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Wolf E.L. — Nanophysics and nanotechnology. An introduction to modern concepts in nanoscience
Morse P., Feshbach H. — Methods of Theoretical Physics (part 1)71
Morse P., Feshbach H. — Methods of Theoretical Physics (part 2)71
Finlayson B.A. — Numerical Methods for Problems With Moving Fronts460
Moaveni S. — Finite Element Analysis .Theory and Application with ANSYS27, 340
Zienkiewicz O.C., Taylor L.R. — The finite element method (vol. 3, Fluid dynamics)5, 115
Sadd M.H. — Elasticity: theory, applications, and numerics73, 77
Herrmann H.J. (ed.), Roux S. (ed.) — Statistical models for the fracture of disordered media90
Becker A.A. — The Boundary Element Method in Engineering. A complete course28, 64, 99
Browne M.E. — Schaum's outline of theory and problems of physics for engineering and science154
Eringen A.C. — Mechanics of continua205,372
Chaikin P.M., Lubensky T.C. — Principles of condensed matter physics320, 555
Elberly D.H., Shoemake K. — Game Physics162, 163
Cheremisinoff N. — Handbook of engineering polymeric materials618
Rubinstein M., Colby R.H. — Polymer Physics282
Fishbane P.M. — Physics For Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics327
Cleland A.N. — Foundations of nanomechanics187
Structure Property Relationships in Polimers67
Karman T., Biot A.M. — Mathematical Methods in Engineering271
Koerber G.G. — Properties of Solids164—165, 170
Libai A., Simmonds J.G. — The Nonlinear Theory of Elastic Shells89, 139, 191, 487
Feynman R.P., Leighton R.B., Sands M. — The Feynman lectures on physics (vol.2)II-38-5
Johnson K., Lark-Horovitz V.A. — Methods of Experimental Physics Solid State Physics (Volume 6/PartA)297, 299—301
Lai W.M., Rubin D., Krempl E. — Introduction to continuum mechanics220, 228
Eschenauer H., Olhoff N., Schnell W. — Applied structural mechanics : fundamentals of elasticity, load-bearing structures, structural optimization32, 38, 94
Tarantola A. — Inverse problem theory and methods for model parameter estimation11, 165
Roskam J. — Airplane flight dynamics and automatic flight controls (part 1)727
Wolf E.L. — Nanophysics and nanotechnology: an introduction to modern concepts in nanoscience20
Lomnitz C. — Fundamentals of earthquake prediction212
Smyth C.P. — Dielectric behavior and structure: dielectric constant and loss, dipole moment and molecular structure189
Stratton J.A. — Electromagnetic Theory95
Ahrens T.J. — Rock Physics and Phase Relations. A Handbook of Physical Constants217
Ding H., Chen W., Zhang L. — Elasticity of Transversely Isotropic Materials21, 359
van der Giesen E. (Editor), Wu T.Y. (Editor) — Solid Mechanics, Volume 3614, 18
Cotterill R.M.J. — Biophysics: An Introduction76
Bassin M.G., Brodsky S.M., Wolkoff H. — Statics and strength of materials153
Kitahara M. — Boundary Integral Equation Methods in Eigenvalue Problems of Elastodynamics and Thin Plates133, 138—139
Hercules Proceedings (Vol. I) (unknown book)19, 20
Arya A.P. — Introduction to Classical Mechanics371
Eringen A.C., Suhubi E.S. — Elastodynamics (vol.1) Finite motions63
Thorpe M.F. (ed.), Duxbury P.M. (ed.) — Rigidity theory and applications105, 298, 322, 323
Dekker A.J. — Solid State Physics79
Azaroff L.V. — Introduction to Solids126
Kleinert H. — Gauge fields in condensed matter (part 4)752
Rosenberg H.M. — Low temperature solid state physics. Some selected topicssee Elastic constants
Patnaik S., Hopkins D. — Strength of Materials: A New Unified Theory for the 21st Century29, 34
Stratton J.A. — Electromagnetic Theory95
McEvily A.J. — Metal Failures: Mechanisms, Analysis, Prevention24
Lindsay R.B. — Mechanical Radiation146
Morse P.M. — Methods of theoretical physics71
Chaikin P., Lubensky T. — Principles of condensed matter physics320, 555
Richards P.I. — Manual of Mathematical Physics18
Hugh D. Young, Roger A. Freedman — University physics with modern physics365, 368
Marder M.P. — Condensed matter physics293
Hobbie R., Roth B. — Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology,13
Kanwal R.P. — Linear Integral Equations: Theory and Techniques120
Schwarzenbach D. — Crystallography180
Haile J.M. — Molecular Dyanmics Simualtion: Elementary Methods294—295, 321
Haile J.M. — Molecular Dyanmics Simualtion: Elementary Methods294—295, 321
Lee A. — Mathematics Applied to Continuum Mechanics165
Fung Y. — A First Course in Continuum Mechanics: for Physical and Biological Engineers and Scientists158—160
Silva V.D. — Mechanics and Strength of Materials77
Seitz F. (ed.), Turnbull D. (ed.) — Solid State Physics. Advances in Research and Applications. Volume 16280
Feynman R., Leighton R., Sands M. — Lectures on Physics 2II-38-5
Plischke M., Bergersen B. — Equilibrium statistical physics415
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