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Morse P.M. — Methods of theoretical physics |
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Eigenvalues, for elliptic membrane 757
Eigenvalues, for harmonic oscillator 246
Eigenvalues, for hydrogenic atoms 632
Eigenvalues, for isosceles right triangle 755
Eigenvalues, for Mathieu equation 558
Eigenvalues, for Mathieu equation, continued fraction for 564 567
Eigenvalues, for Mathieu equation, instability of 560
Eigenvalues, for rectangular membrane 754
Eigenvalues, Fredholm method for 1018—1026
Eigenvalues, in abstract vector space 771
Eigenvalues, iteration-perturbation method for 1001—1010 1162
Eigenvalues, lower bounds for 1144 1146 1152
Eigenvalues, lowest 721 724 775
Eigenvalues, reality of 728
Eigenvalues, variation principle for 737 1108—1123
Eigenvalues, variation principle for, for higher 1153
Eigenvalues, variation-iteration method for 1026—1032 1137—1146
Eigenvalues, vectors 1772
Eigenvalues, vectors, completeness of 1777
Eigenvalues, vectors, expansion of Green’s function 1777
Eigenvalues, vectors, for circular cylinder coordinates 1797
Eigenvalues, vectors, for rectangular coordinates 1773
Eigenvalues, vectors, for spherical coordinates 1800
Eigenvalues, vectors, for spherical coordinates, table 1898—1901
Eigenvalues, vectors, for spheroidal coordinates 1891 1893
Eigenvalues, WKBJ approximation for 1099 1101
Eigenvectors 78
Eigenvectors, and eigenfunctions 717
Eigenvectors, and transformation function 236
Eigenvectors, completeness 718 777
Eigenvectors, for coordinate operator 235
Eigenvectors, for harmonic oscillator 246
Eigenvectors, for Hermitian operators 774
Eigenvectors, for momentum operator 239
Eigenvectors, for unit-shift operator 133
Eigenvectors, Green’s operator, expansion of 883
Eigenvectors, normalization 236
Eigenvectors, operator equation for 78 718 774
Eigenvectors, variational principle 774
Elastic components 73
Elastic deformation 66—73
Elastic deformation, and strain 68
Elastic deformation, and stress 70
Elastic deformation, and stress-strain relations 71
Elastic media, table 345
Elastic media, variational principle for 322
Elastic tubes 1459
Elastic waves 142—151
Elastic waves, along bar 1839
Elastic waves, elongational 1842
Elastic waves, forced motion of 1844
Elastic waves, Green’s function for 1783
Elastic waves, impedance for 151
Elastic waves, intensity of 151
Elastic waves, longitudinal 142
Elastic waves, plane 323 1813
Elastic waves, plane, impedance dyadic for 325
Elastic waves, reflection of 1814 1818
Elastic waves, shear 143 147
Elastic waves, strain and stress of 149
Elastic waves, transverse 143 147
Elastic waves, vector 147
Elastically braced string 138
Elastically braced string, forced motion of 140
Elastically braced string, wave impedance 141 (see also Klein — Gordon equation)
Elasticity, static 1786
Elasticity, static, biharmonic equation 1786
Elasticity, static, compatibility equation 1787
Elasticity, static, distortion of a sphere 1807
Elasticity, static, equation for 1791
Elasticity, static, stress function 1786
Elasticity, static, stress in sphere 1816
Electric dipole, from vibrating currents 1875
Electric dipole, induced 1886
Electric dipole, radiation from 1868
Electric dipole, radiation from, energy of 1880
Electric dipole, static 1276—1283
electric field 210 (see also Electromagnetic field)
Electric multiple, and currents 1878
Electric multiple, energy of 1880
Electric multiple, radiation from 1869
Electric multiple, static 1276—1283
Electric waves, transverse see Transverse electric waves
electromagnetic field 200—222 326—335
Electromagnetic field, admittance dyadic for 334
Electromagnetic field, and Ampere circuital law 204
Electromagnetic field, and Faraday’s law 205
Electromagnetic field, and gauge 207 332
Electromagnetic field, and Lorentz transformation 208
Electromagnetic field, and Maxwell equations 204
Electromagnetic field, angular-momentum density of 331
Electromagnetic field, boundary conditions for 217
Electromagnetic field, canonical momentum of 328
Electromagnetic field, current for, four-vector 208
Electromagnetic field, divergence condition for 326
Electromagnetic field, energy of 215 328
Electromagnetic field, field momentum density 330
Electromagnetic field, Hamilton’s canonical equation for 328
Electromagnetic field, Lagrange density for 327
Electromagnetic field, of moving charge 212 841
Electromagnetic field, potentials for, four-vector 208 326
Electromagnetic field, potentials for, vector for 203 205
Electromagnetic field, potentials for, wave equation for 205
Electromagnetic field, Poynting vector 215 331
Electromagnetic field, stress-energy tensor 216 328
Electromagnetic field, stress-energy tensor, symmetrization of 339
Electromagnetic field, tables of properties 272 346
Electromagnetic field, variational principle for 327
Electromagnetic plane waves 334 1812
Electromagnetic plane waves, admittance dyadic for 333
Electromagnetic plane waves, reflection of, from plane 1813
Electromagnetic plane waves, scattering of, by cylinder 1862
Electromagnetic plane waves, scattering of, by sphere 1886
Electromagnetic plane waves, scattering of, by strip 1428
Electromagnetic radiation see Radiation
Electromagnetic resonators see Resonators
Electromagnetic spherical waves 1864—1867
Electromagnetic spherical waves, Green’s expansion in 1874
Electromagnetic spherical waves, table 1898—1901
Electromagnetic waves 206 1812—1901
Electromagnetic waves, and retardation 206
Electromagnetic waves, and spherical coordinates 1865—1889
Electromagnetic waves, and spheroidal coordinates 1891 1892
Electromagnetic waves, effects of finite conductivity 1828 1830 1851
Electromagnetic waves, generation of 1826 1868 1879
Electromagnetic waves, Green’s function for 1823 1850 1872 1874
Electromagnetic waves, impedance and 1814 1822 1833 1862 1868
Electromagnetic waves, in rectangular coordinates 1773 1819 1821 1849
Electromagnetic waves, in resonators 1849 1859 1870
Electromagnetic waves, long-wavelength approximation 1862 1877 1884—1889
Electromagnetic waves, multipoles and 1867—1881
Electromagnetic waves, scattering of 1862 1882 1886
Electromagnetic waves, transverse 206 1819—1833
Electrostatics 200—202
Electrostatics, and complex variables 352—356 379 443 1218
Electrostatics, and potential, between circular cylinders 1210
Electrostatics, and potential, between circular cylinders, between sphere and plane 1299
Electrostatics, and potential, between circular cylinders, between spheres, off-center 1272
Electrostatics, and potential, between circular cylinders, between spheroid and sphere 1289
Electrostatics, and potential, between circular cylinders, between strip, and elliptic cylinder 1196
Electrostatics, and potential, between circular cylinders, between strip, and semi-infinite plane 1208
Electrostatics, and potential, between circular cylinders, between two planes 1176
Electrostatics, and potential, between circular cylinders, between wire, and elliptic cylinder 1203
Electrostatics, and potential, between circular cylinders, between wire, and plane 1182
Electrostatics, and potential, between circular cylinders, for elbow bend 1250
Electrostatics, and potential, between circular cylinders, for ellipsoid 1308
Electrostatics, and potential, between circular cylinders, for parallel plate condenser 1244
Electrostatics, and potential, between circular cylinders, for plane 812
Electrostatics, and potential, between circular cylinders, for prisms 1243
Electrostatics, and potential, between circular cylinders, for prolate spheroid 1285
| Electrostatics, and potential, between circular cylinders, for rectangle 1251
Electrostatics, and potential, between circular cylinders, for slotted cylinder 1192 1206
Electrostatics, and potential, between circular cylinders, for sphere 1265
Electrostatics, and potential, between circular cylinders, for spherical shell with hole 1283
Electrostatics, and potential, between circular cylinders, for torus 1304
Electrostatics, and potential, between circular cylinders, of line sources 1231—1243
Electrostatics, and potential, between circular cylinders, of line sources, and cylinder 1189
Electrostatics, and potential, between circular cylinders, of line sources, between cylinders, concentric 1242
Electrostatics, and potential, between circular cylinders, of line sources, between parallel plates 1241
Electrostatics, and potential, between circular cylinders, of line sources, circular array 1234
Electrostatics, and potential, between circular cylinders, of line sources, inside rectangular prism 1243
Electrostatics, and potential, between circular cylinders, of line sources, linear array of 1235
Electrostatics, and potential, between circular cylinders, of line sources, two-dimensional array 1238
Electrostatics, of charged disks 1266
Electrostatics, of charged spherical caps 1269
Electrostatics, of charged wire in sphere 1275
Electrostatics, variational principles for 1108
Ellipse, waves inside 757 1419
Ellipsoidal coordinates 511
Ellipsoidal coordinates, and Lame’s equation 1305
Ellipsoidal coordinates, and Laplace equation 1304—1308
Ellipsoidal coordinates, and separability 511
Ellipsoidal coordinates, degenerate forms of 513
Ellipsoidal coordinates, table 663
Ellipsoidal harmonics 1306—1309
Ellipsoidal harmonics, integral equauon for 1309
Elliptic coordinates, and Laplace equation 1195—1206
Elliptic coordinates, and Laplace equation, and electrostatic field between strip and elliptic cylinder 1196
Elliptic coordinates, and Laplace equation, and elliptic cylinder in uniform field 1199
Elliptic coordinates, and Laplace equation, and flow past elliptic cylinder 1199
Elliptic coordinates, and Laplace equation, and fluid flow through slit 1196
Elliptic coordinates, and Laplace equation, Green’s functions for 1202
Elliptic coordinates, and wave equation 1407—1432
Elliptic coordinates, and wave equation, and Mathieu functions 1408
Elliptic coordinates, and wave equation, and separation of coordinates 502 514
Elliptic coordinates, and wave equation, and separation of coordinates, table 657
Elliptic coordinates, and wave equation, diffraction through slit and 1430
Elliptic coordinates, and wave equation, Green’s function for 1421
Elliptic coordinates, and wave equation, plane-wave expansion in 1422
Elliptic coordinates, and wave equation, radial functions for 1410
Elliptic coordinates, and wave equation, radiation from strip and 1423 1425
Elliptic coordinates, and wave equation, scattering from strip and 1428
Elliptic coordinates, and wave equation, waves inside ellipse 1419
Elliptic equations 688
Elliptic equations, and Cauchy conditions 689 702
Elliptic equations, and complex variables 688
Elliptic equations, and Dirichlet conditions 696 703
Elliptic equations, and Neumann conditions 698 703
Elliptic equations, difference equation for 695
Elliptic equations, normal form of 688
Elliptic functions 428—433
Elliptic functions, and line sources, two-dimensional array of 1238
Elliptic functions, and Mathieu functions 1418
Elliptic functions, and method of images 1240
Elliptic functions, and potential inside rectangle 1251
Elliptic functions, table of properties 486—490
Elliptic integrals and Mathieu functions 1414
Elongational waves 1842
Emission, diffuse 1618 1624
Energy density for fields 304
Energy density for fields, for Dirac equation 336
Energy density for fields, for elastic media, anisotropic 325
Energy density for fields, for elastic media, isotropic 150 322
Energy density for fields, for electromagnetic field 328
Energy density for fields, for Klein — Gordon equation 317
Energy density for fields, for Schroedinger equation 315
Energy density for fields, for sound 312
Energy density for fields, for string 126 304
Energy density for fields, for vector field 319
Energy levels, for coulomb potential 632 1663
Energy levels, for harmonic oscillator, one-dimensional 246 1641
Energy levels, for harmonic oscillator, three-dimensional 1662
Energy levels, for hydrogenic atoms 1663
Energy levels, variational principle for 1114 (see also Eigenvalues)
Energy loss, in duct 1830
Energy loss, in resonator 1851
Energy loss, in scattering, by cylinder 1864
Energy loss, in scattering, by sphere 1885
Energy loss, on collision see Collision
Energy, radiated by multipoles 1880
Energy, relativistic 97
Energy, uncertainty principle for 247
Ensemble of scatterers 1494
Ensemble of scatterers, air bubbles in water 1498
Entire function see Integral functions
Equation, of continuity see Continuity
Equation, of motion, Hamilton’s 283
Equation, of motion, Heisenberg 87
Equation, of motion, Lagrange 281
Equation, of physics see Integral equations; Partial differential equations of physics
Equation, of state 176
Essential singularity 380 481
Euler angles 28 62
Euler equation 276—280 318 342
Euler transform as kernel for integral representations 585
Euler transform as kernel for integral representations, and hypergeometric function 588
Euler transform as kernel for integral representations, and Legendre functions 595
Euler transform as kernel for integral representations, bilinear concomitant for 587
Euler transform as kernel for integral representations, modulation factor for 587
Euler — Mascheroni constant 422
Euler’s algorithm 395 482
Euler’s algorithm, and application to hypergeometric series 397
Euler’s algorithm, generalization of 396
Exchange charge density 1741
Exchange scattering 1742
Excitation of resonator, by current 1853
Excitation of resonator, by wave guide 1855
Expansion factor for dyadic 55 60
Expansions, of kernels, finite 956
Expansions, of kernels, simple 68
Expansive friction 159
expectation values 232 238 1639
Exponential horn 1354
Exponential integral 434
Exponential integral, generalized 1617
Exponential potential in quantum mechanics 1670
Exponential potential in quantum mechanics, Born approximation for 1695
Exponential potential in quantum mechanics, scattering from 1687
Exponential potential in quantum mechanics, variation-iteration method for energy levels for 1700
Exponential potential in quantum mechanics, variational calculation of energy levels for 1696
Exponential potential in quantum mechanics, variational method for scattering from 1702
Extinction cross section 1488
Extrapolation method in variation-iteration method 1143
Factorable kennels 956
Factorization, in Wiener — Hopf method 979
Factorization, in Wiener — Hopf method, general method for 987
Factorization, in Wiener — Hopf method, illustration 981 982 1526 1535
Factorization, of Sturm — Liouville equation 729—736
Factorization, of Sturm — Liouville equation, and Gegenbauer polynomials 731
Factorization, of Sturm — Liouville equation, and harmonic oscillator 246 729
Factorization, of Sturm — Liouville equation, and recurrence relations 735
Factorization, of Sturm — Liouville equation, tabulation of method and results 788
Faltung theorem for Fourier transforms 464 483
Faltung theorem for Fourier transforms, and kernels of form 964 972
Faltung theorem for Fourier transforms, for Laplace transforms 468 484
Faltung theorem for Fourier transforms, for Mellin transforms 470 485
Faraday’s law of electric induction 205
Feenberg perturbation formula 1010—1018
Feenberg perturbation formula, application to Mathieu equation 1017
Feenberg perturbation formula, convergence of 1015
Feenberg perturbation formula, table 1163
Feenberg perturbation formula, with nonorthogonal functions 1035
Field impedance 1394
Field impedance, due, to currents 1788 1791 1798 1803
Field impedance, due, to dipoles 1276 1868—1878
Field impedance, of charge, moving 212 841
Field intensity 320
Field intensity, for diffusion equation 344
Field intensity, for Dirac equation 336 346
Field intensity, for elastic media 151 322 325 345
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