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Pedrotti L.M. — Introduction to Optics
Pedrotti L.M. — Introduction to Optics

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Íàçâàíèå: Introduction to Optics

Àâòîð: Pedrotti L.M.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 2nd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2005

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 602

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 19.03.2008

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Fraunhofer diffraction, criterion      324 330 465
Fraunhofer diffraction, double-slit      338—41
Fraunhofer diffraction, grating      341—46 349—63
Fraunhofer diffraction, multiple slits      341—46
Fraunhofer diffraction, rectangular aperture      330—32
Fraunhofer diffraction, single slit      324—29
Fraunhofer wavelength      103—5 120
Free spcctral range, diffraction grating      351—52
Free spcctral range, Fabry — Perot      242—44
Frequency mixing      546—47
Frequency modulation      503
Fresnel biprism      210
Fresnel diffraction      324 366
Fresnel diffraction, Babinet’s principle      388
Fresnel diffraction, circular aperture      370—76
Fresnel diffraction, Cornu spiral      376—86
Fresnel diffraction, criterion      369—70 465
Fresnel diffraction, rectangular aperture      376—87
Fresnel diffraction, single slit      384—86
Fresnel diffraction, straight edge      382—84
Fresnel diffraction, wire      386—87
Fresnel diffraction, zone plate      374 76
Fresnel equations      2 407
Fresnel equations, dielectric      411
Fresnel equations, metal      422
Fresnel integrals, $table$      380
Fresnel loss      510
Fresnel mirror      209—10
Fresnel rhomb      415
Fresnel zone      370—71 (see also Half-period zone)
Fresnel zone plate      269 374—76
Fresnel — Kirchhoff diffraction integral      367—69
Fringe contrast      203 238 258 262 265 269
Fringes, interference, contrast      203
Fringes, interference, types      215 16
Fusion, laser induced      490—91
Gahor zone plate      267—69 277
Gaussian beam      445 456—60
Gaussian beam, collimation      472
Gaussian beam, focusing      475—76
Gaussian beam, higher order      476—80
Gaussian beam, radius of curvature      464—67
Gaussian beam, solution      461—67
Gaussian beam, spherical      463 64 469
Gaussian beam, spot size      464—67
Gaussian optics      44
Gaussian, laser mode      434 456—57
Glan-air prism      311 12 551
Glasses, optical, $table$      104
Glaucoma      163
Globar      17 19
Golay cell      2
Graded index optical fiber      507 513—14
Grating, constant      353
Grating, interference (holographic)      359—61 268—69
Grating, replica      359
Graybody      17
Gregorian telescope      143—44
Group velocity      194—97
Haidinger fringe      215
Hale telescope      144
Half-period zone      370 77
Half-wave plate      290 292—93 309 317—18 548—49
Half-wave voltage, Kerr cell      552
Half-wave voltage, Pockels cell      548
Harmonic wave      174—76
Heisenberg principle      5
Helium-neon laser      434—35 441 445—48 452 470—71 474 488
Hermite polynomials      477—80
Hermite — Gaussian beam      456 479—80
High-reflectance film      243 397 402—4
High-reflectance film, stack      266—67 402-4
Hologram, data storage      276—77
Hologram, grating      268
Hologram, point source      267—69
Hologram, real time      561 62
Hologram, reconstruction      271
Hologram, storage      276—77
Hologram, ultrasonic      275—76
Hologram, Vander Lugt (matched)      533
Hologram, volume      273—74 279
Hologram, white-light (rainhow)      273—74
Holographic grating      268—69 360
Huygens eyepiece      133—34
Huygens — Fresnel Principle      324
Huygens’ principle      31—34
Hyperopia      160—61
Illuminance      10 15
Imaging      40—42
Incandescent source      17—18
Index (phase) matching      545
Index of refraction      34 (see also Refractive index)
Intensity      10—11 446 456
Interference, coherence requirement      202—3 247 254
Interference, dielectric film      211 15
Interference, double slit      205—8
Interference, Fabry — Perot interferometer      236—44
Interference, grating      359—61
Interference, Michelson interferometer      225 30 259—60
Interference, multilayer film      212—13
Interference, multiple beam      233—36
Interference, Newton’s rings      217—19
Interference, objective, microscope      219—21
Interference, two-beam      200—204
Interference, virtual sources      209—10
Interferogram      237 536—38
Interferometer, classification      224 25
Interferometer, Fabry — Perot      236—44
Interferometer, Mach — Zehnder      232
Interferometer, Michelson      225—30
Interferometer, Michelson, stellar      262—63
Interferometer, Twyman — Green      230—32
Internal reflection      212 411—17
Inverse square law      11
Irradiance      10—11 15
Irradiance, camera      127 28
Irradiance, circular aperture      333
Irradiance, coherent and random source      192
Irradiance, Cornu spiral      381
Irradiance, diffraction grating      342—43
Irradiance, double slit      339—40
Irradiance, electromagnetic wave      183
Irradiance, hologram      271
Irradiance, interferogram      536 37
Irradiance, multiple beam      234—35
Irradiance, polarized light      299
Irradiance, rectangular aperture      330—32
Irradiance, single slit      327 384—86
Irradiance, two-beam      201—4
Isochronous rays      41
Jacquinot advantage      536
Jones matrices      289—95
Jones matrices, $summary$      293
Jones vectors      281—89
Jones vectors, $summary$      288
Jones vectors, normalized form      282
Lambertian surface      12 147 447
Lambert’s cosine law      11
Laplacian operator      180 457
Laser diode      23 503 517
Laser, applications, table      485
Laser, beam characteristics      456—80
Laser, characteristics, coherence      441—43
Laser, characteristics, directionality      443—46
Laser, characteristics, focusabiltty      448—51
Laser, characteristics, intensity      446—48
Laser, characteristics, monochromaticity      440—41
Laser, communications      491—93
Laser, Einstein radiation theory      427—31
Laser, essential elements      431 34
Laser, eye therapy      163—68 489—90
Laser, fiber optics      503 517 488—89 492—93
Laser, information processing      493—94
Laser, medical, $tables$      487—90
Laser, modes      434
Laser, operation      434—38
Laser, propagation      468—76
Laser, propagation, general law      469—70
Laser, spot size      464 67
Laser, stimulated emission      426—31
Laser, types and parameters, table      451—53
Lateral coherence      247 (see also Spatial coherencc)
Lens matrix      68—71
Lens, camera      126—30
Lens, Cooke triplet      85 130
Lens, design      129—30
Lens, eye      152—54 166
Lens, Fourier transform      526
Lens, Protor      86
Lens, Rapid landscape      83—84
Lens, relative aperture      127—28
Lens, resolution      335—37
Lens, simple magnifier      131—32
Lens, telephoto      126
Lens, wide-angle      126
Lensmaker’s formula      51 95
Levorotatory      313
Lidar      494—96
Light pipe      501—2
Light-emitting diode (LED)      23 503
Linear dispersion      352
Linear polarizer      282—83 289—92
Linewidth, spectral      440—41
Linewidth, spectral, comparison, table      441
Lissajous figure      283—84
Littrow mount, grating      358 361
Lloyd’s mirror      209
Localized fringes      215—16 229 231
Longitudinal coherence      247 (see also Temporal coherence)
Lumen      10 14
Luminance      10
Luminous efficacy      14
Luminous efficiency      14—15
Lux      10 15
Mach — Zehnder interferometer      232
Magnification, angular      131
Magnification, eyepiece      131 134
Magnification, holographic      275
Magnification, lateral      38 47 49—50
Magnification, microscope      136
Magnification, spherical mirror      45—47
Magnification, spherical refracting surface      48—49
Magnification, summary      54
Magnification, telescope      140—41
Magnification, thin-lens      53—54
Malus’ Law      299
Material dispersion      514—18
Maxwell equations      2 392 571—72 576
Mercury arc lamp      20 448
Mercury-xenon arc lamp      21—22
Meridional rays      80
Michelson interferometer      225—30 259—60
Michelson interferometer, Fourier transform spectroscopy      536—38
Michelson interferometer, stellar      262—63
Michelson — Morley experiment      3
Microscope      135—39
Microscope, interference objective      219—21
Microscope, magnification      136
Microscope, numerical aperture      137
Microscope, objective types      137—38
Microscope, resolution      336—37
Mie scattering      304 5
Minimum deviation, prism      117—18
Mirror, dielectric      213
Mirror, Fresnel      209—10
Mirror, Lloyd’s      209
Mirror, plane      37—38
Mirror, spherical      43—47
Missing orders      339—41
Modal distortion      512—13
Modes, fiber optics, allowed      507—9
Modes, fiber optics, coupling      509 513
Modes, laser beam, electric field profile      459—61
Modes, laser beam, Gaussian (fundamental)      434
Modes, laser beam, higher order      456 476—80
Modulation, light      546—59
Modulator, fiber optics      503
Monochromator      362
Multilayer films      213 391—404
Multiplexing      492
Myopia      158—60 164
Natural line width      253—54
Nd:YAG laser      433 451—52 486 488—90 495-97
Near point, eye      131 158
Near-field diffraction      324 465
Near-sighted eye      see Myopia
Neodymium-glass laser      446 452 490
Nerst glower      17—18
Newtonian telescope      143 149
Newtonian thin-lens equation      57
Newton’s rings      2 217—19
Nodal points      63 74—77
Nodal points, locations, $table$      77
Noise-equivalent power      27
Nonlinear optics      188 541—65
Nonlinear optics, acousto-optic effect      556—59
Nonlinear optics, Faraday effect      553—55
Nonlinear optics, frequency mixing      546—47
Nonlinear optics, Kerr effect      551—53
Nonlinear optics, phase conjugation      559—65
Nonlinear optics, Pockels effect      547—51
Nonlinear optics, second harmonic generation      542—45
Nonlocalized fringes      208 215 230
NOVA laser      490—91
Numerical aperture      137 336
Numerical aperture, fiber optics      506 508—9
Nyquist criterion      537—38
Obliquity factor      367 370
Ohm’s Law      420
Oil immersion objective      137
Opacity      539
Opera glass      140—41
Optic axis (OA)      307—12
Optical activity      313—17
Optical activity, measurement      313—14
Optical activity, quartz      313 14
Optical activity, rotation      313—14
Optical activity, rotatory dispersion      314
Optical constants      421 568
Optical data imaging      522—35
Optical data imaging, convolution      533—35
Optical data imaging, correlation      529—33
Optical data imaging, filtering      528—29
Optical data imaging, pattern recognition      522 531
Optical data imaging, point spread function      533
Optical data imaging, spectrum analysis      525—28
Optical data imaging, transfer function      534—35
Optical density      267 539
Optical glasses, table      104
Optical isolator      555
Optical path length      42
Optical phase conjugation (OPC)      559—65
Optical phase conjugation (OPC), four-wave mixing      562
Optical phase conjugation (OPC), mirror (PCM)      559—61
Optical phase conjugation (OPC), nuclear fusion      563—64
Optical phase conjugation (OPC), optical fiher      564—65
Optical phase conjugation (OPC), pointing and tracking      563—64
Optical phase conjugation (OPC), real time holography      561—62
Optical transfer function (OTF), modulation (MTF)      534—35
Optical transfer function (OTF), phase (PTF)      534—35
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