Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
von zur Gathen J., Gerhard J. — Modern computer algebra |
Предметный указатель |
Rolletschek, Heinrich Franz 123 712
Roman, Steven 634 722
Roman, Steven 634 722
Ronyai, Lajos 397 722
Root finding 123 207 243 259 272 368 430 431 441 499 500
Root finding 123 207 243 259 272 368 430 431 441 499 500
Root finding over finite fields 353 368 393 403
Root finding over finite fields 353 368 393 403
Root of an integer 435
Root of unity 17 215 209—241 248 349 360 387
Root of unity 17 215 209—241 248 349 360 387
Root of unity, primitive 199 197—203 215 209—241 280 311 318 329 338 387 387—392 398 511
Root, integral 368 369
Root, rational 431 441
Root, rational 431 441
Rosen, Frederic 690 723
Rosen, Frederic 690 723
Rosenkranz, Karl 690
Rosser, John Barkley 501 507 511 712 723
Rosser, John Barkley 501 507 511 712 723
Rota, Gian-Carlo 634
Rota, Gian-Carlo 634
Rothstein and Trager integration 601 606
Rothstein and Trager integration 601 606
Rothstein, Michael 604 606 723
Rothstein, Michael 604 606 723
Rounding error 30
Rounding error 30
Routing 16 187
Routing 16 187
Roy, Marie-Francoise 173 188 310 593 711 716
RSA challenge 516
RSA challenge 516
RSA cryptosystem 14 15 16 477 516 547 550 552 553 555 557
RSA cryptosystem 14 15 16 477 516 547 550 552 553 555 557
Rumely, Robert Scott 504 698
Rumely, Robert Scott 504 698
Run Length Encoding 341 342—344
Run Length Encoding 341 342—344
Runge, Carl David Tolme 560
Russell, Bertrand Arthur William 562
Russell, Bertrand Arthur William 562
S-polynomial 579 580 582 584 593
Saalschuetz, Louis 635
Saalschuetz, Louis 635
Sachse, Hermann 662 723
Sachse, Hermann 662 723
Salvy, Bruno 661 707 723
Sande, G. 234 709
Sande, G. 234 709
Saunders, Benjamin David 318 328 329 331 380 440 709 712
Saupe, Dietmar 263 721
scalar 678
scalar 678
Scalar multiplication 324 326 328 677 678
Scalar multiplication 324 326 328 677 678
Scale, chromatic 80
Scale, chromatic 80
Scale, diatonic 80
Scale, musical 9 63 78
Scale, well-tempered 79 80
Schafer, Ronald W. 344 720
Schafer, Ronald W. 344 720
Scheraga, Harold Abraham 662 709
Scheraga, Harold Abraham 662 709
Schering, Ernst Christian Julius 714
Schloss Neuhaus 341 689
Schloss Neuhaus 341 689
Schmidt, August 689
Schmidt, August 689
Schmidt, Erhard 449—452 454 455 459 470 472 474 681 723
Schmidt, Erhard 449—452 454 455 459 470 472 474 681 723
Schmidt, Friedrich Karl 710
Schmidt, Friedrich Karl 710
Schnorr, Claus-Peter 396 471 483 541 718 720 723
Schnorr, Claus-Peter 396 471 483 541 718 720 723
Schoenfeld, Lowell 501 507 511 723
Schoenfeld, Lowell 501 507 511 723
Schoenhage and Strassen multiplication algorithm 225 230 232 269 270
Schoenhage and Strassen multiplication algorithm 225 230 232 269 270
Schoenhage, Arnold 191 208—210 230 232 234 240 241 265 269 272 310 330 471 508 691 720 723
Schoenhage, Arnold 191 208—210 230 232 234 240 241 265 269 272 310 330 471 508 691 720 723
Schrijver, Alexander 470 710
Schrijver, Alexander 470 710
Schubert, Friedrich Wilhelm 690
Schubert, Friedrich Wilhelm 690
Schwartz, Jacob Theodore 187 310 723
Schwartz, Jacob Theodore 187 310 723
Schwarz (Svarc), Stefan 395 723
Schwarz (Svarc), Stefan 395 723
Schwarz, Hermann Amandus 459 473 529
Schwarz, Hermann Amandus 459 473 529
Schwenter, Daniel 56 122 661 723
Schwenter, Daniel 56 122 661 723
Scratchpad 18
Scratchpad 18
Secret key 15 478 483 549 550—553 557
Secret key 15 478 483 549 550—553 557
Secret sharing 3 9 16 17 92 95 122 125
Secret sharing 3 9 16 17 92 95 122 125
Sedgewick, Robert 661 724
Sedgewick, Robert 661 724
Seed 479 548 552
Seed 479 548 552
Self-reciprocal 400
Self-reciprocal 400
Selfridge, John Lewis 507 515 701 721
Semialgebraic 660
Semialgebraic 660
Semigroup 661
Semigroup 661
Sendra, Juan Rafael 592 711
Sendra, Juan Rafael 592 711
Separable polynomial 373
Separable polynomial 373
Sequence linearly recurrent see “Linearly recurrent”
Sequence linearly recurrent see “Linearly recurrent”
Sequence, associated 633 634
Sequence, associated 633 634
Sequence, Cauchy 277
Sequence, Cauchy 277
Sequence, Fibonacci 60 319 321
Sequence, Fibonacci 60 319 321
Sequence, impulse response 326
Sequence, impulse response 326
Sequence, Lucas 61
Sequence, Lucas 61
Sequence, periodic 326
Sequence, periodic 326
Sequence, superincreasing 478
Sequence, superincreasing 478
Seress, Akos 688 699
Seress, Akos 688 699
Serre, Jean-Pierre 707
Serre, Jean-Pierre 707
Serret, Joseph Alfred 393 692 714 724
Sesame Street 126
Sesame Street 126
Sgall, Jiri 661 702
Sgall, Jiri 661 702
Shakespeare, William 0 689
Shakespeare, William 0 689
Shallit, Jeffrey Outlaw 6 55 56 396 506—508 510 542 699 724
Shamir, Adi 14 122 443 477 479 483 550 707 720 722 724
Shamir, Adi 14 122 443 477 479 483 550 707 720 722 724
Shanks, Daniel Charles 76 724
Shanks, Daniel Charles 76 724
Shanks, William 76 83 596 692 724
Shanks, William 76 83 596 692 724
| Shannon, Claude Elwood, Jr. 197 203 291 724
Shen, Kangsheng 122 724
Shepherdson, John Cedric 395 707
Shepherdson, John Cedric 395 707
Shepp, Lawrence Alan 396 724
Shift gcd, gcdE 621
Shift operator, E 610 612 623 624 635
Shift operator, E 610 612 623 624 635
Shift-equivalence class 619 620
Shift-equivalence class 619 620
Shiue, Peter Jau-Shyong 707 719 726
Shiue, Peter Jau-Shyong 707 719 726
Shokrollahi, Mohammed Amin 81 210 272 316 330 702
Short vector 3 408 409 447—475 478—481 483 548
Short vector 3 408 409 447—475 478—481 483 548
Short vector cryptosystem 547 554
Short vector cryptosystem 547 554
Shortest vector 454 467 471 474 554 555
Shortest vector 454 467 471 474 554 555
Shoup, Victor John 3 6 7 18 182 194 234 263 265 269 272 377 380—382 394—396 437 441 471 708 713 724
Shparlinski, Igor’ Evgen’ovich 6 187 394 708 724
Shparlinski, lrina Igorevna 6
Shub, Michael Ira 708
SIAM Journal on Computing 19
Siegel, Carl Ludwig 560
Siegel, Carl Ludwig 560
Sieve of Eratosthenes 161 501 506 508 526 530
Sieve of Eratosthenes 161 501 506 508 526 530
Sieve, number field 515 516 543
Sieve, number field 515 516 543
Sieve, quadratic 531 541
Sieveking, Malte 272 471 711 724
signal 335—345
signal 335—345
Signal processing 3 234 335 339
Signal processing 3 234 335 339
Signal, analog 335 336
Signal, analog 335 336
Signal, continuous 335 339 344
Signal, continuous 335 339 344
Signal, digital 234 335 339 344
Signal, discrete 335 336—340 344 345
Signal, discrete 335 336—340 344 345
Signal, even 345
Signal, even 345
Signal, odd 345
Signal, odd 345
Signal, periodic 336 337—340 344 345
Signal, sine 336
Signal, sine 336
Silverman, Joseph H. 542 724
Silverman, Joseph H. 542 724
Silverman, Robert David 506 541 702 724
Silverman, Robert David 506 541 702 724
Simon, Horst Dieter 2 315 700
Simon, Horst Dieter 2 315 700
Simon, Imre 712
Simon, Imre 712
Singer, Michael F. 472 710
Singh, Simon 488 724
Singh, Simon 488 724
Single precision 27 28 29 35 38—40 231 232 266 267—269
Single precision 27 28 29 35 38—40 231 232 266 267—269
Single precision prime 63 104 105 230 233 502 511
Single precision prime 63 104 105 230 233 502 511
singular 592
singular 592
Singular matrix 95 193 324 328 333 652 679 680
Singular matrix 95 193 324 328 333 652 679 680
Singularity 110 113 123 565 661
Singularity 110 113 123 565 661
Sipser, Michael 81 685 724
Sipser, Michael 81 685 724
Size of an elliptic curve 535 539
Size of an elliptic curve 535 539
Sjoewall, Maj 490 692
Skopin, Aleksandr Ivanovich 394
Slide rule 1
Slide rule 1
Slisenko, Anatol’ Oles’evich 394 724
Slisenko, Anatol’ Oles’evich 394 724
Sloane, Neil James Alexander 203 717
Sloane, Neil James Alexander 203 717
Small primes modular algorithm see “Modular”
Small primes modular algorithm see “Modular”
Smith, Henry John Stephen, normal form 81
Smith, Henry John Stephen, normal form 81
Smooth elliptic curve 532 533
Smooth elliptic curve 532 533
Smooth function 113 337 344
Smooth function 113 337 344
Smooth number 396 397 523 526—529 531 532 538—540 542 544
Smooth point 592
Smooth point 592
Soft Oh, 250 251 303 685 688
Soft Oh, 250 251 303 685 688
Softly linear 685
Soiffer, Neil 19 712
Solar calendar 77
Solar calendar 77
Solovay and Strassen primality test 151 187 503 504 505 508 699
Solovay and Strassen primality test 151 187 503 504 505 508 699
Solovay, Robert Martin 187 503 504 508 724
Solovay, Robert Martin 187 503 504 508 724
Solution space 329 630 649 662 679
Solution space 329 630 649 662 679
Sonin, Nikolai Yakovlevich 703
Sorenson, Jonathan Paul 272 502 508 699 718 724
Sorenson, Jonathan Paul 272 502 508 699 718 724
Sorting 187 209
Sorting 187 209
Sorting, fast 220
Sorting, fast 220
Sosigenes of Alexandria 77
Space-bounded complexity class 687
Space-bounded complexity class 687
Sparse factorization 471
Sparse factorization 471
Sparse interpolation 472
Sparse interpolation 472
Sparse linear algebra 329
Sparse linear system 304 530
Sparse linear system 304 530
Sparse matrix 313 318
Sparse matrix 313 318
Sparse representation 40 93 468 470 471 475
Sparse representation 40 93 468 470 471 475
Splitting field 167 402 404 415 601 602 605 606 675
Splitting field 167 402 404 415 601 602 605 606 675
Splitting polynomial 360 361 363
Splitting, equal-degree 361 363 399
Splitting, equal-degree 361 363 399
Sprindzhuk, Vladimir Gennadievich 471 724
Sprindzhuk, Vladimir Gennadievich 471 724
Square and multiply 69
Square and multiply 69
Square wave 345
Square wave 345
Squarefree 55 395 409 532
Squarefree 55 395 409 532
Squarefree decomposition 370 371 372 401 435 437 445 467 599 600 604 607 619 621 622
Squarefree decomposition 370 371 372 401 435 437 445 467 599 600 604 607 619 621 622
Squarefree factorization 353 355 365 369 371 373 391 401 622
Squarefree factorization 353 355 365 369 371 373 391 401 622
Squarefree part 370 371 389 394 401 601 607 627
Squarefree part 370 371 389 394 401 601 607 627
Squarefree polynomial 353 373 402 427
Standard basis 565
Standard basis 565
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