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Atkins P. — Molecular Quantum Mechanics |
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vibrations 350
vibrations 344
structure 253
, multiplication table 127
, representation 131 135 149
as direct product 153
, , , 92
spin states 109
-function 439 453 517
(Kronecker delta) 7 15 521
-type doubling 360 365
-lines (Zeeman) 234
-orbital 251 258
-orbital, benzene 261
-orbital, butadiene 260
-orbital, CNDO 311
-orbital, complexes 266
-orbital, conjugated 258 308
-orbital, delocalization energy 260
-orbital, Huckel approximation 258 308
-orbital, MINDO 313
-orbital, Pariser — Parr — Pople method 309
-orbital, selection rules 204
transition 366
transition 366
A,B coefficients 195
ab initio calculation 276
Absorption, coefficient 510
Absorption, intensity 195
Acceptable functions 42
Accidental degeneracy 58
Accidental degeneracy, hydrogen atom 95
acronyms 315
action 37 484
Action, principle 484
Active vibrations, infrared 346
Active vibrations, Raman 347
Active, electron 297
Active, orbital 297
Adjoint matrix 520
Allowed transition 203
Alternant hydrocarbons 259
Ammonia, inversion doubling 354
Ammonia, molecular orbitals 257
Ammonia, SALC 257
Angular momentum in a plane 73
Angular momentum, about axis 249
Angular momentum, classical limit 76
Angular momentum, Clebsch — Gordan series 112
Angular momentum, commutators 100
Angular momentum, composite systems 110
Angular momentum, coupled 111 161
Angular momentum, coupled Hund cases 358
Angular momentum, eigenfunctions 107
Angular momentum, eigenvalues 103
Angular momentum, generators 158
Angular momentum, group theory 157
Angular momentum, half integral 109
Angular momentum, infinitesimal rotations 157
Angular momentum, magnitude 104
Angular momentum, matrix elements 105
Angular momentum, operators 74 98 108
Angular momentum, photon 204
Angular momentum, precession 232
Angular momentum, quantization 79
Angular momentum, Quantum number 79
Angular momentum, quenched 414
Angular momentum, shift operators 101
Angular momentum, total 110
Angular momentum, triangle condition 113
Angular momentum, uncertainty relations 75
Angular momentum, vector representation 76 79 101 113
Angular momentum, vibrational 354
Angular momentum, wavefunctions 497
Anharmonicity 337 351
Anharmonicity, constant 337
Anharmonicity, electrical 340
Anharmonicity, Fermi resonance 353
Anharmonicity, group theory 352
Annihilation operators 339 493
Anomalous Zeeman effect 234
Anti — Stokes lines 322
Antibonding orbital 248
Antisymmetric stretch 344
Antisymmetrized direct product 151
Antisymmetrized wavefunction 216
Antitunnelling 53
Arithmetical progressions 112
Associated Laguerre functions 87 87
Associated Legendre functions 78 498
Associative 126
Asymmetric rotor 323
Asymptotic behaviour 86 450
Atomic, hydrogen (see Hydrogenic atom)
Atomic, orbital 90
Atomic, Spectra 5 202
Atomic, Structure 221
Aujbau principle 223
Austin model 313
Axis, improper rotation 123
Axis, principal 123
Axis, rotary reflection 123
Axis, symmetry 115
Azimuth 76
Azulene 259
Background phase shift 466
Balmer series 203
Band, gap 268
Band, theory 266
Barn 449
Basis functions 245
Basis functions, direct product 150
Basis functions, orthogonality 154 505
Basis functions, symmetry adapted 145
Basis set 245
Basis set, correlation energy 293
Basis set, double-zeta 287
Basis set, minimum 257 287
Basis set, superposition error 289
Basis set, truncation error 285
Benzene, configuration 262
Benzene, delocalization energy 262
Benzene, electronic spectrum 367
Benzene, molecular orbitals 261
Benzene, orbital energies 261
Benzene, vibronic transitions 367
Benzenoid band 367
Bernouilli numbers 237
Bessel functions 69 459
Birefringence 401
Bixon — Jortner theory 372 381
Black body 1
Bloch theory 269
Block-diagonal matrix 137
Bohr, magneton 207
Bohr, model of atom 5
Bohr, radius 88
Boltzmann distribution 321
Boltzmann distribution in electric field 395
Boltzmann distribution, rotational levels 332
Bond, 251
Bond, 251
Bond, covalent 243
Bond, double 252
Bond, formation 243
Bond, kinetic energy 244
Bond, lengths, calculated 291
Bond, molecular orbital 244
Bond, order and energy 252
| Bond, triple 251
Bonding orbital 248
Born — Oppenheimer approximation 240
Born, approximation 455
Born, expansion 455
Born, interpretation 18 42
Borrow intensity 369
Boson 219 332
Bound states 45
boundary conditions 44
Boundary conditions, cyclic 73
Boundary surface 90
Bra 22
Bracket notation 22
Brackett series 203
Branch 340
Branch, -doubling 360 365
Branch, head 341
Branch, O, S 342
Branch, P, Q, R 340 365
Breit-Wigner, formula 468
Breit-Wigner, resonance 470
Brillouin zone 271
Brillouin’s theorem 294
building-up principle 223
Butadiene 260 377
Calculational accuracy 290
Canonical, momentum 486
Canonical, spinorbital 502
Capacitance 393
Carbon, diatomic 253
Carbon, dioxide 344
Carbon, monoxide 254
Carbonyl group, chromophore 366
Carbonyl group, optical activity 407
Carbonyl group, vibronic transitions 367 369
Central field approximation 222
Central potential 71
Centre of symmetry 123
Centrifugal distortion 327
Centrifugal distortion of motion 29
Centrifugal distortion, rate 479
Centrifugal distortion, variation of 188
Channel 472 475
Character, full rotation group 160
Character, table 139 523
Charge density 514
Chemical shift 411 428
Chromophore 365 366
Chromophore, optical activity 407
Circular, birefringence 401
Circular, square well 72
Circularly polarized light 402
Cl 292
Cl (configuration interaction) 232 250
class 136
Class, number of symmetry species 141
Classical limit, rotation 76
Classical limit, vibration 64
Classical mechanics 484
Classical quantum basis 30
Classical virial theorem 55 63 487
Clebsch-Gordan, coefficients 115
Clebsch-Gordan, series 112 161 229
Close-coupling 477
Closed, channel 473
Closed, shell species 220
Closure approximation 174 386 422
Closure relation 32
CNDO method 311
Coefficients, Clebsch — Gordan 115
Coefficients, Einstein 195
Coefficients, Racah 119
Coefficients, spontaneous emission 196
Coefficients, stimulated absorption 195
Coefficients, stimulated emission 195
Coefficients, vector coupling 115
Coefficients, Wigner 115
Cofactor 521
Colatitude 76
Collisions, inelastic 474
Colloids 393
Column vector 521
Combination, band 351
Combination, principle 5
Commutation relation 12 25
Commutation relation, angular momentum 98 100
Commutation relation, conservation laws 29
Commutation relation, fundamental 16
Commutation relation, simultaneous eigenstates 24
Commutator 12
Complementarity 6 24
Complete active space 297
Complete set 10
Completeness relation 31
Complexes 264
Compound doublet 212
Compton, effect 4
Compton, wavelength 4
Conduction band 268
Configuration 211
Configuration, atomic terms 232
Configuration, hydrogen molecule 250
Configuration, interaction 292
Configuration, state function 292
Conjugate elements 136
Conjugated 7
Conrotatory path 375
Conservation, laws 29
Conservation, orbital symmetry 374
Constant, anharmonicity 337
Constructive interference 244
Contact interaction 439 517
Continuity equation 49
Continuum states 193
Contracted Gaussian 287
Contraction scheme 288
Convergence 172 279
Coordinates, ellipsoidal 242
Coordinates, mass-weighted 343
Coordinates, normal 344
Coordinates, spherical 76
Core hamiltonian 226 277
Coriolis force 353
Coriolis force, l-type doubling 354
Correlation, diagram, atomic terms 233
Correlation, dynamic 293
Correlation, energy 292
Correlation, nondynamic 293
Correlation, problem 227
Coulomb, degeneracy 95
Coulomb, gauge 417
Coulomb, integral (atoms) 213
Coulomb, integral (molecules) 246
Coulomb, operator 227 278
Coulomb, potential 13
Coulson — Rushbrooke theorem 259
Counterpoise correction 290
Coupled, channel 477
Coupled, picture 111 160
Coupled-perturbed equations 306
Coupling scheme 229 358 507
covalent bond 243
Creation, operators 339 493
Cross-section 448
Cross-section, differential 449
Cross-section, integral 449
CSF 292
Cubic groups 125
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