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Meyer R.X. — Elements of Space Technology |
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Absides 193
Absorption, ambient temperature radiation 278
Absorption, blackbody 270
Absorption, solar radiation 275
Absorption, technical surfaces 275
Acceleration 7
Acceleration at equator 2 28
Acceleration, residual 2
Acceleration, transformation equation 8
accelerometers 239
Accommodation coefficient 44
actuators 240 see
Aerobraking 37
Aerodynamic forces and moments 37
Aerospike 115 121
Albedo 285
Ammonium nitrate 171
Ammonium perchlorate 171
Anomaly, eccentric 65
Anomaly, hyperbolic 66
Anomaly, mean 65 69
Anomaly, true 61 70 207
Apoapsis, apogee, aphelion 61 190 194 203
Ascending node 69
ascent 37
Atmosphere, atomic oxygen 280
Atmosphere, density 42 52
Atmosphere, effects 37 39 40 73
Atmosphere, entry, see reentry ionosphere 73
Atmosphere, Mars 120
Atmosphere, rocket motor operation 117
Atmosphere, scale height 52
Atmosphere, skipping 54
Atmosphere, temperature 42 52
Atmosphere, upper atmosphere wind 39
Atomic, Clocks 15
Atomic, oxygen 280
Atomic, time (TAI) 15 17
Attitude control 215—265
Azimuth 4
Backpressure 117
Barycenter 6 63
batteries 300
Bell nozzle 115 121
Bernoulli’s equation 152
Beryllium 171
Bipropellants 140 167
Blackbody see "Thermal emission" "Thermal
Body cone 227
Boltzmann 272 273
Boosters 101 see
Boosters, vehicles 101
Bryson, A.E. 218
Buffeting 40
Burn rate 172
Capillary feeds 168
Capture 89
Catalyst bed 142 300
Cavitation 151
Colatitude 4
Collisions 11
Combustion, chamber 100
Combustion, instabilities 156
Composite propellants 170
Contamination 123
Coriolis force 9
Cryogens 140
Dalton’s law 128
De Laval 115
Debris 280
Declination 6 70
Degree of reaction 129 132
Desaturation 246 250
Despun platform 216
Diaphragms 146
docking 24 205 208
Doppler shift 74 240
Double base propellants 170
Drag 37
Drag free satellite 46
Dual spin 258
D’Alembert 66
Earth, albedo 285
Earth, diurnal rotation 17 65
Earth, gravity 26
Earth, reference ellipsoid 27
Earth, thermal emission 284
Eccentricity 62 68
Ecliptic 3 69 284
Ecliptic, latitude, longitude 6
Ecliptic, obliquity 4 284
Eigenvectors 219
Einstein 92
Electric propulsion 99
Electric propulsion, thrusters 245
Elevation 4
Emission, thermal, blackbody 270
Emission, thermal, earth 284
Emission, thermal, solar 273
Emission, thermal, technical surfaces 275
Epoch 14
Equatorial plane 69
Equatorial plane, celestial 3 69 284
Equilibrium constant 131
Equinox 3 69 284
Euler angles 12 226 230 239
Euler’s equation for rigid bodies 224 263
Euler’s equation for time dependent inertia 223
Evan’s form 256
Exit plane 100 104
Expansion-deflection nozzle 115 121
Extendable nozzle 115 122
f and g series film cooling 149
First point of Aries 3 284
Flow rate control 162
Flyby 85
Forces 37 see "Thrust"
Forces, aerodynamic 37
Forces, buffeting 40
Forces, Coriolis 9
Forces, drag, lift 37 211
Forces, gravitational 21
Forces, inertial 9
Free molecule flow 40
Free molecule flow, heat transfer 47
Free molecule flow, pressure 45
Free molecule flow, shear 45
Free radicals 97
Frozen equilibrium 126 131 135
Fuels 141 171
Fuels, hydrocarbons 141
Fuels, hydrogen slush 142
Fuels, liquid hydrogen 141
Fuels, unsymmetric dimethylhydrazine 141
Galilean invariance 2
Gas generators 147 149
Gas turbines 147
Gas-dynamic shocks 117 119 122
Gauss 23 27
Geocentric reference 5
geoid 27
Geostationary Orbit 77
Gibbs 129 131
Gimbals 160 236
Global Positioning System 16 64
Goddard 147
Grain recession 172
Gravitational parameter 22 60
Gravity 21
| Gravity, assist 85
Gravity, gradient 24 216 262
Gravity, loss 35 109
Gravity, turn 209
Greenwich, mean solar time (GMST) 16
Greenwich, meridian 4
Grey surfaces 278
Ground track 4
Gyroscopes 236
Gyroscopes, integrating 239
Gyroscopes, Rate 238
Heat pipes 302
Heat transfer 47 49 127 146 149 157 269
Heaters 300
Heliocentric reference 6 87
Hohmann transfers 192 202 206
Hohmann transfers, bielliptic 196
Hohmann transfers, modified 195
Hohmann transfers, semitangential 196
Horizon 71 232
Horizon sensors 232
Huang, D.H. 99
Huzel, D.K. 99
Hybrid motors 103 175
Hybrid propellants 139
Hydrazine 140 142 165
Hydrocarbons 141
Hydrogen 141
Hydrogen, para- and ortho- 97
Hydrogen, peroxide 142
Hydrogen, slush 142
Hyperbolic anomaly 66
Hypergolic propellants 140
Igniter 101 156
Impact parameter 87
Impulsive thrust 188
Inclination 3 68
Inertia, moments of 218
Inertia, principal moments of 221
Inertia, tensor 25
Inertial forces 9
Inertial measurement units 239
Inertial space 2
Inertially symmetric body 221
Inertially symmetric body, stability 227
Inhibited red fuming nitric acid 138
Injector plate 99 155
Insertion errors 199
Insertion errors, eccentricity 202
Insertion errors, inclination 199
Insertion errors, semimajor axis 201
Inverse square field 23
Ionosphere 73
Jet damping 252
Kepler 60
Kepler, equation 65
Kepler, laws 62
Kinetic energy of rotation 227
Kirchhoff’s law 276
Knudsen number 41
Lagrange 107
Lambert’s law 272 284
Lambert’s theorem 184
Laplace 27 85
Laplace, invariable plane 7
Latitude 4 6
Launch vehicles 99 104 108 117 143 209 see
Launch vehicles, vibrations 157
Launch windows 197
Law of mass action 130 138
Leap second 16
Liquid propellants 99 138 140
longitude 4 6
Louvers 301
Low earth orbits 76
Lumped parameter model 290
Magnetic levitation 248
Magnetic torque 216
Marman clamps 104
Mass action law 130 138
Mass fractions 129
Mean free path 41
Micrometeoroids 280
Microwave communications 77
Minimum energy paths 181
Mole fractions 128
Molniya 63
Moments of inertia 218 221
Momentum wheels 249
Monomethylhydrazine 138
Monopropellants 140
Monopropellants, hydrazine 142 165
Monopropellants, hydrogen peroxide 142
Motor case 175
Multilayer insulation 286
Newton 2 21 23 33 62
Nitric acid 141
Nitrogen tetroxide 140
North-south correction 205
Nozzle 100 117 149
Nozzle, aerospike 115 121
Nozzle, bell 115 121
Nozzle, divergence angle 125
Nozzle, exit plane 100 104
Nozzle, expansion-deflection 115 121
Nozzle, extendible 115 122
Nozzle, over-expansion 119 123
Nozzle, throat 100 104 113
Nozzle, under-expansion 119 123
Nutation 229
Nutation, angle 13 226
Nutation, damping 255 258
Oblate vehicles 225 255
Orbits, angular momentum 60
Orbits, apoapsis 61
Orbits, ascending node 69
Orbits, circular 75
Orbits, eccentricity 62
Orbits, elements 68
Orbits, energy 60
Orbits, geostationary 77
Orbits, inclination 68
Orbits, injection errors 199
Orbits, Kepler 60
Orbits, low earth 76
Orbits, on orbit drift 196 202
Orbits, periapsis 61
Orbits, period 64
Orbits, right ascension of the ascending node 69
Orbits, semimajor axis 63
Orbits, sun synchronous 80
Oxidizers 140 171
Oxidizers, liquid oxygen 140
Oxidizers, nitric acid 141
Oxidizers, nitrogen tetroxide 140
Oxidizers, red fuming nitric acid 141
Oxidizers, white fuming nitric acid 141
Paints 279
Panels 286
Partial pressure 128
Periapsis, perigee, perihelion 61 69 93 190 194 203
Planck’s radiation law 272
Plane change 188
Planetocentric reference 4 86
Planets flyby 85
Planets flyby, missions to 81 187
Pogo oscillation 158
Prandtl — Meyer function 124
Precession 226
Precession, angle 12
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