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Zajac A. — Optics |
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Abbe numbers 269
Abbe prism 189
Abbe's image theory 609—611
Abbe, Ernst 215 260 609—610
Aberration(s) 153 253
Aberration(s), chromatic 212 253 268—273
Aberration(s), chromatic, axial 268
Aberration(s), chromatic, lateral 268
Aberration(s), monochromatic 253
Aberration(s), monochromatic, astigmatism 253
Aberration(s), monochromatic, coma 253 258—261
Aberration(s), monochromatic, distortion 253
Aberration(s), monochromatic, field curvature 253
Aberration(s), monochromatic, spherical 226 253—258
Aberration(s), stellar 6
Absolute index of refraction (n) 66 84
Absorptance 422
Absorption 67 72 423 586
Absorption bands 72 337
Absorption coefficient ( ) 128 581
Absorption dissipative 67
Absorption selective (preferential) 130 134
Absorption stimulated 587—588
Absorptivity ( ) 583
Accommodation 204—205
Achromates 4 212 269
Acoustical holography 638
Adaptive optics 226—230
Additive coloration 135
ADP (ammonium dihydrogen phosphate) 641
Aether 3 5—7
Afocal 220
Airy disk 228 469—471 531
Airy function 420
Airy, Sir George Biddell 6 7 209 469
Alhazen 1 202 216
Alkali metals 130
Aluminum 131 175
AM radiowaves 63
Ametropic 206
Amici objective 215
Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate (ADP) 641
Ampere's Circuital Law 41
Ampere, Andre Marie 41
Amplification 581 605—606
Amplitude 15
Amplitude coefficients 114 128 351
Amplitude coefficients, reflection (r) 114—116 351
Amplitude coefficients, transmission (f) 114 116
Amplitude modulation 296 617
Amplitude spectrum 531—532
Amplitude splitting 385 400—414
Analyzer 332
Anamorphic lenses 209—210
Anastigmats 266
Angstrom ( ) 15
Angular deviation 187
Angular dispersion 480
Angular field of view 215
Angular frequency 16 307
Angular magnification (MA or MP) 210 214
Anharmonic waves 302—308
Anomalous dispersion 72
Anti-Stokes transition 603—604
Antinodes 289
Antireflection coatings 428 29
Aperture see also “Diffraction”
Aperture function 524 539
Aperture, clear 174
Aperture, numerical (NA) 195 215
Aperture, relative 174
Aperture, stop 171
Apex angle ( ) 187
Aplanatic reflectors 224
Apochromatic objective 215
Apodization 542—543 559
Apollo 11 193
Arago, Dominique Francois Jean 5 7 349 360 494
Area of coherence 575
Arecibo Observatory 257
Argand diagram 22 23
Argon laser 598—599
Aristophanes 1 160
Aristotle 1 3
Armstrong, E.H. 619
Array theorem 543—544
Aspherical surfaces 150—153 179—180
Aspherics 152—153
Astigmatic difference 262
Astigmatism 209—210 220 261—263
Astronomical telescope 219
atoms 63—66
Attenuation coefficient (a) 128
Autocollimation 480
Autocorrelation 546—550
Automatic lens design 253
Aviogon lens 219
Axial chromatic aberration 268
Azimuthal angle (y) 146—147
Babinet compensator 356—357
Babinet's principle 508
Baboon's blue buttocks 87
Back focal length 160 168 205 246
Bacon, Roger 1—2 205
Bandwidth 313—314 358—359 560
Bandwidth, minimum resolvable 425
Barkla, Charles Glover 347
Barrel distortion 266
Barrier penetration 126
Bartholinus, Erasmus 339
Basov, Nikolai Gennadievich 581
Beam expander 222
Beamsplitter cube 126 127
Beamsplitters 126—127 407
Beats 294—296
Bending of lenses 244
Bennett, William Ralph, Jr. 596
Bessel beam 414—416
Bessel functions 467 470 566
Beth, Richard A. 331
Biaxial crystals 335 342
Binocular night glasses 173
Binoculars 221—222
Biot, Jean Baptiste 360 494
Biotar lens 266
Biprism (Fresnel's double prism) 398—399
Bird, George R. 333
Birefringence 336—337
Birefringence, circular 361
Birefringence, stress 365—366
Birefringent crystals 342
Blackbody radiation 51 581 584
Blazed gratings 478
Blind spot 204
Bluejay's feathers 87
Blur spot 149
Bohr, Niels Henrik David 7 8
Boltzmann's Constant (kB) 585
Boltzmann, Ludwig 583
Born, Max 138
Bose — Einstein condensate 301
Bose — Einstein distribution 52
Bose — Einstein statistics 53 55
Bosons 53
boundary conditions 112 288
Boundary diffraction wave 512—513
Boundary wave 126
Bradley, James 6
Bragg's law 485 636
Bremsstrahlung 79
| Brewster windows 597
Brewster's angle 348 597
Brewster's Law 348 351
Brewster, David 335 348 365
Brillouin scattering 296 606 640
Broglie, Louis Victor, Prince de 7
Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm 8
Burning glass 1 152 160
C-W laser 596—597
Cadmium red line 314
Calcite 3 5 337—342 353
Calcium fluoride lenses 215
Camera 171 215—219
Camera obscura 2 215
Camera, lenses 218—219
Camera, pinhole 216 266
Camera, single lens reflex 216—217
Canada balsam 343
Capillary optics 200—201
Carbon dioxide laser 316 598—599
Carbon disulfide 369
Cardinal points 244
Carotene 134
Carrier wave 296
Cartesian oval 154
Cataract 206
Catoptrics, I 179
Cauchy's equation 85
Cauchy, Augustin Louis 85
Cavities, optical 252
Centered optical system 156
Central-spot scanning 425
Cesium clock 75
Cesium gas 300
Chandra X-Ray Observatory 79
Characteristic radiation 79
Chelate lasers 600
Chief ray 172
Chlorophyll 134
Cholesteric crystals 363
Christiansen, C. 85
Christiansen, W.N. 451
Chromatic aberration(s) 153 212 253 268—273
Chromatic aberration(s), axial 268
Chromatic aberration(s), lateral 268
Chromatic resolving power (R) 424
Cinnabar 362
Circle of least confusion 255 262
Circular birefringence 361
Circular light 327—328 329
circular polarizers 357—358
Cittert, Pieter Hendrik van 560
Cladding 194
Clausius, Rudolf Julius Emanuel 260
Clear aperture 174
Cleavage form 338
Coddington magnifier 212
Coefficient of finesse (F) 420
Coherence 560—574
Coherence functions 566—573
Coherence length ( ) 314—316 393 396
Coherence theory 560—574
Coherence time 314 358 393 561
Coherence, area of 575
Coherence, complex degree of 570
Coherence, longitudinal 560
Coherence, partial 560 570
Coherence, temporal 560 562 571—573
Coherent fiber bundle 195
Coherent waves 283 390—391
Cold mirror 425—426
Collimated light 161
Colors 103 131—135
Coma 253 258—261
Comatic circle 259
Comb function 528
Compensator plate 407 411
Compensators 356—357
Compensators, Babinet 356—357
Compensators, Soleil 357
Complementary colors 130 360
Complex amplitude 286
Complex index of refraction (n) 128
Complex representation 21—23 286
Compound lens 156 245 246
Compound microscope 214—215
Compound zero-order wave plate 355
Compton effect 57
Compton, A.H. 125
Conductivity ( ) 128
Confocal resonator 593
Conjugate points 149
Connes, Pierre 425
Constructive interference 284 388 395
Continuously variable retarder 371
Contrast (V) 551 628
Contrast factor (C) 441
Convolution integral 532—539
Convolution theorem 536—538
Cooke (or Taylor) triplet 219 266 273
copper 129 131
Corner cube 192—193
Cornu spiral 287 500—503
Cornu, Marie Alfred 500
Corpuscular theory 3—9
Correlation interferometry 575—578
Correlogram 549
Cotton — Mouton effect 367—368
Cover glass slides 196
Crab Nebula 61—62
Critical angle 116 122—123 189 195
Cross-correlation 438 546—550
Crosstalk 194
Cryolite 428
Cube corner reflector 192—193
Cusa, Nicholas 205
Cylinder lens 209
Cylindrical waves 31 503
D lines of sodium 66
da Vinci, Leonardo 2
Dark-ground method 620—623
de Broglie wavelength 34
Degree of coherence ( ) 316 566—573
Degree of polarization (V) 351 375
Delta function 524—529
Denisyuk, Yuri Nikolayevitch 636
Dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) 197—198
Descartes, Rene 2 3 141 152 202
Destructive interference 284 388
Deviation, angular 187
Dextrorotatory 360
Dichroic crystals 334—335
Dichroism 333
Dichromophore 335
Dielectric constant ( ) 41
Dielectric films 9 400—407 425—426
Dielectric films, double-beam interference 400—407
Dielectric films, multilayer systems 425—426
Differential wave equation: one-dimensional 14
Differential wave equation: three-dimensional 27—28 45
Diffraction 2—3 4 149 443—518 539—544
Diffraction of microwaves 446
Diffraction, array theorem 543—544
Diffraction, Babinet's Principle 508
Diffraction, boundary waves 512—513
Diffraction, cancer cells 471
Diffraction, coherent oscillators 449—452
Diffraction, comparison of Fraunhofer and Fresnel 447 49
Diffraction, Fourier methods 539—544
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