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Shu F.H. — The Physical Universe: An Introduction to Astronomy
Shu F.H. — The Physical Universe: An Introduction to Astronomy

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Íàçâàíèå: The Physical Universe: An Introduction to Astronomy

Àâòîð: Shu F.H.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 1st edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1982

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 584

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 08.01.2009

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Microspheres      532 534 535
Milky Way      255—258 see
Mimas      467 470 472 474
Mini-black-holes      142
Minor planets      see "Asteroids"
Mirror reflection      see "Parity reversal"
Missing mass      259—260 304 348—349 393
Mitochondria      506 541 553 560
Mitosis      506 510 541
Mizar      179—182
MMT (Multiple Mirror Telescope)      32
Molecular biology      512—526
Molecular cloud complexes      242 248 282
Molecular clouds      231—234 269 273—274
Molecular hydrogen $(H_{2})$ in interstellar medium      231—232 242
Molecular hydrogen $(H_{2})$ in Jovian planets      426—427
Molecular hydrogen $(H_{2})$, chemical binding energy      60
Molecular weight      512
Molecules      52 231—234 511—512
Moment of inertia      47 134
Momentum      14
Monomer      506 533
Moon      420
Moon, as member of double planet      418 479
Moon, eclipse of      6
Moon, geologic activity of      429
Moon, interior of      430
Moon, magnetic field of      455
Moon, origin of      429
Moon, phases of      7
Moon, tidal interaction with Earth      185 432
Moons of Jupiter      415 418 420
Moons of Mars      418 420 479
Moons of Neptune      417 418 420
Moons of Pluto      415 420
Moons of Saturn      418 420
Moons of Uranus      417 418 420
Moons, origin of      478—480
Morphological classification of galaxies      293—296
Mountain chains or ranges      486—487 490—491
Moving-cluster method      169—170
Multicellular organisms      495—496 541 545
Muon      103 407 411 see
Murchison meteorite      423
Mutation      500 526
Myelin sheath      551
N galaxies      306 309
N stars      144
n-body problem      466
Natural selection      498—503 525 541 560
Nebular hypothesis      475—482
Negative hydrogen ion $(H^{-})$      95
Neolithic      546 566
Neptune      415 418 455
Neptune, interior of      427
Neptune, moons of      418 420
Neptune, orbital resonance with Pluto      467 469
Nerve cell      see "Neuron"
nerve impulses      550—552
neuron      550—553 556
Neurotransmitter molecules      553 559
Neutrino as lepton      105
Neutrino from Sun      see "Solar neutrinos"
Neutrino, copious emission from very evolved stars      154
Neutrino, different types (flavors)      103
Neutrino, helicity      402—403
Neutrino, oscillations      122 392 403
Neutrino, rest mass      392
Neutrino, role in cosmology      389—390 392—393
Neutron as baryon      104—105
Neutron in atomic nuclei      51 110—112
Neutron in fission chain reactions      116
Neutron in neutron stars      129—130 155—157
Neutron star      126 129—134 198—200 208
Neutron, capture reactions      119—121 390—391
Neutron, decay      109—110
Newtonian cosmology      355—362
Nitrogen as chemical element      51
Nitrogen in amino acids      512
Nitrogen in condensation sequence      477
Nitrogen, abundance in Earth's atmosphere      492
Nitrogen, cosmic abundance      121
Nitrogen, equilibration with carbon in CN cycle      114
Nitrogen, fixation      521 539
Noncommutative transformations      408—409
normal      20
Normal modes      277
novae      195—197 350—351
Nuclear binding energy curve      115
Nuclear force      see "Strong interaction" "Weak
Nuclear fusion in reactors      see "Controlled thermonuclear fusion"
Nuclear fusion in stars      see "Thermonuclear fusion reactions"
Nucleic acids (DNA and RNA)      507 532—534
Nucleoside      517 520 532—533
Nucleoside triphosphate (ATP, CTP, GTP, UTP)      515—516 532—533
Nucleotide (nucleoside monophosphate)      516—517 533
Nucleus of atom      41 110—117
Nucleus of cell      495
Nucleus of comet      423
Nucleus of galaxies      320—321 326—331
Nucleus of Galaxy      322—323
Nucleus of M31      325—326
Number density      67
OB stars      217 248 272 274 325
Observable Universe      11 373 376 384
Occam's razor      205
Ocean basins      484
Ocean circulation      449—451
Ocean rifts      486—490
Ocean trenches      486—487 490—491
Oceans      449—451 483—489 532
Olbers' paradox      383—384
Oort cloud of comets      424
Oort constants      263—264
Opacity      90 95 123
Open clusters      166—170 175
Open systems      498
Open Universe      11 368 375—380
Orbit decay      42 205 432
Orbital energy, electric      45
Orbital energy, gravitational      45
Orbits, elliptical (bound)      36—37 463—466
Orbits, hyperbolic (unbound)      37
Orbits, parabolic (critical)      37
Orbits, under force field of Galaxy      259 261 265—267
Orbits, under force field of star cluster      174—175 177—178
Order of magnitude      11
Order-disorder      63 498 565
Ordinary spiral galaxy      292—295
Organ system      541
Organelles      495 541
organic chemistry      512
Organic molecules in carbonaceous chondrites      423 529
Organic molecules in colored clouds of Jupiter      454
Organic molecules in interstellar space      234
Organic molecules in primordial soup      532
Orion      4
Orion Nebula      221 235—236
Outer Lindblad resonance      280
Oval distortions      277
Oxidation-reduction      492 537
Oxidizing atmosphere      495 538
Oxygen as chemical element      51 52
Oxygen as waste product of photosynthesis      494 537—539
Oxygen in condensation sequence      477
Oxygen, abundance in Earth's atmosphere      492 495
Oxygen, cosmic abundance      121
Oxygen, role in forming ozone layer      492
Oxygen, role in grain formation in cool stellar atmospheres      245
Oxygen, role in respiration      494 530 538—539
Oxygen, synthesis from carbon and helium      118
Ozone      433 492—493 539
Palomar 200—inch telescope      29
Pangaea      484—485 490 503
Panspermia hypothesis      529—530
Panthalassa      484 485
parabola      25 37
Parallax      5 32
Paramagnetic      99 243
Paramecia      541
Parity reversal      402—403
Parker instability      282
Parsec (pc)      160 567
Particle Physics      61 103—110 123—124 140—141 400—411 527
Paschen photons      46—47 218 234
Pasteur's experiments      530—531
Pauli's exclusion principle      42 50—51 408—409
Penetration probability      115
Pep reaction      122
Peppered moth      502—503
Peptide bond      512 517
Perfect cosmological principle      367 381
Perfect gas, Bose — Einstein distribution (bosons)      76
Perfect gas, classical diatomic      69 445
Perfect gas, classical monatomic      67—68
Perfect gas, Fermi — Dirac distribution (fermions)      75
Perfect gas, Maxwell — Boltzmann distribution (classical)      67
Period-luminosity relation      172 174
Periodic table      42 50—52
Permitted lines and transitions      219—222
Pest control      503
Ph      73
Phase transition      71—73 116 441 see "Evaporation" "Freezing" "Melting"
Phobos      418 420 479
Phosphate bond      516 530
Photoionize      47
Photometry      161—162 297—298
photons      18 43 103 107 406
Photosphere      86
Photosynthesis      494 537—539
Physical constants      567
Pi ($\pi$) meson      109 239 399
Pioneer      418 454
Planck density      398
Planck length      397 410
Planck mass      124 142 397
Planck state      397—400
Planck time      397 399 410
Planck's constant (h)      433 477 567
Planetary nebula      152 215 219 225
Planetesimals      478 481
Planets, ancient concept as wanderers      4—5 9
Planets, atmospheres      433—454
Planets, atmospheric circulation      444—447
Planets, gross properties      418 474
Planets, heliocentric view      6
Planets, interior structures      425—431
Planets, largest satellites      420
Planets, magnetospheres      454—458
Planets, orbital motions      463—469
Planets, origin      475—478
plasma      74 93—94
Plate tectonics      484 485
Plates      484—491 500
Pleiades star cluster      168—169
Pluto      418 455
Pluto, inclination of orbital plane      474
Pluto, moon of      415 420
Pluto, motion of      417
Pluto, orbital resonance with Neptune      4 67 469
Polar wind      458
Polaris      3
Polarization      17 50
Polarization of starlight      243—244
Polymer      506 531—533
Polynucleotides      533
Polypeptides      517 533
Polysaccharides      506 533
Population I, II, and III stars      145 173 261 296
Positrons      105 389
Potassium as chemical element      51 52
Potassium in condensation sequence      477
Potassium, radiatoactive isotope ($^{40}K$)      461 482
Potassium, role in nerve impulse      552
potential energy      36
Poynting vector      18
Praesepe star cluster      167—169
Pre-main-sequence stars      249—250
Precession of Earth's pole (spin axis)      8—9
Prefixes in exponent notation      567
Presolar grains      480—482
Pressure of blackbody radiation      79—80
Pressure of classical perfect gas      67—68
Pressure of degenerate electrons      126—128
Pressure of degenerate neutrons      129—130
Pressure of liquid      71—73
Presupernova star      155
Primates      543—544
Primeval fireball      387 459
Primordial soup      532
principal quantum number      44 46 50—52
Principle of equivalence      364—365
Principle of inertia      14
prism      21
Proinsulin      513
Project Cyclops      30
Prokaryotic cells      495 497 537—539
Proper motion      32 263
Protein      506—507 532—534 551—553
Protein synthesis      515—520
Protocell      528 532—536
Proton as baryon      104—105 108—109 123—124 400—401 405 407
Proton as nucleus of hydrogen atom      44
Proton as product of beta-decay of neutron      109—110
Proton as source of positive charge in nucleus      50—52
Proton in atomic nuclei      110—112
Proton in cosmic rays      240
Proton mass ($m_{p}$)      39 567
Proton, charge (+e)      39 406 567
Proton, decay of      124 407
Proton, equality in numbers with electrons      39 397 400—401
Proton-proton chain      113 147
Protoplanet      475 478
Protostar      251—252 480
Proxima Centauri (nearest star)      12 265
Pulsar dispersion      230
Pulsar glitches      131
Pulsars      131—134
Purine      see "Adenine" "Guanine"
Pyrimidine      see "Cytosine" "Thymine" "Uracil"
Pythagora's theorem      370 569
QSO      306 316—318 351 382
Quantum chromodynamics      105
Quantum electrodynamics      108 140—141 405 527
quantum mechanics      33 40—53 60—61
Quantum state, bound      50
Quantum state, free      76
Quark      103—105 123 239 406—407 see
R stars      144
Radiation constant (a)      79 567
Radiation pressure      79 144 146 152 245 320 424
Radiation-dominated Universe      387—388
Radiative envelope      148
Radio communication      547
Radio continuum emission, nonthermal (synchrotron)      133 225 227 311—312
Radio continuum emission, thermal (free-free)      226—227
Radio galaxies      306 310—315 327—329 382
Radio recombination lines      226
Radio source counts      382—383
Radio waves      16
1 2 3 4 5 6
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