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Shore S.N. — The Tapestry of Modern Astrophysics
Shore S.N. — The Tapestry of Modern Astrophysics

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Íàçâàíèå: The Tapestry of Modern Astrophysics

Àâòîð: Shore S.N.


This textbook introduces the physical processes of cosmic bodies, planetary atmospheres, stellar outflows, and nebular environments. Shore (Indiana University) describes the phenomena of radiative transfer, the structure of stars, the composition of the interstellar medium, the dynamics of galaxies, and cosmological models.

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 23.03.2006

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Entropy, Shannon form of      152
Epicyclic frequency      652—654 657
Equation of state, Bose — Einstein      34
Equation of state, cosmological      768—769 779—781
Equation of state, degenerate, nonrelativistic      28 31
Equation of state, degenerate, relativistic      29 31 33
Equation of state, Fermi — Dirac      32
Equation of state, ideal      18
Equation of state, partial ionization and      288—289
Equation of state, polytropic      285—289 324
Equation of state, radiation-dominated      286—288
Equation, Abel      731—732
Equation, agglomeration      68—69 519
Equation, Bernoulli      43
Equation, Boltzmann      54—55 66 67—68 210—211
Equation, Clausius — Mossotti      501
Equation, continuity      41 49 54 293
Equation, diffusion      438
Equation, Einstein field      89
Equation, Euler — Lagrange      76
Equation, Fokker — Planck      64—67 532 712
Equation, Friedmann — Robertson — Walker      766—767 774—775 777—781 819—821
Equation, hydrostatic      227
Equation, Killing      97—98
Equation, Kompaneets      209—214
Equation, Lane — Emden      38 294—299 646 724
Equation, linear adiabatic wave      326
Equation, linear pulsation      323—328
Equation, Malthus — Verhust      684
Equation, Mattig      785
Equation, Milne      183 269
Equation, Navier — Stokes      44
Equation, Oppenheimer — Volkoff      390
Equation, Poisson      4 5 37—38
Equation, radiative transfer      see “Radiative transfer equation”
Equation, Saha      36 773
Equation, Tolman — Oppenheimer — Volkoff      390
Equation, Vlasov      40—43 642—644
Equations of motion, conservative form      42
Equations of motion, Euler — Lagrange      76
Equations of motion, fluid      41—42 49 555
Equations of motion, Hamiltonian      20
Equations of motion, stellar hydrodynamics      643—644
Equivalence principle      86
Equivalent width      202 480
Escape probability      256—259
Euler — Lagrange equation      76
Exponential integrals      183
Extinction      180 498—500
Extinction and column densities      500
Extinction and polarization      514
Extrasolar planetary systems, eclipsing      415
Faber — Jackson relation      748—749
Fanaroff — Riley classification for radio galaxies      713—714
Faraday depth      539
Faraday rotation      515 536—540
Fermi Golden Rule      262
Fermi momentum      28
Fermi process      528—529
Fermi — Dirac distribution      see “Distribution function Fermi
Fermi — Dirac integral, defined      32
fermions      see “Distribution function Fermi
Fick’s law      see “Diffusion Fick’s
Finesse      138
Fluorescence      205—207 463
Flux      see “Radiative flux”
Fokker — Planck equation      64—67 532 712
Forbidden line transitions      462—466 472 747
Fossil Stroemgren sphere      571
Fourier transform      155 162—163 439 “Power
Free energy      see “Thermodynamics free “Partition
Free-free opacity      see “Opacity thermal
Friedmann — Robertson — Walker (FRW) metric      see “Metric Friedmann
Friedmann — Robertson — Walker equations      766—767 774—775 777—781
Friedmann — Robertson — Walker equations, perturbed form      819—821
Fringe visibility      see “Interferometers visibility”
Fugacity      30
Fullerenes      553
Fundamental plane      see “Elliptical galaxies fundamental
Galaxies, active galactic nuclei (AGN)      700—703
Galaxies, bars      666—668 691—692
Galaxies, chemical evolution of      see “Chemical evolution of galaxies”
Galaxies, Elliptical      692—695 720
Galaxies, escape velocity from      698—699
Galaxies, galactic winds      686—687
Galaxies, Hubble classification      690—697
Galaxies, infall of gas      686—688
Galaxies, irregular      695—697 804—805
Galaxies, polar ring      716—717
Galaxies, ring      716—718
Galaxies, rotation curves      655—660 697—700 733 747—748
Galaxies, Spiral      690—692
Galaxies, spiral structure      661—668
Galaxies, tidal interactions      685
Galaxy clusters      see “Clusters of galaxies”
Galaxy, galactic center      640 704—705
Galaxy, galactic coordinates      640 655—658
Galaxy, rotation law      655—660
Galaxy, solar galactocentric distance      650—651
Galaxy, spiral structure      660—661 (see also “Density waves”)
Galaxy, surface mass density      645
Galaxy, vertical structure of disk      644—647 653 657—658
Galilean transformation      556
Galileo and astronomical measurements      104—105
Gamma ray bursts      842—844
Gamow factor      332
Gaunt factor      194
Gaussian process      see “Random processes Gaussian”
Gauss’ Theorem      4
General relativity      81—102
General relativity, principle of covariance      79 83
Geodesic      85
Giant branch      372—374 (see also “Hayashi track”)
Gibbs free energy      see “Thermodynamics Gibbs
Glitch      399—400
Globular clusters      635—637
Gould belt      651—652 654 672 685
Gravitational contraction as energy source      329—330
Gravitational deflection of light      see “Gravitational lens”
Gravitational lens      95 98—99
Gravitational lens and clusters of galaxies      730—731
Gravitational lens and galactic halo objects (MACHOs)      647—648
Gravitational lens, image formed by extended mass distribution      836—841
Gravitational lens, magnification      839
Gravitational potential      4—5 57 70—75
Gravitational potential, classical spheroids      70—75
Gravitational potential, Maclaurin spheroid      74—75 455 693—694
Gravitational waves      99—101 428—430 834—836
Gravitational waves, detection of      101
Gravitational waves, emission by close binary system      428—430
Gravitothermal catastrophe      62 289—290
Gravity darkening      238—239 308 420
Green function      5
Gunn — Peterson test      796 824
Gyrosynchrotron process      535—536
H II regions      see “Champagne flow” “Stroemgren
H II regions as shocks      565—567 572—573
H II regions, compact      571
H II regions, fossil      571
H II regions, static      567—568
H theorem      67—68 (see also “Boltzmann equation”)
Halley — Olbers dark sky paradox      806—807
Hamiltonian equations of motion      20
Hanle effect      216
Harmonic Law      see “Kepler’s Law”
Harrison — Peebles — Zel’dovich spectrum      829
Harvard spectral classification      225
Hauser — Feshbach method      337
Hayashi track      368—369 372—373
Helioseismology      320—323
Helium flash      372—373 (see also “Thermonuclear reactions” “Thermonuclear
Helmholtz free energy      see “Thermodynamics Helmholtz
Henry Draper Catalog (HD)      see “Harvard spectral classification”
Hertzsprung — Russell diagram (HR diagram)      359 631—633
Hickson compact groups      see “Clusters of galaxies”
Hipparchos satellite      107 and passim
Historical notes, Astrophysical Journal      166
Historical notes, binary and multiple stars      412—413
Historical notes, convection      302
Historical notes, cosmological constant      775
Historical notes, cosmology      734—740
Historical notes, dust in the interstellar medium      495—498
Historical notes, expanding H II regions      571—572
Historical notes, galaxies      689—690
Historical notes, Galaxy      629—630
Historical notes, Hertzsprung — Russell diagram and stellar evolution      357—359
Historical notes, interstellar medium      459—461
Historical notes, pulsars      394
Historical notes, spectral classification      225—226 272—274
Historical notes, stellar structure and evolution      281—282 294
Historical notes, stellar thermonuclear energy      337
Historical notes, synchrotron emission      533
Historical notes, thermonuclear instabilities      374
Historical notes, URCA process      357
Homology relations      309—310
Hopf function      183 271—272
Horizon distance      786—790
Horizons and black holes      93—97
Horizons and cosmology      783—790
Hubble classification of galaxies      690—697
Hubble constant      752 764
Hubble flow      576
Hubble parameter (H)      754
Hydrogen burning      337—341 348 375
Hydrogen, $\mathrm{H^{+}_{3}}$      549—550
Hydrogen, 21 cm line of H I      482—485 500 658—659 673
Hydrogen, hydrogen line profiles and pressure broadening      220—222
Hydrogen, Lyman lines      476—477 482 500 797—798
Hydrogen, molecular formation      544—546
Hydrogen, molecular hydrogen lines      490—491 500
Hydrostatic equation as function of optical depth      227
Hydrostatic equilibrium      227 293 724
Hydrostatic equilibrium for accretion disk      436
Hyperfine structure      214—215
Ideal gas law      18
Image reconstruction methods      146—156
Impact approximation      see “Stark effect quantum
Impact parameter      39
Inertial subrange      604—605
Inflation      781—783 789—795
Initial mass function (IMF)      404—405 672—673
Instabilities, Alfven waves      50—51
Instabilities, convection      302—306
Instabilities, gravitoacoustic      582—586 663—665 818—822 826—830
Instabilities, Jeans      see “Instabilities gravitoacoustic”
Instabilities, Kelvin — Helmholtz      582
Instabilities, magnetorotational (MRI)      442—445
Instabilities, Parker      600—602 618—620
Instabilities, pulsational      311—328
Instabilities, Rayleigh — Taylor      582 600
Instabilities, Richtmyer — Meshkov      582
Instabilities, sound (acoustic)      44—46 835
Instabilities, thermal      590—597 724—728
Instantaneous recycling approximation      677—680
Intensity, integrated (J)      176—177
Intensity, specific      167
Interferometers, Fabry — Perot      138—139
Interferometers, image formation      134 140—142
Interferometers, intensity      139
Interferometers, Michelson      137—138
Interferometers, speckle      145
Interferometers, visibility      137
Intermittency      612—613
Invariant imbedding      265—268
Ionization equilibrium, Saha equation      35—36
Ionization parameter      570
Ionization, collisional      172 547
Ionization, effect of partial ionization on equation of state      288—289
Ionization, energies for atomic species      195
Ionization, photoionization      see “Photoionization”
Irregular galaxies      see “Galaxies irregular”
Isochrones      401—404 631—637 673—674
Isothermal disk      645—647 698
Isothermal sphere      see “Lane — Emden equation isothermal” “King
Isotopes, isotopic fractionation      550—552 (see also “Radionuclides”)
J shocks      see “Magnetic fields and shocks”
Jansky, defined      129
Jeans escape      see “Outflows thermal
Jeans instability      see “Instabilities gravitoacoustic”
Jeans length and mass      585
K correction      756
Kelvin — Helmholtz contraction      329—330 365—366
Kelvin — Helmholtz contraction, timescale      61 284
Kepler’s law      3
Killing equation      97—98
King model      698 724
Kirchhoff — Bunsen laws      173
Klein — Nishima formula      209
Kolmogorov length      604
Kolmogorov spectrum      see “Turbulence Kolmogorov
Kompaneets equation      209—214 (see also “Scattering Compton”)
Lagrange multipliers      24 152 159—160
Lagrangian frame      263
Lagrangian points      12—13 418—420 666—668
Lambda iteration      232
Lane — Emden equation      294—299
Lane — Emden equation, isothermal      38 298 646 724
Langevin rate      546
Large velocity gradient method      see “Sobolev approximation”
Larmor formula      615
Larmor frequency      47
Larson — Penston law for isothermal sphere      598
Least action principle      76
Lenticular galaxies      see “Galaxies spiral”
Light echo      520—521
Light element synthesis      680—682 801—805
Likelihood      151 160
Limb darkening      184—186
Limb darkening and eclipsing binary light curves      120 414
Limb darkening and rotational broadening of line profiles      222—223
Limb darkening, coefficient      185
Lindblad resonances      662—665
Line profile, broadening      214—224
Line profile, damped      203 478—481
Line profile, damping factor      198—199 217
Line profile, function      169
Line profile, Gaussian      199 478
Line profile, Holtzmark      217—218
Line profile, Lorentzian      198 476—482
Line profile, P Cygni      253—255
Line profile, pressure gradients from line wings      220—222
Line profile, redistribution in      205
Line profile, rotational      222—223
Line profile, saturated      202 480—481
Line profile, Voigt      200—201 478—482
Linear adiabatic wave equation      326
LINER (low ionization emission line galaxies)      see “Galaxies active
Local Group      see “Clusters of galaxies Local
Local standard of rest (LSR)      640—641 644
Local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE), defined      36—37 (see also “Non-LTE conditions
Lomb — Scargle method for time series      148—149
Lookback time      785
Lorentz factor ($\gamma$)      78 91
Lorentz force      47 80
Lorentz invariance      78—79
Lorentz transformations      78—79
Lutz — Keller bias      108—109
Lyman alpha forest      415 417 476—482 797—798
Lyman limit      194
Mach number      557
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