Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
von zur Gathen J., Gerhard J. — Modern computer algebra |
Предметный указатель |
Standard deviation 183 267 682
Standard deviation 183 267 682
Standard representation 28 29 35 53 54 68
Standard representation 28 29 35 53 54 68
Starting solution 251 254—258 261 262 275 420 421
Starting solution 251 254—258 261 262 275 420 421
Steele, Leroy P., Prize 661
Steele, Leroy P., Prize 661
Steiger, William 707 711 722
Steiger, William 707 711 722
Stetter, Hans Joerg 39 726
Stevenhagen, Peter 415 724
Stevenhagen, Peter 415 724
Stevenson, Robert Louis 26 690
Stevenson, Robert Louis 26 690
Stevin, Simon 39 724
Stevin, Simon 39 724
Stieltjes, Thomas Joannes 482
Stillman, Michael 592 700
Stillman, Michael 592 700
Stinson, Douglas Robert 555 725
Stinson, Douglas Robert 555 725
Stirling formula 545
Stirling formula 545
Stirling number 633 634
Stirling number 633 634
Stirling number of the first kind 636
Stirling number of the second kind 614
Stochastic mobile 290 291 292
Stochastic mobile 290 291 292
Storjohann, Arne 471 473 725
Stoufemyer, David 18
Stoufemyer, David 18
Straight-line program 469 472
Straight-line program 469 472
Strang, Gilbert 677 725
Strang, Gilbert 677 725
Strassen algorithm 313 315 330
Strassen algorithm 313 315 330
Strassen, Volker 6 151 187 209 210 225 230 232 234 241 269 270 272 303 310 313 315 316 330 471 503—505 508 515 518 526 541 543 699 700 703 723—725
Strassen, Volker 6 151 187 209 210 225 230 232 234 241 269 270 272 303 310 313 315 316 330 471 503—505 508 515 518 526 541 543 699 700 703 723—725
Strehl, Volker 6 634 635 716 720
Strehl, Volker 6 634 635 716 720
String matching 84
String matching 84
Strong liar 497 507
Strong liar 497 507
Strong pseudoprimality test 494 495 497 504 507 511
Strong pseudoprimality test 494 495 497 504 507 511
Strong witness 497 505 507 509
Strong witness 497 505 507 509
Sturm chain 87 713 725
Sturm chain 87 713 725
Sturm theorem 87 186
Sturm, Jacques Charles Francois 87 310 710 725
Sturm, Jacques Charles Francois 87 310 710 725
Sturmfels, Bernd 661 705
Subdeterminant 652 653 658
Subdeterminant 652 653 658
Subfield 86 606 674 675 676
Subfield 86 606 674 675 676
Subgroup 349 668
Subgroup 349 668
Submodule 326
Submodule 326
Subproduct tree 280 281 282 286
Subproduct tree 280 281 282 286
Subresultant 3 31 43 46 131 133 142 154 170 167—195 295 306 308—310 590 645
Subresultant 3 31 43 46 131 133 142 154 170 167—195 295 306 308—310 590 645
Subresultant polynomial remainder sequence 188
Subresultant, fundamental theorem on subresultants 306 307 310
Subresultant, fundamental theorem on subresultants 306 307 310
Subring 606 670
Subset sum cryptosystem see “Knapsack cryptosystem”
Subset sum cryptosystem see “Knapsack cryptosystem”
Subset sum problem 477 478 483 550 554
Subset sum problem 477 478 483 550 554
Subspace, Krylov 319 324 332
Subspace, Krylov 319 324 332
Subspace, linear 197 198 266 678 679
Subspace, linear 197 198 266 678 679
Substitution 597
Substitution 597
Sudan, Madhu 203 699
Summation 3 93 609—639 645
Summation 3 93 609—639 645
Summation of polynomials 3 609 613 614 622
Summation, hypergeometric 3 624 629 622—633 635 638 647 649
Summation, indefinite 610 647
Sun, Xiaoguang 122 714
Sun, Xiaoguang 122 714
Sun-Tsu 122
Supercomputer 1 16 76 549
Supercomputer 1 16 76 549
Superincreasing sequence 478
Surjective 661 677 678
Surjective 661 677 678
Svoboda, Antonin 123 725
Swift, Jonathan 666 693
Swift, Jonathan 666 693
Swinnerton — Dyer polynomial 408 415 416 417 439 440 442
Swinnerton — Dyer, Sir Henry Peter Francis 440
Swinnerton — Dyer, Sir Henry Peter Francis 440
Sylvester matrix, Syl 145 148 149 170 186 188 190 193 194 313 318 409 444
Sylvester, James Joseph 88 186 278 312 690 691 700 725
Sylvester, James Joseph 88 186 278 312 690 691 700 725
Symbolic-numeric computation 39
Symbolic-numeric computation 39
Symmetric cryptosystem 14 549 552
Symmetric cryptosystem 14 549 552
Symmetric group 127 416 440 669
Symmetric group 127 416 440 669
System of representatives 66 670 673
System of representatives 66 670 673
System of representatives, symmetric 66 102 410
System of representatives, symmetric 66 102 410
Szabo, Nicholas Sigismund 123 725
Tableau 642
Tableau 642
Takahashi, Daisuke 76 83
Tamura, Yoshiaki 76
Tanaka, Richard Isamu 123 725
Tanaka, Richard Isamu 123 725
Tangent function 114 115
Tangent function 114 115
Taniyama, Yutaka, — Weil conjecture 488
Taniyama, Yutaka, — Weil conjecture 488
Tarski, Alfred 593 710 725
Tarski, Alfred 593 710 725
Taxi-cab number 510
Taylor coefficient 105
Taylor expansion 92 105 112 105—122 250—263 272 275 331 597 635
Taylor expansion 92 105 112 105—122 250—263 272 275 331 597 635
Taylor expansion, generalized 250 274
Taylor expansion, generalized 250 274
Taylor polynomial 115
Taylor series 115
Taylor series 115
Taylor, Brook 272 708 725
Taylor, Brook 272 708 725
Taylor, Richard 488 725
Taylor, Richard 488 725
te Riele, Herman(us) Johannes Joseph 482 508 717 720
te Riele, Herman(us) Johannes Joseph 482 508 717 720
Teichmueller, Oswald 275
Teichmueller, Oswald 275
Telescoping 610
| Tenenbaum, Gerald 511 725
Tenenbaum, Gerald 511 725
Term ratio 623 624 627 628 632 638 647
Term ratio 623 624 627 628 632 638 647
Term rewriting 565 592
Term rewriting 565 592
Thatcher, James W. 706 713
Thatcher, James W. 706 713
The Rolling Stones 490 692
The Rolling Stones 490 692
Theaitetus 22
Theaitetus 22
Theorem in a proof system 641
Theorem in a proof system 641
Theoretical computer science 19
Theory of a proof system 641
Theory of a proof system 641
Theroux, Paul 8 689
Theroux, Paul 8 689
Thijsse, Gerard Philip Antoine 691
Thijsse, Gerard Philip Antoine 691
Three primes FFT 231 233 235 269 270
Three primes FFT 231 233 235 269 270
Thue, Axel 123 712 725 727
Thue, Axel 123 712 725 727
Tijdeman, Robert 716 721
Tijdeman, Robert 716 721
Tiwari, Prasoon 472 700 701
Tiwari, Prasoon 472 700 701
Toeplitz, Otto, matrix 190 310 313 330 701
Toeplitz, Otto, matrix 190 310 313 330 701
Tonal key 79 80
Tonal key 79 80
Toom, Andrei Leonovich 234 725
Toom, Andrei Leonovich 234 725
Total degree 147 162 165 467 571 590 653 673
Total degree 147 162 165 467 571 590 653 673
Total order 570 576 577 594
Total order 570 576 577 594
Trabb Pardo, Luis Isidoro 541 713
Trace 358 394
Trace 358 394
Trager, Barry Marshall 441 470 472 601 604 606 713 719 725
Transcendental 75 83 674
Transcendental 75 83 674
Transmission channel 14 197
Transmission error 197
Transmission error 197
Transmission rate 198
Transmission rate 198
Transposition principle 318 330
Transposition principle 318 330
Trapdoor function 549
Trapdoor function 549
Traub, Joseph Frederick 188 310 701 722
Traverso, Carlo 593 709 725
Traverso, Carlo 593 709 725
Tre, Sol 661 705
Tre, Sol 661 705
Trial division 365 515 518 526
triangle 566 586
triangle 566 586
Triangular matrix 307 630 680
Triangular matrix 307 630 680
Triangular wave 345
Triangular wave 345
Triangulation 187
Triangulation 187
Trivial derivative 598 606
Trivial derivative 598 606
Tropical year 77 78
Tropical year 77 78
Tuckerman, Bryant 515 701
Tuckerman, Bryant 515 701
Tukey, John Wilder 220 234 704
Tukey, John Wilder 220 234 704
Turing machine 30 685 686 709 723
Turing machine 30 685 686 709 723
Turing machine, Las Vegas 686
Turing machine, one-sided Monte Carlo 686
Turing machine, two-sided Monte Carlo 685
Turing reduction 686
Turing reduction 686
Turing, Alan Malhison 81 395 548 562 726
Turing, Alan Malhison 81 395 548 562 726
Twain, Mark (Samuel Longhorne Clemens) 334 691
Twain, Mark (Samuel Longhorne Clemens) 334 691
Twin primes 76 209 234
Twin primes 76 209 234
Twisted cubic 582 583 587 588
Twisted cubic 582 583 587 588
Two-norm, see “Euclidean norm”
UFD see “Unique Factorization Domain”
UFD see “Unique Factorization Domain”
Ulam, Stanislaw Marcin 26 187 490 688 690 692 718
Ulam, Stanislaw Marcin 26 187 490 688 690 692 718
Ullman, Jeffrey David 272 310 698
Ullman, Jeffrey David 272 310 698
Ultrametric inequality 260
Ultrametric inequality 260
Ulugh Begh Muhammad Turghay ben Shah Rukh 83
Ulugh Begh Muhammad Turghay ben Shah Rukh 83
Umbral calculus 633 634
Undecidable 395 606
Undecidable 395 606
Uniform probability function 682
Uniform probability function 682
Unimodular matrix 472
Unimodular matrix 472
Unimodular transformation 81
Unimodular transformation 81
Unique factorization 670 671
Unique factorization 670 671
Unique factorization domain (UFD) 58 137—140 142 146 148 180 188—190 193 195 260 353 407 492 671 672 675
Unique factorization domain (UFD) 58 137—140 142 146 148 180 188—190 193 195 260 353 407 492 671 672 675
UNIT 36 44 67 671 672—674
UNIT 36 44 67 671 672—674
Unsatisfiable 642
Unsatisfiable 642
Updike, John 666 693
Updike, John 666 693
Urquhart, Alasdair 661 726
Urquhart, Alasdair 661 726
Vacca, Giovanni 81 726
Vacca, Giovanni 81 726
Vadhan, Salil 187 716
Vadhan, Salil 187 716
Valach, Miroslav 123 725
Valiant, Leslie Gabriel 294 691
Valiant, Leslie Gabriel 294 691
Valuation 86 243 259 260 261 277
Valuation 86 243 259 260 261 277
Valuation, archimedean 260
Valuation, archimedean 260
Valuation, degree 84 87 260
Valuation, degree 84 87 260
Valuation, non-archimedean 260
Valuation, non-archimedean 260
Valuation, p-adic 259 260 261
Valuation, p-adic 259 260 261
Valuation, x-adic 84 87 260 261 277
Valuation, x-adic 84 87 260 261 277
Value representation 92 219
Value representation 92 219
van Ceulen, Ludolph (Ludolf) 76 83
van de Lune, Jan 508 717
van der Hoeven, Joris 444 711
van der Hulst, Marc-Paul 508 701
van der Poorten, Alfred Jacobus 82 488 661 701 721
van der Waerden, Bartel Leendert 187 327 330 395 440 560 562 667 693 698 726
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