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Callen H. — Thermodynamics and an Introduction to Thermostatistics |
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"Element, " as independent mode 353
"Schottky hump" 338 339
Adiabat 43
Adiabatic wall 17
Adsorption, on surface 388 391
Affinities 308 311
Alloy, binary 263 355 449
Anderson, P.W. 463
Atomic mass 9
Auxiliary system 118
Availability 113
Available work, at constant temperature 158
Average and most probable values 270
Avogadro's number 9
Baryons, conservation of 466
Binary alloy 263 355 449
Bogoliubov variational theorem 433 435
Boltzmann's constant 47
Born, Max 183
Bose condensation 413
Bose condensation, temperature 416
Bose fluid 403 410 419
Bose fluid, nonconserved 412
Bose — Einstein permutational parity 373
Boson 373 393
Brayton cycle 129
Broken symmetry 462
Canonical formalism 349
Canonical partition sum 351
Caratheodory 27 48
Carnot cycle 118
Celsius temperature scale 48
Central limit theorem 456
chemical potential 36 55 56 417
Chemical reactions 56 167
Chemical reactions in ideal gases 292
Clapeyron equation 228 286
Clapeyron — Clausius approximation 231
Classical ideal gas 372
Classical limit of quantum fluids 402
Closed systems 17 26
Coexistence curve 221 228
Composite systems 26
Compressibility, adiabatic 86 190
Compressibility, isothermal 84 191
Concavity condition of stability 204 208
Conductivity, electric and thermal 319
Configuration space 95
Constraints 15
Constraints, internal 26
Convexity condition of stability 207 208
Correlation moment of fluctuations 426
Correlation moment, delayed 315
Critical exponents 263
Critical exponents, opalescence 255 423 430
Critical exponents, point 221 240 255
Critical exponents, transitions 255
Crystal, vibrational modes 333
Crystal, vibrational modes, Einstein model of 333
Crystal, vibrational modes, melting temperature 336
Cycle, Brayton 129
Cycle, Carnot 118
Cycle, Diesel 130
Cycle, Joule 129
Cycle, Otto 128
Debye model 364
Debye model, temperature 366
Debye, Peter 88 365
Degree of reaction 169
Degrees of freedom 62 247
Density of states 362
Density of states, classical 370
Density of states, of orbital states 362 364
Dewar walls 16
Diathermal walls 17
Diatomic molecule, equipartition theorem 376
Diesel cycle 130
Differentials, imperfect 20
Dilute solutions 302
Disorder 379 455
DNA 361
Einstein model of crystal 333 354
Einstein model of crystal, temperature 335
Elastic strain and stress components 305
Electrochemical potential 35
Electromagnetic radiation 78 368 412
Electrons in metal 405
Endoreversible engine 125
Endoreversible engine, efficiency of 127
Energy, conservation of 11
Energy, conservation of, internal 11
Energy, conservation of, minimum principle 131
Energy, conservation of, representation 41
Energy, conservation of, units 21
Engine, coefficient of performance 113 125
Engine, coefficient of performance, efficiency 106 114
Engine, coefficient of performance, endoreversible 127
Engine, coefficient of performance, thermodynamic 91 113
Ensemble 360
Enthalpy 147 160
Enthalpy of formation 173
Enthalpy, magnetic 201
Enthalpy, minimum principle 156
Enthalpy, standard enthalpy of formation 174
entropy 27
Entropy of mixing 69 108 290
Entropy, absolute 279
Entropy, current density 310
Entropy, measurability of 123
Entropy, production in irreversible process 309
Entropy, representation 41 329
Entropy, statistical mechanical interpretation 331
Equation of state 37
Equation of state, generalized 301
Equation of state, reduced 300
Equation of state, universal 300
Equilibrium 13
Equilibrium constant for ideal gas reactions 293
Equilibrium constant, logarithmic additivity of 293
Equilibrium, metastable 15
Equilibrium, stable 31
Equilibrium, unstable 31
Equipartition theorem 375
Equipartition theorem, for polyatomic molecule 376
Equipartition theorem, value of heat capacity 291
Euler equation 59 284
Eutectic solution 251
Exothermic process 277
Expansion coefficient 84
Extensive parameters 10
Extensive parameters, energetic 42
Extensive parameters, entropic 42
Fahrenneu temperature scale 48
Fermi fluid, ideal 399 403
Fermi gas see "Fermi fluid"
Fermi level 394 404
Fermi temperature for electrons in metal 406
Fermi temperature for nucleons 406
Fermi temperature for white dwarf stars 406
Fermi — Dirac permutational parity 373
Fermion 373 393
Fick's law of diffusion 314
First law of thermostatistics, generalized 461
First order function 28
First order phase transitions 243 245
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem 308
Fluctuations 218 423
Fluxes 308 310 317
Free energy functional 257
Free energy, Gibbs 147
| Free energy, Helmholtz 15 146
Free expansion 192
Fugacity 403 414
Fundamental relation 28
Fundamental relation, energetic 41
Fundamental relation, entropic 41
Fundamental relation, underlying 205
Gas constant 66
Gasoline engine 128
Gauge symmetry 466
Gaussian probability density 431 456
Geometry, "line" and "point" 140
Gibbs phase rule 245 286
Gibbs potential or "free energy" 147 167
Gibbs potential or "free energy", minimum principle for 167
Gibbs potential or "free energy", standard molar Gibbs potential 174
Gibbs — Duhem relation 60 284
Gibbs's theorem 69 289
Gibbs, Josiah Willard 27 370 371
Goldstone's theorem 462
Grand canonical formalism 385 451
Grand canonical formalism, partition sum 386
Grand canonical formalism, potential 148 386 401 418
Gruneisen model 339
Gruneisen model, parameter 368
Hall effect 325
Hamiltonian 145
Heat 8 18 36
Heat capacity at constant pressure 84
Heat capacity at constant volume 86
Heat capacity of electrons in metal 408
Heat capacity of ideal Bose fluid 421
Heat flow 101
Heat of fusion 223
Heat of reaction 169 294
Heat of sublimation 223
Heat of vaporization 223
Heat pump 115
Heat pump, coefficient performance of 116
Heat source, reversible 104
Heat, quasi-static 18 19
Heisenberg model of ferromagnetism 445
Heisenberj, uncertainty principle 372
Helium four ( ) 400
Helium three ( ) 400
Helmholtz potential or "free energy" 146 157
Helmholtz potential or "free energy", additivity of 354
Helmholtz potential or "free energy", minimum principle for 155
Homogeneous first-order functions 28
Homogeneous zero-order functions 37
Homonuclear molecules 377
Hydrogen, ortho and para 470
Ice skating 229
Ideal Bose fluid 403
Ideal Fermi fluid 399 403
Ideal gas, classical 372
Ideal gas, general 289
Ideal gas, monatomic 66
Ideal gas, simple 66
Imperfect differential 20
Impermeable walls 16
Indistinquishability of particles 373
Information theory 380
Intensive parameters or intensive variables 35 38
Intensive parameters or intensive variables, entropic 40
Inversion temperature 162
Irreversibility 18
Irreversible thermodynamics 307
Isenthalp or isenthalpic process 163 278
Isentrope or isentropic process 43
Ising model 258 440
Ising model, spins 446
Isobar or isobaric process 42
Isochore 177
Isotherm or isothermal process 39
Isotope separation 108
Joule cycle 129
Joule — Kelvin process 162
Joule — Thomson process 160
Kelvin relations of irreversible response 316 323 325
Kelvin scale of temperature 47
Kinetic coefficients 313
Kubo relations 308
Landau theory 265
Landau, L.D. 257
Latent heat 222
Latent heat of fusion 222
Latent heat of sublimation 222
Latent heat of vaporization 223
Law of corresponding states 299
LeChatelier — Braun principle 212
LeChatelier's principle 210
Legendre transform 142 285
Legendre transformation 137
Leptons, conservation of 466
Lever rule 239 244
Liquidus curve 250
Macroscopic coordinates 5
Magnetic field 82
Magnetic field, quantum number 394
Magnetic field, susceptibility 89
Magnetic field, systems 81 199 479
Mass action law 293
Massieu functions 151 423
Massieu functions, maximum principles for 179
Materials, properties of 289
Maximum work theorem 103
Maxwell relations 181 285
Mean field theory 440 449
Mean square deviation of fluctuations 424 426
Melting temperature 222
Metastable equilibrium 15
Microcanonical formalism 329 332
Mnemonic diagram 183 286
Mnemonic diagram for grand canonical potential 387
Modes of excitation 292
Modes of excitation, electronic 355
Modes of excitation, rotational 355 356
Modes of excitation, translational 355
Modes of excitation, vibrational 355
molar mass 9
Molar mass, volume 10
Mole 9
Mole, fraction 9
Mole, number 9
Mollier chart 177
Moments, of fluctuating parameters 424
Moments, of fluctuating parameters, correlation moments 426
Monatomic ideal gas 66
Most probable and average values 270
Nernst effect 325
Nernst postulate 30 277
Nernst, Walter 277
Noether's theorem 460
Noether, Emily 460
Normal coordinates 7
Normal coordinates, modes 7
Ohm's law of electrical conduction 314
Onsager reciprocity theorem 307
Onsager reciprocity theorem, theoretical basis of 314
Onsager, L. 258 307
Orbital state 353
Order and disorder 380
Order parameter 255 256 263
Otto cycle 128
Paramagnet 83 355
Partial molar Gibbs potential 168
Partition sum, canonical 351
Partition sum, factorizability of 353
Partition sum, rotational 357
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