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Browne M.E. — Schaum's outline of theory and problems of physics for engineering and science |
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Uranium, separation of isotopes 446
Vaporization heat of 210
Vectors 10
Velocity 23
Velocity of string wave 194
Velocity, angular 128
Velocity, distribution curve 222
Velocity, drift 283
Velocity, escape 173
Velocity, exhaust 122
Velocity, phase 192
Velocity, sedimentation 85
Velocity, selector 301
Velocity, terminal 72 96 321
Velocity, transformations, relativistic 392
Velocity, wave 192
VHST (very high speed transport) 35
Virtual image 356
Visible spectrum 344
Volt defined 264
Volume expansion, thermal 207
Water, triple point 205
Watt, definition 93
Wave: amplitude 192
Wave: equation, electromagnetic 344
Wave: frequency 193
Wave: front 347
Wave: function 414
Wave: functions of hydrogen 424
Wave: number 193
Wave: period 193
Wave: phase constant 193
| Wave: power 194
Wave: resonant frequency 196
Wave: sinusoidal 192
Wave: superposition 194
Wave: velocity 192
Wave: velocity on string 194
Wavelength 192
Wavelength, Compton 406
Wavelength, de Broglie 412
Wavelength, of EM waves 344
Waves: longitudinal 197
Waves: on a string 193
Waves: pressure 197
Waves: standing 195
Waves: transverse mechanical 191
Waves: traveling 191
Weak force 443
Weight 59
Wien's Law 404
Work 88
Work by a gas 229
Work in adiabatic expansion 231
Work in isothermal expansion 229
Work in rotation 137
Work to stretch a spring 90
Work, function 405
X-ray diffraction 387
Yerkes telescope 364
Young's modulus 154 208
Zeeman effect 421
Zero-point energy 417
Zeroth law of thermodynamics 205
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