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Morse P.M. — Methods of theoretical physics |
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, definition of 73 350
of electromagnetic resonator 1851—1852 1871
(Tanh )/ , properties of 405
Absorption cross section 181 1488 1885
Absorption width 1864
Abstract vector space 76—93
Abstract vector space, and eigenfunctions 716
Abstract vector space, and quantum theory 78 231
Abstract vector space, Bessel inequality in 82
Abstract vector space, complex 81
Abstract vector space, eigenvalues in 78 771
Abstract vector space, eigenvectors in 78 771
Abstract vector space, for spin 88
Abstract vector space, Green’s functions in see Green’s functions in abstract vector space
Abstract vector space, Hermitian operators in 83
Abstract vector space, I — P method in 1018
Abstract vector space, integral equations in 907
Abstract vector space, operators 82
Abstract vector space, perturbation theory in 1018
Abstract vector space, Schwarz inequality in 82
Abstract vector space, transformations in 84—87 91
Abstract vector space, transformations in, unitary 84
Acoustic admittance 311
Acoustic circuit elements 1355
Acoustic impedance 310 1349 1367
Acoustic impedance, for vibrating disk 1512
Acoustic impedance, for vibrating strip 1424
Action integral 291
Action integral, and angle and action variables 294
Action integral, and Hamilton — Jacobi equation 292
Action variable and angular momentum 294
Addition theorems, for Laguerre polynomials 785
Addition theorems, for Legendre polynomials 784 1274
Adjoint boundary conditions 874
Adjoint differential operators 526 576 584 645 874
Adjoint equation 871
Adjoint function 858 1129 1131 1135
Adjoint integral equation 919 992 1939
Adjoint integral operator 877
Adjoint operators 528 584 870 880
Adjoint problem 874 919
Adjoint, Hermitian 83 772 880
Adjoint, Hermitian, self 870
Adjoint, Hermitian, self-, and Sturm — Liouville equation 720
Adjoint, Hermitian, self-, variational principle for 1112
Admittance 286 1334 1336
Admittance, acoustic 311
Admittance, and conductance 300
Admittance, and resonances 287
Admittance, and susceptance 300
Admittance, deflection 1367
Admittance, dyadic 286 334
Admittance, for boundary 1366
Admittance, for dissipative system 299
Admittance, for multiple radiation 1869
Admittance, torsional 1846
Advanced potential 206 873
Age 197 1599 1637
Age equation 197 1600 1637
Age equation, Green’s function for 199
Age theory 1635
Albedo 1607
Albedo, for diffuse reflection 1622
Ampere circuital law 204
Amplification factor 1234
Amplitude, scattered 1065 1069 1070 1167
Amplitude, scattered, and total cross section 1069
Amplitude, scattered, integral equation for 1077
Amplitude, scattered, variational principle for 1131 1135 1168 1701 1704
Amplitude, velocity 128
Analytic continuation 377 389
Analytic continuation, and branch points 391
Analytic continuation, and existence region 389
Analytic continuation, Euler’s algorithm for 395 396 482
Analytic continuation, for gamma functions 394
Analytic continuation, for hypergeometric functions 397 545 582 591
Analytic continuation, fundamental theorems for 390
Analytic continuation, natural boundary 389
Analytic continuation, Schwarz reflection 393
Analytic continuation, techniques of 392
Analytic functions 356—374
Analytic functions, and analytic continuation 377 389
Analytic functions, and Cauchy integral formula 367
Analytic functions, and Cauchy theorem 363
Analytic functions, and Cauchy — Riemann conditions 357
Analytic functions, and conformal mapping 358
Analytic functions, and electrostatics 353
Analytic functions, and impedances 372
Analytic functions, derivatives of 374
Analytic functions, inverse function of 361
Analytic functions, real and imaginary parts 370
Analytic functions, singularities of 358 480
Analytic functions, Taylor series for 375
Angle variable in classical mechanics 294
Angle-distribution factor 1065 1069 1070 1167 1374 1863 1883
Angle-distribution factor, and phase shifts 1683
Angle-distribution factor, integral equation for 1077
Angle-distribution factor, variational principle for 1131 1135 1168 1701 1704
Angular momentum, and angle variable, in classical mechanics 294
Angular momentum, density of, for electromagnetic field 331
Angular momentum, density of, for field 321 343
Angular momentum, for several particles 1721
Angular momentum, in quantum mechanics 1661
Angular momentum, operator for 89
Angular momentum, total, for Dirac equation 263
Angular velocity 125
Anisotropic elastic media 72 324
Anisotropic elastic media, table 345
Antenna, half-wave, radiation from 1830
Antisymmetric dyadic 60
Area, effective 1520
Associated Legendre functions see Legendre functions
Asymptotic formulas, for Bessel equation 741
Asymptotic formulas, for eigenfunctions and eigenvalues 739
Asymptotic formulas, for Fourier transforms 462
Asymptotic series 434—443 482
Asymptotic series, and method of steepest descent 437
Asymptotic series, and Stokes’ phenomena 437 609 611
Asymptotic series, for Bessel functions 622
Asymptotic series, for Bessel functions, of large order 630 631
Asymptotic series, for confluent hypergeometric function 554 608 611
Asymptotic series, for coulomb wave functions 632
Asymptotic series, for exponential integral 434
Asymptotic series, for gamma functions 442
Asymptotic series, uniqueness of 436
Atom, shielded, scattering from 1682
Atom, shielded, scattering from, and form factor 1691
Atom, shielded, scattering from, and Ramsauer effect 1682
Atom, shielded, scattering from, Born approximation for 1690
Attenuation in ducts 1441 1828
Auxiliary conditions for variational principle 278
Auxiliary conditions for variational principle, and divergence condition in electromagnetism 326
Auxiliary conditions for variational principle, and Lagrange multipliers 278
Average values in quantum mechanics 232 1639
Average values in quantum mechanics, and probability 232
Average values in quantum mechanics, and transformation functions 238
Axial vectors 10 29 42 46
Babinet’s principle 1430
Bar, elastic waves along 1839
Bar, elongational waves in 1842
Bar, forced motion of 1844
Bar, torsional waves in 1841
Bernoulli’s equation 161
Bessel equation 550 553 619
Bessel equation, Green’s function for 888
Bessel equation, spherical 622 (see also Bessel functions)
Bessel functions 572 619—631
Bessel functions, and confluent hypergeometric function 619
Bessel functions, and Fourier — Bessel integral 766
Bessel functions, and Gegenbauer polynomials 621
| Bessel functions, and Hankel functions 623
Bessel functions, and Laplace equation 1259 1296
Bessel functions, and Mathieu functions 634
Bessel functions, asymptotic behavior 622 630 631
Bessel functions, formulas, table 1321—1325
Bessel functions, generating function for 620
Bessel functions, integral equation for 904
Bessel functions, integral representation for 619 620 623
Bessel functions, of imaginary argument 1259 1296 1323
Bessel functions, of imaginary argument, tables 1925
Bessel functions, of large order 630
Bessel functions, orthogonalization 765
Bessel functions, phase and amplitude 1563
Bessel functions, recurrence formulas for 619
Bessel functions, roots, table 1565
Bessel functions, spherical 621 622 1465 1477
Bessel functions, spherical, and spheroidal functions 643
Bessel functions, spherical, formulas, tables 1573
Bessel functions, spherical, integral representation for 622
Bessel functions, spherical, recurrence relations for 622
Bessel functions, spherical, roots, tables 1576
Bessel functions, spherical, table of values 1926 1931—1933
Bessel functions, Stokes’ phenomena 742
Bessel functions, tables of values 1924—1926 1928—1933
Bessel inequality 82
Beta functions 425
Biharmonic equation 1786
Biharmonic equation, and stress function 1786
Biharmonic equation, example of 1796
Bilinear concomitant 528 584 645 870 874
Bilinear concomitant, for confluent hypergeometric equation 606
Bilinear concomitant, for Euler transform 587
Bilinear concomitant, for hypergeometric equation 588
Bilinear concomitant, for Legendre equation 594
Biorthogonal functions 884 891
Biorthogonal series 931
Biorthogonal series, and Neumann polynomials 934
Bipolar coordinates, and images 1180
Bipolar coordinates, and Laplace equation 1210
Bipolar coordinates, and potential outside of two cylinders 1210
Bipolar coordinates, and two cylinders in uniform field 1211
Bipolar coordinates, Green’s function 1213
Bispherical coordinates, and Laplace equation 523 1298
Bispherical coordinates, and potential between plane and sphere 1299
Bispherical coordinates, and separation 523
Bispherical coordinates, eigenfunctions for 1301
Bispherical coordinates, Green’s function in 1301
Bispherical coordinates, table 665
Born approximation 1073 1167 1688
Born approximation, convergence 1074
Born approximation, for exponential potential 1695
Born approximation, for penetration through potential barriers 1081
Born approximation, for phase shifts 1692
Born approximation, for scattering, from atoms 1691
Born approximation, for scattering, from hydrogen atom 1738
Born approximation, for Yukawa potential 1082
Born approximation, higher 1076 1692
Bound systems in quantum mechanics 1650
Bound systems in quantum mechanics, for many-particle problems 1728
Bound systems in quantum mechanics, for two-particle problems 1734
Bound systems in quantum mechanics, perturbation methods for 1001—1038
Bound systems in quantum mechanics, perturbation methods for, table 1162
Bound systems in quantum mechanics, variation-iteration method 1165
Bound systems in quantum mechanics, variational method for 1114 1164 1734
Bound systems in quantum mechanics, WKBJ approximation for 1098 1101
Boundary admittance 1366
Boundary conditions, adjoint 874
Boundary conditions, and eigenfunctions 699 711
Boundary conditions, and eigenfunctions, finiteness of 713—715
Boundary conditions, and eigenfunctions, periodic 713
Boundary conditions, and exponential eigenfunction 714
Boundary conditions, and separability 1764
Boundary conditions, and separation constants 506
Boundary conditions, and surface charge 795
Boundary conditions, and types of equations 676 706
Boundary conditions, Cauchy see Cauchy boundary conditions
Boundary conditions, Dirichlet see Dirichlet boundary conditions
Boundary conditions, for distribution functions 185
Boundary conditions, for elliptic equation 689 696 698 702
Boundary conditions, for fluid flow 156
Boundary conditions, for Green’s functions 797 810 834
Boundary conditions, for hyperbolic equation 683 686 703
Boundary conditions, for parabolic equation 691 705
Boundary conditions, for scattering 1065
Boundary conditions, for transverse electric waves 1819
Boundary conditions, for transverse magnetic waves 1822
Boundary conditions, for vector fields 1760 1768 1814
Boundary conditions, generalized 871
Boundary conditions, homogeneous 679 792
Boundary conditions, homogeneous, and eigenfunctions 713
Boundary conditions, inhomogeneous see Inhomogeneous boundary conditions
Boundary conditions, Neumann see Neumann boundary conditions
Boundary conditions, periodic, and exponential eigenfunction 714
Boundary conditions, perturbation of 1039—1052 1166
Boundary conditions, perturbation of, example 1047
Boundary conditions, perturbation of, secular determinant for 1040 1045
Boundary conditions, perturbation of, summary 1046
Boundary conditions, perturbation of, variational principle for 1132
boundary conditions, types of 678
Boundary conditions, types of, and eigenfunctions 712
Boundary conditions, variational principles involving 1113
Boundary impedance 1366
Boundary impedance, and reflection from lined duct 1522
Boundary impedance, for highly conducting surface 1817
Boundary impedance, for vector waves 1814
Boundary impedance, scattering from sphere with 1489
Boundary lines 677
Boundary shape, perturbation 1052—1064 1166
Boundary shape, perturbation, and integral equation for scattering 1070
Boundary shape, perturbation, and lower bounds for eigenvalues 1144 1148
Boundary shape, perturbation, convergence 1056 1062
Boundary shape, perturbation, for Dirichlet conditions 1060
Boundary shape, perturbation, for Neumann conditions 1052—1060
Boundary shape, perturbation, Kirchhoff approximation for 1073
Boundary shape, perturbation, scattered amplitude for 1070
Boundary shape, perturbation, secular determinant for 1054
Boundary shape, perturbation, variational principle for 1134
Boundary, Green’s function for difference equation 701
Boundary, natural, and existence region 389
Boundary, natural, and existence region, of a function 389
Branch lines 399
Branch points 391 399
Branch points, and analytic continuation 391
Branch points, and branch lines 399
Branch points, and multivalued functions 391
Branch points, and Riemann surfaces 401
Branch points, integrals involving 410
Bubbles of air in water, scattering by 1498
bulk modulus 71
Burst of particles, diffusion of 1592
Calculus of residues 408—419
Canonical momentum density see Momentum density
Canonical transformation 86 287
Canonical transformation, and action integral 289
Canonical transformation, and conjugate variables 287
Capacitance, analogous, for sound waves in ducts 1355
Capacity, in triode 1235
Capacity, of ellipsoid 1308
Capacity, of parallel-plate condensers 1246
Capacity, of plane, and half-prolate spheroid 1288
Capacity, of plane, and line sources 1237
Capacity, of plane, and sphere 1300
Capacity, of prolate spheroid 1285
Capacity, of two cylinders 1211
Capacity, of two off-center spheres 1272
Capacity, of variable plate condenser 1249
Capacity, of wire, and two plates 1241
Capacity, of wire, near grounded plane 1182
Capacity, of wire, within elliptic cylinder 1203
Capacity, variational principle for 1108
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