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Dekker A.J. — Solid State Physics |
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centers 377 ff.
centers, coagulation 392
centers, photoconductivity 388
centers 383 ff.
-band, color centers 381
-type conductivity 311
-bands, optical absorption 392
-band 377
Absorption, infrared 56
Absorption, theory 154 ff.
Acceptor levels 310 323
Acoustical branch 55
Activation energy, diffusion 70 152 172
Activators, luminescence 399 409
Adiabatic demagnetization 460
Adsorption 228
Alkali halides, centers 377 ff.
Alkali halides, bandstructure 369
Alkali halides, dielectric constant 145
Alkali halides, diffusion 168 171
Alkali halides, electron mobility 393
Alkali halides, index of refraction 145 158
Alkali halides, infrared absorption 147
Alkali halides, ionic conductivity 175 ff.
Alkali halides, ionic radii 126
Alkali halides, lattice energy 122
Alkali halides, molecules 131
Alkali halides, optical absorption 366 ff.
Alkali halides, photoconductivity 386 ff.
Alkali halides, photoelectric effect 390 ff.
Alkali halides, thallium activated 406 ff.
Alkali halides, transport numbers 181
Alkali halides, vacancies 160 167 173
Alkali metals, band structure 267
Alkali metals, overlapping bands 265 268
Alkali metals, photoemission 234
Alkaline earth oxides, diffusion 169
Alkaline earth oxides, lattice energy 122
Allotropy 62
Alloys, band theory 108
Alloys, electrical resistivity 288
Alloys, Hume Rothery phases 107
Alloys, interstitial 104
Alloys, Jones' theory 272
Alloys, neutron diffraction 21
Alloys, ordered 109 ff.
Alloys, phase diagrams 116
Alloys, substitutional 104
Amorphous 2
Anisotropy 27 31 82
Anisotropy, magnetization 478
Antiferroelectrics 196 210
Antiferromagnetism 483 ff.
Antiferromagnetism, table 486
Atomic polyhedron 269
Atomic radii, metals 60
Atomic scattering factor 14 20
Attractive forces, interatomic 23 ff. 118 128
Axes, crystal 6
Axes, rotation-inversion 6
Axis, rotation 6
band theory 238 ff.
Band to band transitions 415
Band width, insulators 371
Bardeen — Shockley formula, mobility 329
Barium titanate 191 198
Barium titanate, internal field 143
Barkhausen jumps 475
Baroody's theory, secondary emission 430 ff.
Barrier layer, metal-metal 348
Barrier layer, metal-semiconductor 349
Binary alloys 104
Bitter powder patterns 476
Black-body radiation 43 59
Bloch law 475
Bloch equations, nuclear resonance 508 ff.
Bloch functions 240 ff.
Bloch theorem 240 ff.
Bloch theory, electrical resistivity 289 292
Bloch wall 480
Body-centered cubic lattice 5
Bohr magneton 449
Bohr magneton, effective number of 456 457 470 492
Boltzmann relation, entropy 531
Boltzmann transport equation 278 ff.
Born cut-off wavelength 45
Born theory, ionic crystals 117
Born — Haber cycle 122
Boundary conditions, periodic 247 255
Boundary scattering, phonons 297
Bragg reflection, X-rays 13
brass 109
Bravais lattices 4 6 7
Brillouin function, magnetism 455 467
Brillouin zones 48 246 255 263
Burgers vector 85
Carrier injection 341 415
Casimire — DuPr theory, spin-lattice 501
Cathodoluminescence 398 417
Cavity field 159 196
Center of symmetry 185
Cesium chloride structure 123 127
Charge compensation, principle of 410 ff.
Classification of solids 23 25 27
Clausius — Mosotti formula 144 197
Closure domains, magnetism 477
Coactivators, luminescence 411
Coercive force 185 476 481
Cohesive energy, ionic crystals 117
Cohesive energy, metals 269 ff.
Collisions, electron-phonon 289
Collisions, phonon-phonon 296
Colloids, centers 392
Color centers 377 ff.
Color centers, magnetic resonance 517
Color centers, models 394
Color centers, X-rays 394
Compound unit cell 5
Compressibility 31 33 120
Conduction band 251
Conductivity see Electrical or Thermal conductivity
Conductivity, ionic 160 ff.
Configurational, coordinate 408
Configurational, entropy 63 106 161
constant energy surfaces 262 334
Contact potential 230
Conwell — Weisskopf scattering formula 330
Coordination number 60
Covalent bands 320
Creep, metals 83
Crystals, directions 9
Crystals, growth 31 210 324
Crystals, planes 9
Cubic lattice, band theory 260
Cubic, body-centered 5 7 30 60
Cubic, face-centered 5 7 30 60
Cubic, simple 7 8
Cubic, system 8
Curie constant 186 193
Curie law, paramagnetic 455
Curie temperature, antiferromagnetic 22 486
Curie temperature, ferroelectric 185
Curie temperature, ferromagnetic 464 470
Curie — Weiss law, ferroelectric 186 19 197
Curie — Weiss law, magnetic 464 471
Cyclotron resonance 334 ff.
Debye equations, relaxation 151 159 501
Debye frequency 42
Debye function, specific heat 38
Debye temperature 42
| Debye temperature, metals 294
DeBye temperature, table 44
Debye unit, electric dipole 319
Degenerate electron gas 214 236 313 316
Density of states 256 264 265 268
Density of states, copper 267
Density of states, insulators 308
Destrieau effect, electroluminescence 414
Diamagnetism 451 ff. 460
Diamagnetism, free electrons 219
Diamond, energy gap 251
Diamond, physical constants 321
Diamond, structure 8 30 321
dielectric constant 133 186
Dielectric constant, alkali halides 145 159
Dielectric constant, complex 148
Dielectric constant, gases 140
Dielectric losses 149 ff.
Diffraction, electron 20
Diffraction, neutron 21
Diffraction, X-ray 10
Diode theory, rectification 353
Dipolar solids 147 ff.
Dipole layer 229
Dipole moment, electrical 129 134 158
Dipole moment, magnetic 448 ff.
Dipole radiation 398
Dipole theory, ferroelectrics 192 195
Direct lattice vectors 253
Dislocations 82 85
Dislocations, configurational entropy 93
Dislocations, density 87 96
Dislocations, edge 88
Dislocations, energy of formation 92 103
Dislocations, etch pits 98
Dislocations, Frank — Read source 99
Dislocations, interaction 93
Dislocations, jogs 90
Dislocations, recombination of 90
Dislocations, screw 90
Dislocations, stress fields 91 ff.
dispersion 155
Dissociation energy 24 123 124
Domains, ferroelectric 184 207
Domains, ferromagnetic 475 ff.
Donor levels 310 322
Double hysteresis loop, ferroelectrics 206
Drift velocity 276
Dushman — Richardson equation 221
Easy direction of magnetization 476
Edge dislocation 89
effective mass 248 ff. 261 316 334 336
Einstein frequency 36
Einstein frequency, function, specific heat 38
Einstein frequency, relation, mobility 177 342
Einstein frequency, temperature 38
Einstein-de Haas method 469
Elastic, constants 78
Elastic, moduli 81
Elastic, strain components 81
Elastic, stresses 78
Elastic, waves 39 ff.
Electric double layer 229
Electric field, cavity 159 196
Electric field, internal 141 194 195 199
Electric field, reaction 144 159 195
Electrical conductivity, alloys 110
Electrical conductivity, metals 275 ff.
Electrical conductivity, semiconductors 326 ff.
Electrical conductivity, Sommerfeld theory 281 ff.
Electroluminescence 413
Electron affinity 123 124 315 369
Electron diffraction 20 212
Electron distribution, insulators 306 ff.
Electron distribution, metals 213 ff.
Electron distribution, semiconductors 308 ff.
Electron emission, field enhanced 225 227
Electron emission, secondary 418 ff.
Electron emission, thermionic 220 ff.
Electron pair bonds 320
Electron scattering, ions 330
Electron scattering, neutral impurities 331
Electron scattering, phonons 289 329
Electronic polarizability 134 ff.
Electronic polarizability, theory of 154
Electrons, effective mass 248 ff. 261 316 334 336
Electrons, exchange interaction 472
Electrons, Hamiltonian in magnetic field 459
Electrons, lattice mobility 329
Electrons, longitudinal mass 336
Electrons, mean free path, metals 283
Electrons, mobilities 333
Electrons, range in solids 428 445
Electrons, relaxation time 276 284 328
Electrons, transverse mass 336
Electrostriction 186
Energy bands, allowed and forbidden 239 ff. 245
Energy bands, overlapping of 265
Energy bands, silicon 336
Energy bands, sodium 261
Energy levels, metals 213
entropy 525 532
Entropy, configurational 63 106 161
Entropy, thermal 63 161
Etch pits, dislocations 98
Exchange integral 473
Expansion coefficient 33 197
Extinction coefficient 156
Face-centered cubic lattice 5 7 30 61
Fermi energy 214 215 224 231
Fermi level, insulator 306 309
Fermi temperature 219
Fermi — Dirac statistics 214 529
Ferrimagnetism 490 ff.
Ferrimagnetism, N el's theory 493 ff.
Ferrites 491
Ferrites, initial permeability 519
Ferroelectric domains 207
Ferroelectrics 184 ff.
Ferroelectrics, thermodynamic theory 201
Ferromagnetism, -factor 469
Ferromagnetism, anisotropy energy 478
Ferromagnetism, Curie temperature 464 470
Ferromagnetism, Curie — Weiss law 464 471
Ferromagnetism, domains 464 475
Ferromagnetism, Heisenberg theory 472 ff.
Ferromagnetism, paramagnetic Curie point 471
Ferromagnetism, resonance 518
Ferroxcube 491
Fick's law 70 169
Field emission 221
First-order transition 186 204 206
Floquet's theorem 240
Fluorescence 398
Flux density 133
Forbidden transitions 398
Franck — Condon principle 367 401
Frank — Read source, dislocations 99
Free electrons 211
Free electrons, diamagnetism 219 462
Free electrons, effective number of 250
Free electrons, energy distribution 213
Free electrons, paramagnetism 217
Free electrons, specific heat 216
Frenkel defects,j 57 163
Fundamental absorption, ionic crystals 373
Galvanomagnetic effects 304
Germanium, constant energy surfaces 334
Germanium, crystal growth 324
Germanium, electrical properties 331 ff.
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