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von zur Gathen J., Gerhard J. — Modern computer algebra |
Предметный указатель |
Division with remainder 2 24 35 36 37 92 122 243 247 248 268 296 382 419
Division with remainder, fast 209 247 250 268 272 317
Division with remainder, multivariate 570 572 573 574 575 578 579
Division, exact 40 191 238 247 274 293
Division, trial 365 515 518 526
Dixon random squares method 318 515 523 524 525 530—532 541 543 544 553
Dixon, Alfred Cardew 635
Dixon, John Douglas 543 705
DL, Discrete Logarithm Problem 553 555 557
Dodson, Bruce 516 543 705
Don Quixote de la Mancha 82 703
Dornstetter, Jean Louis 203 705
Double-precision integer 27
Doughty, Herb 719
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan 546 666 692 693
Dozier, Lamont 692
Dresden, Arnold 693
Dress, Andreas 472 703
du Bois-Reymond, Emil 562
Dube, Thomas William 592 705
Dubner, Harvey Allen 505 727
Dubois, Raymond 507 705
Dupre, Athanase 56 705
Dwork, Cynthia 555 699 709
Dynamical systems theory 262
d’Alembert, Jean le Rond 640 693
E, shift operator 610 612 623 624 635
Early abort 358
Eberly, Wayne 6 331 705
Edmonds, Jeffrey Allen 203 643 699 703
Edmonds, John Robert (Jack) 123 705
EEA see “Extended Euclidean Algorithm”
Effective univariate factorization see “Factorization”
Eigenvalue 680
Eisenbud, David 591 661 705
Eisenstein theorem 441
Eisenstein, Ferdinand Gotthold Max 349 508 705
Ekhad, Shalosh B. 661 705
Eleatics 22
Elementary functions 597
Elementary symmetric polynomial 155
Elements (Euclid) 22 23 24 492 506 688 689
Elgamal cryptosystem 547 553 554
ElGamal, Taher 555 707
Elimination of variables 161
Elkenbracht-Huizing, Reina Marije 516 543 704
Ellipsoid method 447
Elliptic curve 482 509 532 531—542 545 554
Elliptic curve cryptosystem 547 554 555
Elliptic curve factoring method 272 509 515—517 537 531—541 545
Elliptic curve primality test 509
Elliptic curve, size of an elliptic curve 535 539
Elliptic curve, smooth 532 533
Emiris, Ioannis Zacharias 662 705
Encamacion, Mark James 440 704
Encke, Johann Franz 709
Encoding map 197
Encryption 14 15 547—557
Encryption rate 554
Endomorphism 678 679
Endomorphism, Frobenius 374 377 380 403 677 708
Enestroem, Gustav 705 706
Engel, Friedrich 692
entropy 281
Equal-degree factorization 363 353—397 400 435 437 528 553
Equal-degree splitting 361 363 399
Equivalence relation 84 296 310 405 637 671
Erasmus of Rotterdam 23
Erasure code 16 203
Eratosthenes of Cyrene 22 492
Eratosthenes sieve 161 501 506 508 526 530
Erdmann, Johann Eduard 690
Erdoes, Pal 486 541 702
ERH see “Extended Riemann Hypothesis”
Error correcting code 16 197
Error locator polynomial 201
Euchner, Martin 471 723
Euclid 3 22 23 24 42 67 86 492 506 688 689 711
Euclidean algorithm 3 4 23 43—195 295—311 503 586 590 606 671 701 705 715 717 724
Euclidean Algorithm with least absolute remainders 61
Euclidean Algorithm, binary 60
Euclidean Algorithm, classical 45 46 87 91
Euclidean Algorithm, Extended (EEA) see “Extended Euclidean”
Euclidean Algorithm, fast 3 167 249 299 295—311 322 600
Euclidean Algorithm, monic 47 55 174—176 181 185 186
Euclidean Algorithm, primitive 180 181 183—186 188 195
Euclidean Algorithm, quotient in the Euclidean Algorithm see “Quotient”
Euclidean Algorithm, remainder in the Euclidean Algorithm see “Remainder”
Euclidean Domain 43 43—87 89 96 97 126 137 148 149 176 243 569 671 672—675
Euclidean engine 187
Euclidean function 44 45 47 57—59 243 671
Euclidean function, minimal 52
Euclidean length 47 53—55 61 129 299 301
Euclidean norm, two-norm, 10 147 154 447 448 454 461 555 681
Euclidean number field 688 716
Euclidean representation 59
Eudoxus of Cnidus 22
Euler constant, 508 615
Euler number 633
Euler theorem 15 492 551 668
Euler totient function, 15 68 69 99 122 127 238 388 492 510 551
Euler, Leonhard 55 57 70 81—84 122 123 125 186 187 348 394 487 494 507 516 560 608 634 699 705 706 714 721
Evaluation homomorphism 99 673
Evaluation map 95 203 279
Evaluation multipoint 17 89—95 219 221 266 279 280 283—285 292 310 375 382 435
Evaluation multipoint, fast 219 279 282 283 292 375 519
Evaluation of a matrix 318 324 326 329 330
Evdokimov, Sergei Alekseevich 397 706
Eve 14 547 554 557
Event 682
Eventually positive 684
Exact division 40 191 238 247 274 293
Expected value 173 194 386 646 682
Explicit linear algebra 313 329 382
Extended Euclidean Algorithm (EEA) 15 47 43—195 202 230 269 288 295—311 322 382 427 432 463 479 551 674
Extended Euclidean Algorithm, big prime modular 178 179 183 195
Extended Euclidean Algorithm, bivariate modular 178
Extended Euclidean Algorithm, modular 172 176 195 305 309
Extended Euclidean Algorithm, primitive 181
Extended Euclidean Algorithm, small primes modular see “Modular EEA”
Extended Riemann Hypothesis (ERH) 397 504 505 507 508 513 706 720
EZ-GCD 435 441
Factor base 524 531
Factor combination 408—110 415 428 430 432 437 440 463 466 470
Factor group 668
Factor tree 424 425—427 429—432 444
Factorial ring 671
Factorial, falling 611 613 618 634 637
Factorial, greatest factorial factorization, gff see “Greatest factorial”
Factorial, rising 611 634 637
Factorization 2 18
Factorization by continued fraction method 515 542
Factorization by elliptic curve method see “Elliptic curve”
Factorization of integers 3 15 16 210 313 318 329 331 479 487 491 494 506—508 515 515—545 551—554
Factorization of multivariate polynomials 467 471 475
Factorization of polynomials 2 4 13 18 138 257 269 272 348 349 353 353—475 479 487 560 562
Factorization of polynomials over and 35 92 154 243 349 414 407—445 447 448 461—475 499 501
Factorization of polynomials over finite fields 3 70 265 269 318 330 365 353—405 435—437 462 467 543 688
Factorization of sparse polynomials 471
Factorization pattern 409 416 417 437 439—442
Factorization, bivariate 407 432 434 467 468 470 471 560
Factorization, distinct-degree 349 357 353—397 435—437
Factorization, effective univariate 432 434 447 467 475
Factorization, greatest factorial, gff see “Greatest factorial”
Factorization, irreducible see “Irreducible factorization”
Factorization, prime 98 122 277 492 503 510 524 528
Factorization, squarefree 353 355 365 369 371 373 391 401 622
Factorization, unique 670 671
| Faddeev, Dmitrii Konstantinovich 394
Falling factorial 611 613 618 634 637
Fano, Robert Mario 291 706
Fast convolution 223 227 231 237 238 239 240 241
Fast CRA see “Chinese Remainder Algorithm”
Fast division with remainder see “Division”
Fast Euclidean Algorithm 3 167 249 299 295—311 322 600
Fast exponentiation 349 555
Fast Fourier transform (FFT) 3 17 76 199 221 209—241 267 339 340 349 398 704 706 709 711 721
Fast Fourier Transform arithmetic circuit 222
Fast Fourier Transform multiplication 3 93 225 231 235 237 239 248 264—266 269 311
Fast Fourier Transform, 3-adic 229 230 234 239 240
Fast Fourier Transform, Fermat number 269—271
Fast Fourier Transform, support the Fast Fourier Transform 223 225 232 238 280 310 311
Fast Fourier Transform, three primes 231 233 235 269 270
Fast integer multiplication 209—241
Fast interpolation 219 285 279—293 309
Fast matrix multiplication 314 315 318
Fast modular composition 316 317 395
Fast multipoint evaluation see “Evaluation”
Fast polynomial multiplication 209—241
Fast sorting 220
Fateman, Richard J. 606 700
Faugere, Jean-Charles 593 706
Faulhaber, Johann 634 713
Feasible matrix multiplication exponent 315 316 330
Feisel, Sandra 6 187 704
Felkel, Anton 514
Feller, William 681 706
Ferdinand von Fuerstenberg 488 689
Ferdinand, Duke of Braunschweig 348
Fermat last theorem 488 569 721 726
Fermat liar 493 509
Fermat little theorem 70 71 81 355 356 374 487 492 494 506 668 676 677 705 706
Fermat number 70 81 233 234 487 494 505 513 516 701 716
Fermat number FFT 269—271
Fermat Pierre 3 22 70 81 86 206 486 487 488 494 505 524 596 689 702 704 705 724 726
Fermat polynomial 467
Fermat primality test 493 494 495 497 509
Fermat prime 215 239 505 511
Fermat witness 493 494 496 497 509
Feynman, Richard Phillips 208 514 690 692
FFT see “Fast Fourier Transform”
Fibonacci sequence 60 319 321
Fibonacci, Leonardo Pisano, son of Bonaccio number 53—56 60 61 82 705
Fich, Faith Ellen 6
Fiduccia, Charles (Chuck) M. 290 330 706
Field 30 672 674 675
Field extension 68 374 384 387 627 674 675—677
Field extension, algebraic 165 321 354 360 468 601 606 674 675
Field extension, degree of a field extension 360 605 674 675
Field extension, finite 674
Field extension, Galois 441
Field extension, normal 374
Field of constants 601 623
Field of fractions 40 73 137 139 140 142 147 167 176 181 188 189 261 277 407 474 674
Field operation see “Arithmetic operation”
Field perfect 373
Field splitting 167 402 404 415 601 602 605 606 675
Field, algebraic number 440
Field, difference 623 624 638
Field, differential 598 599
Field, finite, see “Finite field”
Field, Hilbertian 471
Fields, John Charles, medal 565
Finck, Piene Joseph Etienne 56 707
Fingerprinting 64 81 84
Finite duration 339 345
Finite extension of a field 674
Finite field, 2 16 18 67 69 70 81 217 252 272 333 353—405 675 676 677
Finite field, irreducibility test over a finite field 383
Finite field, root finding over 353 368 393 403
Finite prime field, 67 396 403 437 445 542
Finite probability space 667 681 682 683
Finite-dimensional vector space 674 678
Finitely generated ideal 567 577 578 591
Finitely vector space 678
Fish, Daniel W. 514 692
Fitch, John 703 709 719
Fitchas, Noai 593 707
Flaccus, Aules Persius 663 693
Flajolet, Philippe Patrick Michel 394 661 707 720 724 726
Fleischer, Jochem 700 711 720
Flexible conformation see “Cyclohexane conformation”
Floating point arithmetic 18 76 269 471
Floating point number 30 272 315
Floating point representation 92
Floyd cycle detection trick 520 521 522 541
Floyd, Robert W. 521
Fluxions 206
Folkerts, Menso 272 691 707
Ford, Garrett 693
Fourier coefficient 338 345
Fourier prime 91 231 233 502 511
Fourier series 337 704
Fourier transform 234 335 337—339 344 487
Fourier transform, continuous 335 337 338
Fourier Transform, Discrete (DFT) see “Discrete Fourier”
Fourier transform, fast (FFT) see “Fast Fourier Transform”
Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph 234 334 691 707
Fractal 214 262 263
Freeman, Timothy Scott 472 707
Frege — Hilbert proof 642
Frege, Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob 562 702
Freivalds, Rusins 81 707
Frenicle de Bessy, Bernard 487
frequency 78 79 335 336 337—339 341 342
Frequency analysis 548
Friedman, Philip 446 546 692
Frieze, Alan Michael 479 707
Frise, Adolf 691
Frobenius automorphism 373 374 395 440 677
Frobenius density theorem 415 416 417 440
Frobenius endomorphism 374 377 380 403 672 708
Frobenius endomorphism polynomial, representation of the 374 383
Frobenius, Ferdinand Georg 123 186 415 440 707
Frobenius, iterated Frobenius algorithm see “Iterated Frobenius”
Froehlich, Albrecht 395 707 714
ftp directory 265 516 661
Fuchssteiner, Benno 18
Fulton, William 542 707
functional decomposition 550 555 556
Fundamental lemma about gff 621 622 625
Fundamental period 344
Fundamental theorem of algebra 348 675
Fundamental theorem of calculus 611
Fundamental theorem of number theory 353 492
Fundamental theorem on subresultants 306 307 310
Galileo Galilei 476
Galligo, Andre 592 593 702 707
Gallo, Giovanni 593 707
Galois extension 441
Galois field see “Finite field”
Galois group 349 374 397 415—417 440 722
Galois theory 374 390 415 677
Galois, Evariste 187 352 393 396 688 691 692 707
Gamer, Harvey Louis 123 708
Gamma function, 623 624 634 637
Gao, Shuhong 6 81 382 394—396 555 707 708
Garey, Michael Randolph 483 687 708
Gauss bell curve 348
Gauss lemma 131 136 137 138 146 180 407 412
Gauss period 70 349 555 707 708
Gauss theorem 139 673
Gauss, Carl Friedrich 3 22 55 122 123 138 186 234 242 334 348 349 350 352 393 394 396 418 440 471 503 507 514 560 634 663 688 689 691—693 708 709 711
Gaussian elimination 101—105 122 123 128 179 317 349 377 379 449 586 595 601 630 679 680 688 700 725
Gaussian elimination, unimodular 81
Gaussian integers 44 59 671
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