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ÊíèãàÑòðàíèöû äëÿ ïîèñêà
Zeidler E. — Nonlinear Functional Analysis and its Applications IV: Applications to Mathematical Physic409ff, 781
Bird R.B., Lightfoot E.N., Stewart W.E. — Transport Phenomena492
Palen S. — Schaum's Outline of Astronomy18
Liboff R. — Kinetic Theory366
Atkins P.W., Friedman R.S. — Molecular Quantum Mechanics1
Honerkamp J. — Statistical Physics253
Browne M.E. — Schaum's outline of theory and problems of physics for engineering and science213, 404
Greiner W. — Quantum mechanics. An introduction22
Cohen E.R. — Fundamental Constants of Physics156
Kurth R. — Dimensional analysis and group theory in astrophysics49
Dorlas T.C. — Statistical mechanics, fundamentals and model solutions73
Griffits D.J. — Introduction to quantum mechanics217
Jahne B. — Digital Image Processing165
Zajac A. — Optics583
Langmuir I. — Phenomena, Atoms and Molecules139
Pippard A.B. — The Elements of Classical Thermodynamics79, 88
Born M. — Atomic Physics329, 330
Stakgold I. — Green's Functions and Boundary Value Problems254
Zeldovich Ya.B., Yaglom I.M. — Higher Math for Beginners410
Guggenheim E.A. — Thermodynamics360
Ludvigsen M. — General relativity. A geometric approach188
Planck M. — Theory of heat: Being volume V of "Introduction to theoretical physics"202, 217, 272
Kittel Charles, Kroemer Herbert — Thermal Physics91, 94
Lang K.R. — Astrophysical Formulae: Space, Time, Matter and Cosmology, Vol. 234, 35
Gautreau R., Savin W. — Schaum's Outline of Modern Physics283, 291
Fowler R.H. — Statistical Mechanics: The Theory of Properties of Matter in Equilibrium116, 200
Park D. — Introduction to the quantum theory582
Kivelson Margaret G., Russell Christopher T. — Introduction to Space Physics (Cambridge Atmospheric & Space Science Series)59
ter Haar D. — Elements of Statistical Mechanics70
Slater J.C. — Introduction To Chemical Physics307—313
Shore S.N. — The Tapestry of Modern Astrophysics27
Slater J.C. — Quantum Theory of Atomic Structure vol113
Fogiel M. — The optics problem solver27—11 to 27—15
Pathria P.K. — Statistical Mechanics171
Weinberg S. — Gravitation and Cosmology: Principles and Applications of the General Theory of Relativity57, 325, 509, 533, 589, 636
Ashcroft N.W., Mermin N.D. — Solid State Physics467
Eliezer Sh., Ghatak A., Hora H. — Fundamentals of Equations of State55
Leverenz H.W. — An introduction to luminescence of solids137
Pedrotti L.M. — Introduction to Optics17, 28
Smith P.A., Eilenberg S. — Pure and Applied Mathematics64, 3
Callen H. — Thermodynamics and an Introduction to Thermostatistics78, 369
Michalski L., Eckersdorf K., Kucharski J. — Temperature measurement159, 160, 160, 214
Mandel L., Wolf E. — Optical Coherence and Quantum Optics665
Accetta J.S. (ed.), Shumaker D.L. (ed.), Rogatto W.D. (ed.) — The Infrared & Electro-Optical Systems Handbook. Volume 3: Electro-Optical Components360
Shu F.H. — The Physical Universe: An Introduction to Astronomy79
Atkins P. — Molecular Quantum Mechanics1
Achmanov S.A., Nikitin S.Yu. — Physical Optics154
McQuarrie D.A. — Statistical Mechanics180, 181, 192, 193
Bransden B., Joachain C. — Physics of Atoms and Molecules9, 10
Greiner W., Neise L., Stöcker H. — Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics332
Stakgold I. — Green's functions and boundary value problems254
Hugh D. Young, Roger A. Freedman — University physics with modern physics596, 1337
Atkins P.W., Friedman R.S. — Molecular Quantum Mechanics1
Hobbie R., Roth B. — Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology,374
Leighton R.B. — Principles of Modern Physics62
David A. Mooney — Introduction to Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer368
Milonni P.W. — The quantum vacuum: introduction to quantum electrodynamics2—4
Meyer R.X. — Elements of Space Technology273
HarrisR. — Nonclassical physics: beyond Newton's view380, 405, 564
Kruegel E. — The Physics of Interstellar Dust172ff
Greiner W., Neise L., Stocker H. — Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics332
Sommerfeld A. — Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics139, 152, 248
Kubo R. — Thermodynamics36
Librescu L., Song O. — Thin-Walled Composite Beams:Theory and Application477
Librescu L., Song O. — Thin-Walled Composite Beams:Theory and Application477
Bohm-Vitense E. — Introduction to Stellar Astrophysics: Volume 314
Breuer H.-P., Petruccione F. — The Theory of Open Quantum Systems575
Akhmanov S.A., Nikitin S.Yu. — Physical Optics154
Lienhardt J.H. IV, Lienhardt J.H. V — A heat transfer textbook30
ter Haar D. — Elements of Statistical Mechanics70
Sommerfeld A. — Partial Differential Equations in Physics64
Park R., Lagally M. — Methods of Experimental Physics.Volume 22.Solid State Physics:Surfaces.76
Park D. — Introduction to the Quantum Theory (Pure & Applied Physics)582
Moeller K. — Optics: Learning by Computing, with Examples Using Maple, MathCad®, Matlab®, Mathematica®, and Maple® (Undergraduate Texts in Contemporary Physics)277, 278
Melissinos A.C. — Principles of modern technology170
Honerkamp J. — Statistical physics: an advanced approach with applications253
Cushman-Roisin B. — Introduction to geophysical fluid dynamics268
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