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Shore S.N. — The Tapestry of Modern Astrophysics
Shore S.N. — The Tapestry of Modern Astrophysics

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Íàçâàíèå: The Tapestry of Modern Astrophysics

Àâòîð: Shore S.N.


This textbook introduces the physical processes of cosmic bodies, planetary atmospheres, stellar outflows, and nebular environments. Shore (Indiana University) describes the phenomena of radiative transfer, the structure of stars, the composition of the interstellar medium, the dynamics of galaxies, and cosmological models.

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 23.03.2006

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Maclaurin spheroid      see “Gravitational potential Maclaurin
Magellanic Stream      716
Magnetic fields and alignment of interstellar dust grains      514—518
Magnetic fields and coupling in accretion disks      442—445
Magnetic fields and shocks      558—565
Magnetic fields in active galactic nuclei      708—715
Magnetic fields in interstellar clouds      542—543 (see also “Ambipolar diffusion”)
Magnetic fields, ambipolar diffusion      see “Ambipolar diffusion”
Magnetic fields, equipartition and minimum energy      708—711
Magnetic fields, frozen-in approximation      51 407
Magnetic fields, generation by dynamos      405—410
Magnetic fields, Hanlc effect      216
Magnetic fields, magnetospheres of accreting stars      450—452
Magnetic fields, maximum mass of magnetic clouds      588—589
Magnetic fields, measurements with Faraday rotation      537—540
Magnetic fields, molecular clouds      see “Ambipolar diffusion”
Magnetic fields, pulsars      see “Pulsars”
Magnetic fields, turbulent      606—607 609
Magnetic fields, Zeeman effect      215—216
magnetic susceptibility      517—518
Magneto hydrodynamics (MHD)      49—51
Magnetosonic waves      50—51
Magnetospheres      396—399 450—452
Magnitudes      109—112
Magnitudes, AB system, defined      114
Magnitudes, absolute      111
Magnitudes, astronomical, defined      109
Magnitudes, calibration zero point      109—110
Magnitudes, color index      118
Magnitudes, distance modulus      111
Magnitudes, Pogson’s ratio      109
Magnitudes, standard multicolor filter systems      112—117
Main sequence, chemical abundance anomalies in      248—249 276
Main sequence, lower mass cutoff      369
Main sequence, mass-luminosity relation      361—362
Main sequence, thermonuclear reactions during      337—341
Main sequence, turn-off      370 403
Main sequence, zero age (ZAMS)      367—368
Malmquist bias      807—808
Malthus — Verhust equation      684
MAMA      see “Detectors multianode
Masers      175—176 491—492 705—706 749
Mass function      see “Binary stars mass
Mass-luminosity relations      361—362
Mass-radius relations      367 380—382
Mathis — Rumpl — Nordsieck dust distribution      499—500 518—519
Matter-dominated cosmology      779—780
Mattig equation      785
Maximum entropy method (MEM)      151—154 159—160
Maxwellian distribution      see “Distribution function Maxwellian”
Mean free path      38 52
mergers      see “Tidal interactions galaxies”
Meridional circulation      308—309 341
Meteorites      see “Radionuclides”
Meteorites, abundances      506 349—351 669—672
Metric      81—86
Metric and gravitational waves      100
Metric, Friedmann — Robertson — Walker      758—762
Metric, Minkowski      79 82
Metric, Schwarzschild      93 390
Metric, signature      82
Metric, symmetries      97—98 759—760
Michelson interferometer      see “Interferometers Michelson”
Microturbulence      200 480—481
Mie scattering      501—503 521
Milky Way      see “Galaxies” “Galaxy”
Milne equation (also called Schwarzschild — Milne equation)      183 269
Minkowski metric      79 82
Mixing in stellar interiors      375—377 (see also “Convection” “Meridional
Mixing length theory for convection      234—237 305—306
Molecular clouds, classification of      522—523
Molecular clouds, linewidth-velocity relation      524—525
Molecular clouds, turbulence in      608—612
Molecular lines, CO      523—524 548—549
Moments, velocity distribution      40—43 58—59
Monte-Carlo methods      190—192 257
Morgan — Keenan spectral classification      225
Multiphase interstellar medium      595—597
Multiplets      174
n-body problem      15
Navier — Stokes equation      44
Nebular diagnostics      462—472
Nebulium ([O III] lines)      462—463
Neutral buoyancy      236
Neutrinos      33—34
Neutrinos and stellar nucleosynthesis      351—352
Neutrinos, plasmon      351—352
Neutrinos, solar neutrinos      337—341 352—356
Neutrinos, URCA process      356—357 385 393—394
Neutron reactions      344—348 375—376
Neutron reactions, cosmological      799—802
Neutron reactions, r-process      346
Neutron reactions, s-process      345—346
Neutron stars      389—394
Neutron stars, cooling      393—394
Neutrons, lifetime, and cosmological nucleosynthesis      799
Neutrons, sources in stellar interiors      347—348 375—376
NLTE      see “Non-LTE”
Noise-equivalent power (NEP)      130
Non-LTE (NLTE)      see “Statistical equilibrium”
Non-LTE (NLTE), conditions for      237—238
Non-LTE (NLTE), masers      169—170 175—176
Non-LTE (NLTE), scattering      186—189
Non-LTE (NLTE), source function      179—180 187—188
Novae and cosmological distance scale      744—746
Novae as accreting binaries      448—450
Novae, common envelope stage      425
Novae, line formation in      259—260
Novae, thermonuclear runaway      448—450
Nuclear binding energy      330—331
Nuclear reactions, barrier penetration probability      332 334
Nuclear reactions, Breit — Wigner resonance      335
Nuclear reactions, compound nucleus      336 366—370
Nuclear reactions, Coulomb barrier      331
Nuclear reactions, Gamow factor      332
Nuclear reactions, nonresonant      336
Nuclear reactions, nuclear radius, scaling relation for      331
Nuclear reactions, S factor      332
Nuclear reactions, specific      see “Thermonuclear reactions”
Nuclear reactions, two-body reaction rate, scaling law for      334
Nucleocosmochronology      688—689 754—755
Nucleosynthesis      see “Thermonuclear reactions”
Nucleosynthesis, cosmological      see “Big Bang nucleosynthesis”
Nyquist frequency      135—136
OB associations      633
Observer’s frame      263
Olbers paradox      see “Halley — Olbers dark sky paradox”
Oort constants      656—657
Oort Law for Galactic rotation      655—658
Opacity, Kramers law      299
Opacity, line absorption      197—198
Opacity, photoionization      195
Opacity, Rosseland mean      190
Opacity, synchrotron      536 710—711
Opacity, thermal bremsstrahlung      193—194 243 299
Opacity, Thomson      299
Open clusters      633—635
Oppenheimer — Volkoff equation (also called Tolman — Oppenheimer — Volkoff equation)      390
Optical depth      179
Optical depth, scaling by wavelength-dependent opacity      227
Orbital motion, two-body problem      2—11
Orbital motion, two-body problem, in Schwarzschild metric      94
Orbital resonance      see “Three-body problem”
Ortho-to-para (ortho:para) ratio for molecular hydrogen      490—491
Oscillator strength, defined      198
Ostriker — Peebles criterion      699—700
Outflows, thermal evaporation      62—64 249—250
Overshooting      305—306 369
Overstability      316
p-process      348 375—376 450 hydrogen
Parallax      106—109
Parallax and proper motions      107—107
Parallax as basis of distance scale      740
Parallax, convergence point method      107—108
Parallax, Lutz — Keller bias      108—109
Parallax, statistical      108
Parceval’s theorem      162
Parker solution for stellar wind      249—250
Parsec, defined      107
Particle acceleration      528—531
Partition function      25—26 515
Period-luminosity relation      311—313 650 742—744
Periodogram      147
Perturbation theory      219—220 260—263
Phase space      20
Photodissociation      547—548
Photodissociation regions (PDR)      565—567
Photoionization      194—197 567—571
Photoionization, hydrogenic absorption coefficient      195
Planck mass      790
Planck radiation law      26 172
Planetary nebulae      378—380 750—751
plasma      46—49
Plasma frequency      47
Plasma, Debye — Hueckel model      356
Plasma, diffusion in      51—55
Plasma, screening in      48—49 355—356
Plasma, Stark effect      216—218
Plasma, thermal emission from      193 (see also “Thermal bremsstrahlung”)
Plasmon neutrino process      351—352
Point spread function (PSF)      134—135
Point spread function (psf), atmospheric turbulence and      142—145
Poisson equation      4 5 37—38
Poisson process      see “Random processes Poisson”
Polarization, observations of interstellar      514—515
Polarization, Zeeman polarimetry      216
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)      513—514 552—554
Polytrope, defined      285—286
Polytrope, degenerate      298
Polytrope, Lane — Emden equation      294—299
Polytrope, limiting mass      297—298
Polytrope, polytropic indices      288 324
Polytrope, radiation-dominated      296—298
Polytrope, stability of      289—291
Polytropic equation of state      19
Population synthesis      675—677
Populous blue clusters      637
Power spectrum      142—144 162—163 624—627 828—830
Poynting — Robertson effect      508—509
Precession      7—11
Precession, orbital      10—11 94
Precession, rotational      8—10
Precursor, magnetic shocks      561—562
Precursor, radiative shock      563—564
Pressure broadening      see “Stark effect” “Van
Pressure scale height      303
Pressure scale height for stellar hydrodynamics      644
Prior probability      151
Proper distance      79
Proper time      79
Proper volume      84
Protostar      364—366
Pulsars      394—401
Pulsation and virial theorem      59—60
Pulsation as analogy with a musical instrument      320—321
Pulsation as analogy with thermal cycle      315—316
Pulsation, $\epsilon$ mechanism      316 374—375
Pulsation, $\kappa$ mechanism      316 318—319
Pulsation, linear pulsation equation      323—328
Pulsation, one-zone treatment      316—319
Pulsation, thermal pulsing on asymptotic giant branch      374—376
Q-parameter (pulsation)      312
Q-parameter (self-gravitation)      see “Toomre criterion (Q)”
Q-value      331
Quasars      see “Galaxies active
Quasiperiodic oscillations (QPO)      451—452
Quasistellar objects (QSO)      see “Galaxies active
QUEUE      346—347
Quintessence      see “Dark matter”
R-fronts      see “H II regions as shocks”
r-process      see “Neutron reactions”
Radiation pressure      245 286—288
Radiation pressure, equation of state      286—288
Radiation-dominated cosmology      780—781
Radiative damping      198
Radiative equilibrium      230—232 502—504
Radiative equilibrium and dust grains      242
Radiative flux, defined      177
Radiative flux, Eddington form, defined      178
Radiative flux, integrated, and Stefan — Boltzmann Law      178
Radiative temperature gradient      235 303
Radiative transfer equation in outflow      252—260 263—265
Radiative transfer equation, comoving frame      263—265 795—796
Radiative transfer equation, cosmological      795—796
Radiative transfer equation, diffusion approximation      190 300 440
Radiative transfer equation, discrete ordinates method      270—272
Radiative transfer equation, formal solution      182—184
Radiative transfer equation, gray atmosphere      232
Radiative transfer equation, invariant imbedding      265—268
Radiative transfer equation, limits of plane parallel approximation      186 238
Radiative transfer equation, moments of      176—179 180—182
Radiative transfer equation, plane parallel form      181 185—186
Radiative transfer equation, radiative equilibrium      230—232
Radiative transfer equation, scattering      183
Radiative transfer equation, spherical form      180—182 241—244
Radiative transfer equation, two-stream approximation      184
Radiative transfer equation, Wiener — Hopf solution      269—270
Radiative transition rates      see “Transition probabilities”
Radio jets      713—715 728—730
Radionuclides      506 532—533 670—672 688—689 754—755
Random processes, Bayes’ theorem      150—151 163—165
Random processes, Gaussian      66 143—144 159 808 828
Random processes, Poisson      157—159 346—347 526—527 545—546
Random processes, queuing      346—347
Random processes, statistics      157—159
Random processes, stochastic differential equations      511—512
Random processes, stochastic sampling for time series      148—149
Rankine — Hugoniot relations      555—556
Rayleigh number      234 302—303
Rayleigh — Jeans approximation      see “Blackbody radiation Rayleigh
Re-ionization epoch      823—826
Recombination      196—197
Recombination, definition of Case A and Case B      467
Recombination, lines      466—472
Reddening      see “Extinction”
Redshift, cosmological      752—753 757 763—765
Redshift, effect on observable properties of galaxies      755—757
Redshift, gravitational      94
Redshift, surveys      808—811
Reflection nebulae      520—521
Resonance lines      476—477 492—495
Resonances, Lindblad resonances and galactic structure      662—668
Resonances, three-body problem      13—14
Reverberation mapping      706—707
Reynolds layer      493
Reynolds number, defined      44
Ricci tensor      88—89 760—762 766—767
Richardson — Lucy algorithm      see “Algorithms Richardson
Riemann tensor      87—88
Roche lobe      see “Roche radius”
Roche radius      6 418—420
Roche radius as limiting radius for components in close binaries      419—420
Roche radius as limiting radius for star clusters      64
Roche radius, analytical approximations      418—419
Rossby number      410
Rossiter — McLaughlin effect      436
Rotation measure      538
Rotation, gravity darkening      238—239
Rotation, line profile broadening      221—223
Rotation, Von Zeipel’s theorem      307—309
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