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Cushman-Roisin B. — Introduction to geophysical fluid dynamics |
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
Absolute acceleration 18—19 27—28
Absolute temperature 35 126
Absolute velocity 18
Abyssal circulation 110 122 277
Adiabatic atmosphere 126
Adiabatic change 39—40 125—127 128
Adiabatic lapse rate 127
Advection 34 118 371 207 211
Advective instability 147
Ageostrophic flow 85 89 208 212 218
Air masses 181 183
Albedo 268 281
Alps 191
Ambient vorticity 56 113 see
Amplitude of a wave 79 294
Amundsen, Roald 121
Anemometer 13
Antarctic circumpolar current 99 119
Anticyclones 10 41 251 252 see
Approximations, barotropic flow 54
Approximations, beta plane 84 273 284—285
Approximations, Boussinesq 37—40
Approximations, Cartesian coordinates 34
Approximations, f-plane 52 84
Approximations, flat bottom 52 55 63—64 79
Approximations, geostrophic flow 50 52 63—64 85 207
Approximations, homogeneous fluid 49 54 63 78
Approximations, hydrostaticity 43
Approximations, ideal gas 36
Approximations, incompressibility 36 124
Approximations, inviscid fluid 49 54 78
Approximations, shallow fluid 40—42 43 52 70
Arctic Ocean 5 281
Atlantic Ocean see also "Gulf Stream"
Atlantic Ocean circulation 110 118 119
Atlantic Ocean columnar flow 5
Atlantic Ocean hurricane tracks 3
Atmosphere differences with oceans 10—11
Atmosphere of other planets 3
Atmosphere role in heat balance 268—271
Atmosphere, scales in 11
Atmospheric boundary layer as a convective layer 73—74 163 164—166
Atmospheric boundary layer as an Ekman layer 68 74
Atmospheric motions general circulation 271—277
Atmospheric motions hurricanes 2—3 5—6 252 259 262
Atmospheric motions jet stream 106 229 241
Atmospheric motions scales 10 11
Atmospheric motions sea breeze 10 11 13
Atmospheric motions weather patterns 10—11 272—273
Australia 292 293
Available potential energy 212—14 250 259—261 see
Ballerina analogy 57
Baltic Sea 28 29
Baroclinic flow definition 182
Baroclinic flow wave 217 218—219
Baroclinic instability 118—119 200 224 225—238 239 250
Barotropic flow circulation 117
Barotropic flow definition 54
Barotropic flow waves 77—93 217
Barotropic instability 96—107 118—119 200 235 236—237 250
Bernoulli function 13 179
Beta effect 112 229 244—246 250 257—258 259 see
Beta parameter 84 285
Beta plane 74 84 111 112 207 214
Bjerknes, V. 76 121
Blackbody radiation 268
Blocking in geostrophic flows 53 241 247
Blocking in stratified fluids 131 132 142
Bottom proxy for beta effect 120
Bottom role in baroclinic instability 237
Bottom slope 52—53 70—72 87—88 90
Bottom topography see "Topographic variations"
Boundary conditions lateral 79 114—115 117
Boundary conditions vertical 55 63 64 68 71 111 143—144 214—215 231
Boundary layers 63 111 115—116 see "Western
Bounds on wave speeds and growth rates see "Semicircle theorem"
Boussinesq approximation 37—40 124 139 152 153
Brunt — Vaisala frequency see "Stratification frequency"
Brunt, D. 125 135
Bullet train 29
Buoyancy force 124 127 see
Burger number 132—133 210
Burger, A.P. 132
Cambridge University 61 293
Cannonball 29
Carbon dioxide 278—280
Cartesian coordinates as an approximation 37 84 206
Cartesian coordinates on a sphere 27
Centrifugal force 4 25
Centrifugal force in jet meanders 243
Centrifugal force in vortices 251—252
Centrifugal force mathematical derivation 18—19
Centrifugal force unimportance of 19—21
centripetal acceleration see "Centrifugal force"
Charney, J.G. 205 224 229 234 235 237 239 247 264
Circulation 57 113 173
Climate definition 267
Climate dynamics 267—281
Climate relevance to geophysical fluid dynamics 2
Climate study of 12 283
Clouds 11 137 268 269 270
Coastal upwelling see "Upwelling"
Coherent structures 220
Columbus, Christopher 13 110
Compressibility 36 40 125
Conduction 35 163
Continental shelf waves 91
Continuity equation 35 37 41 43 54—55 56 172
Convection cause 5 125
Convection in the atmosphere 11 129 163 164—166 267 271 272
Convection in the ocean 109
Convection model 108 162—166
Convergence/divergence 41 56—57
Convergence/divergence absence in geostrophic flows 52 53
Convergence/divergence due to Ekman layer 67 70 111—112
Convergence/divergence in baroclinic waves 219
Convergence/divergence in stratified fluid 130 132—133 173—174
Convergence/divergence presence in ageostrophic flows 54 131
Coriolis force ill vortices 251—252
Coriolis force in geostrophic adjustment 184 240
Coriolis force in prevailing winds 276
Coriolis force in quasi-geostrophic dynamics 204
Coriolis force origin 4 16—29
Coriolis force scaling 44—45
Coriolis parameter see also "Reciprocal"
Coriolis parameter beta approximation 84 93 284
Coriolis parameter on a rotating plane 21
Coriolis parameter on a rotating sphere 28
Coriolis parameter sign 28
Coriolis parameter value 84 114
Crest of meander 244—245
Crest of wave 106 295
Critical level 97 102 148 159
Critical meander scale 245 246 249
Cross-section of fluid parcel 56 173
Currentmeter 13 76
Curvature of jets 243—247
Curvature of the earth» 19—20 27—28
Cyclogenesis 250
Cyclones 10 41 251—252 see
Cyclostrophic balance 253
de Coriolis, G.G. 32
Dead waters 5 6 8 76 137
Deformation radius see "Radius of deformation"
Density equation 39 43 171 208—209
Density variations see also "Stratification"
Density variations use in equations 37—39
Density variations, role in generating motions 5 126 128
Density variations, scale 7 9 41
Density-coordinate system 169—172
| Dimensionless numbers beta parameter 84
Dimensionless numbers Burger number 132
Dimensionless numbers Ekman number 45 62—63
Dimensionless numbers Froude number 130
Dimensionless numbers Rayleigh number 163
Dimensionless numbers Reynolds number 45
Dimensionless numbers Richardson number 157
Dimensionless numbers Rossby number 44 47 78
Dimensionless numbers temporal Rossby numbei 44 78
Dimensionless numbers topographic parameter 88
Direct cell 272 275—277
Dispersion relation generalities 298—299
Dispersion relation inertia-gravity waves 82
Dispersion relation internal waves 140 144 302
Dispersion relation planetary waves 85—86 216—217
Dispersion relation shear flow waves 105
Dispersion relation surface gravity waves 301
Dispersion relation topographic waves 89
Dispersive wave 83 90 298
Divergence see "Convergence/divergence"
Double diffusion 39
Downwelling see "Upwelling"
Drag force 5—6
Drag force in mountain waves 145 146
Drift of vortices 253—259
Dynamic pressure 40 45 46 55
Earth gravitational acceleration 10
Earth northeasterlies 110
Earth radius 20 46 84 285
Earth rotation rate 8 10
Earth southeasterlies 110
Easterlies 11
Eddies see also "Vortices"
Eddies in oceanic circulation 119 265
Eddies in the atmosphere 274—276
Eddies laboratory demonstration 14
Eddies oceanic 11
Eddy diffusivity 39
Eddy flux 274—276
Eddy viscosity 45 63 72 see
Eigenvalue problem 99 215
Ekman drift 193—194 196 199 see
Ekman layer above flat bottom 63—66 66—67
Ekman layer above irregular bottom 70—72
Ekman layer cause 63
Ekman layer depth/thickness 63 65 69 71 73 114
Ekman layer role in baroclinic instability 229
Ekman layer role in ocean circulation 114 115 118
Ekman layer role in upwelling 193 195
Ekman layer turbulent 72—73
Ekman layer under surface 68—70 110—111
Ekman number 45 49 62—63 65 205
Ekman pumping 67 70 72 114
Ekman spiral 66 72 75
Ekman transport 66—67 69 see
Ekman, V.W. 5 6 68 76
El Nino 2 285 293
El Nino, description of event 290—292
Energy budget 187—189 212—214
energy equation 35 39
Energy minimum 188—189 225
English Channel 81—82
Enstrophy 259—260
Entrainment 167
Equation of state 36 40 126
Equatorial beta plane 285
Equatorial dynamics 42 93—94 194—195 284—292
Equatorial inertial time 285
Equatorial radius of deformation 285
External radius of deformation see "Radius of deformation"
f-plane 52 84
Ferrell cell 275—77
First law see "Thermodynamics"
Flattening of earth 19—20
Fourier law 35
FRAM 5 6
France 32 81—82
Free surface 55 78 215
frequency 22 24 82—83 85—86 89 139 215 295 298 see
Frequency maximum 87 90
Friction velocity see "Turbulent friction velocity"
Frictional force 33 34 38 44—45 63
Fronts 10 186 197—200 240—242
Froude number 129—131 147 166 243
Full upwelling 197—198
Ganett — Munk spectrum 147 150
Georges Bank 242
Geostrophic adjustment 183—189 199 241—242 292
Geostrophic balance (or equilibrium) 49—50 66 85 181—182 185 186 189 198 204—205 207 225 242 251 253
Geostrophic contours 53
Geostrophic flow 50—51 52—53 82 83 112 183
Geostrophic turbulence 220 224 245 259—261
Gibraltar 138 190
Gill, A.E. 34 194 237 290 291 293
Global warming 279—281
Governing equations 43
Gradient-wind balance 251
Gravitational force 34 see
Gravitational force as restoring force 136
Gravitational force importance in geophysical fluid dynamics 5 9
Gravitational force in Boussinesq approximation 40
Gravitational force in stratified fluids 124 127
Gravitational force of moon and sun 11 109
Gravitational force relation to centrifugal force 19—21 25
Gravity waves 80 83 188 301
Great Britain 82 135 168 293
Great Red Spot 2 6 7 13 99 223 261
Greenhouse effect 270—271 278—281
Greenhouse gases 2 278 279
Group velocity definition 300—301
Group velocity of gravity waves 301
Group velocity of internal waves 142 145
Group velocity of planetary waves 87
Growth rate 99 102 103 159 232
Gulf of Mexico 90
Gulf Stream as a subject in geophysical fluid dynamics 2 122 224 239
Gulf Stream meanders 244
Gulf Stream rings 252
Gulf Stream role in oceanic circulation 118 119 234
Gulf Stream scales 46 134 190
Gulf Stream variability 12 84 99 223
Hadley cell 272 273 275—276
Hadley, G. 272
Hawaii 278—279
Heat budget 234 268—271
heat capacity 35 36
Heat diffusivity 39 163
Heat flux as cause of convection 73 164—166
Heat flux as cause of oceanic currents 11 119
Heat flux as cause of winds 126
Heat flux by oceanic currents 234 277—278
Heat flux in baroclinic instability 233—234
Heat flux poleward 272—273 276 277—278
Height scale definition 7—8
Height scale use in scaling 9 41—42 44—45 62—63 129—131
Height scale values 41
Hermite polynomials 289
Hockey field 29
Homogeneous fluid 49 54—55 63 78
Howard, L.N. 101 102 108 158 159
Hurricanes force balance 252
Hurricanes Hugo 3 5—6 262
Hurricanes prediction of trajectories 2 259
Hydrological cycle 270—271 280
Hydrostatic balance 43 130 170 175 181 225 255
Hydrostatic pressure 38 215
Ice edge 194
Icebergs 68 69
Incompressibility 36 124
Indian Ocean 110 292
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