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Dekker A.J. — Solid State Physics |
Предметный указатель |
Germanium, infrared absorption 339
Germanium, lattice properties 320 ff.
Germanium, lifetime of carriers 343
Germanium, physical constants 311
Germanium, secondary emission 421
Gibbs' free energy 526
Glow curve, luminescence 405 407
Goldschmidt radii, ions 126
Gorter — Kronig theory, paramagnetic relaxation 523
Gouy balance 462
Gr ncisen constant 33
Grain boundaries 198
Grey tin 320
Gudden — Pohl effect, luminescence 413
gyromagnetic ratio 450
Gyromagnetic ratio,Barnett method 469
Gyromagnetic ratio,Einstein-de Haas method 469
Hall effect, alkali halides 393
Hall effect, metals 301
Hall effect, semiconductors 326 ff.
Hall mobility 328 333
Hamiltonian, electrons 459
harmonic oscillator 34 ff. 51 101
Helmholtz free energy 525
Hexagonal close-packed structure 61
Hexagonal system 8
hole 252
Hole, density 309
Hole, effective mass 337
Hole, lifetime 343
Hole, mobility 333
Homopolar bonds 26
Hume — Rothery alloy phases 107
Hund's rules 450 470
Hydration energy 164
Hydrogen bonds 187 189
Hysteresis 184 465 481
Hysteresis, double loop 206
Image force, dislocation 95
Image force, electrons 225
Image force, ions 228
Impurity semiconductors 310 ff. 319
Index of refraction, alkali halides 145
Index of refraction, complex 156
Index of refraction, metals 237
Indistinguishability of particles 527
Infrared absorption, germanium, silicon 339
Infrared absorption, ionic crystals 56 147
Initial permeability 519
Injection of carriers 341 415
Insulators, band scheme 251
Insulators, dielectric properties 133
Insulators, electron distribution 305 ff.
Insulators, secondary emission 440
Insulators, thermal conductivity 295 ff.
Interaction, dislocations 93
interaction, Exchange 472
Interaction, super exchange 488
Interatomic forces 23 ff. 119 121 128
Intermetallic compounds 344 ff.
Internal Field 141 194 195 199
Interstitial atoms 63 67
Intrinsic semiconductors 308 ff. 319
Inverse spinel 491
Inversion center 6
Ion mobility 180 183
Ionic conductivity 160 175
Ionic crystals 25 ff.
Ionic crystals, defects 160
Ionic crystals, infrared absorption 56 147
Ionic crystals, lattice energy 117 122
Ionic polarizability 134 137
Ionic radii 124 126 127
Ionization energy 123 128 229
Isotropic 21
Junction, rectifier 357 ff.
Junction, transistor 361
Killers, luminescence 399 417
Kirkendall effect 76
Knight shift, nuclear resonance 516
Kronig — Kramers relations 499 522
Kronig — Penney model 243 ff.
Lagrange, undetermined multipliers 530
Landau diamagnetism, free electrons 219
Lande formula 450
Langevin function 139 193
Larmor precession 452
Lattice defects, ionic crystals 160 166 375
Lattice defects, metals 62 85
Lattice energy, ionic crystals 117 122 130
Lattice vibrations 32 ff. (see also Vibrational modes)
Lattice vibrations, Debye model 41
Lattice vibrations, Einstein model 36 65 161
Lattice, direct 253
Lattice, reciprocal 254
LCAO Method 257
Lenz's law 451
Lifetime, carriers 341
Liquid crystals 2
Long-distance order 3 111
Longitudinal mass 336
Lorentz field 142 199
Lorentz force equations 280 302
Lorenz number 300
Loss factor 149
Luminescence 398 ff.
Luminescence, centers 382
Luminescence, carrier injection 415
Luminescence, coactivators 411
Luminescence, decay mechanisms 402 ff.
Luminescence, glow curves 405
Luminescence, killers 399 417
Luminescence, quenching 409
Luminescence, sulfide phosphors 410
Luminescence, thallium-activated KCl 406 ff.
Madelung constant 118 131
Magnetic, induction 447
Magnetic, permanent dipoles 448
Magnetic, permeability 447
Magnetic, susceptibility 446
Magnetism see Dia- Para- Ferro- Antiferro-
magnetite 490
magnetization 446
Magnetization curve, ferromagnetic 465
Magnetization, easy and hard directions 476 478
Magnetocaloric effect 463
Magnetoresistance 304
Matthiessen's rule 275 287
Metals, atomic radii 60
Metals, band structure 251
Metals, cohesive energy 26 269
Metals, electrical conductivity 275 ff.
Metals, electron mean free path 284
Metals, free electron theory 211 ff.
Metals, Hall effect 301
Metals, mutual solubility 105
Metals, photoelectric emission 232
Metals, rectifying properties 348
Metals, secondary emission 422 430
Metals, structure 60
Metals, thermal conductivity 299 ff.
Metals, thermionic emission 220
Metastable levels 403 408
Miller indices 8
Minority carriers 341
Mobility, electrons 307 329
Mobility, ionic 180 183
Molecular field, ferromagnetism 466 ff.
Molecular rotation 514
Monoclinic system 8
| Mosaic structure 97
Mott — Schottky theory of rectification 351
N el temperature 483
Nearly free electron approximation 260 262
Neutron diffraction 21 187 189 201 488
Nondegenerate level 257
Nonstochiometric composition 26 377
Nuclear magnetic moments 516
Nuclear magnetic resonance 505 ff.
Nuclear magneton 451
Ohm's law 177 275
One-electron approximation 238
Optical absorption 154
Optical absorption, alkali halides 366 ff.
Optical absorption, thallium-activated KCl 406
Optical branch 55
Optical transitions, band scheme 337
Order, long-range 3 111
Order, of reflection 14
Order, short-range 3 114
Order-disorder transitions 109 ff.
Order-disorder transitions, Bragg — Williams theory 111
Ordered alloys, electrical conductivity 288
Orientational polarization 138 ff.
Orthorhombic system 8
Oscillator strength 378
Overlapping, energy bands 265
Overlapping, wave functions 258 370
Paramagnetism, Curie law 455
Paramagnetism, dispersion and absorption 503
Paramagnetism, free electrons 217
Paramagnetism, iron group ions 457
Paramagnetism, nuclear 458
Paramagnetism, rare earth ions 456
Paramagnetism, relaxation 498 ff.
Paramagnetism, resonance 517
Particle in a box, wave mechanics 526
Pauli exclusion principle 217 527
Pauling radii, ions 126
Peierls' Umklapp processes 291 297 298
Peltier effect 304
Periodic boundary conditions 50 247 255
Periodic functions 253 ff.
permanent electric dipole moment 137
Perovskites 190
Phase diagrams 115 116
Phonon 289
Phonon, boundary scattering 297
Phonon, drag 292
Phonon, impurity scattering 297
Phonon-phonon collisions 296
Phosphorescence 398
Photoconductivity 372 386
Photoelectric effect, alkali halides 390 ff.
Photoelectric effect, metals 232
photoluminescence 398
Piezoelectricity 185
Plane of symmetry 6
plasma 435
Plastic deformation 81
Point-contact rectifier 351
Poisson ratio 19
Polarizability 128 ff.
Polarizability, table 159
Polarization 134 157
Polarization, energy of 167
Polarization, orientational 138
Polarization, remanent 185
Polarization, spontaneous 184
Polyhedron, atomic 269
Potassium dihydrophosphate 189 201
Powder pattern, X-ray 19 30
Primitive translations 253
Pyroelectricity 185
Quadripole radiation 398
Quantum numbers 448
Quenching, luminescence 409
Quenching, orbital momentum 458
Radiation damage 325
Radiationless transition 402
Radioactive tracers 168
Random walk 71 102
Reaction field 144 159 195
Reciprocal lattice 254 263
Recombination of carriers 341 344 358
Rectification, - junction 357 ff.
Rectification, theory 351 ff.
rectifiers 348 ff.
Reduced zone 255
Reflection coefficient, electrons 220
Reflection coefficient, metals 237
Relaxation time, dielectrics 150
Relaxation time, electrons 276 284 328
Remanent polarization 185
Repulsive forces, interatomic 23 119 121 128
Resistivity, alloys 288
Resistivity, Bloch — Gr neisen formula 293
Resistivity, metals 275 ff.
Resistivity, minimum 294
Resistivity, pressure dependence 289
Resistivity, temperature dependence 285 292
Resonance absorption, optical 155
Rhombic system 8
Rhombohedral system 8
Richardson plot, thermionic emission 222
Rochelle salt 186 201
Rotation axis, -fold 6 8
Rotation inversion axis 6
Rotation, molecular 2
Rotator, energy levels 58
Rutherford scattering 330
saturation magnetization 470
Saturation magnetization, ferrites 492
Saturation polarization 158
Scattering cross section 286
Scattering factor, atomic 14
Scattering of electrons 329 ff.
Schottky, barrier 349
Schottky, defects 65 163
Schottky, effect, thermionic emission 226
Scintillation counter 417
Screened potential 435
Screw dislocation 90
Second-order transition 186 202 206
Secondary electrons 418
Secondary emission 418 ff.
Secondary emission, escape mechanism 438
Secondary emission, temperature effect 440
Secondary emission, theory 423 ff.
Secondary emission, universal yield curves 425
Seebeck effect 304
Segregation coefficient 324
Seignette salt 187
Semiconductors, -type 311
Semiconductors, -type 311
Semiconductors, electron distribution 305 ff.
Semiconductors, electronic degeneracy 316
Semiconductors, energy gap 337 ff.
Semiconductors, Hall effect 326 ff.
Semiconductors, impurity 310 ff.
Semiconductors, intrinsic 251 308
Semiconductors, nonpolar 319 ff.
Semiconductors, surface states 354 ff.
Semiconductors, thermionic emission 314 ff.
Semiconductors, work function 315
shear modulus 79
Shear stress 79
Shear stress, critical resolved 82
Short-distance order 3 114
Silicon, constant energy surfaces 337
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