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Eliezer Sh., Ghatak A., Hora H. — Fundamentals of Equations of State
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Название: Fundamentals of Equations of State
Авторы: Eliezer Sh., Ghatak A., Hora H.
Аннотация: The equation of state was originally developed for ideal gases, and proved central to the development of early molecular and atomic physics. Increasingly sophisticated equations of state have been developed to take into account molecular interactions, quantization, relativistic effects, etc.
Extreme conditions of matter are encountered both in nature and in the laboratory, for example in the centres of stars, in relativistic collisions of heavy nuclei, in inertial confinement fusion (where a temperature of 109 K and a pressure exceeding a billion atmospheres can be achieved). A sound knowledge of the equation of state is a prerequisite for understanding processes at very high temperatures and pressures, as noted in some recent developments.
This book presents a detailed pedagogical account of the equation of state and its applications in several important and fast-growing topics in theoretical physics, chemistry and engineering.
Рубрика: Физика /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 2002
Количество страниц: 384
Добавлена в каталог: 14.11.2008
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'Clamshell' focusing mirror 233
'Drowning of spectral lines' 3
'Fireball' of matter 311
Acoustic velocity 14
Adiabatic compression 22
Adiabatic law 224
Adiabatic process 170
Aluminium EOS 210
Antiparticle 311
Astrophysics 11 257
Atomic weight 17
Avogadro number 22 37
Bernoulli equation 195
Black body radiation 4 11 267 283
Bohr, orbits 117
Bohr, radius 11 108
Boltzmann equation 185 188
Boltzmann factor 52
Boltzmann's constant 3 37
Boltzmann's law 35
Boltzmann's relation 23
Boltzmann's statistics 24
Bootstrap philosophy equation 311
Bose gas 68
Bose — Einstein condensation 62
Bose — Einstein distribution 58
Bose — Einstein equation of state 49
Bose — Einstein statistics 49 55
Bosons 13 318
Boyle — Mariotte law 16 82
Bremsstrahlung 222 238
Bremsstrahlung, inverse 236
Bremsstrahlung, losses 225
Cannon ball 242
Cannon ball, scheme 244
Canonical momenta 35
Carnot, cycle 17
Carnot, process 16 224
Central core 232
Chandrasekhar 76 82 289 295
Chandrasekhar, limit 301
Changes of symmetry 8
Chemical forces 8
Chemical kinetics 1
Chemical potential/s 19 88 102
Chemical reactions 19
Chemically reacting gases 17
Classical statistics 50 59
Cold fusion 5
Collective, Collisions 239
Collective, Effects 190
Compressibility 6 160 163 198
Compressibility, isothermal 160
Compression energy 232
Compton wavelength 5 265
Conservation law 15
Copper EOS 210
Coriolis forces 194
Corona (hot) 232
Coulomb collisions 4 185 188 190
Coulomb interactions 96
Coulomb logarithm 193 236
Coupling of radiation 13
Critical phenomena 8
Critical point 21
Critical pressure 21
Critical temperature 21
Dalton's law 17 21
de-Broglie wavelength 105 108
Debye — Grueneisen EOS 251
Debye — Grueneisen equation 241
Debye — Hueckel 241
Debye — Hueckel, EOS 96
Debye — Hueckel, model 96
Debye, characteristic temperature 157
Debye, energy 158
Debye, length 98
Debye, model of solids 157
Debye, relation 201
Debye, specific heat 203
Debye, temperature 252
Degeneracy 4
Degeneracy, parameter 323
Degenerate gas (completely) 354
Degrees of freedom 22
Density of states 321
Density of stellar material 261
Density, ripples 243
Deuterium 221
Diatomic molecule 22 35
Dirac's relativistic equation 76
Dirac-delta function 106
Dissipative terms, 'artificial' 236
Distribution function 185
Distribution function, electron 116
Distribution of energy 23
Double layers 237
Dufong — Petit law 16 155 211
Dugdale — MacDonald formula 164
Eddington 286
Einstein, model of solids 155
Einstein, temperature 156
Electric fields 185
Electric fields, internal 222 242
Electric fields, strong 237
Electron, distribution electron interactions 120
Electron, distribution function 116
Electron, distribution phonon interactions 153
Electron, gas (degenerate) 262
Electronic partition function 47
Electrostatic atom model 3
Elementary particle physics 305
Energetic neutrinos 306
Energy 99
Energy conservation 1
Energy conservation, equation 167
Energy source 221
Energy, interactions 97
Energy, potential 106
Enthalpy 19
Entropy of an Ideal Gas 182
Entropy of radiation 1 16 22 23 24 30 75
Entropy, increase 182
Entropy, uniform 230
Equation of continuity 165 191
Equation of motion 191 195
Equation of state 153 249
Equation of state, model 10
Equation of state, non-degenerate 246
Equation of state, pressure-energy relation 201
Equation of state, relation 160
Equation of state, single temperature 246
Equation of state, two-temperature 246
Equipartition of energy 37
Euler equation 167 225
Eulerian coordinates 225
Evolution of a star 258 279
Exchange and quantum corrections 149 157 337
Extreme relativistic limit 84
Fast electrons 231
Fermi — Dirac 5 49
Fermi — Dirac, distribution 67
Fermi — Dirac, distribution function 69
Fermi — Dirac, electron Gas 228
Fermi — Dirac, equation of state 66 337
Fermi — Dirac, Fully degenerate 228
Fermi — Dirac, functions 326 333
Fermi — Dirac, integrals 151
Fermi — Dirac, model 240
Fermi — Dirac, statistics 105
fermions 5 13 318
ferromagnetism 8
First Jaw of thermodynamics 15 54
Flux limiter parameter 239
Fokker — Planck Coefficients 188
Fokker — Planck equation 188
Free energy 30 57 75 88
Free energy, Gibbs 88
Free energy, Helmholtz 57 75
Friction 15
Fusion reactions 225
Gas constant 37
Gaussian density profile 223 224
Gay-Lussac law 16
Generalized coordinates 35
Gibbs' free energy 33 88
Gibbs' paradox 31 33
Gibbs' potential 17
Glass balloons 232
Grand partition function 30 56 66
Gravitation 184 194
Gravitational constant 6 268
Gravitational force 267
Gravitational potential 258
Gravitational potential energy 274 293
Grueneisen, coefficient 200
Hadron physics 306
Hagedorn model 306
Hamilton's equations 189
harmonic oscillator 42
Heat 15
Heat, transport 15
Helmholtz free energy 57 75
Hohlraum radiation 244 245
Homogeneous star 274
Hugoniot, curve 180 201
Hugoniot, data 152
Hugoniot, experiments 164
Hugoniot, point 218
Hugoniot, pressure 203 217
Hugoniot, relation 176 179
Hydrodynamic codes 246
Hydrostatic equilibrium 267 354
Ideal equation of state 3
Ideal gas 259
Ignition, homogeneous 225
Ignition, process, central 232
Ignition, temperature 222
Ignition, volume, model 225 244
Impact of accelerated particle 198
Increase of fusion 5
Inertial confinement fusion 221 222
Inertial confinement fusion, laser induced 235
Inhomogeneity fields 239
Interionic forces, effect of 96
Intermediary statistics 14
Intermolecular forces 64
Internal energy 16
Inversion temperature 21
Ionization 9 89
Ionization, equilibrium 86
Ionization, potential 102
Ionization, processes 22
Ionization, reaction 90
Irreversibility 16
Isentropic compression 224 225
Isentropic process 22
Isolated ions 96
Isothermal compressibility 160
Isothermals 16
Kinetic equations 185
Kinetic pressure 15 195
Krook collision term 188
Lagrangian coordinates 225
Landau — Ginzburg equation 305
Lane — Emden equation 287
Laser induced inertial confinement 235
Laser pulse shape 231
Lawson criterion 223 225 353
Lead EOS 210
Liouville, distribution function 189
Liouville, equation 189
Liouville, Theorem 24 188
Lorentz frame 307
Loschmidt number 22 37
Loss of information 189
Mach number 181
Madelung model 6
Magnetic confinement 222
Many-body physics 305
Mass conservation 191
Mass conservation, equation 165
Maxwell — Boltzmann distribution 23 26 188
Maxwellian distribution 188
Mie — Grueneisen equation of state 152
Modes of vibrations 153
Molar volume 17
Molecular structure 17
Momentum conservation 191
Momentum conservation, equation 166
Most probable distribution 23
Multi-particle computations 185
N-particle problem 186
Near equilibrium processes 16
Neutrality condition 98
Neutrinos 6
Neutron stars 1 299
Newton's mechanics 184
Non-interacting molecules 86
Nonlinear effects 239
Nonlinear force 242 243
Nuclear explosives 198
Nuclear fusion 8 221
Nuclear fusion controlled 221
Nuclear fusion energy 221
Nuclear reaction time 353
Nuclear reactions 8
Optical path length 236
Osmotic pressure 96
Pair production 4 19
Parametric instabilities 238
Parity 306
Partition function 28 308
Partition function, electronic 47
Partition function, rotational 44
Pauli exclusion principle 308
Pellet, 'double shell' 233
Pellet, collapse 229
Perfect gas 37 261
Phase transitions 8 249
Phase transitions, solid-liquid 8
Photon momentum 53
photons 51
Picnonuclear reactions 5
Piston velocity 179
Planck distribution 52
Planck's constant 27
Planck's law 54
Plasma, beam, interactions 249
Plasma, compression 225
Plasma, fully ionized 229
Poisson equation 106 150
Polarization shift 53 3
Polytropic model 286
Potential energy function 106
Pressure 8 16 128 257
Pressure, and energy 315
Pressure, and other forces 184
Pressure, and temperature inside a star 269
Pressure, at the centre of a star 270