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Rosenberg H.M. — Low temperature solid state physics. Some selected topics |
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Pippard, A. B. (1953), Proc. Roy. Soc. A 216 547:
Pippard, A. B. (1954), Adv. in Electronics 96 1. 170
Pippard, A. B. (1954a), Proc. Roy. Soc. 4 224 273:
Pippard, A. B. (1957), Phil. Trans. A 250 325 104 105
Pippard, A. B. (1957a), The Elements of Classical Thermodynamics (Cambridge University Press) 156 326
Pippard, A. B. (1960), Repts. on Progr. in Phys. 23 176 105 353 358
Platinum, group, ions 289 305
Platinum, thermopower 269
Point defects 136
Point defects, electrical resistivity of interstitial 82
Point defects, electronic thermal resistivity 113
Point defects, migration 84
Point defects, of phonons 52 54 58 50 64
Point defects, of vacancy 82
Point defects, paramagnetic resonance 336 337
Point defects, scattering of electrons 81 113
Polanyi, M. see Meissner
Polarization, phonons 51
Polycrystalline specimens, thermal conductivity 67
Pontius, R. B. see Mendelssohn
Potassium chloride, Gr neisen 41
Potassium, de Haas — van Alphen effect 357
Potassium, Debye 12
Potassium, effect of impurities on thermopower 272
Potassium, thermopower 268 273
Potential, around an impurity atom 76 78
Potential, perturbation by phonons 92
Powder patterns to show intermediate state of a superconductor 178 179
Powell, R. L., Bunch, M. D., and Corruccini, R. J. (1961)? Cryogenics 1 139 275
Praseodymium sulphate, susceptibility 303
Precession 286 287
Pullan, G. T. (1953), Proc. Roy. Sqc. A 217 280 275 277
purity see also Impurity
Purity, determination by electrical conductivity 80
Purity, effect on, electrical conductivity 75 100
Purity, Lorenz number 120
Purity, of semiconductors 222
Purity, sharpness of superconducting transition 148
Purity, thermal conductivity 117 122
Putley, E. H. (1959), Proc. Phys. Soc. 73 280 236
Putley, E. H. (1959a), Proc. Phys. Soc. 73 128 2£6f
Putley, E. H. (1960), The Hall Effect and Belated Phenomena (Butterworths, London) 221
Pyrex glass, heat flow down rods 127
Quadruple interaction 308 319 338 339
Quadruple interaction, effect on nuplear specific heat 32
Quantized states, de Haas — van Alphen effect 350
Quantum number, nuclear, 308 337 338
Quantum numbers , , 289
Quantum numbers for atom, , , , , summary 288
Quarrington, J. E. see Macfarlane
Quenching of orbital moment 294 295
Radius of curvature, of electron orbit 108
Radius of curvature, of Fermi surface 104
Raman process 190
Raman process, for spin-lattice relaxation 190 324 325
Randomness of impurity distribution in semiconductors 240
Rare earth group ions, data 297
Rare earth group level splittings 299
Rare earth metals, nuclear specific heats 31
Rare earth salts 305
Rare earth salts, susceptibility 289 296 298 301 304 318 319
Rare eerth group, egarnets, magnetization 317
Rare eerth group, energy level splittings 299
Rare eerth group, esalts commonly used in experiments 305
Rare eerth group, etable with spectroscopic ground state and Curie constant 297
Ratio of normal to superconducting current densities 168
Ray, R. K., and Fan, H. Y. (1961), Phys, Rev. 121 768 240
Rayleigh scattering of phonons 54 56
Rayleigh, Lord (1896), Theory of Sound (London, 2nd ed), vol. 2 54
Rayne, J. A. (1954), Phys. Rev. 95 1428 16
Rayne, J. A. (1957), Phys. Rev. 108 22 20
Read, W. T. see Shockley
Read, W. T. (1953), Dislocations in Crystals (McGraw Hill, New York) 84 359
Reciprocal lattice 48 49
Recombination of carriers in semiconductors 253 254
Recombination of carriers in semiconductors, at surface 243
Recovery of electrical resistivity 85 91
Redman, J. K. see Blewitt
Reflection of electrons at zone boundary 73
Relationship between electrical and thermal conductivities 112 120
Relaxation processes in internal friction 383
Relaxation time, cerium magnesium nitrate 326
Relaxation time, for electrons 74
Relaxation time, for observing cyclotron resonance 241 243
Relaxation time, in phonon drag 269 281 282 283
Relaxation time, in semiconductors 222 223 224 225 227 243
Relaxation time, resultant for several processes 226 230
Relaxation, paramagnetic see Paramagnetic relaxation
Renton, O. A. see Mendelssohn Olsen
Renton, O. A. (1955), Phil, Mag. 46 47 131
Repeated zone scheme 69 96 109
Residual resistivity 75 76 80 91 100 111 119 122 effect
Residual resistivity, interpretation of measurements 91
Resistance minimum 80 87
Resistivity ratio for high purity metals 81
Resistivity, electrical, thermal see Electrical Thermal
Resonance, paramagnetic see Paramagnetic resonance
Restrictions on phonon interaction due to polarization 51
Restrictions on possible electron-phonon interactions 92
Reuter, G. E. H., and Sondhehner, E. H., Proc. Roy. Soc. A 195 336 102
Reversibility of superconducting transition 155 156
Reynolds, C. A., Serin, B., Wright, W. H., and Nesbitt, L. B. (1950), Phys. Rev. 487 186
Rhodium-zirconium alloys, transition temperatures 183
Richards, P. L., and Tinkham, M. (1960), Phys. Rev. 119 575 198 199 200 203
Richards, R. E. see Cooke
Rickayzen, G. see Bardeen
Ricketson, B. W. A. see Hill
Rise time for impact ionization 260
Rjabinin, J. N. see Shubnikov
Rjabinin, J. N., and Shubnikov, L, W. (1935), Nature 135 581
Rjabinin, J. N., and Shubnikov, L, W. (1935), Phys. Z. Sowjet. 7 122 181
Roach, P. R. see Lounasmaa
Roberts, D. H., and Wilson, B. L. H., Brit. J. Appl. Phys. 9 291 257
Roberts, J. K., and Miller, A. R. (1960), Heat and Thermodynamics, 5th ed. (Blackie, London) 5 6 39
Roberts, L. M. (1957), Proc. Phys. Soc. B 70 744 12 17
Roberts, V. see Maofarlane
Rollin, B. V. see Darby
Rollin, B. V., and Rowell, J. M. (1960), Proc. Phys. Soc. 76 1001 260
Rose, A. (1957), Progr, in Semiconductors 2 111 257
Rosenberg, H. M. see Berman Carruthers Hull D. Lomer McCammon Mendelssohn
Rosenberg, H. M. (1955), Phil. Trans. 247 441 119 129 143 146
Rosenberg, H. M. (1956), Phil, Mag. 1 738 119
Rosenberg, H. M. (1958), Progress in Metal Physics 7 339 146
Rotation, hindered 33
Rotational ordering 33
Rowell, J. M. see Rollin
Rowell. P. M. (1960), Proc. Roy. Soc. A 254 542 141
Rubidium, thermopower 272
Ruby maser 342
Ruhemann, M. see Mendelssohn
Russell — Saunders coupling 289
Rutherford scattering of electrons 77 224
Rutherford, J. L. see Smith R.
Salts commonly used, adiabatic demagnetization 347
Salts commonly used, for adiabatic demagnetization 344
Salts commonly used, in magnetic experiments 304
Salts commonly used, magnetic experiments 305
Samarium, susceptibility 296 297 299
Sandwich experiments see Tunnelling experiments
Sapphire, effect of neutron irradiation 66
Sapphire, thermal conductivity 60 61
Sapphire, thermal conductivity of 59 60 61
Sapphire, thermal conductivity of, effect of irradiation damage 65
Sarginson, K. see MacDonald
Satterthwaite, C. B. see Corak
Satterthwaite, C. B. (1962), Phys. Rev. 873 130
Saturation of magnetic moment 291 301 317 320
Saturation of magneto-resistive effect 109 110
Saturation, paramagnetic resonance 339
Scattering cross-section of vibrating atom 93
| Scattering cross-section of vibrating atom, in semiconductors 222
Scattering of electrons in metals 43 44 111 222
Scattering of electrons in metals by boundaries 98 ff.
Scattering of electrons in metals by boundaries of normal-superconducting phases 133
Scattering of electrons in metals by dislocations 75 18 111 113 136
Scattering of electrons in metals by impurities 73 75 76 80 111 112 113 119 120
Scattering of electrons in metals by other electrons 80 97
Scattering of electrons in metals by phonons 73 75 80 91 111 113
Scattering of electrons in metals by point defects 72 73 75 81 111 113 141
Scattering of electrons in metals by stacking faults 84 113 136 137
Scattering of electrons in metals, scattering 80 97
Scattering of electrons in metals, at high temperatures 94
Scattering of electrons in metals, comparison with semiconductors 222 223 224
Scattering of electrons in metals, restrictions on electron-phonon interactions 92
Scattering of electrons in metals, Rutherford scattering 77
Scattering of electrons in metals, thermo-electricity 266
Scattering of electrons in metals, through small angles 92 114 115
Scattering of electrons in metals, umklapp-processes 73 92 96 116 118 121
Scattering of electrons in semiconductors 222 223
Scattering of electrons in semiconductors by dislocations and point defects 226
Scattering of electrons in semiconductors by ionized impurities 222 224 227 235 236 244
Scattering of electrons in semiconductors by ionized impurities mean free path 224
Scattering of electrons in semiconductors by neutral impurities 222 225 227 235 237 244
Scattering of electrons in semiconductors by neutral impurities mean free path 225
Scattering of electrons in semiconductors by phonons 222 223 227 235 244 258
Scattering of electrons in semiconductors by phonons mean free path 224 235 236
Scattering of electrons in semiconductors, Brooks — Herring formula 225
Scattering of electrons in semiconductors, comparison with metals 222 223 224
Scattering of electrons in semiconductors, due to optical modes 236
Scattering of electrons in semiconductors, in cyclotron resonance 241
Scattering of electrons in semiconductors, Rutherford scattering 224 (see also Phonon drag)
Scattering of phonons 43 44
Scattering of phonons by boundaries 53 55 59 99 131 143
Scattering of phonons by boundaries of dislocations 55 59 66 121 136 137
Scattering of phonons by boundaries of normal-superconducting phases 133
Scattering of phonons by electrons 120 131 137 145
Scattering of phonons by irradiation damage 64
Scattering of phonons by isotopes 54 59 62 143
Scattering of phonons by nondegenerate electron system 144
Scattering of phonons by other phonons 49 59
Scattering of phonons by point defects 54 59 64 121 122 143
Scattering of phonons by small angle grain boundaries 57
Scattering of phonons by spins 57
Scattering of phonons by stacking faults 57 137
Scattering of phonons, formulae 59
Scattering of phonons, in amorphous materials 46
Scattering of phonons, specular reflection 61
Scattering of phonons, summary of behaviour 58 59
Scattering of phonons, with normal regions of a superconductor 133 (see also Phonon drag)
Schawlow, A. L. (1956), Phys. Rev. 101 573 178 plate
Schl mann, E. see Leibfried
Schmid, E. see Meissner
Schneidmesser, B. see Berman
Schottky specific heat 2 23 326 343 344
Schottky specific heat, analysis of data 26 343 344
Schottky specific heat, cerium ethyl sulphate 29
Schottky specific heat, comparison with magnitude of electronic and lattice specific heats 25
Schottky specific heat, curve 25
Schottky specific heat, data for a two-level system 26
Schottky specific heat, data for two levels with various degeneracies 26
Schottky specific heat, experiments 28
Schottky specific heat, ferric methylamraonium sulphate 29
Schottky specific heat, from magnetic measurements 326
Schottky specific heat, in adiabatic demagnetization 346
Schottky specific heat, independence of ions 28
Schottky, W. (1922), Phys. Z. 23 448 23
Schrieffer, J. R. see Bardeen
Schulz-Du Bois, E. O. (1960), Progr. in Cryogenics 2 173 341
Sclar, N. (1956), Phys. Rev 104 1548 1559 226
Sclar, N., and Burstein, E. (1957), J. Phys. Chem. Solids 2 1. 260 261
Screening effect of electrons 77
Screw dislocation 359
Seebeck coefficient, definition 262 263
Seeger, A. (1956), Can. J. Phys. 34 1219:
Seeger, A. (1956a), Phil. Mag. 1 651 384
Seidel, G. see Keesom P.
Seitz, F. see Dexter
Seitz, F. (1940), Modern Theory of Solids (McGraw Hill, New York) 13
Seitz, F. (1948), Phys. Rev. 73 549 224
Seitz, F. (1949), Disc. Farad. Soc. 5 271 66
Selection rules 332 337 338 339
Semi-metals, thermal conductivity 142
Semiconductors 210 ff.; see Germanium Silicon Indium
Semiconductors, absorption coefficient 244 249
Semiconductors, absorption of radiation, by carriers 245 248 252
Semiconductors, acceptor and donor levels 212 213 214 239
Semiconductors, band structure 210 228 230 236 241
Semiconductors, band, conduction 210 228 230 236 250
Semiconductors, Brooks — Herring formula 225 237
Semiconductors, by localized states 245
Semiconductors, by phonons 245 252
Semiconductors, carrier density 214 219 233
Semiconductors, change of sign 232
Semiconductors, combination of 226 236
Semiconductors, compensation 213 221 232 237 238 239
Semiconductors, conduction mechanism 210 212
Semiconductors, constant 224
Semiconductors, cryosar 260
Semiconductors, curvature 228
Semiconductors, cyclotron resonance 230 240
Semiconductors, de Haas — van Alphen effect 357
Semiconductors, degeneracy 232 235 278
Semiconductors, degeneracy temperature 233
Semiconductors, density of states 217
Semiconductors, diamond 211
Semiconductors, dielectric constant 212 224 225
Semiconductors, drift mobility 228
Semiconductors, due to optical modes 236
Semiconductors, effective mass 225 229 240 243 258
Semiconductors, effective masses of carriers 242
Semiconductors, electrical conductivity 211 214 232 233 237 247
Semiconductors, electron-phonon interaction 248
Semiconductors, energy gap 74 210 216 219 220 222 232 245
Semiconductors, energy surface 228 241 243
Semiconductors, excitation 210 213 214 216 218 21 231 232 237 243
Semiconductors, excitation to bound states 245 254
Semiconductors, exhaustion region 232 234
Semiconductors, experiments 230 235 243 247
Semiconductors, extrinsic properties 213 232
Semiconductors, Fermi energy 216 221 233
Semiconductors, filled zone 210
Semiconductors, Hall coefficient and effect 204 214 220 221 226 229 230 233 247 258
Semiconductors, Hall mobility 226 236
Semiconductors, high temperatures 220
Semiconductors, holes 210 213 216
Semiconductors, impact ionization 257 ff. 261
Semiconductors, impurities, groups III And V 211 212 213
Semiconductors, impurities, randomness of distribution 240
Semiconductors, impurity band 238 240
Semiconductors, impurity conduction 237 261 283
Semiconductors, impurity levels 211 ff.
Semiconductors, influence on mobility 224
Semiconductors, infra-red detectors 245 252 257
Semiconductors, infrared absorption 244 ff.
Semiconductors, intrinsic 245
Semiconductors, intrinsic energy gap, table 211
Semiconductors, intrinsic properties 217 222 232 233
Semiconductors, ionization energy of 250 251
Semiconductors, ionized impurities 222 224 227 233 236 244
Semiconductors, junctions 219
Semiconductors, lifetime 214 253 254
Semiconductors, light and heavy 229 241
Semiconductors, low temperatures 221 237
Semiconductors, magnetic field effects 261
Semiconductors, magneto-resistance 261
Semiconductors, Maxwell — Boltzmann statistics 222 232
Semiconductors, Minority carriers 221 238 239
Semiconductors, mobilities 236
Semiconductors, mobility 214 215 222 229 232 233 234 235 243 259 261
Semiconductors, multiple levels 213
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