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Browne M.E. — Schaum's outline of theory and problems of physics for engineering and science |
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Absolute temperature 205 220
ac circuits 331
Acceleration 23
Acceleration in SHM 156
Acceleration of gravity 59 170
Acceleration, angular 128
Acceleration, centripetal 46
Acceleration, constant 25
Acceleration, due to force 59
Acceleration, due to gravity 59 170
Acceleration, radial 46
Activity, radioactive 439
Addition of vectors 8
Adiabatic process 223 230 231
Advantage, mechanical 64 107
Aircraft guidance 376
Algebra 3
Alkali metals 428
Alpha decay 443
Alpha particles 435
Ampere 283
Ampere's law 313
Amplitude 160
Amplitude of a wave 196
Angle of incidence 238
Angle of incidence, frequency 80 160 197
Angle of incidence, magnification 363
Angle of incidence, momentum 141
Angle of incidence, spin momentum 144
Angle of incidence, velocity 128
Antinodes 195
Antiparticles 443
Aperture resolution 383
Aphelion 175
Apparent depth 351
Approximations 11
Archimedes' principle 183
Artificial gravity 84
Atmospheric pressure 219
Atomic mass 218
Atomic mass, numbers 436
Atomic mass, shells 424
Atwood's machine 102
Auto transformer 332
Average velocity 23
Avogadro's number 218
Balloon, hot air 226
Banked highway 79
Basal metabolic rate 215
battery 289
Beats 200
Bequerel (unit) 440
Bernoulli's equation 185
Beta decay 443
Betatron 321
Binding energy of nuclei 438
Binding energy of nuclei, curve of 439
Binomial expansion 11
Biot — Savart law 310
Blackbody radiation 403
Block and tackle 110
Bohr magneton 421
Bohr's correspondence principle 418
Bohr's model of atoms 407
Boltzmann's constant 220
Bosons 427
BTU 93
bulk modulus 155
Buoyancy 183
Calculus 12
Capacitance of coaxial line 275
Capacitance of concentric spheres 275
Capacitance, defined 274
Capacitance, resistance circuits 294
Capacitances in combination 276
Capacitative: reactance 233
Capacitative: time constant 294
Capacitor discharging 295
Capacitors: energy storage in 277
Capacitors: in parallel 276
Capacitors: in series 276
Capacity, heat 209
Carbon dating 441
Carnot engine 234 240
Cassagrain telescope 366
Celsius temperature scale 206
Center of mass 119
Center of mass of a person 151
centripetal acceleration 46
Centripetal acceleration, force 79
Chain reaction 446
Charge: distributions, continuous 248
Charge: electric 243
Charge: induced 268
Charge: on a conductor 256
Chinese windlass 110
Chinook wind 227
Circle, area of 4
Circle, circumference 4
Circuits: electric 289
Circuits: re 294
circular motion 46
Circulation of magnetic field 313
Clausius form of second law 233
Coaxial line, capacitance of 275
Coefficient: of linear expansion 207
Coefficient: of performance 235
Coefficient: of volume expansion 207
Collisions: elastic 116
Collisions: inelastic 116
Comet Halley 175
comets 352
Compound: microscope 364
Compound: pendulum 165
Compressibility 155
Compton wavelength 406
Concave mirrors 356
Conduction of heat 212
Conductivity, electric 284
Conductor, charge on 256
Conductors, electric 243
Configuration, electronic 427
Confinement in nuclear fusion 448
Conservation: of angular momentum 142
Conservation: of energy 230
Conservation: of energy law 102
Conservation: of linear momentum 114
Conservative force 100
Continuity, equation of 185
Continuous charge, potential of 268
Contraction of length, relativistic 392
Convection of heat 213
Converging lens 359
Conversion of units 16
Correspondence principle 418
Cosine function 6
Cosines, Law of 6
Cosmological red shift 398 400
Coulomb unit 243
Coulomb's law 243
Critical nuclear reaction 446
Curie (unit) 440
Current: density 284
Current: displacement 343
Current: electric 283
Current: loop, torque on 304
Current: sheet, magnetic field of 314
Currents, eddy 321
Cycle: irreversible 233
Cycle: reversible 233
| Cyclic process in gas 231
Cyclotron: frequency 301
Cyclotron: radius 301
Cylinder: surface area 4
Cylinder: volume of 4
Damped oscillations 166
Dating, radioactive 441
de Broglie wavelength 412
Decay constant, radioactive 440
Decibels 197
Degrees of freedom 221
Density, mass 180
Derivative, definition 12
Derivatives, table of 13
Detectors, metal 321
Determinants 11
Deuterium 436
dielectric constant 278
Dielectrics 278
Differential hoist 108
Diffraction 362
Diffraction, electron 413
Diffraction, grating 384
Dilation of time 392
Dipole, magnetic 305
Disintegration energy 443
Disorder and entropy 238
Dispersion of a grating 386
Displacement: current 343
Displacement: vector 40
Distribution curve, velocity 222
Diverging lens 359
Doppler effect: light 398
Doppler effect: sound 201
Double slit interference 370
Drag force 96
Drift velocity 283
Duality of light 405
Eddy currents 321
Efficiency: of a heat engine 233
Efficiency: of Carnot engine 234
Elastic: limit 154
Elastic: modulus 154
Elasticity 153
Electric: charge 243
Electric: circuit 289
Electric: conductivity 284
Electric: current 283
Electric: field 245
Electric: field, charged sheet 260
Electric: field, continuous charge 248
Electric: field, dipole 247
Electric: field, electrostatic 256
Electric: field, hollow sphere 258
Electric: field, lines 246
Electric: field, point charge 246
Electric: field, slab 260
Electric: field, uniform sphere 257
Electric: flux 254
Electric: force 245
Electric: potential 264
Electric: potential, energy 264
Electric: potential, of point charge 266
Electric: power 286
Electromagnetic: induction 318
Electromagnetic: spectrum 344
Electromagnetic: wave equation 344
Electromagnetic: waves 344
Electron: diffraction 413
Electron: scattering 406
Electron: volt 265
Electronic configuration 427
Electrostatic electric field 256
EMF: defined 289
EMF: induced 318
EMF: motional 322
Energy: and entropy 238
Energy: conservation 102 230
Energy: definition 92
Energy: density, magnetic 324
Energy: electric potential 264
Energy: equipartition of 221
Energy: in an EM wave 345
Energy: in capacitors 277
Energy: in SHM 162
Energy: internal 209
Energy: kinetic, relativistic 396
Energy: mechanical 102
Energy: of monatomic gas 221
Energy: relativistic 396
Energy: rest 396
Energy: storage in a magnetic field 324
Energy: thermal 209
Energy: to friction 104
Energy: total 102
Engine: Carnot 234
Engine: gasoline 235
Engine: heat 223
Engine: internal combustion 226
entropy 236
Entropy and disorder 238
Entropy of ideal gas 237
Entropy, Boltzmann's definition 238
Equilibrium 60
Equilibrium, rotational 150
Equilibrium, thermal 205
Equipartition of energy 221
Equipotentials 265
Escape velocity 173
Exclusion principle 426
Exhaust velocity 122
Expansion: free of gas 237
Expansion: thermal 207
expectation value 415
Exponents 2
Extended bodies 150
External force 58 150
External force, torque 150
Eyepiece of telescope 364
Fahrenheit temperature scale 206
Falling objects 30
Farad 274
Faraday disk 322
Faraday's law 318
Fermat's principle 350
Fermi unit 437
fermions 427
Fiber optics 350
Field, electric 245
Field, magnetic 310
Fine structure of hydrogen 425
Finite well, particle in 418
First law of motion 58
First law of thermodynamics 229
Fission, nuclear 445 447
Fluid flow 184
Fluids 180
Flux, electric 254
Flux, magnetic 318
Focal: length of mirror 356
Focal: point 356
Forbidden transitions 425
Force: centripetal 79
Force: definition 58
Force: diagram 60
Force: electric 245
Force: external 58
Force: gravitational 170
Force: in relativity 394
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