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Shore S.N. — The Tapestry of Modern Astrophysics |
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rp-process 348
Russell — Saunders coupling (LS coupling) 174
s-factor 332
s-process see “Neutron reactions”
Sachs — Wolfe effect 832 836
Saha equation 36 773
Salpeter mass function see “Initial mass function”
Sampling, Nyquist frequency as critical rate 136
Scattering 182—184 186—189
Scattering and non-LTE 237—238
Scattering and random walks of photons 190—192
Scattering coefficient, Compton (Klein — Nishima formula) 209
Scattering coefficient, Raman 207
Scattering coefficient, Rayleigh 204
Scattering coefficient, Thomson (electron) 208
Scattering, Compton 208—214 825 833
Scattering, extended atmospheres 242—243
Scattering, Hanle effect 216
Scattering, Mic 501—503 521
Scattering, principle of invariance 266
Scattering, Raman 205—207
Scattering, Rayleigh 204—205
Scattering, resonance 203—203
Scattering, Thomson (electron) 208 299
Schechter luminosity function 751
Schmidt law see “Star formation global
Schwarzschild metric 93 390
Schwarzschild metric, two-body problem in 94
Schwarzschild radius 92 (see also “Black holes”)
Schwarzschild singularity see “Black holes”
Schwarzschild solution, interior 390
Schwarzschild velocity distribution see “Distribution function Schwarzschild”
Scintillation, atmospheric 142—146
Scintillation, interstellar 541
Sedov — Taylor blast wave 575 577
Seeing, astronomical 142
Selection rules 173—175 462—466 485—488
Semiconvection 304—305
Serkowski relation for interstellar polarization 514
Seyfert galaxies (Sy 1, Sy 2) see “Galaxies active
Shear mixing 376—377
Shepherding, orbital see “Three-body problem”
Shift-and-add algorithm 145
Shock adiabat 556
Shocks 554—565
Shocks, instabilities 582
Silk mass 822—823
Similarity solutions 621—624
Similarity solutions and homology scaling in stellar interiors 309—310
Similarity solutions and stellar structure 295—296
Similarity solutions and turbulence 605
Similarity solutions, cosmological 829—830
Similarity solutions, de Sitter 598 791
Similarity solutions, expanding H II region 573
Similarity solutions, momentum conserving 576 579
Similarity solutions, pressure-driven expansion 581
Similarity solutions, pressure-modified collapse 597—599
Similarity solutions, Sedov — Taylor, for adiabatic blast wave 575
Similarity solutions, stagnation 578
Similarity solutions, stellar wind bubble 577 580
Sobolev approximation 247 252 256—259 488
Solar neutrinos 337—341
Solar neutrinos, experiments 352—355
Sound speed 45
Source function 173 179 229
Space time see “Special relativity”
Spallation see “Cosmic rays nucleosynthesis
Special relativity 77—81
Special relativity, electrodynamics 80—81
Special relativity, velocity addition equation 78
Specific heats 17 285 289
Spectral classification 225—227
Spectral classification, Morgan — Keenan system, criteria for 274—278
Spectral resolution 146
Spectrographs, correlation 132 133
Spectrographs, diffraction grating equation 131
Spectrographs, gratings 131
Spectrographs, multifiber 132—134
Speed of light, Roemer’s measurement of 106
Spiral galaxies see “Galaxies spiral”
Stability and thermal cycles 315—316
Stability of polytropes 289—291
Stagnation radius 578
Standard model 296—298
Star clusters 633—637
Star clusters, ages 370 401—404
Star clusters, evaporation of 61—64
Star clusters, gravitothermal catastrophe 61
Star clusters, virial theorem applied to 59—60
Star counts 630 648—649
Star formation and angular momentum 599
Star formation and density waves 666
Star formation in clusters 635—636
Star formation, birthline 366
Star formation, global induced processes 683—688
Star formation, global star formation rate 673—675 810—811
Star formation, initial collapse 597—599
Star formation, pre-main sequence 364—366
Star formation, pre-main sequence binaries 453—455
Starburst galaxies see “Galaxies active
Stark effect 216—231
Stark effect, Holtzmark profile and classical broadening 217—218
Stark effect, hydrogen line profiles 220—222
Stark effect, quantum mechanical 218—220
Statistical equilibrium 169—175 237—238 343—344 464—469 491—492 510—512
Statistical parallax see “Parallax statistical”
Stefan — Boltzmann law 27
Stellar evolution, asymptotic giant branch 373—377
Stellar evolution, helium ignition 372—373
Stellar evolution, horizontal branch 372—373
Stellar evolution, isochrones 401—404
Stellar evolution, main sequence 366—369
Stellar evolution, post-asymptotic giant phase 378—380
Stellar evolution, pre-main sequence 364—366
Stellar populations, population III 825
Stellar populations, populations I and II 675
Stellar stability, effect of equation of state 298—299
Stellar wind 245—259 (see also “Outflows thermal
Stellar wind in binary systems 431—434
Stellar wind, chromospheres and coronae 251—252
Stellar wind, colliding stellar winds 432
Stellar wind, discrete absorption components (DAC) 255
Stellar wind, driven by radiation pressure 245—248
Stellar wind, driven by thermal evaporation 249—250
Stellar wind, equation of motion for radiatively driven wind 246—248
Stellar wind, line profile formation in 252—259
Stellar wind, mass loss scaling for red giants 380
Stellar wind, Parker solution 432—433
Stellar wind, radio emission from 243—244
Sticking coefficient 545
Stochastic resonance 321—322
Stochastic sampling 148—149
Stress tensor and Ricci tensor 89 762
Stress tensor, divergence 767
Stress tensor, fluid (Reynolds) 42
Stress tensor, Maxwell 89
Stress tensor, stellar hydrodynamics 643
Stress tensor, turbulent 613
Stress tensor, viscous 439 457—458
Stroemgren radius 493
Stroemgren sphere 567—571
Structure function 143—144 626
Sun see various (many) appropriate entries including “Main “Thermonuclear “Neutrino
Sunyaev — Zel’dovich effect 833
Superfluids 392 (see also “Distribution function Bose
Superhump 447
Superluminal motion 714
Supernova Remnants see “Cosmic rays”
Supernova remnants and cosmological distance scale 747
| Supernova remnants and magnetic shocks 558—565
Supernova remnants and pulsars 394—395
Supernova remnants, blast waves 574—580
Supernovae and cosmological distance scale 746—747 814—815
Supernovae and nucleosynthesis see “r-process”
Supernovae, accretion-induced collapse 387
Supernovae, classification of 385—387
Supernovae, line formation in 259—260
Supernovae, type Ia 386—387 746—747 814—815
Supernovae, type II 388
Surface brightness fluctuations 749—750
Switch-on (and switch-off) shock see “Magnetic fields and shocks”
Symbiotic stars 206
Synchrotron radiation 533—536 614—618 709—713
Synchrotron radiation, minimum energy argument 708—711
Synchrotron radiation, optically thick limit of 536 710—711
Synchrotron radiation, time dependent 711—713
Synchrotron self-Compton process 710—711
System temperature, defined 129—130
Taxonomy, cataclysmic variables 447—448
Taxonomy, close binary stars 419
Taxonomy, cosmic structures 805—806
Taxonomy, galaxies 690—697
Taxonomy, galaxy clusters 719—720 723
Taxonomy, spectral 225—227
Taxonomy, star clusters 633—637
Taxonomy, supernovae 385—387
Taxonomy, variable stars 312 327—328
Tensor, contravariant 81 85
Tensor, covariant 81 85
Tensor, covariant derivative 87
Tensor, density 85
Tensor, killing vectors 97—98 759—760
Tensor, Maxwell stress 90
Tensor, Ricci 88
Tensor, Riemann 87
Tensor, stress see “Stress tensor”
Thermal bremsstrahlung 192—194
Thermal timescale 61
Thermalization length 189—190
Thermodynamics and thermal instability 591—596
Thermodynamics, energy generation 328—329
Thermodynamics, enthalpy 17—18
Thermodynamics, entropy see “Entropy”
Thermodynamics, first law 16
Thermodynamics, free energy 18
Thermodynamics, Gibbs free energy 18
Thermodynamics, Helmholtz free energy 18
Thermonuclear reactions, carbon burning 342—343
Thermonuclear reactions, CNO hydrogen process 337—338 375
Thermonuclear reactions, deuterium burning 338—339 365
Thermonuclear reactions, energy yields 340 363
Thermonuclear reactions, helium burning ( ) 341—342 372—374
Thermonuclear reactions, hydrogen burning 337—338 338—341 366—369 375
Thermonuclear reactions, network calculations 410—412
Thermonuclear reactions, proton-proton chain 338—341 366—369 798—805
Thermonuclear reactions, statistical equilibrium 343—344
Thermonuclear runaway 372—373 448—450
Three-body problem 11—15 667
Three-body problem, Lagrangian points see “Lagrangian points”
Three-body problem, resonances see “Resonances three-body
Three-body problem, shepherding 14—15
Tidal interactions 6—10
Tidal interactions, clusters and galaxies 64
Tidal interactions, galaxies 715—719 726—727
Tides, circularization and synchronization 420—422
Tides, Earth-Moon system 7 9—10
Tides, Roche limit 6 708 715
Time series see “Lomb — Scargle method for time series” “Periodogram” “Power
Timescale, ambipolar diffusion 543
Timescale, bending of radio jets 729
Timescale, cooling time 593
Timescale, freefall 312
Timescale, gravitational wave emission for binary systems 429
Timescale, Kelvin — Helmholtz 284
Timescale, Kelvin — Helmholtz contraction 61
Timescale, meridional circulation 309
Timescale, orbital circularization by tidal interaction 422
Timescale, Poynting — Robertson drag 509
Timescale, rotational synchronization by tidal interaction 421
Timescale, self-gravitation (Toomre criterion) 665
Timescale, synchrotron 711
Timescale, thermal 61 (see also “Timescale Kelvin
Timescale, white dwarf cooling time 384
Tolman — Oppenheimer — Volkoff equation 390
Toomre criterion (Q) 663—665
Transition probabilities 169—170
Transition probabilities, molecular line transitions 485—488
Transition probabilities, spontaneous 169 174—175 470
Transition probabilities, spontaneous emission 487
Transition probabilities, stimulated 169 173 175
Tully — Fisher relation 747—748
Turbulence, atmospheric 142—145
Turbulence, interstellar 524—525
Turbulence, Kolmogorov spectrum 144 603—606
Turbulence, Kraichnan spectrum 606—607
Turbulence, structure function 143—144 626
Turbulence, time-dependent 627—628
Twinkling see “Seeing astronomical”
Uncertainty principle, spectral resolution 146
Unipolar inductor 396—399
URCA process 356—357 385 393—394
Vacuum, cosmology 791—792
Vacuum, energy 775—776 791—794
Van der Waals broadening 221
Variable stars, types of 312 327—328
Vega ( Lyr) 109—111 113
Vertex deviation 641
Violent relaxation 62 639—640
Virial theorem 56—64 282—284
Virial theorem and clusters of galaxies 720—723
Virial theorem and linewidth-scale relations 524—525 747
Virial theorem and magnetized clouds 588—589
Virial theorem and pressure-bounded clouds 589—590
Virial theorem and stellar structure 282—284
Virial theorem, ensemble averages 58—60
Virial theorem, gravitothermal catastrophe 61
Virial theorem, including pressure 60
Virial theorem, surface boundary conditions 589—590
Virial theorem, tensor form 58
Virial theorem, time dependent form 57
Virial theorem, total energy of self-gravitating sphere 61
viscosity 43—44
Viscosity and dynamical friction 39
Viscosity, turbulent 438—439 603—604
Vlasov equation 40—43 642—644
Vogt — Russell “theorem” 363
Voigt profile see “Line profile Voigt”
Von Zeipel’s theorem 239 307—309 420
Vorticity 44 308 392
Warps see “Tidal interactions galaxies”
Wavelet transform 155
White dwarfs, cooling 381—385
White dwarfs, mass limit see “Chandrasekhar mass”
White dwarfs, mass-radius relation 380—381
White dwarfs, spectral classification of 279
Wien approximation see “Blackbody radiation Wien
Wien displacement law 28
Wiener — Khinchine theorem 163 829
Window function 150 155 829—830
X-ray binaries 448
Zeeman effect 215—216 542
Zero age main sequence (ZAMS) 367—368
Zeta Aurigac binaries 415—417
“Closed-box” models for galactic chemical evolution 677—683
“Gas of stars” 37—39 637—647
“Great attractor” 810
“Leaky box” model for cosmic ray propagation 531—533
“Zone of avoidance” 521—522
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