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Rosenberg H.M. — Low temperature solid state physics. Some selected topics |
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-electrons see Band structure of transition metals
, Hg films 173
-process see Normal process
-type semiconductor 213 (see also Acceptor and donor atoms)
-type semiconductor 213 (see also Acceptor and donor atoms)
scattering 80 97
law for specific heats 6 7
law in electrical resistivity 93 98
-process see Umklapp process
Absolute zero as ordered, state 309
Absorption, of optical and infra-red radiation, absorption coefficient 244 249
Absorption, of optical and infra-red radiation, absorption edge, fine structure 247 248
Absorption, of optical and infra-red radiation, carrier absorption 245 248 252
Absorption, of optical and infra-red radiation, direct and indirect transitions 247
Absorption, of optical and infra-red radiation, in semiconductors 244 ff.
Absorption, of optical and infra-red radiation, intrinsic absorption 245
Absorption, of optical and infra-red radiation, lattice absorption 245 252
Absorption, of optical and infra-red radiation, photoconductivity 252
Absorption, of optical and infra-red radiation, shift in absorption edge with temperature 245
Acceptor and donor atoms and levels 212 213 214
Acceptor and donor atoms and levels, acceptor states as traps 254 256
Acceptor and donor atoms and levels, carrier excitation 220
Acceptor and donor atoms and levels, Fermi energy 217
Acceptor and donor atoms and levels, introduction by diffusion 239
Acceptor and donor atoms and levels, paramagnetic resonance 337
Actinides 289 306
Activation energy, determination from recovery experiments 86
Activation energy, for dislocation barriers 366
Activation energy, for dislocation loops 385
Adiabatic and isothermal elastic constants 362
Adiabatic demagnetization 344
Adiabatic demagnetization, heat influx during 9
Adiabatic demagnetization, principles 344
Adiabatic demagnetization, salts commonly used 347
Adiabatic demagnetization, selection of suitable salt 347
Adiabatic demagnetization, thermal switch 134
Adiabatic demagnetization, using anisotropic crystals 306
Adiabatic magnetization of a superconductor 157
Adiabatic susceptibility 323 325
Al O see Sapphire
Alers, P. B. (1956), Phys. Rev. 101 41:
Alers, P. B. (1957), Phys. Rev. 105 104 178
Alkali halides, thermal expansion 41
Alkali metals see also Lithium Potassium Sodium
Alkali metals, characteristic temperature, 95
Alkali metals, not superconductors 147 191
Alkali metals, paramagnetic resonance 337
Alkali metals, recovery after deformation 87
Alkali metals, specific heat 17
Alkali metals, tensile properties 371
Alkali metals, thermal conductivity 118
Alkali metals, thermo-electricity 268
Alkali metals, thermopower 268
Alkali metals, values of 95
Alloys, analysis by electrical resistivity measurements 81
Alloys, attainment of thermal equilibrium 8
Alloys, containing Ni, thermal conductivity 124
Alloys, containing transition elements, electrical conductivity 77 79
Alloys, effect of ordering and phase transition 80
Alloys, electrical conductivity 68 ff.
Alloys, electronic specific heat 20
Alloys, lattice specific heat 21
Alloys, of Cu, electrical conductivity 76 77 79
Alloys, superconducting 180 205
Alloys, thermal conductivity 113 122 124 126 137
Alloys, with low thermal conductivity 124 (see also Impurity atoms effect
Aluminium alloys, over-ageing produced by fatigue 381
Aluminium, and alloys, sertated stress-strain curves 373
Aluminium, de Haas — van Alphen effect 355
Aluminium, fatigue 379
Aluminium, force-distance curves 369
Aluminium, hysteresis in superconducting transition 179
Aluminium, ratio tensile/fatigue strengths 380
Aluminium, resistivity ratio 81
Aluminium, superconducting tunnel experiments 202 204
Aluminium, tensile strength 369 370
Aluminium, thermal conductivity 130
Alums 292 305
Ammonia maser 346 342
Andrew, E. R. (1949), Proc. Phys. Soc. A 62 77 100 101
Andrew, E. R. (1955), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Cambridge University Press) 330
Anelasticity see Internal friction
Angle of scatter for electron-phonon interaction 93
Angular momentum, orbital 288
Anharmonicity 36 39 45 361
Anisotropy of anti-ferromagnetic susceptibility 313 320
Anisotropy of effective mass 242 250
Anisotropy of electrical and thermal conductivity of Ga 145
Anisotropy of magnetic properties 306 313 335 343
Anomalous skin effect 102 ff.
Anomalous skin effect, Ag, Au, and Pb 105
Anomalous skin effect, determination of Fermi surface 104 357
Anomalous skin effect, Fermi surface of Cu, deduced 105
Anomalous skin effect, in superconductors 168 171
Anomalous specific heats 2 23
Anti-ferromagnetic substances with N el temperatures, table 312
Anti-ferromagnetic susceptibility 4
Anti-ferromagnetic susceptibility, MnF 315
Anti-ferromagnetism 32 34 310 313 320
Anti-ferromagnetism, N el temperatures, table 312
Anti-ferromagnetism, of chloro-iridates 34
Anti-ferromagnetism, powders 314
Anti-ferromagnetism, susceptibility below Neel temperature 313
Antimony, magneto-resistance 107
Antimony, thermal conductivity 142 143
Appleyard, E. T. S., Bristow, J. R., London, H., and Misener, A. D. (1939), Proc. Roy. Soc. A 172 540 173
Arp, V. D., Kropsehott, R. H., Wilson, H., Love, W. P., and Phelan, R. (1981), Phys. Rev. Letters 6 452 205
Arp, V. D., Kurti, N., and Petersen, R. G. (1957), Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. (III) 2 388 31
Arsenic, magneto-resistance 107
Atmosphere around a dislocation 370
Atomic vibrational frequency 4
Atomic volume of superconductor 147
Avalanche breakdown in semiconductors see Impact ionization
Axial patio of hexagonal lattice 17
Axial ratio, Be, Mg, Zn, Cd 18
B ckel, W., and Hilseh, B. (1954), Z Phys. 138 109 186
Bagguley, D. M. S., and Owen, J. (1957), Repts. on Progr. in Phys. 20 304 242 329 336
Bagguley, D. M. S., Stradling, R. A., and Whiting, J. S. S. (1961), Proc. Roy. Soc. A 262 340 365 243
Bailey, C. A. (1959), D. Phil, thesis, Oxford University 17 20 22
Bailey, C. A., and Smith, P. L. (1959), Phys. Rev. 114 1010 34
Bailyn, M. (1958), Phys. Rev. 112 1587:
Baker, J. M., Bleaney, B., and Bowers, K. D. (1956), Proc. Phys. Soc. B 69 1205 304
Balashova, B. M., and Sharvin, Yu. V., J. Exp. Theor. Phys. USSR 31 40 177
Balluffi, R. W., and Simmons, R. O. (1960), Phys. Rev. 117 52 62 82
Balluffi, R. W., and Simmons, R. O. (1961), Phys. Rev. 125 862
Band overlap see Overlapping energy bands
Band structure, determination from specific heat data 20
Band structure, from cyclotron resonance 241
Band structure, of divalent metals 17 108
Band structure, of noble metals 79
Band structure, of semiconductors 210 228 230 236
Band structure, of simple metal 69
Band structure, of transition metals 18 79 97
Band, impurity see Impurity band
Bardeen, J. (1937), Phys. Rev. 52 688 96
Bardeen, J. (1956), Hand, d. Phys. 15 274 147 187
Bardeen, J., and Schrieffer, J. R. (1961), Prog, in Low Temp. Phys. 3 170 147 188 204
Bardeen, J., and Shockley, W. (1950), Phys. Rev. 80 72 224
Bardeen, J., Cooper, L. N., and Schrieffer, J. R., Phys. Rev. 108 1175 128 188
Bardeen, J., Rickayzen, Gr., and Tewordt, L. (1959), Phys. Rev. 113 982 130
Barron, T. H. K., Berg, W. T., and Morrison, J. A. (1957), Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Low Temp. Phys., and Chem. (University of Wisconsin Press) p. 445
Barron, T. H. K., Berg, W. T., and Morrison, J. A. (1957), Proc. Roy. Soc. A 242 478 13
Basic vector of reciprocal lattice 49 51 69 92
Basinski, Z. S. (1957), Proc. Roy. Soc. A 229 373
Basinski, Z. S. (1959), Phil. Mag. 4 393 368 369
Basinski, Z. S., and Sleeswyk, A. (1957), Acta Met. 5 176 371
Bates, L. F. (1951), Modern Magnetism. 3rd ed. (Cambridge University Press): 291
BCS Theory of Superconductivity 188 ff.
BCS theory of superconductivity, application to the thermal conductivity of superconductors 128
Berg, W. T. see Barron
| Berlineourt, T. G see Thorsen
Berlineourt, T. G., Hake, R. R., and Leslie, D. H. (1961), Phys. Rev. Letters 6 671:
Berman, R. (1951), Phil. Mag. 42 642:
Berman, R. (1953), Adv. in Phys. 2 103 67
Berman, R., and MacDonald, D. K. C. (1952), Proc. Roy. Soc. A 211 122 117 119
Berman, R., Foster, E. L., and Rosenberg, H. M. (1955), Rept. Conf. Defects in Solids (Physical Society, London), p. 321 66
Berman, R., Foster, E. L., and Rosenberg, H. M. (1955a), Brit. J. Appl. Phys. 6 181 67
Berman, R., Foster, E. L., and Ziman, J. M. (1955), Proc. Roy. Soc. A 231 130 60 61
Berman, R., Foster, E. L., and Ziman, J. M. (1956), Proc. Roy. Soc. A 237 344 65
Berman, R., Foster, E. L., Schneidmesser, B., and Tirmizi, S. M. A. (1960), J. Appl Phys. 31 2156 66
Berman, R., Nettley, P. T., Sheard, F. W., Spencer, N., Stevenson, R. W. H., and Ziman, J. M. (1959), Proc. Roy. Soc. A 253 403 62
Berman, R., Simon, P. E., and Ziman, J. M. (1953), Proc. Roy. Soc. A 220 171 61
Beryllium, electronic specific heat 18
Beyen, W., Bratt, P., Davis, H., Johnson, L., Levinstein, H., and MacRae, A., J. Opt. Soc. Am. 49 686 257
Bijl, D. see Caaimir
Bismuth, conditions for superconductivity 186
Bismuth, diamagnetism 348
Bismuth, magneto-resistance 107
Bismuth, probe technique to show intermediate state of a superconductor 177 181
Bismuth, thermal conductivity 142
Blackman, M. (1951), Proc. Phys. Soc. A 64 681 117
Blackman, M. (1956), Hand. d.Phys. 7 325 11
Blakemore, J. S. (1959), Phil. Mag. 4 560 240
Blatt, F. J. (1955), Phys. Rev. 99 1708:
Bleaney, B, I., and Bleaney, B. (1957), Electricity, and Magnetism (Clarendon Press, Oxford) 285 287 295 297 309
Bleaney, B. see Baker Bleaney B.
Bleaney, B., and Ingram, D. J. E. (1951), Proc. Roy. Soc. A 205 336 335
Bleaney, B., and Stevens, K. W. H. (1953), Repts. on Progr. in Phys. 16 108 328
Bleaney, B., Bowers, K. D., and Ingram, D. J. E. (1951), Proc. Phys. Soc. A 64 758 338
Blewitt, T. H. see Sherrill
Blewitt, T. H., Coltman, B. B., and Redman, J. K. (1955), Rept. Conf. Defects in Cryst. Solids (Physical Society, London), p. 369 83 372
Blewitt, T. H., Coltman, B. B., Holmes, K., and Noggle, T. S. (1957), Dislocations and Mechanical Properties of Crystals, ed. Fisher et al. (Wiley, New York), p. 603 86 87
Bloch — Gr neisen function for electrical resistivity 93 97
Bloch — Gruneisen function for electrical resistivity 94
Bloembergen, N. (1956), Phys. Bev. 104 324 341
Bogle, G. S., Cooke, A. H., And Whitley, S. (1951), Proc. Phys. Soc. A 64 931:
Bolometer, superconducting 209
Boorse, H. A. see Brown
Bordoni internal friction peak 378 ff.
Bordoni, P. G. (1953), Ricerca Sci. 23 1193 382
Bordoni, P. G. (1954), J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 26 495 382
Borelius, G., Keesom, W. H., Johansson, C. H., and Linde, J. O. (1930), Leiden Comm. 206a
Borelius, G., Keesom, W. H., Johansson, C. H., and Linde, J. O. (1930), Proc. Kon. Akad. 17 264 269
Borelius, G., Keesom, W. H., Johansson, C. H., and Linde, J. O. (1930a), Leiden Comm. 206a
Borelius, G., Keesom, W. H., Johansson, C. H., and Linde, J. O. (1930a), Proc. Kon. Akad. Amst. 33 32 274
Borelius, G., Keesom, W. H., Johansson, C. H., and Linde, J. O. (1931), Leiden Comm. 217c
Borelius, G., Keesom, W. H., Johansson, C. H., and Linde, J. O. (1931), Proc. Kon. Akad. Amst. 34 1365:
Borelius, G., Keesom, W. H., Johansson, C. H., and Linde, J. O. (1932), Leiden Comm 217c
Borelius, G., Keesom, W. H., Johansson, C. H., and Linde, J. O. (1932), Proc. Kon. Akad. Amst. 35 25 269 275
Borelius, G., Keesom, W. H., Johansson, C. H., and Linde, J. O. (1932a), Leiden Comm. 217e
Borelius, G., Keesom, W. H., Johansson, C. H., and Linde, J. O. (1932a), Proc. Kon. Akad. Amst. 35 15 274
Born and von K rm theory of specific heats 5
Born, M., and von Karman, T. (1912), Phys. Z 13 297 5
Bound excited states in semiconductors 245 254
Boundary scattering, effect on thermopower 283
Boundary scattering, in superconductors 131
Boundary scattering, of electrons 98 ff.
Boundary scattering, of phonons 53 55 58 59 62 99 143
Boundary scattering, specular reflection 61
Boundary width between normal and superconducting regions 176 179 186
Boundary, zone see Zone boundary
Bowers, K. D. see Baker Bleaney B
Bowers, K. D., and Owen, J. (1955), Repts. on Progr. in Phys. 18 304 304 337
Bozorth, B. M., Matthias, B. T., and Davis, D. D. (1960), Proc. 7th Int. Conf, Low Temp. Phys. (University of Toronto Press) p.385 184
Bragg, W. L., and Williams, E. J. (1334), Proc. Poy, Soc, A 145 699 35
Bragg, W. L., and Williams, E. J. (1935), Proc. Roy. Soc. A 151 540:
Brass ( ), yield strength 364
Bratt, P. see Beyen
Bremmer, H. see de Haas
Brillouin function 291
Brillouin zones 48 70 210;
Brillouin zones for divalent hexagonal metals 73
Brillouin zones of semiconductors 210
Brillouin zones, change with temperature 245
Brillouin zones, simple cubic 71
Bristow, J. B. see Appleyard
Brittle fracture 370
Brittle fracture, brittle-ductile transition 363
Brittle fracture, correspondence in fatigue 380
Brittle fracture, dislocation atmosphere 370
Brittle fracture, micro-cracks 371
Brittle fracture, of zinc 371
Broadening of levels 330 331 338
Broadening of levels, measure of mobility 243
Broadening of levels, of cyclotron resonance line 243
Brooks — Herring formula for mobility limited by ionized impurities 225 237
Brooks, H. (1955), Adv. in Electronics 7 85 225
Broom, T. (1952), Proc. Phys. Soc. B 65 871 84
Broom, T., and Ham, B. K. (1957), Proc. Roy. Soc. A 242 166 381
Broom, T., and Ham, B. K. (1958), Vacancies and other point defects in metals and alloys (1nstitute of Metals, London) p. 41 85
Broom, T., Molineux, J. H., and Whittaker, V. K. (1955), J. Inst. Metals 84 357 381
Brown, A. Zemansky, M. W., and Boorse, A. (1953), Phys. Rev. 92 52 159
Browne, M. E. see Owen
Buck, D. A. (1956), Proc. I.R.E. 44 482:
Buehler, E. see Kunzler.
bulk modulus see Elastic constants
Bunch, M. D. see Powell B.
Burgers vector 359
Burstein, E. see Picus Sclar Stiles
Burstein, E., Picus, G. S., and Gebbie, A, (1956), Phys. Rev. 103 825 243
Burstein, E., Picus, G. S., Henvis, B., and Wallis, B. (1956), J. Phys. Chem. Solids 1 65 249 250
Cadmium, creep at liquid He temperatures 377
Cadmium, Debye 12
Cadmium, electronic specific heat 18
Cadmium, Hall coefficient 216
Cadmium, magneto-resistance in thermal conduction 146
Cadmium, ratio tensile/fatigue strengths 380
Cadmium, thermal conductivity in magnetic field 145
Cadmium-silver alloys, electronic specific heat 20 21
Callaway, J. (1959), Phys. Rev. 113 1046:
Carrier absorption in semiconductors 245 248 252
Carrier concentration, effect on thermopower of semiconductors 283
Carrier density 214 219 233
Carrier density for band formation 238
Carrier excitation at room temperature 222
Carrier excitation in semiconductors 74 210 213 214 218 219 231 232 234 237 243
Carrier excitation to bound states 245 254
Carrier lifetime 214 253 254
Carrier mobility see Mobility
Carrier motion in magnetic field 240
Carrier recombination in semiconductors 243 253 254
Carrier recombination in semiconductors, at surface 243
Carrier trapping 240 254
Carrier, effective mass see Effective mass
Carrier, optical excitation 243 244
Carrier, paramagnetic resonance 337
Carruthers, J. A., Geballe, T. H„ Bosenherg, H. M., and Ziman, J. H. (1957), Proc. Poy. Soc. A 238 502 144
Casimir, H. B. G. see Gorter
Casimir, H. B. G. (1938), Physica 5 595 53
Casimir, H. B. G. (1940), Phy$ica 7 887 167
Casimir, H. B. G. Bijl, D., and du Pr , F. K. (1941), Physica 8 449 321
Cerium ethyl sulphate, anisotropic susceptibility 306
Cerium ethyl sulphate, effect of magnetic dilution 304
Cerium ethyl sulphate, Schottky specific heat 29 30
Cerium ethylsulphate, specific heat 30
Cerium ethylsulphate, susceptibility 306
Cerium magnesium nitrate, paramagnetic relaxation 325
Cerium magnesium nitrate, relaxation time 326
Chambers, B. G. (1952), Proc. Roy. Soc. A 215 481 104 105
Chambers, B. G. (1956), Can. J. Phys. 34 1395 349 352
Chambers, B. G. (1960), The Fermi Surface, ed. Harrison and Webb (Wiley, New York) p. 100: 110
Chandrasekhar, B. S., and Hulm, X. K., (University of Toronto Press) 13
Chandrasekhar, B. S., and Hulm, X. K., Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Low Temp. Phys. p. 672
Chanin, G., Lynton, E. A., and Serin, B., Phys. Rev. 114 719 182 184
Characteristic temperature, from electrical resistivity, alkali metals 95
Characteristic temperature, from electrical resistivity, compared with Debye , alkali, and noble metals 95
Characteristic temperature, , from resistivity data 95
Chaudhuri, K. D., Mendelssohn, K., and Thompson, M. W. (1960), Cryogenics 1 47 142
Chemical constant 2
Chester, P. F., and Jones, G. O. (1953), Phil. Mag. 44 1281 186
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