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Morse P.M. — Methods of theoretical physics |
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Legendre polynomials, generating function for 597 748
Legendre polynomials, integral equation for 903
Legendre polynomials, normalization 751
Legendre polynomials, powers, expansion in 750
Legendre polynomials, recurrence formulas 749 782
Legendre polynomials, spheroidal function, expansion of, in 573 1503
Legendre polynomials, tables of formulas 783 1326—1327
Legendre polynomials, values, special 750
Levels, virtual 1074 1658 1686
Lift 1228—1231
Lift, and analytic functions 1228
Lift, and circulation about circular cylinder 1228
Lift, in flow, past elliptic cylinder 1202
Lift, in flow, past strip 1230
Light, diffusion of 180
Line integral 17 (see also Integration in complex plane)
Line sources, fields due to distribution of 1231
Line sources, fields due to distribution of, circular array 1234
Line sources, fields due to distribution of, linear array 1235
Line sources, fields due to distribution of, two-dimensional array 1238
Line, transmission 218
Linear differential equation 492
Lined duct, reflection in 1522
Lines of flow 12
Liouville’s equation see Sturm-Liouville equation
Liouville’s theorem 381
Long-wavelength approximation 1085
Long-wavelength approximation, convergence of 1091
Long-wavelength approximation, for radiation 1375 1877
Long-wavelength approximation, for scattering 1380 1430 1484 1862 1884
Long-wavelength approximation, for Schroedinger equation 1088 1606
Long-wavelength approximation, for Schroedinger equation, and effective range 1091
Long-wavelength approximation, for Schroedinger equation, and scattering length 1087 1089
Longitudinal component of vector field 1761 1763
Longitudinal current 211
Longitudinal electromagnetic waves 206 211
Longitudinal Green’s dyadic 1779
Longitudinal Green’s dyadic, equation satisfied by 1782
Longitudinal Green’s dyadic, expansion for 1782
Longitudinal vector eigenfunctions, for circular cylinder coordinates 1797
Longitudinal vector eigenfunctions, for rectangular coordinates 1774
Longitudinal vector eigenfunctions, for spherical coordinates 1800 1808 1865
Longitudinal waves, elastic 142 1813
Longitudinal waves, elastic, impedance 151
Longitudinal waves, elastic, in curvilinear coordinates 1840
Longitudinal waves, elastic, in sphere 1873
Longitudinal waves, elastic, reflection of 1814
Longitudinal waves, elastic, stress and strain for 149 1813
Lorentz invariance 95
Lorentz invariance, and Klein — Gordon equation 256
Lorentz invariance, for electromagnetic field 208
Lorentz invariance, in quantum mechanics 256
Lorentz invariance, of D’Alembertian 208
Lorentz invariance, of Lagrange density 338
Lorentz transformation 94—100
Lorentz transformation, and current four-vector 208
Lorentz transformation, and Dirac equation 262
Lorentz transformation, and electromagnetic field 208
Lorentz transformation, and gauge transformation 210
Lorentz transformation, and Klein — Gordon equation 256
Lorentz transformation, and potential four-vector 208
Lorentz transformation, and relativistic particle motion 297
Lorentz transformation, of electric fields 210
Lorentz transformation, of magnetic fields 210
Lorentz transformation, of spinors 102
Mach angle 166 169
Mach line 166
Mach line, and shock waves 168
Mach number 165
Maggi transformation 1552
Magnetic dipole, induced 1886
Magnetic dipole, induced, radiation from 1868 1879
Magnetic dipole, induced, radiation from, energy of 1880
Magnetic fields 202
Magnetic fields, and currents 203 1798 1803
Magnetic fields, and permeability 202
Magnetic fields, and vector Laplace equation 1791
Magnetic fields, and vector potential 203
Magnetic fields, from rotating charged sphere 1803
Magnetic fields, under Lorentz transformation 210
Magnetic force 1181
Magnetic induction 202
Magnetic multipole, radiation from 1869 1879
Magnetic multipole, radiation from, energy of 1880
Magnetic potential 1181 1199 1204 1205
Magnetic potential, and conformal mapping 1218
Magnetic potential, from currents 1266
Magnetic potential, of line sources 1231 1233
Magnetic potential, of line sources, for linear array of 1238
Magnetic potential, of wire in slot 1226
Magnetic potential, outside of cylinders, two 1214
Magnetic quadrupole, radiation from 1879
Magnetic quadrupole, radiation from, energy of 1880
Magnetic wave, transverse see Transverse magnetic waves
Magnetostatics see Magnetic fields; Magnetic potential
Magnitude of complex number 350
Many-particle problems in quantum mechanics 1709—1728
Mapping, conformal see Conformal mapping
Mass flow 172
Mass, effective, of circular orifice 1295
Mass, effective, of rectangular duct with constriction 1447
Mathieu functions 556—568 633—642 1408—1421
Mathieu functions, and continued fractions 557 565
Mathieu functions, and elliptic functions 1418
Mathieu functions, and elliptic integrals 1414
Mathieu functions, and Fourier series, expansion in 557
Mathieu functions, and Hermite functions 1417
Mathieu functions, and Hill’s determinant 560
Mathieu functions, and recursion formulas 557
Mathieu functions, and wave equation 1408—1432
Mathieu functions, approximations for 1412—1419
Mathieu functions, approximations for, Feenberg perturbation 1017
Mathieu functions, approximations for, Fredholm 1025
Mathieu functions, approximations for, iteration-perturbation 1008
Mathieu functions, approximations for, variation-iteration 1031
Mathieu functions, approximations for, WKBJ 1414
Mathieu functions, eigenvalues for 557
Mathieu functions, even 563—565
Mathieu functions, integral equation for 634
Mathieu functions, normalization of 564
Mathieu functions, odd 563—565
Mathieu functions, periodic 562 573
Mathieu functions, product expansion of 639
Mathieu functions, radial, of first kind 635 640 1410
Mathieu functions, radial, of first kind, and wave equation 1410
Mathieu functions, radial, of first kind, approximations for 1414
Mathieu functions, radial, of first kind, asymptotic behavior 1410
Mathieu functions, radial, of first kind, Bessel function, expansion in 635
Mathieu functions, radial, of first kind, product expansion of 640
Mathieu functions, radial, of first kind, table of formulas 1568—1573
Mathieu functions, radial, of first kind, value and slope of 640
Mathieu functions, radial, of second kind 567 635 640 1410
Mathieu functions, radial, of second kind, approximations for 1414
Mathieu functions, radial, of second kind, asymptotic behavior 1411
Mathieu functions, radial, of second kind, Neumann function, expansion in 635
Mathieu functions, radial, of second kind, product expansion of 640
Mathieu functions, radial, of second kind, table of formulas 1568—1573
Mathieu functions, radial, of second kind, value and slope of 640
Mathieu functions, radial, of second kind, Wronskian 640
Mathieu functions, radial, of third kind 642
Mathieu functions, table, of formulas 673 1568—1573
Mathieu functions, table, of values 1934—1937
Mathieu functions, Wronskian 568
Matrices and operators 772
Matrices and operators, diagonal 777
Matrix elements 1648
Matrix sum rule 1742
Mean free path 178
Mean free path, and scattering cross section 178
Measurement in quantum mechanics 231
| Measurement in quantum mechanics, and operators 231
Measurement in quantum mechanics, and probabilities 232
Mechanical impedance 128
Mechanics see Classical mechanics; Quantum mechanics
Mellin transform 469
Mellin transform, and Fourier transform 469
Mellin transform, and integral equations 944 976 995
Mellin transform, as kernel for integral representations 585
Mellin transform, faltung theorem for 470 485
Mellin transform, table 485
Membrane, vibrations of, elliptic 757
Membrane, vibrations of, in duct 1452
Membrane, vibrations of, in rigid plate 898
Membrane, vibrations of, isosceles right triangle 755
Membrane, vibrations of, rectangular 754
Membrane, vibrations of, variational principle for 343 1114
Meromorphic functions 382 481
Meromorphic functions, expansion in partial fractions 383
Milne equation 182 187 985 1617
Milne equation, solution, by variational method 1628
Milne equation, solution, by Wienor — Hopf method 985—990 1624—1628
minimax 440
Mixed tensor 46 55
Modulation factor, for integral representations 582
Modulation factor, for integral representations, for Euler transform 587
Modulation factor, for integral representations, for hypergeometric equation 588
Modulation factor, in separation of variables 518
Modulus, compressibility 162
Modulus, of elliptic function 433
Moment of inertia 56
Moments of distribution function 1614
Momentum 281
Momentum density, canonical 304 320 342
Momentum density, canonical, for diffusion equation 313 344
Momentum density, canonical, for Dirac equation 346
Momentum density, canonical, for elastic media 345
Momentum density, canonical, for electromagnetic field 328 346
Momentum density, canonical, for fluid flow 309 343
Momentum density, canonical, for Klein — Gordon equation 317 315
Momentum density, canonical, for Schroedinger equation 314 344
Momentum density, canonical, for string 304 343
Momentum density, canonical, for vector fields 320
Momentum density, canonical, table 341—346
Momentum space in quantum mechanics 80 239 1077 1638 1649 1678
Momentum space in quantum mechanics, and coordinate space 241
Momentum space in quantum mechanics, and coulomb wave functions 1679
Momentum space in quantum mechanics, and Fourier integral theorem 241
Momentum space in quantum mechanics, and harmonic oscillator 1650 1679
Momentum space in quantum mechanics, and Schroedinger equation 243
Momentum space in quantum mechanics, transformation function for 239
Momentum transfer cross section 188 193
Momentum, and Hamiltonian 283
Momentum, angular see Angular momentum
Momentum, average 175
Momentum, conjugate 229
Momentum, density of, for field see Field momentum density
Momentum, four-vector 97
Momentum, operator 80 231
Momentum, operator, and coordinate operator 241
Momentum, wave 306
Momentum, wave, for flexible string 306
Momentum, wave, for Schroedinger equation 316
Momentum, wave, for sound wave 312
Multinomial theorem 412
Multiply connected regions 363
Multiply connected regions, Cauchy’s theorem for 365
Multipoles 1276—1283
Multipoles, radiation from 1869 1877—1880
Multivalued functions 398—408
Multivalued functions, and analytic continuation 391
Multivalued functions, and branch lines 399
Multivalued functions, and branch points 391 399
Natural boundary of function 389
Neumann boundary conditions 495 706 875
Neumann boundary conditions, and boundary perturbations 1039 1060
Neumann boundary conditions, and elliptic equations 698 703
Neumann boundary conditions, and Green’s functions 807
Neumann boundary conditions, and hyperbolic equations 686
Neumann boundary conditions, and parabolic equations 705
Neumann boundary conditions, images for 813
Neumann boundary conditions, variational principle involving 1113 1132
Neumann factor 744
Neumann functions 625—631
Neumann functions, and confluent hypergeometric function 625
Neumann functions, and Hankel functions 625
Neumann functions, and Mathieu function of second kind, radial 635 1411
Neumann functions, asymptotic formula for 625
Neumann functions, asymptotic formula for, for large order 630 681
Neumann functions, series for 627 1322
Neumann functions, spherical 622 1465
Neumann functions, spherical, and spheroidal functions, radial 1507
Neumann functions, spherical, asymptotic behavior 1465
Neumann functions, spherical, series 1466
Neumann functions, spherical, table, of properties 1573—1576
Neumann functions, spherical, table, of values 1926 (see also Bessel functions spherical)
Neumann functions, table, of properties 1322—1325 1563—1565
Neumann functions, table, of values 1924 (see also Bessel functions; Hankel functions)
Neumann polynomials 934
Neumann series 934
Neutron diffusion 173 1595—1604 1613- 1637
Neutron diffusion, and delayed neutrons 1595
Neutron diffusion, and slowing down 1599 (see also Age theory; Milne equation)
Neutron diffusion, diffusion constant 173
Neutron diffusion, of burst 1602
Non — Hermitian operators 884
Nonorthogonal eigenfunctions 1345 1366
Nonorthogonal eigenfunctions, perturbation method in terms of 1034 1038
Nonpositive definite operators 909 916—921
Nonpositive definite operators, variation-iteration method for 1149—1155
Normal acoustic impedance 311
Normal coordinates 76
Normal form, for elliptic equation 688
Normal form, for hyperbolic equation 682
Normal form, for parabolic equation 691
Normal impedance see Boundary impedance
Normal modes for weighted string 134 (see also Eigenfunctions; Eigenvectors)
Normalization 728
Normalization, evaluation of 1055
Normalization, for continuous eigenvalue spectrum 240 764
Normalization, for eigenfunctions 728 764
Normalization, for eigenvectors 236
Normalization, for Gegenbauer polynomials 783
Normalization, for Hermite polynomials 786
Normalization, for Laguerre polynomials 785
Normalization, for Legendre polynomials 751
Normalization, of Mathieu functions 564 1409
Normalization, of Mathieu functions, table of values 1936—1937
Oblate spheroidal coordinates 514 662
Oblate spheroidal coordinates, and flow past oblate spheroid 1293
Oblate spheroidal coordinates, and flow through circular orifice 1294
Oblate spheroidal coordinates, and Laplace equation 1292
Oblate spheroidal coordinates, and Laplace equation, Green’s function for 1295
Oblate spheroidal coordinates, and Laplace equation, integral representation of solutions 1295
Oblate spheroidal coordinates, and Legendre functions of imaginary argument 1292
Oblate spheroidal coordinates, and separation 514 662
Oblate spheroidal coordinates, and wave equation 1512
Observables in quantum theory 79
Operator 76—80 82—90 769—778 879-886
Operator, adjoint 528 583 870 874 880
Operator, adjoint, Hermitian 772 880 1109
Operator, adjoint, self 871 1112
Operator, adjoint, to differential 874
Operator, adjoint, to integral 877
Operator, and definition of 350
Operator, and matrices 772
Operator, and measurement in quantum mechanics 231
Operator, and weighted string, equation for 131
Operator, and weighted string, equation for, limit to continuous string 134
Operator, angular-momentum 89
Operator, average value of 232
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