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Morse P.M. — Methods of theoretical physics |
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Scattering, of electromagnetic waves, by cylinder 1862
Scattering, of electromagnetic waves, by small object 1887
Scattering, of electromagnetic waves, by sphere 1882
Scattering, of electromagnetic waves, variational principle for 1898
Scattering, of slow particles 1686
Scattering, of sound, by air bubbles in water 1498
Scattering, of sound, by cylinder 1376
Scattering, of sound, by cylinder, and effective width 1379
Scattering, of sound, by cylinder, long-wavelength limit 1380
Scattering, of sound, by cylinder, shadow 1380
Scattering, of sound, by cylinder, short-wavelength limit 1380
Scattering, of sound, by cylinder, with slit 1387
Scattering, of sound, by disk 1522
Scattering, of sound, by ensemble 1494
Scattering, of sound, by Helmholtz resonator 1490
Scattering, of sound, by parabolic boundaries 1402
Scattering, of sound, by sphere 1483
Scattering, of sound, by sphere, short-wavelength limit 1485 1551
Scattering, of sound, by sphere, with complex index of refraction 1486
Scattering, of sound, by sphere, with impedance boundary condition 1489
Scattering, of sound, by strips 1428 1549
Scattering, of sound, coherent 1496
Scattering, of sound, incoherent 1496
Scattering, of sound, variational principle for 1544
Scattering, perturbation methods 1064—1106
Scattering, Rayleigh 1884
Scattering, short-wavelength approximation for 1102 1105 1380 1484 1551
Scattering, variational method for see Variational methods
Scattering, variational principle for 1130 1135 1160 1168 1544 1701 1704
Scattering, WKBJ method 1102
Schmidt method 781—782 928—929
Schmidt method, tabulation 781
Schroedinger equation 1638—1745
Schroedinger equation, and geometrical optics 1106
Schroedinger equation, and Hamilton — Jacobi equation 1106
Schroedinger equation, angular momentum 1661 1721
Schroedinger equation, Born approximation for 1073 1076 1688 1692 1738
Schroedinger equation, central fields and 1661—1681
Schroedinger equation, charge density for 1639
Schroedinger equation, current density for 1639
Schroedinger equation, degenerate systems in 1673
Schroedinger equation, eigenvalue distribution of 766 768
Schroedinger equation, electron in diatomic molecule 646
Schroedinger equation, Feenberg series for 1010
Schroedinger equation, for short-range forces 1644
Schroedinger equation, Fredholm series for 1018
Schroedinger equation, general perturbations of 1001—1038 1647
Schroedinger equation, in momentum space 239 1077 1638 1678
Schroedinger equation, in parabolic coordinates 654 1667
Schroedinger equation, integral equation for 244 1071 1077
Schroedinger equation, integral equation for, and WKBJ method 1094
Schroedinger equation, inversion and parity 1723
Schroedinger equation, Lagradge density for 314
Schroedinger equation, long-wavelength approximation 1088
Schroedinger equation, many-particle problems in 1709
Schroedinger equation, penetration of barriers and 1099 1659
Schroedinger Equation, radial see Radial Schroedinger equation
Schroedinger equation, reflection and transmission 1075 1081 1094 1655
Schroedinger equation, scattering for see Scattering
Schroedinger equation, separability of 494 513 656—664
Schroedinger equation, stationary states in 1639
Schroedinger equation, stress-energy tensor for 314
Schroedinger equation, table of properties 344
Schroedinger equation, time-dependent 251
Schroedinger equation, time-dependent perturbations and 251 1645
Schroedinger equation, two-particle problems 1709
Schroedinger equation, variation-iteration method for 1026—1032 1137—1146 1165 1698
Schroedinger equation, variational method for 1114 1123—1131 1135 1160 1168 1170 1695 1734
Schroedinger equation, variational principle for 314 344
Schroedinger equation, WKBJ method 1092—1106
Schwarz inequality 82
Schwarz reflection 393
Schwarz — Christoffel transformation 445 446 1243
Schwarz — Christoffel transformation, examples 447 451 1244—1251
Secular determinant 59 1011 1034
Secular determinant, and variational method 1118
Secular determinant, for boundary-condition perturbations 1040 1045
Secular determinant, for boundary-shape perturbations 1054
Secular determinant, for volume perturbations 1011 1034
Self-adjoint operators 871 1112
Self-adjoint operators, and symmetric kernel 908
Semicylindrical functions 1756
Semidefinite kernels 909 916
Semidiagonal kernels 954
Semidiagonal kernels, and generating functions 954
Separability, of Helmholtz and Schroedinger equations 495 522
Separability, of Helmholtz and Schroedinger equations, and boundary conditions 495
Separability, of Helmholtz and Schroedinger equations, and confocal quadrics 511
Separability, of Helmholtz and Schroedinger equations, and separation constants 498 757
Separability, of Helmholtz and Schroedinger equations, for coordinate systems 497
Separability, of Helmholtz and Schroedinger equations, Robertson condition for 510
Separability, of Helmholtz and Schroedinger equations, Stackel determinant and 510
Separability, of Helmholtz and Schroedinger equations, table of results and coordinate systems 655—664
Separability, of Laplace equation in three dimensions 518
Separability, of Laplace equation in three dimensions, and confocal cyclides 519
Separability, of Laplace equation in three dimensions, and rotational coordinates 646
Separability, of Laplace equation in three dimensions, and rotational coordinates, tabulation 655
Separability, of separation constant 516 757
Separability, of vector Helmholtz equation 1764
Separation constant 498
Separation constant, and boundary conditions 506
Separation constant, and separability of 516 757
Series, and integral representations 578
Series, and solution of differential equations 530—576
Series, confluent hypergeometric 552 554 617
Series, eigenfunction 726 743 745 748
Series, Fourier see Fourier series
Series, hypergeometric see Hypergeometric functions
Series, inversion of 411
Series, Laurent see Laurent series
Series, power 385 (see also Taylor series)
Series, summation 413
Series, Taylor series see Taylor series
Shadow 1380 1552
Shape change in waves 145 687 843—847
shear modulus 71
Shear modulus, pure 69
Shear modulus, simple 68
Shear modulus, wave see Transverse waves
Shearing stress 71
Shielded atom see Atom
Shock front 170
Shock waves 168
Short-range forces 1644
Short-wavelength limit, for radiation 1375 1479 1537
Short-wavelength limit, for scattering 1102 1105 1380 1484 1551
Short-wavelength limit, for scattering, and Maggi transformation 1552
Short-wavelength limit, for Schroedinger equation 1092—1106
Short-wavelength limit, for Schroedinger equation, and geometrical optic 1106 (see also WKBJ method)
Sine , infinite product for 385
Sine , table of values 1913—1914
Sine Fourier transforms 455
Single-valued functions 391
Singular kernel 921 993
Singular kernel, intrinsically 924 993
Singular points for differential equations 516
Singular points for differential equations, confluence of 515
Singular points for differential equations, irregular 532
Singular points for differential equations, regular 532
Singularities for functions of complex variable 358 480
Singularities for functions of complex variable, and branch points 400
Singularities for functions of complex variable, and classification of functions 381
Singularities for functions of complex variable, and conformal mapping 361
Singularities for functions of complex variable, and inverse function 361
Singularities for functions of complex variable, essential 380 481
Singularities for functions of complex variable, isolated 380
Singularities for functions of complex variable, poles 380
Singularity of fields 20
Sink for fluid motion 153
Skew — Hermitian operator 910 918
| Skin depth 1851
Skin depth, effective in scattering 1864
Slit, diffraction by 1430
Slit, fluid flow through 1196 1197 1795
Slow particles, scattering of 1686
Slowing down, effect of 196 1599—1603 1631—1638
Small object inside hollow conducting sphere, scattering by 1887
Snell’s law 1817
Solving kernel 914
Sound waves and heat flow 268 (see also Compressional waves in fluid; Ducts sound
Source point 16
Source, for fluid motion 153
Source, for incompressible fluids 157
Source, moving 212 841
Source, strength of 17
Sphere, charged rotating 1803
Sphere, charged rotating, elastic waves on 1872
Sphere, charged rotating, elastic waves on, compressional 1873
Sphere, charged rotating, elastic waves on, torsional 1872
Sphere, charged rotating, electromagnetic waves inside 1870
Sphere, charged rotating, electromagnetic waves inside, Green’s function for 1872
Sphere, charged rotating, heating of 1604
Sphere, hollow flexible, vibrations of 1469
Sphere, radiation from 1477
Sphere, radiation from piston in 1481
Sphere, scattering by see Scattering
Sphere, vibrating inside string 1472
Spherical Bessel functions see Bessel functions
Spherical coordinates 514 658
Spherical coordinates, and elastic waves on sphere 1872
Spherical coordinates, and Laplace equation 1264—1284
Spherical coordinates, and Laplace equation, and charged spherical cap 1269
Spherical coordinates, and Laplace equation, and charged wire in sphere 1275
Spherical coordinates, and Laplace equation, and dielectric sphere in uniform field 1266
Spherical coordinates, and Laplace equation, and flow past sphere 1266
Spherical coordinates, and Laplace equation, and hole, spherical shell with 1283
Spherical coordinates, and Laplace equation, and multipoles 1276—1283
Spherical coordinates, and Laplace equation, and off-center spheres, field of 1272
Spherical coordinates, and Laplace equation, and potential of sphere 1265
Spherical coordinates, and Laplace equation, and viscous flow about sphere 1804
Spherical coordinates, and Laplace equation, Green’s function for 1273
Spherical coordinates, and Laplace equation, integral representation of solutions of 1270
Spherical coordinates, and Laplace equation, magnetic field from current loop 1267
Spherical coordinates, and Laplace equation, vector 1799
Spherical coordinates, and Laplace equation, vector eigenfunctions for 17 9
Spherical coordinates, and Laplace equation, vector, and elastic distortion of sphere 1807—1810
Spherical coordinates, and Laplace equation, vector, and field, of charged rotating sphere 1803
Spherical coordinates, and Laplace equation, vector, and field, of wire loop 1803
Spherical coordinates, and Laplace equation, vector, Green’s function for 1801
Spherical coordinates, and scalar wave equation 1462—1502
Spherical coordinates, and scalar wave equation, and Helmholtz resonator 1490
Spherical coordinates, and scalar wave equation, and plane-wave expansion 1466
Spherical coordinates, and scalar wave equation, and radiation, from piston in sphere 1481
Spherical coordinates, and scalar wave equation, and radiation, from sphere 1477
Spherical coordinates, and scalar wave equation, Green’s function in 1466 1469
Spherical coordinates, and scattering 1483—1494
Spherical coordinates, and scattering, by Helmholtz resonator 1490
Spherical coordinates, and scattering, by sphere 1483
Spherical coordinates, and scattering, by sphere, short-wavelength approximation 1551
Spherical coordinates, and scattering, by sphere, with complex refraction index 1486
Spherical coordinates, and scattering, by sphere, with impedance boundary conditions 1489
Spherical coordinates, and vector wave equation 1865
Spherical coordinates, and vector wave equation, and dipoles and multipoles 1867
Spherical coordinates, and vector wave equation, and longitudinal waves 1865
Spherical coordinates, and vector wave equation, and plane-wave expansion 1866
Spherical coordinates, and vector wave equation, and resonator 1870
Spherical coordinates, and vector wave equation, and scattering 1882
Spherical coordinates, and vector wave equation, Green s function in 1874
Spherical coordinates, and vector wave equation, radiation in 1867 1875
Spherical coordinates, vibration, inside sphere 1468
Spherical coordinates, vibration, of hollow flexible sphere 1469
Spherical coordinates, vibration, of string inside sphere 1472
Spherical harmonics 1264 1463
Spherical harmonics, addition theorem for 1274
Spherical harmonics, complex 1463
Spherical harmonics, Ferrer’s 1286
Spherical harmonics, Hobson’s 1286
Spherical harmonics, table of formulas 1325—1327
Spherical harmonics, vector, table of formulas 1898
Spherical waves, converging 146
Spherical waves, diverging 146 1065
Spherical waves, electromagnet 1865
Spheroidal coordinates 514 661
Spheroidal wave functions 642 1503—1511
Spheroidal wave functions, and Gegenbauer polynomials 643 1503
Spheroidal wave functions, and spherical Bessel functions 643 1505
Spheroidal wave functions, approximate formulas for 504
Spheroidal wave functions, asymptotic behavior of 1505
Spheroidal wave functions, integral representations for 1508
Spheroidal wave functions, normalization of 1503
Spheroidal wave functions, product expansion of 1509
Spheroidal wave functions, radial 643 1505—1511
Spheroidal wave functions, table of formulas 1576
Spin operator 89 104 259
Spin operator, Pauli 104
Spin operator, under Lorentz transformation 262
Spinors 100—107
Spinors, and four-vectors 101
Spinors, Lorentz transformation of 102
Spinors, space rotation of 102
Spur 55 60 913 916 994 1023
St ckel determinant and separability 509
St ckel determinant and separability, tables 656
Standard form of differential equation of second order, table 667
Standing-wave ratio 130
Stark effect 1676
States of system 76 78
States of system, bound 1650
States of system, in quantum mechanics 231
States of system, stationary 1639
Static elasticity see Elasticity
Steepest descents, method of 437 478
Steepest descents, method of, and short-wavelength limit 1540
Steepest descents, method of, expressions for 441 442
Steepest descents, method of, for Bessel functions 627
Steepest descents, method of, for gamma functions 442
Step function, unit 123 415 840
Stokes’ law 1807
Stokes’ phenomena 437 742
Stokes’ phenomena, and confluent hypergeometric function 609 611 614
Stokes’ Theorem 43
Stokes’ theorem, for dyadics 66
Straight edge, diffraction by 1383—1387
strain 67
Strain, for elastic waves 149
Strain, homogeneous 68
Strain, stress relation 71
Stream function 156 1219
Strength of source 17
Stress 70
Stress function 1786
Stress function, compatibility equation 1787
Stress, and biharmonic equation 1786
Stress, circular 1796
Stress, circular, for elastic waves 149 1813
Stress, in cylindrical coordinates 1841
Stress, in fluids 158
Stress, in fluids, in spherical coordinates 1805
Stress, on sphere 1808 1810
Stress, principal 71
Stress, shearing 71
Stress, strain relation 71
Stress, wave 306
Stress-energy tensor 98 305 319 342
Stress-energy tensor, and conservation theorems 305
Stress-energy tensor, and field intensity 320
Stress-energy tensor, and field momentum density 321
Stress-energy tensor, and wave momentum 306
Stress-energy tensor, for Dirac equation 336
Stress-energy tensor, for elastic media 322 325
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