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von zur Gathen J., Gerhard J. — Modern computer algebra |
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Irreducibility test 382 384 395 437 471
Irreducibility test over finite fields 383
Irreducibility, Hilbert irreducibility theorem 469—471 560 711 712
Irreducible 139 671 672 673 677
Irreducible factor 357 361 363 365 368 376 381 386 391 399 604
Irreducible factorization 139 140 353 370 373 379 390 394 397 407 409 415 422 427 437 443—445
Irreducible polynomial 67 68 353 382—387 390 396 674—676
Irreducible polynomial, construction of an irreducible polynomial 353 382 386
Isomorphic 668 669 678
Isomorphism 218 678
Isomorphism of groups 97 668
Isomorphism of rings 669
Iterated Frobenius algorithm 70 373 374 375 376 380—382 384 395 396 402
Jackpot 151
Jacob von Coburg (Koburgk), Simon 56
Jacobi sum 504 508 704
Jacobi symbol 482 503 508 512 528 718 724
Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob 123 186 349 560 608 712
Jacobian 423 444 595
Jarai, Antal 209 234 712
Jeffrey, David John 712
Jenks, Richard D. 18 712 718 725 727
Jensen, Christian Albrecht 689
Jin, Xiaofan 727
Johnson, David Stifler 483 687 708
Johnson, Don Herrick 234 711
Jones, William 83 712
Jordan, Karoly (Charles) 633 712
Journal of Symbolic Computation 19 39 592
Journal of the ACM 19
JPEG 344
Juergens, Hartmut 263 721
Julia set 259 262
Julia, Gaston Maurice 262
Julian calendar 77 84
Kaiser Wilhelm II 561
Kaiser Wilhelm II 561
Kajler, Norbert 19 712
Kalorkoti, Kyriakos 272 712
Kaltofen, Erich Leo 6 18 123 187 232 234 318 328—331 377 394—396 440 469—472 702 704 705 707 708 712 713
Kaminski, Michael 330 713
Kanada, Yasumasa 76 83 235 713
Kannan, Ravindran 470 479 707 713
Kant, Immanuel 196 560 690
Kao, Ming-Yang 187 703
Karatsuba algorithm 182 211 209—241 263—272 313
Karatsuba circuit 212
Karatsuba, Anatolii Alekseevich 211 232 713
Karp, Richard Manning 483 686 713
Karpinski, Marek Mieczyslaw 6 187 472 703 708 710
Karr, Michael 635 713
Kasner, Edward 693
Keller, Carsten 6
Keller, Wilfrid 6
Keller-Gehrig, Walter 330 713
Kelley, Colin 7
Kempfert, Horst 393 440 713
Kepler, Johannes 596
Kerber, Adalbert 6 662 700
Kernel of a homomorphism, ker 96 327 359 377 668 670 673 678
Kerschensteiner, Georg 709
Key in a cryptosystem 14 16 479 483 547 547—557
Key, Diffie — Hellman key exchange see “Diffie — Hellman”
Key, public 14 15 477 483 549 551—553 555 557
Key, secret 15 478 483 549 550—553 557
Key, tonal 79 80
Kilian, Joe 509 709 713
King Charles II of England 206
Kipling, Joseph Rudyard 608 692
Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert 692
Kirkpatrick, David Galer 330 713
Klein group 416
Klein, Felix 23 334 560 691
Klinger, Leslie Stuart 6
Knapsack cryptosystem 477 483
Knapsack problem 477
Kneller, Sir Godfrey, Baronet 689
Knoerrer, Horst 542 701
Knopfmacher, Arnold 394 713
Knopfmacher, John Peter Louis 394 713
Knuth, Donald Ervin 7 23 38 55 57 81 82 234 272 292 310 393 479 505 506 541 633 634 681 684 688 710 713
Koblitz, Neal 506 542 555 713
Kolaitis, Phokion-Gerasimos 721
Kollar, Janos 592 699 713
Kollberg, Lennart 490
Kovalevskaya, Sof’ya Vasil’evna (Sonya Kowalewski) 690
Kozen, Dexter 550 556 593 700 713
Kraft, Leon Gordon, Jr. 291 713
Kraietchik, Maurice Borisovitch 352 514 541 691 692 713
Krajicek, Jan 661 700 702 713
Krandick, Werner Johannes 6
Kronecker substitution 233 234 241 468 475
Kronecker, Leopold 26 123 128 186 235 330 440 689 705 713 714
Krylov subspace 319 324 332
Krylov, Aleksei Nikolaevich 330 714
Ku, Yu Hsui 122 714
Kuechlin, Wolfgang Wilhelm 700 705 708 711 713 720 722 726
Kuehnle, Klaus 590 591 714
Kummer, Ernst Eduard 488
Kung, Hsiang Tseng 272 330 331 701 714
Kurowski, Scott 491
Labahn, George 473 725
Lafon, Jean-Claude 635 714
Lagally, Klaus 7
Lagarias, Jeffrey Clarke 416 479—481 483 555 707 714
Lagrange interpolant 93 94 97—99 122 124 233 236 402
Lagrange interpolation 16 92 93 94 99 110 125 283 287 703
Lagrange multiplier 595
Lagrange theorem 82 200 388 390 492 493 512 513 536 668 676 678
Lakshman, Yagati Narayana 472 592 707 708 712 714 725
LaMacchia, Brian A. 330 715
Lambe, Larry A. 19 715
Lambert, Johann Heinrich 75 715
Lame theorem 55 61
Lame, Gabriel 55 715
Lamport, Leslie B. 7
lan Munro, James 290 701
Lanczos algorithm 331 704 705 719
Lanczos, Cornelius 330 715
Landau inequality 154 155 156
Landau, Edmund Georg Hermann 154 560 688 715
Landau, Susan 550 556 713
Landrock, Peter 507 704
Landry, Fortune 516 715
Lang, Serge 471 715
Laplace expansion 148 680
Larson, Richard Gustavus 507 699
Las Vegas algorithm 151 187 378 445 688
Las Vegas Turing machine 686
Lattice 3 272 408 447 447—475 478 480—482 547 554 555 676
Lattice, dimension of a lattice 448 454
Lattice, norm of a lattice 447 448
Laue, Reinhard 662 700
Laurent, Pierre Alphonse, series 84 86 87
Law of quadratic reciprocity 348 503 512 560
Lawrence, Thomas Edward 130 690
Lazard, Daniel 593 606 706 715 719
lc, leading coefficient 30 36 45 572 672 673
LCM, least common multiple 44 46
Le Carre, John see “Carre”
le Carre, John (David John Moore Cornwell) 208 691
le Gendre, Adrien Marie see “Legendre”
Leading coefficient, lc 30 36 45 572 672 673
Leading digit 28 38
Leading monomial, lm 572
Leading principal submatrix 193 329
Leading term, lt 570 572 573 574 578—582
Leading unit, lu 137
Leaf of a mobile 290 291 292
| Leap day 77 78
Least absolute remainder Euclidean Algorithm 61
Least absolute residue 66 524
Least common multiple, LCM 44 46
Lebesgue (Le Besgue), Victor Amedee 508 715
Lee, King 2 315 700
Lee, Lin-Nan 483 717
Legendre (le Gendre), Adrien Marie 187 348 393—395 440 443 490 507 508 543 692 715 726
Legendre symbol 503 512 535
Lehmann primality test 504 512 513
Lehmann, Daniel J. 512 715
Lehmer, Derrick Henry 310 505 506 508 515 543 701 715
Leibniz rule 252 275 400 403 597 611
Leighton, Ralph 690 692
Leiserson, Charles Eric 39 344 704
Lejeune Dirichlet Schubfachprinzip 642
Lejeune Dirichlet, Johann Peter Gustav 57 480 481 483 502 562 671 705
Lemmermeyer, Franz 688 715
Length of a code 197 198—200
Length of an integer, 28 53 132
Lenstra elliptic curve factoring method see “Elliptic curve”
Lenstra, Arjen Klaas 18 265 440 448 449 471 480 506 508 509 516 543 704 705 715 716
Lenstra, Hendrik Willem, Jr. 394 397 415 448 449 471 480 504 506—509 515 516 531 532 536 537 539 542 543 688 698 699 704 715 716 721 724
Leonard, Douglas A. 203 711
Levelt, Antonius Henricus Maria (Ton) 6 662 705 716
Lewin, Daniel 187 716
Lexicographic order 570 572 582 589 658 659
Leyland, Paul 265 516
Li, Gang 330 703
Lickteig, Thomas Michael 173 188 310 716
LIDIA 18 265
Lidl, Rudolf 396 675 716
Lie, Marius Sophus 596 692
Lindner, Charles Curt 203 711
Line at infinity 542
Linear algebra 3 4 19 101 165 168 313—333 349 377 395 449 531 667 677 678 679
Linear algebra, black box 313 317 323 329 330 380 382
Linear algebra, explicit 313 329 382
Linear algebra, sparse 329
Linear code 197 203
Linear combination map 143
Linear congruential generator 477 479 504 548
Linear Diophantine equation 63 71 72 81 86
Linear equation 1 3 61 120 165 186 317 323 649
Linear feedback shift register 319
Linear map 95 217 327 332 678
Linear programming 447
Linear subspace 197 198 266 678 679
Linear, softly 685
Linear, system of linear equations 1 111 122 127 172 202 313—333 435 459 526 595 601 628—630 679 680
Linear, system of linear equations, sparse 304 530
Linearly convergent Newton iteration 276
Linearly dependent 678 681
Linearly independent 678 679
Linearly recurrent sequence 317 318 319—325 327 330 333
Liouville, Joseph 446 597 606 692 693 716 754
LIP 265
Lipson, John David 6 235 290 716
Lipton, Richard Jay 81 187 704
Lisonek, Petr 634 716
Little, John B. 588 591 592 704
Liu, Zhuojun 352 691
LLL algorithm see “Basis reduction algorithm”
Lloyd, Daniel B. 394 717
Lloyd, Stuart Phinney 396 724
lm, leading monomial 572
Lobachevskii, Nikolai Ivanovich 350
Lobo, Austin 331 380 382 709 712
Local Area Network 16
Locke, John 196 690
Logarithmic 599
Logarithmic integral 507
Logarithmic part 599 607
Loos, Ruediger Georg Konrad 441 712 714 717 718
Lovasz, Laszlo 448 449 470 471 480 710 716 720
Lovelace, Augusta Ada Byron King, Countess of 8 689
Loxton, John Harold 716
LR-decomposition 315
lt, leading term 570 572 573 574 578—582
lu, leading unit 137
Lu, Shyue-Ching 483 717
Luby, Michael George 6 203 699
Lucas sequence 61
Lucas — Lehmer test 505 506 508 715
Lucas, Francois Edouard Anatole 505 715 717
Lucasian Professor 206
Lucchesi, Claudio Leonardo 720
Luckey, Paul 83 689 717
Luckhardt, Emil 334 691
Ludlum, Robert (Jonathan Ryder) 8 689
Luecking, Thomas 6
Luks, Eugene Michael 688 699
Lumbert, Robert 702
Lunar calendar 77
Lunisolar calendar 77
M, multiplication time 232 235 241 243 357
Ma, Keju 6 57 717
Mabbott, Thomas Ollive 692
Macaulay 592
Macaulay, Francis Sowerby 186 564 593 692 693 717 754
Mach, Ernst 208 691
Machin, John 76
Machine cycle 29 40 91
Mack, Dieter 607 717
Maclaurin, Colin 186 187 272 717
Macsyma 18
MacWilliams, Florence Jessie 203 717
Magma 18 209
Mahnke, Dietrich 81 506 717
Makowsky, Janos 6
Manasse, Mark Steven 18 506 509 543 716
Mandelbrot, Benoit Baruch 263 717
Manin, Yurii Ivanovich 542 703 717
Maple 7 18 19 60 76 133 164 171 181 190 215 509 594 605 643 650—661
Markov, Andrei Andreevich 703
Massey, James Lee 203 304 705 717
Mathematics of Computation 19
Matiyasevich, Yurii Vladimirovich 81 82 606 717
Matrix 315 678
Matrix evaluation 318 324 326 329 330
Matrix inversion 315
Matrix multiplication 40 313 315—317 387 679 684
Matrix multiplication exponent 315
Matrix multiplication, fast 314 315 318
Matrix multiplication, feasible matrix multiplication exponent 315 316 330
Matrix multiplication, rectangular 330
Matrix rank 662 678 679
Matrix, Bezout 186 189
Matrix, coefficient 679
Matrix, gramian 449 456 652 662 681
Matrix, nonsingular 101 107 200 201 323 324 329 333 451 472 595 652 679 680
Matrix, permutation 457 679 680
Matrix, singular 95 193 324 328 333 652 679 680
Matrix, sparse 313 318
Matrix, Toeplitz 190 310 313 330 701
Matrix, triangular 307 630 680
Matrix, unimodular 472
Matrix, Vandermonde, VDM see “Vandermonde matrix”
Mattson, Harold F. (Skip), Jr. 708
Maurer, Ulrich Martin (Ueli) 555 717
Maximum likelihood decoding 198
Maximum norm, max-norm, 147 156 172 180 191 193 194 241 247 305 467 474 554 639 681
Mayor, Richard 690
Mayr, Ernst Wilhelm 6 589—592 661 714 717 718
McAuley, A.J. 483 709
McCormack, Thomas Joseph 691
McCurley, Kevin Snow 555 718
McEliece, Robert James 203 394 700 718
McInnes, James L. 6
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