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Browne M.E. — Schaum's outline of theory and problems of physics for engineering and science |
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Force: magnetic 300 303
Force: net 58
Force: nuclear 437
Force: of friction 62
Force: on current 291
Force: recoil 124
Force: weak 444
Forced oscillations 166
Frame of reference 48
Free body diagram 60
Free expansion of a gas 237
Free fall 30
Free path, mean 222
Freedom, degrees of 221
frequency 129 160
Frequency of revolution 80
Frequency of sound 197
Frequency, angular 80 160
Frequency, beat 200
Frequency, cyclotron 301
Frequency, fundamental 196
Frequency, natural 166
Frequency, resonant 167
Frequency, wave 193
Friction force 62
Friction loss of energy 104
Fundamental frequency of a string 196
Fusion, heat of 210
Fusion, nuclear 447
Gamma decay 444
Gamma decay, nuclear 447
Gas constant law, ideal 218
Gas constant, universal 218
Gases 180
Gases, kinetic theory of 218
Gasoline engine 235
Gauge pressure 181 219
Gauss' law 254
Gears 108
Generator, homopolar 322
Geosynchronous satellites 176
Gradient of the potential 267
Grating: diffraction 384
Grating: dispersion of 386
Grating: resolving power of 385
Gravitational force 170
Gravitational force, potential energy 101 172
Gravity: acceleration of 59
Gravity: artificial 84
Gravity: law of 170
Half-life, radioactive 440
Hall effect 306
Halley's comet 175
Halogens 428
Harmonic: frequency 196
Harmonic: motion 160
Harmonic: standing waves in pipes 199
Heat: capacity 209
Heat: conduction 212
Heat: convection 213
Heat: engine 233
Heat: latent 210
Heat: of fusion 210
Heat: of vaporization 210
Heat: pumps 235
Heat: specific 209
Heat: transfer 212
Heat: transfer by radiation 213
Heating, joule 286
Heisenberg uncertainty principle 419
Hertz 80 160
Homopolar generator 322
Hooke's law force 90
Hot air balloon 226
Hula hoops 146
Human fly ride 82
Hydraulic jack 182
Hydrogen energy levels 408 423
Hydrogen energy levels, wave functions 424
Ideal gas: entropy of 237
Ideal gas: law 218
Ideal gas: work done 229
Images: due to lenses 360
Images: real 356 360
Images: virtual 356 360
Impedance in ac circuits 335
Impulse 115
Incidence, angle of 348
Index of refraction 348
Induced charge on dielectric 278
Induced EMF 318
Inductance 323
Inductive reactance 334
Inductive reactance, time constant 326
Inelastic collisions 116
Inert gases 429
Inertia moment of 130
Inertial confinement in fusion 448
Inertial confinement in fusion, frame 59 389
Instantaneous velocity 23
insulators 243
Integrals, table of 13
Intensity of sound 197
Interference 195 370
Interference in thin films 373
Interference, constructive 195
Interference, destructive 195
Interference, double slit 370
Interference, multiple slit 372
Interferometer, Michelson 375
Internal: combustion engine 226
Internal: energy 209
Internal: reflection, total 350
Irreversible cycle 236
Irreversible cycle process 233
Isobaric process 230
Isochoric process 230
Isothermal, expansion 229
Isothermal, process 224 230
Isotope separation 446
Isotopes 436
Joule heating 286
Joule heating, unit 88
Junction rule for currents 293
Kelvin form of second law 233
Kelvin temperature scale 206
Kepler's laws 173
Kinematics 23
Kinetic energy: and temperature 220
Kinetic energy: definition 91
Kinetic energy: of molecules 220
Kinetic energy: of rolling 136
Kinetic energy: of SHM 162
Kinetic energy: relativistic 396
Kinetic energy: rotational 130
Kinetic energy: theory 218
Kirchhoffs rules 293
Laminar flow 184
Latent heat 210
Law of Biot — Savart 310
Law of Cosines 6
Law of cosines of gravity 170
Law of cosines of Malus 347
Law of cosines of motion 58
Law of cosines of nature 15
Law of cosines of reflection 347
Law of cosines of refraction 348
Law of cosines of sines 6
Least time, principle of 350
Length contraction 392
| Lens makers's formula 361
Lens: converging 359
Lens: diverging 359
Lens: magnification 361
Lens: objective 364
Lens: power 366
Lenses, images due to 360
Lenses, thin 359
Lenz'slaw 319
Lever arm, perpendicular 134
Light, Doppler effect 398
Light, duality of 405
Lightning 261
Limit, elastic 154
Linear: expansion, thermal 207
Linear: momentum 113
Lines of electric field 246
Lines of electric field, stream 184
Liquids 180
Load resistance 290
Logarithms 5
Longitudinal pressure wave 197
Loop rule for currents 293
Lorentz transformation 391
Loudness of sound 197
Loudspeaker 307
Machines 107
Macrostates 238
Magnetic dipole moment 305
Magnetic field 310
Magnetic field due to current 310
Magnetic field of circular loop 311
Magnetic field of current sheet 314
Magnetic field of finite solenoid 316
Magnetic field of solenoid 313
Magnetic field of straight wire 311
Magnetic field of toroid 314
Magnetic field, energy 324
Magnetic field, field 310
Magnetic: flux 318
Magnetic: force 300
Magnetic: force on wire 303
Magnetic: poles 305
Magnetic: quantum number 423
Magnetic: velocity selector 301
Magnification: angular 363
Magnification: of a lens 361
Magnification: of a microscope 364
Magnification: of a mirror 358
Magnifier, simple 363
Magnifying mirror 358
Malus, law of 347
Manometers 181
Mass 59
Mass-energy relation 396
Mass: atomic 218
Mass: center of 119
Mass: defect 438
Mass: number 436
Mass: spectrometer 302
Maxwell — Boltzmann distribution 222
Maxwell's equations 343
Mean free path 221
Mean speed in a gas 221
Mechanical: advantage 64 107
Mechanical: energy 102
Mechanical: waves, transverse 191
Megawatt 93
Merry-go-round 146
Metabolic rate of humans 215
Metal detectors 321
Michelson interferometer 375
Microscope, compound 364
Microstates 238
Microwatt 93
Milliwatt 93
Mirrors 355
Mirrors, concave 356
Mirrors, plane 355
Mirrors, spherical 356
mm of mercury 180
Modes, resonant 196
Modulus: bulk 155
Modulus: elastic 155
Modulus: shear 155
Modulus: Young's 154 208
Molar specific heat 223
Mole, definition 218
Molecular basis of: kinetic energy 220
Molecular basis of: pressure 219
Molecule, definition of 218
Molecules, polar 278
Moment of inertia 130
Moment of inertia, table 132
Momentum and force 113
Momentum and force of photon 406
Momentum and force, angular 141
Momentum and force, linear 113
Momentum and force, relativistic 394
Monatomic gas, energy of 221
Motion: harmonic 160
Motion: in two dimensions 40
Motion: of planets 173
Motion: oscillatory 160
Motion: relative 48
Motional EMF 322
Multiloop circuits 293
Mutual inductance 323
Natural frequency 166
Near point 363
Net force 58
Neutrino 443
Neutron number 436
Neutrons 435
Newton's Laws 58
Newton's rings 373
Newton's Second Law of Motion 58
nodes 195
Nonconservative force 100
Normalization of wave function 415
North magnetic pole 305
Nuclear: fission 445
Nuclear: fusion 447
Nuclear: physics 435
Nuclear: power reactors 446
Nuclear: reactions 445
Nucleons 435
Nucleus, size of 437
Objective lens of telescope 364
Ohm's law 284
Ohms 284
Open circuit voltage 289
Optical instruments 362
Optics, fiber 350
Orbital angular momentum 423
Oscillations, damped 166
Oscillations, forced 166
Oscillator, recircuit 295
Oscillatory motion 160
Otto cycle 235
Parallel: axis theorem 133
Parallel: capacitors 276
Parallel: resistors 291
Particle in a box 415
Particle in a finite well 418
Pascal unit 180
Pascal's principle 181
Path independent process 230
Pauli exclusion principle 426
Pendulum: compound 164
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