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von zur Gathen J., Gerhard J. — Modern computer algebra |
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Gautschi, Walter 720
GCD see “Greatest common divisor”
gcdE, shift gcd 621
Geddes, Keith Oliver 6 18 191 703
Gegenbauer, Leopold Bernhard 57 709
Gell-Mann, Murray 42 690
Generating function 661
Generating set 668 678
Generator 668
Generator polynomial of a BCH code 199 200 202 203 391
Gentleman, William Morven 234 709
Gentzen, Gerhard, system 642
Genus 542 592
Genuys, Francois 76 709
Geometric elimination theory 165
Geometric series 61 114 634
Geometric sum 213 216 426 617 683
Geometric theorem 586 592
Geometry of numbers 447
Geometry, algebraic 532 542 569
Geometry, non-Euclidean 23 349 350
Geometry, projective 541
Gerhard, Juergen 265 272 441 445 606 633 634 638 708 709
Gerhardt, Carl Immanuel 715
Gericke, Helmuth 724
Germain, Sophie 712
Gerstetter, Reinhold 689
Gesellschaft fuer Informatik (GI) 19
gff see “Greatest factorial factorization”
Gianni, Patrizia 593 706 712 725
Giesbrecht, Mark William 6 331 700 709 712
GIF 344
Gilchrist, Bruce 707 727
Gill, John 187 709
Giovini, Alessandro 593 709
Giusti, Marc Francois 592 593 709
Gleick, James 608 692
Glesser, Philippe 187 718
Gloor, Oliver 705 709
Glover, Roderick E. 6
GNU MP 265
Go, Nobuhiro 662 709
God (deus, Dieu, Gott) 8 26 62 196 242 278 698
Goedel, Kurt 562
Goettfert, Rainer 395 710 719 720
Goldbach, Christian 83
Golden ratio, 54 60 82 187
Goldreich, Oded 554 555 709
Goldstine, Hermann Heine 272 709
Goldwasser, Shafrira 509 554 555 698 699 709
Gonnet Haas, Gaston Henry 18 191 703
Goodman, Jacob Eli 707 711 722
Goodman, R.M. 483 709
Gordan, Paul Albert 188 310 709
Gordon, Daniel Martin 553 709
Gosper algorithm 622 626 629 634 716
Gosper — Petkovsek representation 639
Gosper, Ralph William, Jr. 626 634 635 639 710
Gourdon, Xavier Richard 394 707 710 720
Grabmeier, Johannes 472 700 703 711 720
Graded lexicographic order 571 572
Graded reverse lexicographic order 571 572 592
Grafton, Sue Taylor 446 692
Graham, Ronald Lewis 483 633 634 681 684 710 720
Gram — Schmidt orthogonal basis 449 450—452 454 455 459 472
Gram — Schmidt orthogonalization (GSO) 442 450 452 454 459 470 472 474 681
Gram, Jorgen Pedersen 470 710
Gramian determinant 456 458 681
Gramian matrix 449 456 652 662 681
Grammar 591
Granville, Andrew Jam 187 502 507 509 699 710
Graves-Morris, Peter 123 700
Greatest common divisor of many integers 187
Greatest common divisor of many polynomials 131 165 166
Greatest common divisor of primitive polynomials 142
Greatest common divisor, bivariate modular 131 152 157 192
Greatest common divisor, GCD 2 22 43 44 45 46 56 67 131 184 272 305 311 670 671 672
Greatest common divisor, heuristic 183 184 191 195
Greatest common divisor, modular see “Modular gcd”
Greatest common divisor, monic 136 140—142 146 181 183 184
Greatest common divisor, multivariate 179 187 191 441 470 475
Greatest common divisor, normalized 140 142 157
Greatest common divisor, shift 621
Greatest factorial factorization, fundamental lemma about 621 622 625
Greatest factorial factorization, gff 617 618 619—622 625 634 637
Gregorian calendar 78 84
Grigoryev, Dimitrii Yur’evich 6 472 593 703 710
Groebner basis 3 13 93 165 579 565—595 643 645 658 661 700 702 703 705 706 712 714 719
Groebner basis, minimal 585 594
Groebner basis, reduced 585 587 588 590—592 594 595 643 645 658 659
Groebner proof system 641 643 661 662
Groebner, Wolfgang Anton Maria 565 725
Groetschel, Martin 470 710 720
Grotefeld, Andreas Friedrich Wilhelm 265 691 723
Group 667 668 670 676 678 679
Group homomorphism 528 668
Group isomorphism 97 668
Group of units 57 68 140 492 509 621 676
Group, additive 238 552 667 677
Group, commutative 320 327 668 669 677
Group, computational group theory 4
Group, cyclic 238 327 398 552 668 676 677
Group, factor 668
Group, Galois 349 374 397 415—417 440 722
Group, Klein 416
Group, order of a group 668
Group, symmetric 127 416 440 669
Grund, Roland 662 700
Guibas, Leonidas Ioannis (Leo John) 194 710
Guillou, Louis Claude 719
Guilloud, Jean 76
Gulliver, Lemuel 693
Gustavson, Fred Gehrung 310 701
Guy, Richard Kenneth 542 543 710
Habicht, Walter 188 710
Hadamard inequality 102 103 127 147 172 173 448 451
Hadamard, Jacques Salomon 470 507 710
Haken, Armin 642 710
Halevi, Shai 554 555 709
Halmos, Paul Richard 508 710
Halton, John Henry 187 710
Hamilton, Sir William Rowan 319 349 680
Hamming weight 69 198
Hamming, Richard Wesley 292 710
Hammurapi (Hammurabi) 726
Hankel, Hermann 310 330 352 691
Hard decision problem 686
Hardware arithmetic 265 269
Hardy, Godfrey Harold 24 42 57 130 396 507 508 510 546 690 692 710
Harmonic 337 338
Harmonic number, 440 609 614 615 616
Harmonic series 615
Hartlieb, Silke 6 441 708
Hartshorne, Robin 542 710
Hash function 552
Hashing 81 187
Haskell, Mellen Woodman 310 710
Hasse bound 482 536 538 539 703
Hasse — Teichmueller derivative 275
Hasse, Helmut 542 710
Hastad, Johan Torkel 6 479 555 707 710
Havas, George 187 704
Havel, Timothy Franklin 662 710
Hazebroek, P. 662 711
Hearn, Anthony Clem 18
Heath, Sir Thomas Little 22 23 711
Hecke, Erich 725
Heegaard, Poul 692
Hehl, Friedrich Wilhelm 700 711 720
| Heiberg, Johan Ludwig 699
Heideman, Michael Thomas 234 711
Heilbronn, Ernst 690
Heintz, Joos 471 592 593 702 709 711
Hellman, Martin Edward 477 478 483 547 549 550 552 553 555—557 705 717 718 724
Henry, Alan Sorley 691 704
Hensel lemma 421 423
Hensel lifting 3 92 93 187 243 257 349 418 407—445 462 463 465 466 470
Hensel lifting multifactor 424 425 426 427
Hensel step 419 421 422 424 425 443
Hensel, Kurt Wilhelm Sebastian 418 440 708 711 714 727
Hermann, Grete 590 711
Hermite interpolation 105 106 109 128
Hermite interpolation, rational 109
Hermite normal form 81 472 473 725
Hermite reduction 599 600 601 604 606 607 637
Hermite, Charles 600 606 709 711
Herzog, Dieter 6
Hessenberg, Gerhard, form 316
Heuristic gcd 183 184 191 195
Higham, Nicholas John 315 711
Hilbert basis theorem 560 575 578 579 580 591
Hilbert class field theory 560
Hilbert function 560 591
Hilbert irreducibility theorem 469—471 560 711 712
Hilbert nullstellensatz 560 569 591 592 595 700 722
Hilbert problems 561
Hilbert tenth problem 81 717
Hilbert, David 3 22 23 81 83 130 349 395 469 546 560 561 562 565 590 591 642 689 690 692 704 711 722
Hilbertian field 471
Hironaka, Heisuke 565 711
Hocquenghem, Alexis 203 711 717
Hoffman, Christoph M. 592 711
Hoffman, Dean Gunnar 203 711
Hohberger, Reinhard 662 700
Holland, Brian 692
Holland, Eddie 692
Holliday, Francis 725
Holmes, Thomas Sherlock Scott 666 693
homer 278
Homogeneous ideal 590
Homomorphism 678 679
Homomorphism of algebras 218
Homomorphism of groups 528 668
Homomorphism of rings 96 99 124 279 286 669 670 673
Homomorphism theorem for groups 360 668
Homomorphism theorem for modules 327
Homomorphism theorem for rings 97 670 675
Homomorphism, image of a homomorphism, im 668 670 678
Homomorphism, kernel of a homomorphism, ker 96 327 359 377 668 670 673 678
Hoover, H. James 6
Hopcroft, John Edward 272 310 330 698 702
Horn, Alfred, clause 642 643
Horner, William George, rule 81 93 124 223 256 275 280 290 316 324 326
Horowitz, Ellis 290 601 711
Huang, Ming-Deh Alfred 397 472 504 698 711
Huang, Xiaohan 330 381 395 396 711
Huffman code 291 341—344
Huffman tree 291 292
Huffman tree, average depth of a Huffman tree 292
Huffman, David Albert 291 344 711
Hugenius, Christianus see “Huygens Christiaan”
Hume, David 62 690
Hungerford, Thomas W. 667 712
Hurwitz, Adolf 82 712
Huygens (Hugenius, Huyghens), Christiaan 82 712
Huynh, Thiet-Dung 592 712
hybrid algorithm 236 239 266 267 268 387 466
hypergeometric 609 623 624 629 631 633 638 647
Hypergeometric distribution 646
Hypergeometric function 623
Hypergeometric identity 661
Hypergeometric series 349 634
Hypergeometric summation 3 624 629 622—633 635 638 647 649
Iamblichus of Chalcis 506
IBM 315
IDCT, Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform 339 342 345
Ideal 65 645 669 670 673 674 680
Ideal containment testing 584
Ideal equality testing 584
Ideal membership 568 575 579 580 584 590—592
Ideal of polynomials 472 565—595 641
Ideal, binomial 590 645 661
Ideal, coset of an ideal 670
Ideal, finitely generated 567 577 578 591
Ideal, homogeneous 590
Ideal, monomial 575 576 577 594
Ideal, right 669
Ideal, variety of an ideal 568 569 588 591 592
Image compression 3 9 335 339 340 344
Image of a homomorphism, im 668 670 678
Image processing 335
Imaginary quadratic field 671
Imirzian, Gregory Manug 472 707
Immerman, Neil 721
Impagliazzo, Russell Graham 643 661 700 702 703
Implicit function theorem 592
Implicit linear algebra 329
Implicitization 587 588
Impulse response sequence 326
Indefinite summation 610 647
Independent events 682
Independent random variables 682 683
Indlekofer, Karl-Heinz 209 234 712
Inference rule 641 642 643
Ingemarsson, Ingemar 709 721
Injective 668 678
Inner product 10 11 326 330 447 459 472 649 652 653 662 681
Insertion sort 209
Instance of a decision problem 685
Instantaneous code 291
Integer addition 29
Integer factorization see “Factorization”
Integer multiplication see “Multiplication”
Integer partition 415 416 442 443
Integer, multiprecision 27 28—30 32 35 39 76 269 272
Integer, p-adic 256 261 423 441
Integer, representation of integers 27
integral 344 544 597 598 599 601 606 607 611 649
Integral domain 670 671—675
Integral root 368 369
Integral, logarithmic 507
Integration 3 4 18 93 188 250 371 597 599 605 606 611 614 617
Integration by parts 597 598 600 637
Integration of rational functions 3 600 604
Integration, Rothstein and Trager see “Rothstein and Trager”
Intel 77
Intermediate expression swell 89 135 590
Internal node in a mobile 290 292
Internet 16 77 491 506 549
Interpolation 16 17 89—129 158 159 179 219 266 279 279—293 303 311 329 470 472 645
Interpolation formula 125
Interpolation map 95 220
Interpolation of bivariate polynomials 125
Interpolation of sparse polynomials 472
Interpolation polynomial 16 89—129 236 279—293
Interpolation, Cauchy 109 110 113 128 129 179 304 309
Interpolation, fast 219 285 279—293 309
Interpolation, Hermite 105 106 109 128
Interpolation, Hermite, rational 109
Interpolation, Lagrange 16 92 93 94 99 110 125 283 287 703
Interpolation, Newton 95 125 127 635
Interpolation, rational 93 110 111 123
Intersecting plane curves 131 161 162 165 192
Invariant ring 591
Inversion formula 337 338—340 345
Inversion of a matrix 315
Inversion, Moebius 385 389 404
Inversion, p-adic 248
Iohvidov, Iosif Semenovich 312 691
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