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Shu F.H. — The Physical Universe: An Introduction to Astronomy
Shu F.H. — The Physical Universe: An Introduction to Astronomy

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Íàçâàíèå: The Physical Universe: An Introduction to Astronomy

Àâòîð: Shu F.H.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 1st edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1982

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 584

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 08.01.2009

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
"Radius" of closed universe      372—373
$H^{-}$ negative ion      95
$K^{0}$ meson      404
Absolute magnitude      160—161
Absolute zero      62
Absorption lines, scattering      85—86
Absorption lines, true absorption      85—86
Absorption of photons      45—46
Acceleration      14
Accretion      193 251—252 320 475 477
Accretion disks in active galactic nuclei      320 325
Accretion disks in close binary stars      193—196 199—200 204
ACID      73 512
Acoustic wave, sound      68—70
Action at a distance      40 107
Active galaxies      306—315 320—321 327—331
Adaptation      501—503 526
Adenine (A)      514 516 520 531 533
Adenosine      516 520
Adenosine triphosphate      see "ATP"
Adiabatic fluctuation      294
Advance of perihelion of Mercury      204
Aerobic      529
Age of universe      11 360—361 462—463
ALCOR      180—181
Algae      493—495
Algol      182 191—193
Alleles      507
Allende meteorite      481
Allowed (permitted) transitions      53
Alpha Centauri      54—56
Alpha decay      116 444 460
Alpha helix      514
Alpha particle      41 116 460
Altruistic behavior      543
Amalthea      431
Ambipolar diffusion      253
Ameba (amoeba)      539 540
Amino acid      512—513 515 519 529 539
Amino acid chains (polypeptides)      513 517
Ammonia      234
Anaerobic      537 539
Ancient astronauts      547
Andromeda galaxy (M31)      291
Anemic spirals      295
Angular resolution      27—28
Anisotropic random velocities in disk of Galaxy      263
Anisotropic random velocities in elliptical galaxies      293
Anisotropy of cosmic microwave background      386
Annihilation (destruction)      61 113 132 140—141 323 389—390 400—401
Antibiotics      525
Antibodies      525
Anticyclonic motion      448 453—454
Antimatter      61 105—107 400—402
Antiparticles, antielectron (positron)      105 389 402—403
Antiparticles, antineutrino      107 389 402—403
Antiparticles, antineutron      107 389
Antiparticles, antiproton      105 389
Aperture synthesis      30
Apollo objects      424—425 545
Apollo-Soyuz      237
Apparent magnitude      160
Apsides      204—205
Area of a circle      569
Arecibo radio telescope      29
artificial intelligence      557—560
Asteroids      415 420 421 475
Astrology      3—4
Astronomical constants      567—568
Astronomical unit (AU)      32 83 567
Asymptotic giant      151—152
Atmosphere (as unit of pressure)      89
Atmosphere of planets      433—448 451—454
atom      41—42 44—47 50—53
Atomic hydrogen, distribution in external galaxies      283—285
Atomic hydrogen, distribution in Galaxy      246 267—273
Atomic hydrogen, energy level diagram and spectrum      45—47 218 221
Atomic hydrogen, hyperfine structure and 21—cm line      52 227—230 302
Atomic nuclei      41 110—117
Atomic spectroscopy      45—57 52—53
ATP (adenosine triphosphate)      515—516 520—521 533 537 539 554
AU (astronomical unit)      32 83 567
Aurora australis      455
Aurora borealis      455
Australopithecus      545
Back—to—front evolution of metabolic chains      532 534—535
bacteria      524 536—537
Baimer photons      46—47 218—221
Balmer decrement      221
Barlike instabilities      277—278
Baroclinic      448 451 453
Barotropic      447 451 453
Barred spiral galaxies      292—295 305—306
Baryon number      104 109 401
Base      73 512
Base pairs      514—515 521
Baseline      30 31 311
Beam model for radio jets      313—315
Beam model for SS433      207
Becklin — Neugebauer object      235—236
Bending (deflection) of light      365—366 398
Beta decay      110—112 116 460
big bang      354 362 376—402 410
Big Burp      483
Big Dipper      3
Big Squeeze      362 410
Big—Bang nucleosynthesis      385 389—391
Binary galaxies      305 332—337
Binary pulsar      204—206
Binary stars      179—208
Binary stars, evolution of orbit      185 204—205
Binary stars, formation of      184—185 475—476
Binary stars, frequency of      184—185
Binary stars, influence in star clusters      177—178
Binary stars, light curves of      182—183 189—190 196 199
Binary stars, measurement of masses of      182—183
Binary stars, measurement of radii of      183—184
Binary stars, observational classification of      179—182
Binary stars, velocity curves of      181—182 204
Binary X—ray sources      198—204 325—326
Binding energy, electric      45—46
Binding energy, gravitational      37 157 200 202 204 281
Binding energy, nuclear      115—116
Biological evolution      499—503 525 528 532
Birkhoff's rule      358
BL Lacertae objects      306 308—310
Black holes      126 134—143 203—204 208 320—321 325 330—331 410
Blackbody radiation      77—80
Blue stragglers      173 193
Blue—green algae      494 495 539
Bohr radius      44 88 426
Bok globules      216
Bolometric corrections      159 162
Bolometric magnitude      162
Boltzmann's constant (k)      65 67 567
Bose condensation      77
Boson      42 50 407—409 see
Bottom quark      103 407 see
Bound      37
Bound Universe      358—362
Bow shock      71 456
Brackett photons      218
Brain      550—551 554—556
Bridges between galaxies      332 333 335
Brightness      see also "Magnitude"
Brightness, apparent brightness (energy flux)      32 37
Brightness, intrinsic brightness (luminosity)      32 37
Broken symmetries      402—412
Brownian motion      344
Bulk velocity      66 77
Butcher — Oemler effect      348
Calcium as chemical element      51—52
Calcium in condensation sequence      477
Calcium in interstellar clouds      214—215
Callisto      415
Cambrian period      497 503 543
Cancer      524 526
Carbohydrate metabolism      530 535
Carbohydrates      494 506
Carbon as basis of organic life      52 547
Carbon as chemical element      51 52
Carbon catalyst in hydrogen burning      114
Carbon dioxide ($CO_{2}$)      434 436 437 440 494 530
Carbon in carbohydrates      494
Carbon in condensation sequence      477
Carbon in organic chemistry      512
Carbon monoxide (CO)      234 269
Carbon stars      152 164 245
Carbon, radioactive isotope ($14_{C}$)      112
Carbon, role in grain formation in cool stellar atmospheres      245
Carbon, synthesis from helium      117—118
Carbonaceous chondrites      423 529
Cascade      46—47
Cassini's division      470—472
Cassiopeia A      239
Cataclysmic variables      194—198
Catalysts in cell      520 see
Catalysts in nuclear reactions      113—114
Catalysts, role of dust grains      231—232
Catalysts, role of inorganic micas and clays      533
cD galaxy      342—345 352 378 see
Cell differentiation      495 523—524 541
Cell division      506 521 see
Cell wall      506 536
Cell, as chemical factory      515—521
Cell, as unit of life      504—507
Cell, role in growth and reproduction      521—523
Cell, role in higher organisms      523—524 541
Center of mass      37 180 182—183 464
Centimeter (cm)      see "cgs units"
Central bulge of Galaxy      258—259
Central dogma      515
Centrifugal force      180 480
centripetal acceleration      15
Cepheid variables      170—173 291 350—351
Cerebral cortex      554—555
cgs units      11
Chain of galaxies      350
Chain reaction      116
Chandrasekhar limit      128
Charge reversal      403
Charge, color      103 105
Charge, electric      16 103 406
Charge, gravitational (mass)      103
Charge, strong (baryon number)      104
Charge, weak      103
Charmed quark      103 407 see
Charon      415 420
Chemical elements, age of      462—463
Chemical elements, cosmic abundance      121
Chemical elements, list of      571—572
Chemical elements, periodic table      51
Chlorophyll      494 537
Chloroplasts      506 507 541 560
chromatic aberration      22 26
Chromosomes      509 523 524
Chromosphere      96 101 248
Circumference of a circle      569
Civilization      543
Classical mechanics      14 33
Cloning      524
Close binaries, effective gravity      186
Close binaries, equipotential surfaces      186
Close binaries, Lagrangian points      186
Close binaries, reflection effect in      189
Close binaries, Roche lobes      186
Close binaries, theoretical classification      186—188
Closed Universe      11 368—375 378—380
Clouds      80 416 437—438 445 452—454
Clusters      see "Open clusters" "Globular "Clusters
Clusters of galaxies      339—341 345—350
CNO cycle      113—114 147
Coacervates      532 534 535
Coalsack nebula      212
Collisionless shocks      242
Color excess      162
Color index      162
Color of light      21
Color of quarks      105 406
Color of stars      32 159 161—162
Coma cluster      339 341 342
comets      415 423—425 480 545
Commensurability      467
Compact H II region      248
Complementary variables      106
Compton scattering      325
Compton time      399
Compton volume      399
Compton wavelength      108 399
Computers      32 298 557 560
Concentration classes      296
Condensation (precipitation)      72 245 437—438 448 452 454 475—478 484
Consciousness      554
Conservation principles, angular momentum      47—50
Conservation principles, baryon number      109 123—124 401
Conservation principles, electric charge      109
Conservation principles, energy      35—38 60
Conservation principles, lepton number      109 123—124 401
Conservation principles, mass-energy      60
Conservation principles, relation to global symmetries      404—405
Constancy of speed of light      53—54
Constellations, appearance in mythology      4
Constellations, use in navigation      3
Constellations, use in timekeeping      4
Constructionist      526
Contact binaries      188—191
Continental drift      484—485 491 497
Continents      484—492
Continuum      21—22 46—47
Controlled thermonuclear fusion      92—94 101
Convection      95—96 100 146 148—149 151 436—437 453 485
Copernican revolution      9
Coriolis force      188 446 453
Corona      96—98 101
Coronal gas in interstellar medium      239 247
Cosmic abundances      121 475
Cosmic microwave background radiation (relict of primeval fireball)      384—386
Cosmic—ray particles      239—242 462
Cosmological constant      367 381 411
Cosmological principle      355
Cosmological redshift      316 350 374
Coulomb energy      74 426
Coulomb's law      38
covalent bond      71 512
CPT theorem      403
Crab Nebula      133—134 223—225
Crab pulsar      133—134 225
Craters      421—423 425
Creation of particles      61 132 140—142 323 389 396—401
Critical density to close universe      359
Critical mass      116
Critical point      73
Cross product (vector cross product)      18
Crossing over      511 526
Crystal lattice      72
CTP      see "Nucleoside triphosphate"
Cultural evolution      544—546
Curie point      99
Cyanobacteria      539
Cyclic AMP      554
1 2 3 4 5 6
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