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Cushman-Roisin B. — Introduction to geophysical fluid dynamics |
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Tea cup 74
Temperature 35 36 164 see
Temperature measurements 12
Temperature of the Earth 268—271
Temporal Rossby number 44 49 78 85 89 205
Thennals 164 167
thermal conductivity 35
Thermal expansion 36 163 273
Thermal wind 182—83 225—226 228—229 242 257 274
Thermocline 285—286 291
Thermodynamics, first law of 35
Thermohaline circulation 277 see
Thomson, Sir William see "Kelvin Lord"
Tides 11 81—82 109 138 148 150
Time scale 5—6 8 40—41 211 285
Tomography 150
Topographic effect on baroclinic instability 237
Topographic effect on geostrophic flows 52—53 249—250
Topographic effect on vortices 257
Topographic effect on waves 87
Topographic parameter 88
Topographic variations bumps 53
Topographic variations effect on Ekman layer 70—72
Topographic variations escarpment 58—59
Topographic variations slope 52
Topographic waves 87—93 223 227 see
Tornadoes 253
Trade Winds 74 110 114 194 276 291
Trajectories of free particle on rotating plane 22 23
Trajectories proxy 28
Transport in bottom Ekman layer 66—67
Transport in surface Ekman layer 69
Transport Sverdrup transport 114—115 118
Trapping scale, of Kelvin wave 81 287
Troposphere 37
Trough of meander 245
Trough of wave 106 295
Tsunami 203
Turbulence see also "Geostrophic turbulence"
Turbulence in stratified fluids 160—162
Turbulence, role in mixing 151
Turbulent friction velocity 39 73 160 161
Upwelling coaslal upwelling 11 193—194 195—199
Upwelling equatorial upwelling 194—195 291 292
Upwelling, upwelling along ice edge 194—195
Upwelling, upwelling by Ekman layer 67 70 193
Upwelling, upwelling in waves 81 218—219
Vaeisaelae, V. 125 135
Vector rotation see "Rotation vector"
Velocity scale 5—6 8—9 10—11 40—41 78 205 210—211 251—252
Velocity scale, definition 5
Velocity scale, use in scaling 41—43 44—45
Veronis, G. 39 84 119 131 186 192
Vertical displacement 124—125 127—128 130 195 206 214
Vertical rigidity 4—5 50 53 123
Vertical stretching/squeezing 53 57 113 118 210 226—228 247—250 256—258
Vertical velocity from Ekman layer 67 70 71 74—75 111 115 118
Vertical velocity in ageostrophic flews 54—55 208 209
Vertical velocity in convection 163 165
Vertical velocity in density coordinates 171
| Vertical velocity in geostrophic flows 52—53 207
Vertical velocity in internal waves 141—42
Vertical velocity scale 41 130—31 132—33
Vertical velocity, depth dependence 52 113
Vertical velocity, direction 11 118
Vertical velocity, measurement 12 13
Viscosity dynamic 38
Viscosity eddy 45 63 72
Viscosity kinematic 38 62 64
Volume conservation 37 57 112—113 173—174
von Helmhotz, H.L.F. 95 154—155 183
Vortices see also "Anticyclones" "Cyclones"
Vortices and Ekman layer 67
Vortices generalities 251—259
Vortices in baroclinic instability 226—228
Vortices in quasi-geostrophic dynamics 220—222
Vortices in weather patterns 234
Vorticity see also "Potential vorticity"
Vorticity ambient 56 113
Vorticity in baroclinic instability 226—228
Vorticity in barotropic instability 106
Vorticity in ocean circulation 113 118
Vorticity relative 56 58 67 226—228
Walsh cottage 15 see
Wave, number 82 140 295 296
Wavelength generalities 295—296
Wavelength of geophysical waves 83 86 143
Wavelength of radiation 268 278 279
Waves, continental shelf 91
Waves, equatorial planetary 287—90
Waves, generalities 77—79 294—302
Waves, gravity internal 136—150 302
Waves, gravity surface 80 83 136 301
Waves, inertia-gravity (Poincare) 82—83 90 197 302
Waves, Kelvin 79—82 93 287 289
Waves, planetary (Rossby) surface 83—87 91
Waves, planetary internal 217—19
Waves, topographic 87—93
Weather patterns, laboratory experiment 238
Weather patterns, relevance to geophysical fluid dynamics 2
Weather patterns, scales 10—11 41 46
Weather patterns, thickness 37 40—41
Weather patterns, variability 229 234 250 272—273
Weather, definition 267
Weather, forecasting 169 224
Westerlies 74 110 114 276—277
Western boundary current 116—117 119 277 see "Kuroshio"
Western boundary layer 115—117 118
Westward intensification 115—118
Wind impulse 197
Wind stress in coastal upwelling 195—197
Wind stress value 119
Wind stress, cause of oceanic currrents 11 69 110
Wind stress, cause of surface Ekman layer 68 111 112 193
Winds, cause of oceanic currents 110 114 118
Winds, cause of water waves 154
Winds, prevailing winds in atmosphere 11 110 276—277
Winds, prevailing winds versus local 13
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 15 108 192 264
Yellow Sea 93
Yoshida, K. 194 203
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