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Bransden B., Joachain C. — Physics of Atoms and Molecules |
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molecule see Methane molecule
molecule 414
molecule 424—5
molecule 424
molecule see Benzene molecule
factor see Land factor
molecule 414
see Hydrogen molecular ion
see Hydrogen molecule
molecule see Water molecule
coupling 341 349—52
molecule 414
molecule see Ammonia molecule
molecule 396 452
molecule see Oxygen molecule
quantum number 449
bonds 425—6
lines 211 213—14
bonds 424—5
ngstrom unit 28
A10 molecule 439
Absorption cross section 495
Absorption in scattering 494—6 513
Absorption of radiation 155 161—3
Absorption of radiation, absorption spectra 27 362 434—5 584
Absorption of radiation, by many electron atoms 355—8
Absorption of radiation, cross-section for 162
Absorption of radiation, in the dipole approximation 167—8
Absorption of radiation, transition rate for 161—3
Alkali metals, alkali halides 420
Alkali metals, and bonding 418—20
Alkali metals, energy levels and spectra 359—64
Alkali metals, fine structure 363—4
Alkaline earths-energy levels and spectra 368
Allowed transitions 167
Alpha particles 24—6
Ammonia maser 567—71
Ammonia molecule NH 3 421
Anaxagoras 1
And selection rules 170—3 355-8
Angular momentum operators, general 95—6 612—20
Angular momentum operators, orbital 82—4 87—8 614
Angular momentum operators, spin 44—5 91-6
Angular momentum, addition of 95—6 104 615—17
Angular momentum, and magnetic dipole moments 41—2 209
Angular momentum, and the Stern — Gerlach experiment 44
Angular momentum, general properties of 612—20
Angular momentum, in the Bohr model 31 34
Angular momentum, total 42 46 95—6 104
Angular momentum, vector model of 45 88 spin total
Anharmonicity constant 392
Anti — Stokes line 437—8
Antibonding orbital 402 413
Antisymmetrisation operator 322
Antisymmetry see Pauli exclusion principle
Associated Laguerre polynomials 137—8 144 610—11
Associated Legendre functions 85—6
Astrophysics, topics in 583—9
Asymmetric top 421
Atomic mass unit 27
Atomic nucleus see Nucleus
Atomic number 23
Atomic number, and X-ray spectra 39 40
Atomic sizes 23
Atomic units 32—3 669 671
Auger effect 151 286 520 548
Autoionisation 286—8 366 444 519—20
Average value see Expectation value
Avogadro, A. 2
Avogadro’s number 2 3 23 670
Back — Goudsmit effect 376
Balmer series 28—9 205
Balmer, J. 28
Balmer’s formula 28
Band, degradation 442
Band, head 442
Band, progression 440
Band, sequence 440
Band, spectra 434 438—44 585
Barkla, C.G. 18 19
Baryon 151
Basis set 69
Basis set, change of basis 69—71
Benzene molecule 425—6
Bernoulli, D. 1
Beryllium ground state 333—4
Beth, R.A. 176
Bethe integral 508
Bethe, H.A. 231
Beth’s experiment 176—8
Biaxial theorem 615
Black body 9
Black body radiation 9—15
Black body radiation, universal 583
Bless, A.A. 22
Bohr frequency relation 30
Bohr magneton 41 209 670
Bohr model and magnetic moments 40—1
Bohr model for atomic hydrogen 29—35
Bohr model for one-electron atoms 36
Bohr radius of hydrogen 32 133
Bohr, N. 15 29
Bohr’s angular frequency 112
Bohr’s correspondence principle 82
Boltzmann, L. 1 9
Bonding, and pairing 414—15
Bonding, covalent 407
Bonding, directional nature 423
Bonding, ionic 408
Bonding, orbitals 402
Born approximation for electron scattering 507—10 514—8 520-1
Born approximation for electron scattering, for atom-atom scattering 549—52
Born approximation in potential scattering for a Coulomb potential 492—3
Born approximation in potential scattering for a Yukawa potential 491—2
Born approximation in potential scattering for phase shifts 477
Born approximation in potential scattering for scattering amplitudes 489—92
Born series 488—90
Born — Oppenheimer separation 386—9 399 420 528
Born, M. 53 58
Bose — Kinstein statistics 106 233
Bosons 106 233 452
Bothe, W. 22
Boyle, R. 1
Brackett series 29
Bragg, W.L. 19
Breit — Wigner formula 483 523
Bremsstrahlung 578—9
Brown, R. 2
Brownian motion 2
Bunsen, R.G. 584
Byron, F.W. 275 285
Caesium atom and time standard 373—4
Carbon atom, fine structure of 348
Cathode rays 4
Central field approximation 263—4 290—300
Central forces 96—9
Centre of mass system of coordinates 463 465 600—7 642-4
Centre of mass, motion of 102—4
Centrifugal barrier 98 130
Centrifugal distortion 393—4
Channels in scattering 462—4 504
Charge exchange 540—7 549
Chemical bond 423
Chemical laws 2
Chemical scale 2
Chemical shifts 561
Classical mechanics of scattering 593—9
Classical trajectory 594
Clausius, R. 1
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients 615—17
| Cleeton, C.E. 459
Close coupling approximation 510—11 513 524
Closure relation 60 67
Codling, K. 287
Collision broadening 187 584
Commutators 63
Commutators, algebra of 73
Commutators, for angular momentum operators 95 612
Complete sets 66
Complete sets, of commuting observables 73
Compton effect 18—22
Compton equation 22
Compton shift 20
Compton wavelength 22
Compton, A.H. 18
Configuration see Electron configuration
Configuration interaction 274 339
Confocal elliptic coordinates 404 645
Conservation of probability 62 468
Controlled thermonuclear fusion 572—832
Controlled thermonuclear fusion, choice of reaction 574—5
Controlled thermonuclear fusion, diagnostics 582
Controlled thermonuclear fusion, impurity reactions 578—80
Controlled thermonuclear fusion, inertial confinement 576—7
Controlled thermonuclear fusion, magnetic confinement 576—7
Controlled thermonuclear fusion, neutral beam injection 580—2
Controlled thermonuclear fusion, reactor design 575—6
Controlled thermonuclear fusion, Tokamak machine 576—8
Controlled thermonuclear fusion, Zeta machine 578
Correlation diagrams 412—3 416-7
Correlation energy 338—9
Coulomb integral 280 409
Coulomb potential 128
Coulomb potential, scattering by 26 492—3 597-9
Covalent bonding 407
Critical angle 534
Crookes dark space 4
Crookes, W. 5
Cross-section, for absorption of radiation 162
Cross-section, for atomic scattering 464—5
Cross-section, for photoionisation 192—3
Cross-section, for scattering by a hard sphere 479—80
Cross-section, for scattering near a resonance 483
Cross-section, for scattering with absorption 494—6
Cross-section, for stimulated emission 163
Cross-section, in classical mechanics 595—7
Cross-section, total 468 596 607
Crossed-beam experiment 465 500—1
Dalton 2
Darwin term 196 200—1 641
Davisson, C.J. 47
De Broglie relations 46—7 53-4
de Broglie wavelength 46—8 54
de Broglie, L. 38 46 53
Deflection angle, classical 534 595
Deflection function see Deflection angle
Degenerate levels 64—5
Degenerate levels, and exchange 259 280 295
Degenerate levels, and permanent electric dipoles 222—3
Degenerate levels, and the Einstein and coefficients 170
Degenerate levels, and the Stark effect 220—4
Degenerate levels, and the Zeeman effect 210 214 217 375—7
Degenerate levels, in diatomic molecules 396
Degenerate levels, in one-electron atoms 134
Degenerate levels, in the central field model 296 300
Degenerate perturbation theory 109—11
Delta function see Dirac delta function
Democritus 1
Density matrix 327
Density of states 115 165 309—10
Deslandres formula 440
Deslandres table 440
Detailed balancing 163 170
Deuterium 35 149
Diatomic molecules, and LCAO method 400—7
Diatomic molecules, and MO method 405
Diatomic molecules, and nuclear spin 452—5
Diatomic molecules, and spin coupling 448—52
Diatomic molecules, and the Heitler — London method 408—10
Diatomic molecules, and valency 414—15
Diatomic molecules, Born — Oppenheimer separation for 386—9
Diatomic molecules, electronic spectra of 438—48
Diatomic molecules, heteronuclear 415—20
Diatomic molecules, homonuclear 412—14 452-5
Diatomic molecules, rotational motion 389—90 393—4 428-30
Diatomic molecules, rotational spectrum 431—2
Diatomic molecules, symmetry properties of 395—7
Diatomic molecules, tables of constants for 392—3
Diatomic molecules, vibrational motion 389—94
Diatomic molecules, vibrational-rotational spectrum 432—6 (see Hydrogen molecular ion hydrogen
Differential cross-section 25 465 467
Differential cross-section, for charge exchange 546
Differential cross-section, for Coulomb scattering 26 493 599
Differential cross-section, for elastic atom-atom scattering 532—8 546
Differential cross-section, for electron scattering by H 504—5 516—7 521
Differential cross-section, for scattering near a resonance 483
Differential cross-section, in classical mechanics 595—7
Differential cross-section, in laboratory and centre of mass coordinates 600—7
Differential cross-section, in the Born approximation 490
Differential cross-section, partial wave expansion of 473
Diffuse series 362
Dipole polarisability 227 512 529
Dirac delta function 59—60
Dirac equation 195—6 201 633-7
Dirac equation, and matrices 633—5
Dirac notation 67 87 617
Dirac, P.A.M. 53
Dirac’s method of variation of constants 111—16
Direct integral 280 324 415
Direct potential 327 506 511
Displaced terms 371
Dissociation energy 392—3
Dissociation energy, for , 411
Dissociative state 444
Doppler broadening 187—9 229 572 587-8
Doppler shift 187—8 587
Doubly excited states 286 371 519—20 522-5
Dyson, F.J. 231
E/m, measurement of 4—6
Eckart, C. 284 285
Effective charge 40 263—4 284—5 403-4
Effective potential 98 130 144 292—3 359 474 528
Ehrenfest’s theorem 63
Eigenfunction 64
Eigenfunction, of parity 98—9
Eigenfunction, of spin 91—2
Eigenfunction, of total angular momentum 96 (see also Wave function)
Eigenvalues of operators 64
Eigenvalues of operators, degenerate 64
Einstein and coefficients 168—70
Einstein, A. 15 16 17 29 155 168 572
Elastic scattering 462 596 603—7
Elastic scattering, and absorption 494—6
Elastic scattering, by a hard sphere 479—80
Elastic scattering, by a potential 465—93
Elastic scattering, by a square well 477—9
Elastic scattering, of atoms by atoms 532—8 546
Elastic scattering, of electrons by atomic hydrogen 505—13
Elastic scattering, resonances in 480—4
electric dipole moment 167 222—3 356-7 431—3
Electric dipole moment, of alkali halides 420
Electric dipole moment, of diatomic molecules 393
Electric dipole moment, permanent 222—3 431
Electric dipole transitions 135 166—8
Electric quadrupole moment 233 244—5 374
Electric quadrupole transitions 167 178—9
Electrolysis 2
Electromagnetic field equations 156
Electromagnetic potentials 156
Electromagnetic radiation, and plane waves 156—7
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