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Browne M.E. — Schaum's outline of theory and problems of physics for engineering and science |
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Pendulum: physical 164
Pendulum: simple 164
Performance, coefficient of 235
Perihelion 175
Period of a wave 193
Period of SHM 161
Periodic motion 160
Periodic motion, table 427
Permeability of free space 310
Perpendicular axis theorem 133
Perpendicular axis theorem, lever arm 134
Phase 160
Phase of a wave 193
Phase, constant 160
Phase, relations in ac circuits 334
Phase, velocity 192
Phases of matter 210
Phasors in ac circuits 335
Phasors in interference 372
photoelectric effect 405
Photon momentum 406
photons 403
Physical pendulum 165
Pipes, standing waves in 199
Pitch of sound 197
Planck radiation law 403
Planck's constant 403
Plane mirrors 355
Plane of polarization 346
Planets, motion of 173
Point of charge, electric field of 246
Point of charge, potential of 266
polar molecules 278
Polarization 343
Polarization of dielectric 278
Polarized light 343
Polaroid sunglasses 352
Position vector 40
Positrons 443
Potential energy: definition 100
Potential energy: electric 264
Potential energy: gravitational 101
Potential energy: of a spring 105
Potential energy: of magnetic dipole 305
Potential energy: of point charges 266
Potential energy: of SHM 162
Potential: electric 264
Potential: of charged conductor 270
Potential: of continuous charge 268
Power in a wave 194
Power in ac circuits 334
Power intensity of sound 198
Power: definition 92
Power: electric 286
Power: maximum 290
Power: of a lens 366
Power: to rotate 137
Poynting vector 345
Precession 143
Pressure 154 180
Pressure, atmospheric 219
Pressure, gauge 219
Pressure, molecular basis 219
Pressure, radiation 345
Pressure, waves 197
principal quantum number 423
Principal quantum number ,rays 356 360
Principle of superposition 258
Probability function 414
Process: adiabatic 223 230 231
Process: cyclic 231
Process: irreversible 233
Process: isobaric 230
Process: isochoric 230
Process: isothermal 224 230
Process: path independent 230
Process: reversible 233
Product, scalar 10
Product, vector 10
Projectile motion 42
Projectile motion, range 44
Protons 436
Pry bar 107
Pump, heat 235
pV diagrams 231
Pythagorean Theorem 6
q factor in ac circuits 338
Quadratic equation 4
Quanta 403
quantum mechanics 414
Quantum mechanics, number, magnetic 423
Quantum mechanics, number, principle 423
Quantum mechanics, number, spin 423
Quantum mechanics, number, spin magnetic 423
Quantum mechanics, numbers 423
Quantum mechanics, theory of hydrogen 422
Radial acceleration 46
Radial acceleration, probability density for hydrogen 424
Radiation as heat transfer 213
Radiation as heat transfer from the sun 214
Radiation as heat transfer, pressure 345
Radiation as heat transfer, pressure in a star 352
Radioactive dating 441
Radioactive dating, decay 440
Radioactive dating, decay processes 442
Radioactivity 439
Radioactivity, artificial 445
Radioactivity, half-life 440
Radon gas 441
Rail gun, electromagnetic 307
Range of projectile 44
Ray of light 347
Rayleigh criterion for resolution 382
Rays, principal 356 360
rc circuits 294
Reactance, capacitative 233
Reactance, inductive 334
Reaction energy in nuclear process 445
Real images 356
Recoil force 1214
Red shift, cosmological 396 400
Reference frame 48
Reflecting telescope 358
Reflection of light 347
Reflection of light, angle of 348
Reflection of light, total internal 350
Refraction, index of 348
Refraction, law of 348
Refrigerators 234
Reinforcement of waves 197
Relative motion 48
Relativistic: energy 396
Relativistic: force-momentum relation 394
Relativistic: momentum 394
Relativistic: velocity transformations 392
Relativity, theory of 389
Relaxation oscillator, neon lamp 295
Reproduction constant 446
Resistance, electric 284
Resistance, equivalent 290
Resistivity, electric 284
Resistors in parallel 291
Resistors in series 291
Resolution 382
Resolving angle for a slit 383
Resolving angle for aperture 383
Resolving power of a grating 385
Resonance 167
Resonancein ac circuits 338
| resonant frequency 167
Resonant frequency in ac circuits 338
Resonant frequency of string waves 196
Resonant modes 196
Rest energy 396
Restoring force 90
Reversible cycle 233
Reversible cycle, process 233
Right-hand rule 11
Right-hand rule for magnetic force 310
RLC circuits 335
Rockets 122
Roller coaster ride 103
Rolling 136
Root mean square quantities 221 334
Rotation, second law for 141
Rotational kinetic energy 130
Rotational kinetic energy, motion 128
Rotational kinetic energy, power 137
Rotational kinetic energy, work 137
Rutherford, Ernest 435
Santa Ana wind 227
Satellites 174
Satellites, geosynchronous 176
Scalar product 10
Scattering, Compton 406
Schrodinger equation 414
Scientific notation 1
Second law of motion 59
Second law of motion for rotation 135 141
Second law of thermodynamics 232 236
Sedimentation velocity 85
Self-inductance 323
Semiconductors 243
Series expressions 11
shear modulus 154
Shells, atomic 424
SHM and circular motion 163
Significant figures 2
simple harmonic motion 160
Simultaneity 389
Sine function 6
Sines, law of 6
Single slit diffraction 362
Sinusoidal traveling wave 191
Slab, electric field of 260
Slit, resolving angle for 383
Snell's law 348
Solenoid, finite 316
Solenoid, magnetic field of 313
Sound: Doppler effect 201
Sound: frequency 197
Sound: loudness 197
Sound: pitch 197
Sound: power intensity 198
Sound: waves 197
South magnetic pole 305
Space habitat 84
Special relativity 389
Specific heat 209
Specific heat of monatomic gas 223
Specific heat, constant pressure 224
Specific heat, constant volume 223
Specific heat, molar 223
Spectral lines 408
Spectrometer, mass 302
Spectrum, visible 344
Spectrum, visible, electromagnetic 344
Speed of EM waves 344
Speed, mean 221
Speed, root mean square 221
Sphere, surface area 4
Sphere, volume of 4
Spherical mirrors 356
Spin angular momentum 144 421
Spin angular momentum, magnetic quantum number 421
Spin angular momentum, quantum number 421
Spring constant 90 156
Spring constant, potential energy 105
Standard temperature and pressure 219
standing waves 195
Standing waves in pipes 199
Statics 150
Stationary states 414
Stefan — Boltzmann law 213 404
STP 219
strain 154
Stream lines 184
Stress 154
String waves 193
Strong nuclear force 437
Sun's radiation 214
Superposition: of charge 258
Superposition: of waves 195
Superposition: principle of 258
Systeme International units 15
Table of integrals 13
Tangent function 6
Taylor's series 11
Telescope: Cassagrain 366
Telescope: reflecting 358
Telescope: refracting 364
Telescope: Yerkes 364
Temperature 205
Temperature, absolute 220
Temperature, coefficient of resistivity 284
Temperature, kinetic energy 220
Terminal speed in a magnetic field 321
terminal velocity 72 96
Thermal: energy 209
Thermal: equilibrium 205
Thermal: expansion 207
Thermodynamics: first law of 229
Thermodynamics: second law of 232 236
Thermodynamics: zeroth law of 205
Thermometers 205
Thin film interference 373
Thorium, decay of 444
Thrust 122
Time constant: capacitative 294
Time constant: inductive 326
Time dilation 392
Tops, precession of 144
Toroid, magnetic field of 314
torque 134
Torque on current loop 304
Torque on magnetic dipole 305
Torque, external 150
Total internal reflection 350
Total mechanical energy 102
Transfer of heat 212
Transformer 331
Transverse mechanical waves 191
Traveling waves 191
Triangle, area of 4
Trigonometry 6
Triple point of water 205
Tritium 436
Tuning capacitor 280
Tunneling 443
Turbulent flow 180
Twist 134
Two-dimensional motion 40
U tube 182
Ultraviolet catastrophe 403
Uncertainty principle 419
Unified mass unit 436
Uniform circular motion 46
Unit conversion 16
Unit vectors 10
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