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Pedrotti L.M. — Introduction to Optics
Pedrotti L.M. — Introduction to Optics

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Íàçâàíèå: Introduction to Optics

Àâòîð: Pedrotti L.M.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 2nd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2005

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 602

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 19.03.2008

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
$CO_{2}$ laser      433 451—52 486 488—90 496-97
$p-n$ junction      25—26
$Q$- switch      550—51
Abbe number      120
Abbe sine condition      96
ABCD propagation law, laser      470—71
Absorption coefficient      301 422 511 573
Accommodation, eye      155
Achromatic doublet      102—6
Achromatic prism      123
Acousto-optic (AO) effect      556—59
Acousto-optic (AO) effect, Bragg regime      556
Acousto-optic (AO) effect, Brillouin scattering      556
Acousto-optic (AO) effect, cavity dumping      558—59
Acousto-optic (AO) effect, light modulation      558—59
Acousto-optic (AO) effect, Raman — Nath regime      556 558
Adaptation, eye      155
Airy disc      334—36 444
Airy function      238 533
Aliasing      537
Amplitude modulation      503
Anastigmat objective      100
Angular dispersion      352
Angular frequency      175
Angular magnification      131
Angular magnification, eyepiece      131 134
Angular magnification, microscope      136
Angular magnification, telescope      140—41
Anomalous dispersion      119 306 574
Antireflectmg coating      212 397—401
Aperture stop      110
Aperture stop, $table$      116
Aplanatic optical system      97
Apochromatic      138
Aqueous humor      152
Argon-ion laser      488—89
Astigmatism      93 98—100
Astigmatism, eye      162—63
Autocorrelation      532 539
Avalanche diode      26
Babinet’s principle      388 390
Band-pass filter      404
Bandwidth      504 515
Barrel distortion      100—102
Beam, expander      450—51
Beam, Gaussian      445 456—60
Beam, higher order      476—80
Beam, splitter      224
Beam, spreading      329—30 443 46
Beam, waist      443—46 464—67
Beam, width      461
Beat frequency      196
Bessel function      333—34 347
Binocular vision      156
Binoculars      141—42
Birefringence      306—10
Birefringence, circular      316 554
Bit rate      504
Blackbody radiation      15—17 28 428 30
Blaze angle, grating      357
Blind spot      153
Bolometer      24
Boltzmann distribution      430 433
Boundary conditions, $\mathbf{E}$ and $\mathbf{B}$      393 409
Bragg condition      274 557
Brewster angle      301—2 (see also Polarizing angle)
Brewster window      302—3
Brillouin scattering      556
Burn patterns, laser      460—61 479—80
Calcite      306—12 318
Camera      125—30
Camera, Depth of field      128—29
Camera, exposure      127
Camera, irradiance      127—28
Camera, lens design      129—30
Camera, pinhole      125 26
Camera, relative aperture ($f$-number)      127—28
Camera, trf-mm      130
Candela      10 15
Cardinal points      63 74—79
Cardinal points, eye      154
Cardinal points, locations, $table$      77
Carhon arc lamp      20
Cartesian surface      41—43
Cassegrain telescope      143—44 149
Catadioptric telescope      139 144
Cataract      163 166
Cauchy dispersion formula      119 122 575
Cavity dumper      551
Charge-Coupled Device      26—27
Chief ray      112
Chief ray, $table$      116
chromatic aberration      88 102 6
Chromatic aberration, lateral, longitudinal      105
Chromatic dispersion, fiber      514—18
Chromatic resolving power, prism      121—23
CIE response curve      14
Circle of confusion      128
Circular birefringence      316 554
circular polarization      280 285 292—94 314—16 415 554
Cladding, fiber optic      502 505—7
Coddington shape factor      95 97
Coefficience of finesse      238
Coherence lensth, nonlinear crystal      544—45
Coherence, correlation function      255
Coherence, degree of      256—58
Coherence, laser      441—43
Coherence, length and time      253 443
Coherence, partial      247 254—59
Coherence, relations, $summary$      258
Coherence, spatial      247 259—63 441—43
Coherence, temporal      247 253 54 441—43
Coherent sources      192 449
color temperature      17
Coma      93 96—97
Comaiic circle      96—97
Compensator, polarization      309
Complementarity principle      4
Complementary aperture      388
complex numbers      177 78
Complex radius of curvature      463
Concave grating      356
Conductivity      420—21 576—78
Cones, eye      153 156 501
Conjugate points      41
Constructive interference      200 203 205—207 214
Convolution      522 533—35
Cooke triplet lens      85 130
Cornea      152 154 162 66
Cornu spiral      376 86
Correlation      522 529—33
Correlation function, coherence      255
Critical angle      40 413—14
Critical angle, optical fiber      505 6 508
Current density. J      572 575—76
Curvature of field      93 98—100
Czerny — Turner spectrometer      362
Davisson — Germer experiment      3
de Broglie wavelength      3
Degree of coherence      256—58 262
Depth of field      126 128—29
Destructive interference      200 203 205—7 214
Detectivity      27
Detector noise      27
Detectors, optical radiation      24—27
Deuterium arc lamp      21 22
Dextrorotatory      313
Dichroism      298—301
Diclectric mirror      213 402
dielectric constant      198 579
Dielectric film      211—21
Dielectric film, multilayer      391—404
Dielectric, simple      568—69
Diffraction      31 43 323
Diffraction grating      341—46 349 63
Diffraction grating, blazing      354 356—59
Diffraction grating, concave      356
Diffraction grating, dispersion      352 53
Diffraction grating, efficiency      356
Diffraction grating, equation      344 349—50
Diffraction grating, free spectral range      351 52
Diffraction grating, holographic      360
Diffraction grating, instruments      361 63
Diffraction grating, interference      359—61
Diffraction grating, irradiance      342—43
Diffraction grating, resolving power      353—55
Diffraction grating, types      355 56
Diffraction, double slit      338—41
Diffraction, grating      341 46 349—63 534
Diffraction, single slit      324—29
Diffuse reflector      11 37
Digital modulation      503
Diode laser      497 451—52
Diode, avalanche      504
Diode, laser      23 503 517
Diode, LED      23 503 517—18
Diode, pin      504
Diopter      55 58
Dipole oscillator      302—5 543 569—71
Dipole oscillator, induced      569
Dipole oscillator, moment      569
Dipole oscillator, resonance frequency      571
Direct vision prism      123
Dirichlet theorem      248
Discharge lamp      20
Dispersion, anomalous      119 306 574
Dispersion, diffraction grating      352—53
Dispersion, harmonic generation      544
Dispersion, optical fiber      514 18
Dispersion, prism      116 118 120
Dispersion, rotatory      314 554
Dispersive power      104 120 198
Distortion, barrel      100—102
Distortion, optica! fiber      504 512 19
Distortion, pincushion      100—102
Doppler effect      183 84 186
Doppler effect, light      495 558 565
Double refraction      2 306 310—12
Double-slit (Young's) experiment      2 259—60
Double-slit diffraction      338—41
Double-slit diffraction, irradiance      339—40
Double-slit diffraction, missing orders      339—41
Dove prism      124
Echelle grating      359 361 365
Einstein coefficients      428—31
Electro-optic coefficients      547
Electro-optic coefficients, $table$      549
Electromagnetic spectrum      8—10
Electromagnetic wave      181—83
Elliptical polarization      280 285—87 295
Emissivity      17
Entrance pupil      110 12
Entrance pupil, $table$      116
Entrance window      115
Entrance window, $table$      116
Equal inclination fringe      215 226 237
Equal thickness fringe      215—17 229—30
Etalon      236 243
Euler formula      177 249
Evanescent waves      419 20
Excimer laser      488—89 451—52
Exit pupil      112
Exit window      115
Exit window, $table$      116
Exitance      10
Exposure, film      127
External reflection      211 12 411—17
Extinction coefficient      421—22 573 577—79
Extraordinary ray      310—12 545 552
Eye chart, Snellen      157—58
Eye relief      135 141
Eye, astigmatism      162—63
Eye, hyperopia      160 61
Eye, laser treatment      163—68 489—90
Eye, lens      152—54 166
Eye, myopia      158 60
Eye, resolution      157—58 337—38
Eye, response to radiant energy      13—14
Eye, schematic      154
Eye, structure      152—53
Eye, visual acuity      157—58
Eyepiece, angular magnification      131 134
Eyepiece, chromatic aberration      132
Eyepiece, Huygens      133—35
Eyepiece, Kellner      134
Eyepiece, Ramsden      133—35 149
Fabry — Perot interferometer      236—44
Fabry — Perot interferometer, resonator      434 438—39
Far point, eye      158
Far-field diffraction      324 330 445 465
Far-sighted eye      See Hyperopia
Faraday effect      553—55
Faraday effect, optical isolator      555
Faraday effect, Verdet constant, table      553—54
Fast Fourier Transform      538
Fast Fourier transform, Cooley — Tukey algorithm      538
Fellgett (multiplex) advantage      536
Fermat’s principle      34—36 41 89 91
Fiber optics      501 19
Fiber optics, attenuation      504 509—12
Fiber optics, bandwidth      504 515
Fiber optics, characteristics, table      506
Fiber optics, communications      502—4
Fiber optics, distortion      504 512 19
Fiber optics, modes      507—9
Fiber optics, propagation optics      505—7
Fibers, optic, graded-index (GRIN)      507 513 14
Fibers, optic, multimode      507 8
Fibers, optic, planar (slab)      507
Fibers, optic, single-mode (monomode)      507 509
Fibers, optic, step-index      507 513—14
Field of view      113—16
Field stop      115
Film, antireflecting      212 397—401
Film, high reflectance      213 397 402—4
Film, interference      21112
Film, multilayer      213 391 404
Film, refractive index, table      400
Film, thickness measurement      219 21
Filter, band-pass      404
Finesse      242—43
Finesse, coefficient of      238—42
Fizeau fringes      215—17 219
Fluorescence      440
Fluorescence number      127 28 476
Focal length, refracting surface      59 60
Focal length, spherical mirror      45
Focal length, system      63 77
Focal length, thin lens      51
Focal length, thin lenses, Abhe’s method      60
Focal length, thin lenses, Bessel’s method      60
Fourier integral transform      250—52 523
Fourier series      174 248—50 527
Fourier transform      250—52
Fourier transform, discrete      537
Fourier transform, fast      538
Fourier transform, spectroscopy      536—39
Fraunhofer diffraction      324 366
Fraunhofer diffraction, and Fourier transform      523—25
Fraunhofer diffraction, circular aperture      332 34 444
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