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Zajac A. — Optics
Zajac A. — Optics

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Íàçâàíèå: Optics

Àâòîð: Zajac A.


Accurate, authoritative and comprehensive, Optics, Fourth Edition has been revised to provide readers with the most up-to-date coverage of optics. The market leader for over a decade, this book provides a balance of theory and instrumentation, while also including the necessary classical background. The writing style is lively and accessible. For college instructors, students, or anyone interested in optics.

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 21.03.2008

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Gold reflectance      131
Gold, bound electrons      134
Graded-index fibers      199
Gradient index (GRIN) lens      203 273—276
Gradient index (GRIN), axial-GRIN lens      275—276
Gradient index (GRIN), gradient constant      275
Gradient index (GRIN), radial-GRIN rod      274
Grating equations      477
Gravitational lensing      231—233
Gregory, James      223 481
Grimaldi, Francesco Maria      3 188 443
GRIN lens      see “Gradient index lens”
Grosseteste, Robert      1
Ground state      64 78
Group index of refraction      298
Group velocity ($v_g$)      296—302
Gyroscope      296
Haidinger fringes      403—404 407 410
Haidinger, Wilhelm Karl      403
Half-angular breadth      514
Half-linear width      514
Half-wave plate      353—354
Half-wave voltage, ($\mathrm{V}_{\lambda / 2}$)      2 369
Hall, Chester Moor      4 271
Hamilton, William Rowan      110
Hanbury-Brown and Twiss experiment      576
Hanbury-Brown, R.      575 576
Harmonic functions      14—15
Harmonic functions, averaging of      48—50
Harmonic functions, superposition of      20—21
Harmonic generation      9 641—643
Harmonic waves      14—17
Harmonics      307 308
Harrison, George R.      479
Heisenberg uncertainty principle      314
Helium-neon (He-Ne) laser      263 316 447 467 493—494 562 596—597
Helmholtz equation      510
Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von      222
Hemispherical resonator      593
Herapath, William Bird      335
Herapathite      335
Hero of Alexandria      1 106
Herriott, Donald Richard      596
Herschel, Sir John Frederick William      360
Herschel, William      76 223
Hertz, Heinrich Rudolf      6 73 292
Holographic interferometry      637—638
Holography      9 621
Holography acoustical      638
Holography computer-generated      639
Holography Fourier transform      634 635
Holography in-line      624
Holography reflection      631
Holography side-band Fresnel      625
Holography transmission      630 632
Holography volume holograms      636—637
Holography white light reflection      636—637
Holography zone-plate interpretation      623—625 631 633
Hooke, Robert      3 406
Hubble Space Telescope (HST)      180 224 225 256
Hughes, David      73
Hull, Gordon Feme      57
Huygens — Fresnel Principle      105 444—446 456 485 512 513
Huygens's principle      104—105 340 444
Huygens, Christian      104—105 255 340—341
Hyperopia      208
Hypersthene      335
Iceland spar (calcite)      3 339
Image distance ($s_i$)      154
Image erect      163
Image focal length      155
Image inverted      163
Image real      152 163
Image space      149
Image virtual      152 163
Imagery      160—165 183—186
Impulse response      530
Index matching      641
Index of refraction (n): absolute      66 84
Index of refraction (n): complex      128
Index of refraction (n): glass      270
Index of refraction (n): group      298
Index of refraction (n): relative      103
Index of refraction (n): table      95
Indium tin oxide      370—371
Induction law      37—39
Infinite conjugates      220
Infrared      9 76 425—426
Infrared mirrors      175
Inhomogeneous waves      125
Intensity      50
Interference      4 21 283 384
Interference colors      359—360
Interference constructive      88 91 284 388
Interference destructive      88 91 284 388
Interference double beam      400—407
Interference filter      430 431
Interference fringes      389 401—404 414—416
Interference law      570
Interference multiple-beam      416—425
Interference term      283 387
Interference thin films      3 425—426
Interference, conditions for      390—392
Interferogram      412 639
Interferometers      393—414 398
Interferometers microwave      411
Interferometers radar      436—438
Interferometers radio      451
Interferometers Twyman — Green      434
Interferometers wavefront-splitting      385 393—400
Interferometers wavefront-splitting, Fresnel's double mirror      398
Interferometers wavefront-splitting, Fresnel's double prism      398—399
Interferometers wavefront-splitting, Lloyd's mirror      399—400
Interferometers wavefront-splitting, Young's Experiment      393—396
Interferometers, amplitude-splitting      400—414
Interferometers, amplitude-splitting, Mach-Zehnder      411 416
Interferometers, amplitude-splitting, Michelson      407—408
Interferometers, amplitude-splitting, Pohl      412—415
Interferometers, amplitude-splitting, Sagnac      412 416 435—436
Interferometers, Fabry — Perot      421—425 423—425 425 481
Interferometers, Jamin      441
Intermodal dispersion      198
Internal reflection      96 122—124
Inverse square law      50—51 140
inversion      177
Ion bombardment polishing      9
Ionic polarization      68
Irradiance (I)      50 250
Irradiance (I) dipole radiation      62—63
Irradiance modulator      371
Isoplanatic region      228
Jamin Interferometer      441
Janssen, Zacharias      2 214 219
Javan, Ali      596
Jeans, James      584
Jodrell Bank      472
Jones matrices      377—378
Jones vectors      375 376—377
Jones, Robert Clark      376
KD*P      369
KDP      369 641 642
Keller, Joseph Bishop      513
Kepler, Johannes      2 56 152 202 216
Keplerian astronomical telescope      219
Kerr cell      368—369 383
Kerr constants      368—369
Kerr effect      368—370 639
Kerr, John      368
Kirchhoff's diffraction theory      445 510—512
Kirchhoff's integral theorem      510
Kirchhoff's Radiation Law      582
Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert      8 105 445 581
Klingenstjerna, Samuel      4
Kohlrausch, Rudolph      45
Kottler, Friedrich      513
Krypton      77 316
Labeyrie, A.E.      636
Lagrange, Joseph Louis      110
Land, Edwin Herbert      335
Laplace, Pierre Simon, marquis de      494
Laplacian operator      28 45
Laser(s)      9 589—601
Laser(s) developments      597—601
Laser(s) operation      589
Laser(s), cavities      589 591—594
Laser(s), chemical      600—601
Laser(s), cooling      65—66
Laser(s), coupled-cavity      600
Laser(s), diode      300
Laser(s), first (pulsed ruby)      589—591
Laser(s), fusion      598
Laser(s), gas      598—600
Laser(s), giant pulse      594
Laser(s), helium-neon      263 316 447 467 493—494 562 596—597
Laser(s), liquid      600
Laser(s), modes      521 591—593
Laser(s), Q-spoiling      593—594
Laser(s), Q-switching      593—594
Laser(s), semiconductor      599—600
Laser(s), solid state      598
Laser(s), tunable      600
Laserlight      581
Lateral chromatic aberration      268
Lateral color      268
Laue, Max von      484
Law of reflection      1 98 141
Law of refraction      2 100—101 141
Le Craw, R.C.      367
Le Roux      84
Lebedev, Pyotr Nikolaievich      57
Left-circular light      328
Leith, Emmett N.      625
Lens(es)      1 2 150—171
Lens(es) equation      158
Lens(es) first-order theory      154
Lens(es), bending      244
Lens(es), compound      156
Lens(es), cylindrical      209
Lens(es), field flattener      196 265
Lens(es), finite imagery      160—165
Lens(es), fluorite      273
Lens(es), focal points and planes      159—160
Lens(es), magnification      163
Lens(es), optical center      159
Lens(es), simple      156
Lens(es), telephoto      218 267
Lens(es), Tessar      218 219 266
Lens(es), thick      243—246
Lens(es), thin      156—171
Lens(es), thin-lens combinations      165—169
Lens(es), toric      209
Lensing, gravitational      231—233
Lensmaker's Formula      158
Levorotatory      360
Lewis, G.N.      7
Light field      293
Light pipe      193 194
Light propagation      86
Light rays      105—106
Light, beam      105
Light, pencil      105
Light, speed of, in vacuum      46
Light, speed of, measured by Jupiter's moon      4
Light, speed of, measured by rotating mirrors      5
Light, speed of, measured by rotating toothed wheel      5 46
Light, superluminal      299—301
light-emitting diodes      199
Limit of resolution      480
Line-spread function      533 551
Linear systems      529—556
Linewidth, natural      314 545
Lippershey, Hans      2 219
Lippmann, Gabriel      636
Liquid crystal display      371
Liquid crystal variable retarder      371
Liquid crystals      363 370—374
Lister objective      215
Lithium niobate      636 643 644
Littrow mount      481
Lloyd's mirror      398 399
Lorentz broadening      545
Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon      6 67 129
Lorentzian profile      544—545
Lunar Orbiter      615
Mach-Zehnder      411 416
Mach-Zehnder interferometer      411 416
Maey, Eugen      513
Maggi, Gian Antonio      513
Magnesium fluoride      175 428 429
Magnetic induction ($\overrightarrow{{\mathbf{B}}}$)      37
Magneto-optic effect      367
Magnification: angular ($M_A$)      210
Magnification: lateral or transverse ($M_T$)      163 185 245
Magnification: longitudinal ($M_L$)      165
Magnifying glass, I.      210—212
Magnifying power (MP)      210 214 220—221
Maiman, Theodore Harold      581
Malus and Dupin, theorem of      105—106
Malus's Law      332—333 367
Malus, Etienne Louis      5 105—106 333 348
Maraldi      494
Marechal, A.      615
Marginal ray      172 215
Mariner IV      130
Maser      583
Matrix methods, lens design      248
Matrix methods, polarization      372—373
Matrix methods, thin films      425—426
Matter waves      8 36
Maupertuis, Pierre de      110
Maxwell — Boltzmann statistics      53 586
Maxwell's equations      5—6 43—44 128 584
Maxwell's Relation      66
Maxwell, James Clerk      5—6 6 43 45 46 73
Meniscus lens      156
Mercury      316
Meridional focus      262
Meridional plane      263
Meridional ray      193 246
Metal(s), optical properties      127—131
Metal(s), reflection from      129—130
Metastable states      589
MICA      355
Michelson      411 416
Michelson interferometer      407—408
Michelson stellar interferometer      573—575
Michelson — Morley experiment      6—7
Michelson, Albert Abraham      6—7 298 411 562 573
Micro-OptoElectroMechanical Systems (MOEMS)      178 200
Micromirrors      178
Micron ($1 \mathrm{\mu} \mathrm{m} = 10^{-6} \mathrm{m} $)      15 645
Microscope angular field      215
Microscope numerical aperture      215
Microscope resolving power      215
Microscope tube length      214
Microscope, compound      2 214—215
Microwave interferometer      411
Microwaves      74—75 126 295 331
Mie scattering      92
Mie, Gustav      92
1 2 3 4 5 6
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