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Bohm-Vitense E. — Introduction to Stellar Astrophysics: Volume 3 |
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Absorption coefficient, bound-free 42 45
Absorption coefficient, definition 14
Absorption coefficient, free-free 43
Absorption coefficient, lines 49
Adiabats 55 56
Ages, meteorites 86
Ages, star clusters 102
Angular radius 14
Asymptotic giant branch 9 10 189
Birth line 263
Black body 14
Black holes 221
Blue loops 198 199
Bolometric corrections 12 13
boundary conditions 108
Buoyancy force 65
Carbon flash 203
Centrifugal forces 23
Cepheid instability strip 199 228 237
Cepheid mass problem 238
Cepheid masses, Baade — Wesselink masses 240
Cepheid masses, beat masses 243
Cepheid masses, bump masses 242
Cepheid masses, dynamical 243
Cepheid masses, evolutionary 239
Cepheid masses, pulsational 239 240
Cepheids 231ff
Cepheids, adiabatic pulsations 229ff
Cepheids, eigenfunctions of homogeneous stars 225
Cepheids, eigenfunctions of polytropes 226
Cepheids, excitation by kappa mechanism 232
Cepheids, excitation by nuclear reactions 235
Cepheids, excitation of pulsations 232
Cepheids, interior structure 227
Cepheids, non-adiabatic pulsations 233
Cepheids, observations 231
Cepheids, period-luminosity relation 238 239
Cepheids, pulsation amplitude 236
Cepheids, restoring force 224
Chemical composition of stars 20
Clump stars 187
Colors 2
Contraction times 29
Contraction, adiabatic 249
Contraction, gravitational 29
Contraction, non-adiabatic 251
Convection 51ff
Convection zone, depth 79ff
Convection zone, interior 74 75
Convection, characteristic length 66ff
Convection, energy exchange 69 73 74
Convection, energy transport 51ff
Convection, influence on luminosity 131
Convection, influence on radius 131
Convection, instability 51ff
Convection, mixing length 66
Convection, mixing length theory 64
Convection, overshoot 76ff
Convection, reasons for instability 59
Convection, temperature fluctuations 66
Convection, velocities 66
Coulomb forces 89
Crab Nebula 220
Degeneracy 182ff
Degeneracy, non-relativistic 177ff
Degeneracy, relativistic 185
Diffusion of photons 30 31
Diffusion times 31
Diffusion, radiative 163
Distance modulus 4
Doppler shift 15
Effective temperature 13ff
Eigenfrequencies of Cepheids 225 226
Eigenfrequencies of rope 223
Electron scattering 48
Element abundances, B0 IV star interior 159
Element abundances, solar interior 159
Element production 97 98
Energy distribution, M giant 12
Energy distribution, Sun 2 11
Energy distribution, Vega 2
Energy generation 35 86ff 98ff
Energy generation, carbon-nitrogen cycle 95
Energy generation, proton-proton chain 93ff
Energy generation, triple-alpha reaction 96 97
Energy level diagrams 42 43
Energy source, chemical 87
Energy source, gravitational 87
Energy source, nuclear 87ff
Energy transport, convective 61ff
Energy transport, radiative 35ff 266ff
Energy, gravitational 28ff
Energy, gravitational, release 128 153
Energy, kinetic 26
Energy, photon 44
Energy, thermal 26
Equation of state, degenerate 185
Equation of state, ideal gas 25 26 108
Equilibrium abundances 100
Evolution, dependence on heavy element abundances 199
Evolution, dependence on mass 198 199
Evolution, dependence on mixing 200 201
Evolution, giant branch 197
Evolution, interstellar cloud 253ff
Evolution, low mass stars 172ff
Evolution, massive stars 197ff
Evolution, planetary nebulae 195 196
Evolution, population II 190
Evolution, red giant branch 176 177
Evolution, subgiant branch 172ff
Excitation energy 44
Expansion, adiabatic and non-adiabatic 251
Expansion, planetary nebulae 192
Fermi momentum 179
Gamow peak 94
Hayashi line 132ff
Hayashi line, dependence on heavy element abundances 134 137
| Hayashi line, dependence on mass 134 135
Hayashi track 262 263
Heat conduction 39 40
Heat conduction coefficient 39
Heavy element generation 203ff
Helium flash 186
Homologous stars 113ff
Homologous stars, contracting 126
Homologous stars, dependence on atomic weight 117ff
Homologous stars, dependence on heavy element abundances 121
Homologous stars, radiative equilibrium 113ff
Horizontal branch 9 10
Horizontal branch, stellar evolution 189
Hydrostatic equilibrium 21ff
Interstellar clouds, cooling 251ff
Interstellar clouds, equilibrium 249
Interstellar clouds, fragmentation 257ff
Interstellar clouds, fragmentation limits 260 261
Interstellar clouds, gravitational contraction 253
Interstellar clouds, heating 251ff
Interstellar reddening 3
Ionization energy 44
Isochrones 215
Jeans criterion for gravitational instability 246
Jeans mass 247
Kappa mountain 232
Kelvin — Helmholtz time 30
Lithium abundances 84
Lithium diffusion 85
Luminosities 11 13ff
Magnetic forces 23
Magnitudes, absolute 3
Magnitudes, apparent 1
Magnitudes, bolometric 12
Main sequence, helium stars 122
Main sequence, hydrogen stars 5 7 9
Main sequence, population II stars 124 125
Mass limit, neutron stars 211
Mass limit, white dwarfs 210
Mass-luminosity relation, empirical 16 17
Mass-luminosity relation, theoretical 18 19 115 118 122
Mass-radius relation, degenerate, nonrelativistic 208
Masses of stars 14ff
Mean free path 31 37
Model calculation 141ff
Model calculation, Henyey's method 142ff
Model calculation, Schwarzschild's method 141
Model, B0 IV star 165
Model, evolved main sequence A0 star 171
Model, present sun 157
Model, zero age A0 star 170
Model, zero age B0 star 164
Model, zero age sun 156
Neutrino problem, solar 158ff
Neutron stars 211
Neutron stars, density 211
Nuclear force 90
Opacities 42ff
Opacities, Cox Tabor 46
Opacities, Kramers' 48ff
Optical depth, definition 14
Parsec, definition 4
Pauli principle 177
Peculiar A stars 170
Pendulum excitation 229
Pendulum oscillations 228
Penetration probability 92
Planck function 14 36 44 45
Planetary nebulae 192ff
Polytropes 225 226
Pressure gradient 107
Pressure scale height 56
Pressure, radiation 108
Protostars 256 264
Pulsars 220
Pulsating stars 222ff
Radiative equilibrium 35
Reaction probability 93
Reaction times 95 96
Red giants 9
Rosseland mean absorption coefficient 44
Rosseland weighting function 14 44 271
Saha equation 79
Schroedinger equation 90
Schwarzschild criterion for convective instability 51 52 53
Semiconvection 168
Sirius B 218
Specific heat 54
Spectral classification 18 19
Star clusters, ages 102
Star clusters, globular clusters 8ff 191 213ff
Star clusters, open clusters 5ff 104
Star clusters, young populous 246
Star formation 245ff
Stefan — Boltzmann law 14
Stellar evolution 151ff
Stellar evolution, reason for 151
Structure equations 107 108
Structure equations, dimensionless 109
Supergiants 7
Supernova 1987A 220
Supernovae, type I 220
Supernovae, type II 203 204
Surface flux 14
Temperature gradient with convection 71
Temperature gradient, adiabatic 53ff
Temperature gradient, radiative 37 57 58 107
Temperature, central 25
Temperature, effective 13ff
Thermal equilibrium 32
Tunnel effect 89ff
Virial theorem 25
Wave function 90
White dwarfs 206ff
White dwarfs, cooling sequences 210
White dwarfs, cooling times 210
White dwarfs, masses 210 218 219
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