, Wilhelm Eduard 350
Weeks, Dennis 726
Weeks, Dennis 726
Wegener, Ingo Werner 685 726
Wegener, Ingo Werner 685 726
Wehry, Marianne 6
Wehry, Marianne 6
Weierstrass coefficients 532 535 537 538 545
Weierstrass coefficients 532 535 537 538 545
Weierstrass equation 532
Weierstrass equation 532
Weierstrass, Karl Theodor Wilhelm 62 349 690
Weierstrass, Karl Theodor Wilhelm 62 349 690
Weight of a node in a mobile 290 291 292
Weight of a node in a mobile 290 291 292
Weight of a polynomial 40
Weight, Hamming 69 198
Weight, Hamming 69 198
Weil bound 542 699
Weil, Andre 187 487 488 726
Weil, Andre 187 487 488 726
Weispfenning, Volker Bernd 592 700
Well-order 570 577 582 594
Well-order 570 577 582 594
Well-tempered scale 79 80
Well-tempered scale 79 80
Werckmeister, Andreas 79 726
Werckmeister, Andreas 79 726
Werner, Markus 663 693
Werner, Markus 663 693
Weyl, Claus Hugo Hermann 560
Weyl, Claus Hugo Hermann 560
Whitehead, Alfred North 242 562 640 691 693
Whitehead, Alfred North 242 562 640 691 693
Whiteside, Derek Thomas 689 690 719
Whiteside, Derek Thomas 689 690 719
Wiedemann algorithm 318 323 324 329—332 395 530 531 704 712 726
Wiedemann, Douglas Henry 318 323 328 329 333 530 726
Wieland, Thomas 662 700
Wieland, Thomas 662 700
Wiles, Andrew John 488 725 726
Wilf, Herbert Saul 440 640 648 661 693 721 726 727
Willett, Michael 394 727
Willett, Michael 394 727
Williams, Hugh Cowie 505 516 542 543 718 727
Williams, Hugh Cowie 505 516 542 543 718 727
Williams, Leland Hendry 18 727
Williams, Thomas 7
Willsky, Alan Steven 344 720
Wilson, Richard Michael 81 719
Wilson, Sir John 397 403
Winkler, Franz 592 702 711
Winograd, Shmuel 330 396 704 727
Winter, Dik T. 508 717
Witness of primality 509
Witness, Fermat 493 494 496 497 509
Witness, Pratt 513
Witness, strong 497 505 507 509
Wolf, Stefan 555 717
Wolfram, Stephen 18
Woltman, George Frederick 491
Wong, Yiu-Chung 472 711
Woodall, H.J. 515 704
Word 27 28 39
Word operation 30 32 38
World Wide Web 516
Wrench, John William, Jr. 76 724
Wright, Edward Maitland 57 396 507 508 710
Wu, Wen-tsuen 592 593 707 727
Wunderlich, Marvin Charles 543 727
WZ-pairs 661
x-adic expansion 122
x-adic valuation 84 87 260 261 277
Yagati Narayana Lakshman see “Lakshman”
Yang, Chen Ning 715
Yap, Chee Keng 592 727
Yger, Alain 592 700
Yoshino, S. 76
Young, Ian Theodore 344 720
Yun algorithm 371 401 414
Yun, David Yuan Yee 187 310 394 401 441 604 606 701 719 727
Zassenhaus algorithm 427 430 432
Zassenhaus, Hans Julius 358 381 382 393 418 440 441 702 727
Zayer, Joerg 516 543 704
Zeilberger, Doron 635 640 648 661 693 721 727
Zermelo, Ernst Friedrich Ferdinand 560
Zero divisor 85 215 670 677
Zeta function, see “Riemann zeta function”
Zimmermann, Paul 6 517 661 707 727
Zimmermann, Philip R. 16 727
Zippel, Richard Eliot 187 192 472 483 724 727
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