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Kruegel E. — The Physics of Interstellar Dust |
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(acytelene) 226—227
(ethylene) 226—227
(ethane) 226—227
217ff 339
-molecule 208ff
218ff 239
-tetrahedron 231ff 355
-bonds 226ff
-bonds 226ff
10 silicate feature 235 334ff 337 389
2175 bump 218—219 231 234
Absorption coefficient 420 460
Absorption coefficient, by mass 222
Absorption coefficient, definition 45
Absorption coefficient, grey approximation 406
Absorption coefficient, physical background 14
Absorption efficiency of small particles 81—85
Absorption efficiency, definition 47
Absorption efficiency, infrared approximation 243—245
Accretion disk 494ff
Accretion disk, -disk 502
Accretion disk, flat blackbody 518
Accretion disk, grazing angle 410ff
Accretion disk, inflated 414 522ff
Accretion disk, Kepler 498ff
Accretion disk, spectral energy distribution 518ff
Accretion of gas on grains 275ff
Acoustical phonon branch 256—257
Activation barrier 229 278 281
Adsorption 278 281
Albedo 45 219 234
Ambipolar diffusion 485ff
Amphiboles 231
Amplitude scattering matrix 57—58
Anomalous dispersion 24
Anomalous refraction 342
Antenna pattern 401
Antenna temperature 402
Anthracene 379ff
Asymmetry factor in scattering 46 57 86 122—123 128
Atmosphere of Earth 126 224 296
Babinet's theorem 103ff 112 114 120 123 137
Balmer decrement 219
Balmer lines 457
Barnett effect 372—373
benzene 226ff 377 379 386
Binding energy of atomic nucleus 461—466
Birefringence 342
Blackbody 106 123 132 156 216—222 245ff 400 503
Blackbody, radiation 156 170ff 184 383 450
Bloch theorem 212—213
Bloch walls 370
Bohr magneton 351 357ff 439 544 545
Bohr radius 160 208ff 439 457 544 545
Boltzmann factor 38
Boltzmann statistics 145ff 160 240 242 360 419
Bose statistics 153ff 194
Bosons 152ff
Bragg law 207
Bravais lattices 203ff
Bremsstrahlung 455
Brightness temperature 400ff 420 443 458
Bronzite 233
Brownian motion 39—40 72 292ff 351ff 362 367 372
Bruggeman mixing rule 74ff 395
Calcite 342
Calory, definition 303
Canonical distribution 163—164
Carbon cylinders 333ff
Carbon monoxide (CO) 185 224 306 427 437 475
Carbon monoxide (CO), destruction and formation 436—437
Carbon monoxide (CO), level population 421ff 429ff
Carbon monoxide (CO), optically thin lines 457
Carbon monoxide (CO), properties of molecule 428ff
Carbon, amorphous 74—77 97 123—124 131ff 224ff
Carbon, bonding 227ff
Carbonaceous grains 224ff
Carnot cycle 302
Cauchy principle value 65—69
Chandler period 349
Charge equilibrium 285ff
chemical potential 156 158 165
Chemisorption 278
Cigars 95ff 143 334ff
Circular polarization of light 61ff 342ff
Clausius — Clapeyron equation 301ff
Clausius — Mossotti relation 73 102
Close-packed structure 228 233
CNO-cycle 467
CO luminosity 458—459
Coated particles 72 78 83 97 132—133 224 334 390
COLOR 216ff 223 513 525
Color excess 217ff 339
color temperature 251 272ff 459 526ff
Commutation rules 178
Composite grains see "Fluffy grains"
Conduction band 211
Conductivity, electric 33—37 67—68 140ff 212 230
Conductor see "Metal"
Conjugate momenta 161 175ff
Conventional cell 202ff
Coordination number 232—233
Coordination polyhedron 233
copper 35—36 229
Coriolis force 373
Cornu spiral 113 115
Cosmic abundance of elements 76 78 224 355 392 433 445 462
Covalent (homopolar) bonding 208ff 225 232
Critical damping 16 370
Critical saturation 305ff
Cross section of ellipsoids 93—99
Cross section, definitions 44ff
Crystals 201ff
Crystals, classes 203ff
Crystals, space groups 205
Crystals, standing waves 258ff
Crystals, symmetry operations 205ff
Crystals, systems 204ff
CS lines 515ff see
CSF 211
Cubic close-packed structure 233
Cubic lattice 4 101 204 277 342 356
Curie law 357ff 362
Curie temperature 356ff
Current density 8ff 25ff 68 213 353
Cutoff wavelength 259—261 380 385—386 391 408
Cyclotron frequency 36
Cylinders, extinction efficiency of 319ff
Davis — Greenstein mechanism 347 365ff
de Broglie wavelength 152 192
Debye -law 261
Debye frequency 260ff
Debye polarization 361ff
Debye relaxation 40—41 138—139 363ff
Debye temperature 212 259ff 271 380
Degeneracy parameter 158 194
Degree of freedom 161ff 174 242 378ff
Degree of linear polarization 62—63 86 128ff 324
Density of vibrational modes 258ff
Depletion of elements 224—225 275—276 355—356
Depolarization field 101ff
Deuterium, fusion in stellar interiors 466—467
Deuterium, hyperfine line 444—445
Diamagnetism 7 355
diamond 227ff
Dichroism 344
Dielectric permeability 2ff 41 67—68
Dielectric permeability of dielectric 20ff
Dielectric permeability of metal 33ff
Dielectrics 7ff
| Diffraction pattern 103 107
Diffraction pattern, behind a half-plane 113ff
Diffraction pattern, behind a sphere 111ff
Diffuse interstellar medium 218ff 274 389 392ff
Diffusion of photons 405
Dipole field 83
Dipole moment 2 27 38 71 83 89
Dipole moment, quantum mechanical 179
Dipole potential 92 100
Disorder time for Brownian motion or alignment 41 293 367—368
Dispersion measure 446
Dispersion relation of dielectric permeability 4 20ff
Dispersion relation of magnetic permeability 68—69
Distance modulus 216 218
DNA 214
Domain, magnetic 359 369—370
Drag 289ff 300
Drude profile 32 34ff 137 141—142 218
Dulong — Petit rule 262
Dust-to-gas mass ratio 223—224 276 392 395 405 436 460 535
Ebert — Bonnor spheres 456ff 484 492 513
Eddington factor 405—406
Effective medium theories 71ff
Effective optical depth 327ff
Efficiency, definitions for absorption, scattering etc 44—47 141
Efficiency, electrostatic approximations 82ff
Einstein coefficient 31 183ff
Einstein — de Haas effect 372
Electric dipole absorption 81 82 85 139—143
Electric dipole scattering 81 139—143
Electric displacement 2 9
electric polarizability 3 14—15 58 83—84 134 139 214 277
Electric susceptibility 2—6 65—68 102
Electron radius, classical 29
Ellipsoids 74 90ff 134 334ff
Elliptical coordinates 91ff
Emden equation 474ff
Emission measure 455
Emissivity 126 240ff
energy bands 197—198 212ff
Energy density of blackbody radiation 170 173
Energy density of electric field 13
Energy density of magnetic field 14
Enstatite 233
entropy 5 69 148 162ff 174 305ff
Equipartition of energy 242ff 292 293 351 352
Ergodic hypothesis 161ff
Escape probability of photons 423 434
Euler's constant 117
Euler's equations of rotation 347ff
evaporation 214 281ff
Evaporation, temperature and pressure 303ff
Exchange field 357ff
Excitation temperature 419ff 443
Faraday rotation 33 37
Fermat's principle 23
Fermi energy 87 158 193ff 211
Fermi statistics 157ff 194
Fermi temperature 194 212
Fermi velocity 86
fermions 152ff 194 466
Ferrimagnetism 359
Ferromagnetic relaxation 369ff
ferromagnetism 7 357ff
Figure axis 349ff
Fine structure constant 2 186
Fluffy grains 71ff 79 394—395
Fourier series 187 207 212
Fourier transforms 19 364
Fragmentation 482—484
Free charges 8
Free energy 165ff
Free enthalpy 165ff 308ff
Fresnel zones 109ff
Friction coefficient 293 352
Fullerenes 230
Galactic nuclei 531ff
Galactic nuclei, dynamical evolution 532ff
Galactic nuclei, Hot spots 415ff
Galactic nuclei, infrared emission 535ff
Galactic nuclei, stellar components 418ff
Galaxies, infrared emission of 526ff
Garnett mixing rule 73ff
Gaunt factor 449 450 455
Giant molecular clouds (GMC) 427ff 459
Gibbs potential see "Free enthalpy"
Globules 506ff
Grain alignment 347ff
Grain charge 285ff
Grain destruction 298ff
Grain destruction, evaporation 303ff
Grain equilibrium temperature 243ff
Grain formation 301ff
Grain motion 289ff
Grain size distribution 124 234ff 276 330 392—394 460
graphite 97 133ff 142ff 194 214 273 392 525
Graphite, properties 36
Graphite, structure 228ff
Gravitational collapse 479—480 487ff 508ff
Gravitational instability see "Jeans criterion"
Green's identity 108—109 541
Group velocity 37—38
HAC 231
Hamiltonian 175ff 188 189 208
harmonic oscillator 15ff
Harmonic oscillator, classical, absorption cross section 30
Harmonic oscillator, classical, dissipation of energy 18—19
Harmonic oscillator, classical, emission 26ff 174ff
Harmonic oscillator, classical, forced oscillations 17ff
Harmonic oscillator, classical, free oscillations 16 19
Harmonic oscillator, classical, phase shift 18
Harmonic oscillator, classical, scattering cross section 29—30
Harmonic oscillator, classical, transients 16
Harmonic oscillator, quantum mechanical 149 179ff 193
Heat capacity, definitions 168ff
Helium 132 395 421 437 445 453 508
Helium, Helium II 194
Helium, hyperfine line 445
Helium, nuclear burning 462ff
Helmholtz potential see "Ree energy"
Hertzsprung Russell diagram 224 486 513
Hexagonal close-packed structure 228
HII regions 377 426 435 448ff 457 478 524 538
Homogeneous nucleation 307ff
Homogeneous phase 165
Homogeneous wave 12
Hooke's law 187
Huygen's principle 106ff
Hydrogen bridges 213
Hydrogen burning 465ff
Hydrogen, atomic, HI clouds 438ff
Hydrogen, atomic, hyperfine line 439
Hydrogen, molecular 435ff
Ice Mantles 78 398ff
Inertia ellipsoid 348
Inhomogeneous wave 12
Initial mass function (IMF) 470ff 482 531 534
insulators see "Dielectrics"
Intensity of radiation, definition 396ff
Intensity of radiation, moments of 403
Interstellar extinction curve see "Reddening curve"
Interstellar radiation field (ISRF) 247—249 268ff 415 506
Ionic bonding 209ff
Ionization equilibrium 158ff
Ionization front 452
Iron, properties of 357—358 372 461 463
Isotropic scattering 46 86 123 127 132
Jeans length and mass 480ff
Jeans stability criterion 482ff 532
Kelvin — Helmholtz timescale 474
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