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von zur Gathen J., Gerhard J. — Modern computer algebra |
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Cardinality, # 668
Carlyle, Thomas 690
Carmichael function, 510
Carmichael number 494 495—497 506 507 510 512 699
Carmichael, Robert Daniel 506 702
Caron, Thomas R. 506 541 702
Carroll, Lewis (Rev. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) 26 689
Carry flag 28 29 39 40 210 248 266
Carry look-ahead addition 39
Castelnuovo, Guido, — Mumford regularity 592
Cataldi, Pietro Antonio 82 702
Cauchy interpolation 109 110 113 128 129 179 304 309
Cauchy sequence 277
Cauchy — Schwarz inequality 459 473 529
Cauchy, Augustin Louis 122 123 186 272 349 703 716
Cavalieri, Bonaventura 596
Caviness, Bob Forrester 606 703
Cayley — Hamilton theorem 319 680
Cayley, Arthur 186 703
Center of gravity 566 567 586 587 616
Chahal, Jasbir Singh 542 703
Chain rule 252 331
Chair conformation see “Cyclohexane conformation”
Chandler, Raymond 693 698
Change of representation 91 92 219 339
Char, Bruce Walter 191 703
Characteristic of a ring or field, char 370 371 373 390 434 532 535 556 597 600 604 622 629 674 676
Characteristic polynomial of a matrix 315 324 395 680
Characteristic polynomial of a sequence 119 320—322 326 327 332
Characteristic set 593
Chebotarev theorem 415 416 417 440 442 714 720 724
Chebotarev, Nikolai Grigor’evich 415 416 440
Chebyshev, Pafhuti L’vovich’ 472 507 703
Chen, Pehong 7
Chen, Zhi-Zhong 187 703
Chernac, Ladislaus 692
Chinese Remainder Algorithm (CRA) 3 17 92 93 92 96—129 160 161 178 179 231 233 272 279 310 554 671
Chinese Remainder Algorithm, fast 122 285 287 289 293 309 600
Chinese Remainder Problem 100 104 106 289 290
Chinese Remainder Problem, rational 129
Chinese remainder theorem (CRT) 15 69 97 96—129 218 230 279 285 293 360 399 492 528
Chistov, Aleksandr Leonidovich 441 593 703
Chor, Ben-Zion (Benny) 483 703
Chou, Chung-Chiang 330 703
Chromatic scale 80
Chudnovsky, David Vol’fovich 712
Church, Alonzo 712
Ch’ung-chih, Tsu 75 76
Cicero, Marcus Tullius 26 690
Circuit, boolean 30
Clancy, Tom 352 546 691 692
Clarke, Arthur A. 708
Clarkson, Roland 491
Class field theory 560
Classical algorithm 34
Classical Euclidean Algorithm 45 46 87 91
Classical polynomial multiplication 32
Clausen, Michael Hermann 81 210 272 316 330 472 702 703
Clebsch, Rudolf Friedrich Alfred 693
Clegg, Matthew 643 703
Clifford, William Kingdon 666 693
Closed form 61 609 637 639 661
Co- 504 513 686 687
Co- 504 686 687
Code 9 16 197—200 202 203
Code, cyclic 391
Code, dimension of a code 197 198 199
Code, erasure 16 203
Code, error correcting 16 197
Code, Huffman 291 341—344
Code, instantaneous 291
Code, length of a code 197 198—200
Code, linear 197
Code, minimal distance of a code 198 199—201 203
Coding theory 35 197 203 303 391
Coefficient growth 131 133
Coefficient matrix 679
Coefficient of a polynomial 30
Coefficient representation 92
Cohen, Henri Jose 18 508 704
Coincide up to 296 297 298 310
Collins, George Edwin 18 186—188 310 430 440 593 704 712 714 718
Combinatorial identity 645
Commutative group 320 327 668 669 677
Commutative ring 669 670 673 675 677
Commute 673
complete 277 686
Completion 261
Complexity class 685—687
Complexity theory 3 210 547 554 590 667 685
Complexity, asymptotic 6 316
Composite 491
Compositeness test 504
Computational algebraic geometry 4 565 569 593
Computational complexity 483 550
Computational complexity (journal) 19
Computational group theory 4
Computational number theory 3 4 491—545 560
Computer algebra system 1 2 4 9 17—19 186 209 210 263 265 354 468 507 592 597 605 606 609
Conditional probability 646 682
Conformation see “Cyclohexane conformation”
Congruent modulo, mod 63 670
Conjugacy class 440
Conjugates 677
Construction of irreducible polynomials 353 382 386
Content, 137 138—142 152 181 187—189 407 659
Continuant polynomial 59 60 86
Continued expansion 73 74 75 78 80 82 542
Continued factoring method 515 542
Continued fraction 3 63 73—75 78 79 82 84 86 87 123 516
Convergent 87
Convex body 447
Convex hull 187
Convolution of polynomials 217 218 223 240
Convolution of signals 344
Convolution property 344
Convolution, cyclic 217 218
Convolution, fast 223 227 231 237 238 239 240 241
Convolution, negative wrapped 225 227
Convolution, Vandermonde 636
Conway, John Horton 508
Cook, Stephen Arthur 6 234 272 686 704
Cookie Monster 126
Cooley, James William 220 234 278 691 704
Cooperman, Gene D. 187 704
Coppersmith, Don 330 331 396 704 705 712 726
Coprime 44 54 671
Cori, Robert 717
Corless, Robert M. 712
Cormen, Thomas H. 39 344 704
Coset 668 679
Coset of an ideal 670
Cosine Theorem 10
Cot, Norbert 709 721
Courant, Richard 560
Cowie, James 516 543 704
Cox, David A. 542 588 591 592 704
Coxeter, Harold Scott Macdonald 508 700
CRA see “Chinese Remainder Algorithm”
Cramer conjecture 509
Cramer rule 107 127 147 173 176 189 193 194 459 680
Cramer, Carl Harald 509 710
Cramer, Gabriel 187 688 704
Cray 315
Crichton, Michael 196 690
Critical line 507 508
Cromwell, Oliver 196 690
Crossley, John Newsome 691 704
| Crossover point 209 210 229 239 264 265 267—269
CRT see “Chinese Remainder Theorem”
Cryptanalysis 477 478 549
Cryptography 9 14 16 35 197 471 477 479 483 491 497 499 547—557
cryptography, public key 3 14 15 477 549 547—557
Cryptosystem 3 15 477 478 515 516 541 547—557
Cryptosystem, asymmetric 14 549
Cryptosystem, ElGamal 547 553 554
Cryptosystem, elliptic curve 547 554 555
Cryptosystem, key in a cryptosystem 14 16 479 483 547 547—557
Cryptosystem, knapsack 477 483
Cryptosystem, Rabin 547 553
Cryptosystem, short vector 547 554
Cryptosystem, subset sum 483
Cryptosystem, symmetric 14 549 552
Cucker, Felipe 708
Cunn, Samuel 689 690 719
Cunningham number 210 516
Cunningham Project 515 516 543
Cunningham, Lt.-Col. Allan Joseph Champneys 515 517 704
Curve, algebraic 9 161 163 164 660
Curve, Bezier 128
Curve, Gauss bell 348
Curve, nonsingular 532 542 545
Curve, plane 163 187 192 569 588
Curve, projective 541 542
Cycle structure of a permutation 440
Cyclic code 391
Cyclic convolution 217 218
Cyclic group 238 327 398 552 668 676 677
Cyclic module 326 327
Cycloheptane 658 662
Cyclohexane 9 10 12 13 468 593 649—663 689
Cyclohexane, conformation of 9 10 13 649 652 653 662 663
Cyclohexane, conformation of, boat 10 11 13 14 654 655 660
Cyclohexane, conformation of, chair 10 11 14 650 656 657
Cyclohexane, conformation of, flexible 10 13 14 660 662
Cyclohexane, conformation of, rigid 10 13 14 662
Cyclotomic polynomial, 154 190 199 240 387 388 389 391 397 415 416 442 542
Cyclotomic primality test 508
D, differential operator 598 633 637
D, division time 282
Damgard, Ivan Bjerre 507 704
Data compression 291 339—342
Data structure 89 467
Database integrity 35
Davies, Charles 406 692
Davis, Martin David, — Putnam procedure 642
DCT, discrete cosine transform 339 339—345
de Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte 187
de Casteljau, Paul de Faget 128 702
de Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel 82 703
de Correa, Isabel 6
de Fermat, Clement-Samuel 488 689
de Groote, Hans Friedrich 330 710
de la Place, Pierre Simon, Marquis see “Laplace”
de la Vallee Poussin, Charles Jean Gustave Nicolas 507 726
de la Vallee Poussin, Charles Jean Gustave Nicolas 507 726
de Lagrange (la Grange), Joseph Louis, Comte 82 84 122 123 394 564 692 714
de Lalande, Joseph-Jerome Lefrancais 692
de Laplace (la Place), Pierre Simon, Marquis 278 406 688 689 691 692 715
De Moivre, Abraham 330
de Montaigne, Michel Eysquem, Seigneur 663 693
de Morgan, Augustus 42 62 88 596 690 692
de Weger, Benjamin M.M. 471 726
de Weger, Benjamin M.M. 471 726
Dean, Basil 693
Debes, Pierre 471 704
Decimal representation 29 35 38 64 65 76 85 92 479
Decision problem 685 686
Decision problem, hard 686
Decision problem, instance of a decision problem 685
decryption 14 15 547—557
Dedekind, Julius Wilhelm Richard 349 394 705 709
Degeyter, Pierre-Chretien 691
Degree formula 674
Degree function 58 86
Degree of a field extension 360 605 674 675
Degree of a polynomial, deg 30 672 673
Degree of an algebraic element 674
Degree sequence 85 86 132 168—170 177 179 193 295 307
Degree sequence normal 86 183 296 299 301 302 304 311
Degree valuation 84 87 260
Degree, total 147 162 165 467 571 590 653 673
Delaunay, Charles Eugene 18
DeMillo, Richard Allan 81 187 704
Deng, Yuefan 330 703
Denning, Dorothy Elizabeth Robling 555 704
Dense representation 93 219 467 468
Derivation 186 598
Derivative 105 114 124 146 201 245 251 252 253 274—276 284 369 597 598 607 611 631
Derivative Hasse — Teichmueller see “Hasse — Teichmueller”
Derivative trivial 598 606
Descartes, Rene 312 486 596 691 693 754
Designed distance of a BCH code 200 201
Determinant Gramian 456 458 681
Determinant modular 101 105 499
Determinant modular big prime 102 104 157 435 500
Determinant modular small primes see “Modular determinant”
Determinant, det 50 92 101—104 127 147 162 186 188 193 194 307 313 315 652 679 680
DFT see “Discrete Fourier Transform”
DH see “Diffie — Hellman problem”
Diatonic scale 80
Diaz, Angel Luis 187 472 704 705
Dickman, Karl Daniel, -function 527
Dickson lemma 576 577 578 594
Dickson, Leonard Eugene 565
Difference equation 624 633 639
Difference field 623 624 638
Difference operator, 610 611 624 635 637
Differential algebra 597 598 606
Differential equation 1 4 82 330 403 606 607 617 633 648
Differential field 598 599
Differential operator, D 598 633 637
Diffie — Hellman key exchange 547 552 553 717
Diffie — Hellman problem 553 555 557
Diffie, Bailey Whitfield 477 549 550 552 555 556 705
Digital filter 330
Digital signal 234 335 339 344
Digital signature 552
Dimension formula 678
Dimension of a code 197 198 199
Dimension of a lattice 448 454
Dimension of a vector space 326 377 638 649 652 662 674 675 678
Diophantine approximation 3 73 74 79 83 447 471 479 723
Diophantine approximations simultaneous 80 477 479 481—483 554 714
Diophantine equation 486 724 726
Diophantine equation linear 63 71 72 81 86
Diophantus of Alexandria 487 488 715 717
Direct product of finite probability spaces 682
Direct product of groups 668
Direct product of rings 670
Directed graph 398 442 643
Discrete cosine transform (DCT) 339 339—345
Discrete Cosine Transform, Inverse (IDCT) 339 342 345
Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) 217 209—241 248 318 329 330 338 335—345
Discrete logarithm 553—555
Discrete Logarithm Problem (DL) 553 555 557
Discrete signal 335 336—340 344 345
Discriminant, disc 146 409 417 428 429 441 445 512 655
Dispersion, dis 639
Distinct-degree decomposition 357 368 376 397
Distinct-degree factorization 349 357 353—397 435—437
Distributed computing 17 91 541
Distributed data structures 16 17
Divide-and-conquer 275 282 284 293 299 331
Division property 670 671 673
Division time, D 282
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