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Shore S.N. — The Tapestry of Modern Astrophysics
Shore S.N. — The Tapestry of Modern Astrophysics

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Íàçâàíèå: The Tapestry of Modern Astrophysics

Àâòîð: Shore S.N.


This textbook introduces the physical processes of cosmic bodies, planetary atmospheres, stellar outflows, and nebular environments. Shore (Indiana University) describes the phenomena of radiative transfer, the structure of stars, the composition of the interstellar medium, the dynamics of galaxies, and cosmological models.

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 23.03.2006

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$V/V_{max}$ test      807—808
21 cm line      see “Hydrogen 21
Abel equation      731—732
Absorption      see “Opacity”
Absorption coefficient, H I 21 cm line      484
Absorption coefficient, synchrotron      536
Absorption coefficient, thermal bremsstrahlung      193—194 243
Absorption coefficient, total for absorption line      197—198
Abundances      see “Element abundances”
Accretion disks, $\alpha$-model      438—439
Accretion disks, boundary layers      445—447
Accretion disks, formation of, by stream impact      435
Accretion disks, magnetic fields      442—445
Accretion disks, spectral energy distribution      440—441
Accretion disks, vertical structure      436—437 439—440
Accretion disks, viscous      437—440
Accretion from a stream inner Lagrangian point      434—435
Accretion from a wind (Bondi — Hoyle accretion)      432—434
Accretion, black holes      447 707—708
Accretion, cooling flows      723—730
Accretion-induced collapse      387
action      76
Adiabatic temperature gradient      235 302
Advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF)      447
Agglomeration equation      68—69 519
Alfven radius      430
Alfven speed      50
Alfven waves      50—51
Algol paradox      417—418
Algorithms, CLEAN      149—150
Algorithms, maximum entropy method (MEM)      151—154 159—160
Algorithms, Richardson — Lucy      163—165
Algorithms, shift-and-add      145
Algorithms, stochastic time series      148—149
Ambipolar diffusion      51 542—543 586—588
Antenna temperature, definition of      484
Aperture synthesis      140—142
Aperture synthesis, phase closure      141
Apsidal motion      10—11 94 orbital”)
Apsidal motion and internal stellar structure      421—422
Asteration      679
Asteroseismology      see “Helioseismology”
Astronomical Unit, Roemer’s determination of      106
Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB)      373—377
Atmospheric eclipses      414—417
Autoionization      197
Baade’s window      633
Backwarming      229—230
Balbus — Hawley instability      see “Instabilities magnetorotational”
Balmer limit      194
Baroclinicity      308—309 420
Barred spiral galaxies      see “Galaxies spiral”
Bayes’ Theorem      150—151
Bernoulli equation      43
Biachi identities      88
Biases      161—162
Biases, Lutz — Keller      108—109 (see also “Parallax”)
Biases, Malmquist      807—808 (see also “$V/V_{max}$ test”)
Biasing (cosmological density fluctuations)      827—830
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis      680—682 798—805
Binary stars, classification relative to Roche radius      419—420
Binary stars, common envelope      423—425
Binary stars, eclipsing      119—120 414—417
Binary stars, effects of angular momentum loss      426—430
Binary stars, effects of mass transfer      426—428
Binary stars, emission of gravitational waves      428—430
Binary stars, evolutionary stages of (Cases A, B, C)      422—423 427
Binary stars, formation of      453—457
Binary stars, light curves      119—120 239—241 414—417
Binary stars, magnetic braking      430
Binary stars, mass determinations      118—119
Binary stars, mass function      119 361
Binary stars, masses      360—361
Binary stars, neutron stars in      400—401
Binary stars, pre-main sequence      453—455
Binary stars, reflection effect in      239—241
Birthline      366 (see also “Star formation”)
BL Lac objects (blazars)      see “Galaxies active
Black holes      92 96—97
Black holes in active galactic nuclei      703—708
Black holes in binary systems      452—453
Blackbody radiation      see “Planck Radiation Law”
Blackbody radiation, cosmic background radiation      770—771
Blackbody radiation, Rayleigh — Jeans approximation      28 129
Blackbody radiation, Wien approximation      28
Blast wave, adiabatic      574—575
Blast wave, free expansion phase      577
Blast wave, snowplow phase      579
Blue compact dwarf galaxies      see “Galaxies irregular”
Blue stragglers      456—457
Bolometric correction      112 401—402
Boltzmann collision integral      55 66
Boltzmann distribution      see “Distribution function Boltzmann”
Boltzmann equation      54—55 66
Boltzmann equation and H theorem      67—68
Boltzmann equation for photon scattering      210—211
Bondi — Hoyle accretion      432—434
Bonner — Ebert mass      590
Born approximation      262
Bose — Einstein distribution      see “Distribution function Bose
Bose — Einstein integral, defined      35
Bosons      see “Distribution function Bose
Boundary layers      445—447 450—452
Boussinesq approximation      234
Breit — Wigner resonance      335
Brightness temperature      129 483
Brown dwarfs      278 369
Brunt — Vaisala frequency, defined      618
C shocks      see “Magnetic fields and shocks”
Calibration, backgrounds      156—157
Calibration, Hubble constant      753—754
Calibration, infrared      127—128
Calibration, Morgan — Keenan spectral types      274
Calibration, optical      109—111
Calibration, period-luminosity relation      742—744
Carbon stars      278 349—351 375—376
Cataclysmic variables, types of      447—448
CCDs      see “Detectors charge-coupled
CCDs, cD galaxies      see “Galaxies elliptical”
Champagne flow      574
Chandrasekhar mass      298 382—383 387 395
Charge transfer      474—475 551—552 563—564
Chemical evolution of galaxies      669—688 (see also “Galaxies”)
Chemical evolution of galaxies, observations      349—351 647 670—672
Chemical evolution of galaxies, solar system abundances      350 669—672 802—804
Chemical evolution of galaxies, “closed-box” models      677—683
Chi-square statistic      152
Christoffel symbol      83
Classification      see “Taxonomy and specific subject”
Clausius — Mossotti equation      501
clean      see “Algorithms CLEAN”
Clusters of galaxies, Local Group      720—721
Clusters of galaxies, mass to light ratio      812
Clusters of galaxies, properties      719—720 723
Clusters of galaxies, Schechter luminosity function      751
Clusters of galaxies, X-ray emission from      723—730
Coagulation      see “Agglomeration equation”
Colliding stellar winds      see “Under Stellar wind”
Collision frequency in plasma      52
Collision rates      171—172 465—466
Collisional ionization      172
Color-magnitude diagram      see “Hertzsprung — Russell diagram” “Isochrones”
Common envelope      see “Binary stars”
Common envelope, U UMa stars and stellar structure      424
Compton effect      see “Scattering Compton”
Compton scattering length (y)      213
Compton wavelength      209
Condensation temperature      505
Conduction      see “Diffusion thermal
Conduction, thermal, effect on cooling instability      594—595
Conductivity, thermal conduction coefficient      301
Continuity equation      41 49 54 293
Convection      232—237 302—306
Convection, Boussinesq approximation      234
Convection, effects of variable molecular weight      237
Convection, mixing length theory      234—237 305—306
Convection, overshooting      305
Convection, Rayleigh — Benard      233—236
Convection, Schwarzschild criterion      302
Convection, semiconvection      304—305
Convergence point for clusters      see “Parallax convergence
Convolution      163 732—733
Cooling flows      see “Clusters of galaxies X-ray
Cooling processes and fine structure transitons      466
Cooling processes and shocks      562—563
Cooling processes, molecular      548—549
Cooling processes, rate      472—474 592—593 595—597
Copernican Principle      757—758 809
CORAVEL      see “Spectrographs correlation”
Coriolis acceleration      12
Correlation function      613—614 625—627 815—817 828—830
Cosmic background radiation (CBR)      769—774
Cosmic background radiation (CBR) as limitation to structure formation      822—823
Cosmic background radiation (CBR) from fine structure lines      769—770 771—772
Cosmic background radiation (CBR), decoupling epoch      773 789
Cosmic background radiation (CBR), fluctuations      834—836
Cosmic background radiation (CBR), measurement of fluctuations      830—833 836
Cosmic background radiation (CBR), temperature      770—772
Cosmic rays      527—533 547—548
Cosmic rays and heating      595
Cosmic rays and time-dependent synchrotron emission      711—712
Cosmic rays, energy distribution      529—531
Cosmic rays, ionization rate from      475 531 547
Cosmic rays, nucleosynthesis by spallation      680—682
Cosmic rays, propagation      531—533
Cosmic rays, “leaky box” model for propagation of      531—533
Cosmic scale factor      762 764—767
Cosmological constant ($\Lambda$)      774—776 793 826
Cosmological density parameter ($\Omega$)      776—778
Cosmological dimming      756
Cosmological distance scale and luminosity functions      750—751
Cosmological distance scale, steps in calibration      740—742
Cosmological gravitational lenses      836—841
Cosmological lookback time      783—790
Cosmological models, cosmological constant-dominated      774—775 814—815
Cosmological models, Newtonian      844—845
Cosmological models, relativistic      see “Friedmann — Robertson — Walker equations”
Cosmological principle      see “Copernican principle”
Cosmology, large scale structure      101—102 830—836
Coulomb barrier      331
Coulomb integral      52 302
Curie — Weiss law      515
Curvature scalar      88
Curvature, cosmic      777—778
Curve of growth      201—203 478—482
D-fronts      see “H II regions as shocks”
Damping factor      335
Dark matter      699—700 811—815
Dark matter and cosmological density parameter      776—778
Dark matter and dark energy      814—815
Dark matter and galactic rotation curves      697—700
Dark matter in clusters of galaxies      720—723 730—731
Dark matter, galactic halos      699—700
De Sitter solution (also called Einstein-de Sitter)      598 791 Cosmological “Inflation”)
de Vaucouleurs law      693
Debye length      48 52 356
Debye temperature      518
Debye — Hueckel model for screening      356
Deceleration parameter      765
Decoupling epoch for cosmic background radiation      773 789
Degeneracy parameter, defined      292
Degenerate gas      28—29 291—292 380—385
Degenerate gas, thermonuclear runaway      372 448—450
Density waves      661—668
Departure coefficients      468
Detailed balance      35—36 54—55 68—69 169—171 176—177 344 464 536 617—618
Detailed balance and Compton scattering      210—211
Detailed balance, ionization equilibrium      196—197
Detectors      120—128
Detectors, bolometers      126—128
Detectors, charge-coupled device (CCD)      124—125
Detectors, multianode microchannel array (MAMA)      125—126
Detectors, photographic plate      120—123
Detectors, photomultiplier      123—124
Detectors, proportional counter      128
Deuterium      530—532 799—805
dielectric constant      501—502
Dielectronic recombination      468
Diffuse interstellar band (DIB)      511—514 553—554
Diffuse interstellar radiation field (DIRF)      493 (see also “Dilution factor”)
Diffusion and Fokker — Planck equation      65
Diffusion and semiconvection      305
Diffusion coefficient      65
Diffusion coefficient, radiative      190 300
Diffusion coefficient, thermal      see “Diffusion thermal
Diffusion equation, time-dependent accretion      438
Diffusion in plasma      51—55 65
Diffusion, ambipolar      see “Ambipolar diffusion”
Diffusion, cosmic rays      531—532
Diffusion, Fick’s law      65
Diffusion, induced by gravitational settling      53—54
Diffusion, magnetic fields      407—408
Diffusion, radiation      190 299—301 440
Diffusion, radiatively driven dynamics      248—249
Diffusion, thermal conduction      301—302
Diffusion, turbulent      376—377 410 687
Diffusion, viscous energy dissipation      457—458
Dilution factor      231 241—242 493
Dispersion measure      538 540—541
Distance scale      see “Cosmological distance scale”
Distribution function, Boltzmann      23—25
Distribution function, Bose — Einstein      34—35 511
Distribution function, Fermi — Dirac      29—34
Distribution function, Maxwellian      21—23 641—642
Distribution function, Planck      26—28
Distribution function, Schwarzschild      641—642
Doppler boosting      714
Doppler imaging      223—224 417
Double diffusive convection      305
Dredge-up      375—377 (see also “Asymptotic giant branch (AGB)”)
Dreiser field      49
Dust and radiative equilibrium      242
Dust, broad extinction features      500—501 513
Dust, charge of      507—508
Dust, composition of      500—501 504—506 514—518 544—546
Dust, interstellar dust to gas ratio      506
Dust, surface reactions      544—546
Dust, wavelength dependent extinction      498—500
Dynamical friction      38—39
Dynamical instability      316
Dynamo      see “Magnetic fields generation
Dynamo number      409
Eddington approximation      174 181 237
Eddington factor      178—179
Eddington luminosity      245—246 707
Eddington — Barbier relation      185 414
Einstein coefficients      see “Transition probabilities”
Einstein field equation      89
Einstein radius      838
Einstein summation convention      82
Element abundances      349—351 (see also “Neutron reactions” “Radionuclides” “Thermonuclear “Chemical
Elliptical galaxies, fundamental plane      694—695 748—749
Emission lines, nebular diagnostics      462—472
Emission mechanisms, synchrotron      533—536
Emission mechanisms, thermal bremsstrahlung      192—194
Energy generation, gravitational contraction      329—330 363
Enthalpy      see “Thermodynamics enthalpy”
entropy      16 20—21
Entropy, Boltzmann form of      21 67
Entropy, cosmological      773—774 800—801
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