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Rosenberg H.M. — Low temperature solid state physics. Some selected topics |
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Superconductivity, thermal expansion 162
Superconductivity, thermodynamics 156 160 162 171
Superconductivity, thermopower 264 276
Superconductivity, thin films, magnetization 160 ff.
Superconductivity, torus 152 181
Superconductivity, transformer 209
Superconductivity, transition fields 150 151
Superconductivity, transition temperatures, GdRu in ThRu 184
Superconductivity, transition temperatures, Indium alloys 184
Superconductivity, transition temperatures, RhZr alloys 183
Superconductivity, transition, temperature 126 147
Superconductivity, trapped flux 133 152 153 154
Superconductivity, tunnelling experiments 199
Superconductivity, tunnelling experiments, Al 202
Superconductivity, tunnelling experiments, Al-Pb 204
Superconductivity, two-fluid model 128 158 187 197 198 277
Superconductivity, virtual interactions 190 191
Superconductivity, weak coupling 197
Superconductivity, width, 176 179 186
Superconductivity, zero resistivity 147 154 195
Superconductivity, ‘sponge’ structure 181
Surface currents In superconductors 152 163
Surface energy of superconducting normal boundary 176 186 187 851910
Surface reactance and resistance of superconductors 168
Surface recombinaton 243
Susceptibility, a.c. see Paramagnetic relaxation
Susceptibility, adiabatic 23 325
Susceptibility, cerium ethylsulphate 306
Susceptibility, chromium potassium alum 296
Susceptibility, chromium potassium alum, a.c. 321
Susceptibility, complex 320
Susceptibility, diamagnetic 286
Susceptibility, Hg colloid 166
Susceptibility, MnP 315
Susceptibility, O in clathrate 319
Susceptibility, paramagnetic, summary 318 (see also Paramagnetic susceptibility)
Susceptibility, praseodymium sulphate 303
Susceptibility, ytterbium sulphate 302
Symmetry of paramagnetic crystals 298 335
Symmetry of paramagnetic crystals, effect on level splittings 294 2 98— 335
Tainsh, R. J. see Harper Kemp
Tantalum, high, critical field 149
Tantalum, resistivity ratio 81
Teller, E. see Jahn
Temperature dependent electrical resistivity 91 ff.
Temperature independent paramagnetism 301 309 318 319 343
Temperature of maximum in thermal conductivity, metals 117 118
Temperature of maximum in thermal conductivity, non-metals 62
Templeton, I. M. see Christian Gold Macdonald Pearson
Tensile properties 363 ff. (see also Mechanical properties)
Tensile properties, alkali metals 371
Tensile properties, b.c.c. metals 363 370
Tensile properties, brittle fracture 370
Tensile properties, correspondence with fatigue 380
Tensile properties, cross-slip 366
Tensile properties, ductile- brittle transition 363
Tensile properties, easy glide 364
Tensile properties, f.c.c., and hexagonal metals 363 364
Tensile properties, fracture strength 369 391
Tensile properties, metals which remain plastic 364
Tensile properties, serrated stress-strain curves 372
Tensile properties, stages 1, 2, 3, of stress-strain curve 364 365 369
Tensile properties, strain-rate experiments 366
Tensile properties, thermal activation of dislocations 360 363 365 366 373 374 375 385
Tensile properties, twinning 372
Tensile properties, unstable flow 373
Tensile properties, zinc 371
Tensile strength, Al, Ag, Au, Cu 370
Tensile strength, ratio, tensile/fatigue strengths, Ag, Au, Cd, Cu 380 391
Terbium, specific heat 31
Tewordt, L. see Bardeen
Thermal activation of dislocations 360 365 366 373 374 375 385
Thermal conductivity of alloys 43 113 122 124 126 137
Thermal conductivity of metals 43 111
Thermal conductivity of metals, Cr, Hf, Mo, Nb, Ti, V, Zr 119 122
Thermal conductivity of metals, CuZn 122 123 124 125 138
Thermal conductivity of metals, deviations from theory 116
Thermal conductivity of metals, effect of electrical resistivity minimum 146
Thermal conductivity of metals, electronic 43 111
Thermal conductivity of metals, electronic thermal resistivity due to, dislocations and stacking faults 111 113
Thermal conductivity of metals, electrons 120 145
Thermal conductivity of metals, Ga, anisotropy of 145
Thermal conductivity of metals, general pattern 117 118
Thermal conductivity of metals, heat flow down rods of various materials 127
Thermal conductivity of metals, impurities 111 112 113 117 121 122
Thermal conductivity of metals, intermediate state of 131
Thermal conductivity of metals, lattice conduction 119 120 136
Thermal conductivity of metals, Lorenz number 112 120
Thermal conductivity of metals, low conductivity alloys 124
Thermal conductivity of metals, magneto-resistance effects 146
Thermal conductivity of metals, maximum in 117
Thermal conductivity of metals, Na 117
Thermal conductivity of metals, non-degenerate electron band 144
Thermal conductivity of metals, oscillatory 146
Thermal conductivity of metals, phonon thermal resistance due to, dislocations 121
Thermal conductivity of metals, phonons 111 113
Thermal conductivity of metals, point defects 111 113 124
Thermal conductivity of metals, pure metal 122
Thermal conductivity of metals, semi-metals 142
Thermal conductivity of metals, separation of electronic and phonon contributions 122
Thermal conductivity of metals, small angle scattering 114 115 120
Thermal conductivity of metals, study of imperfections 136 ff.
Thermal conductivity of metals, superconductors 122 125 137 140 161 197
Thermal conductivity of metals, technical alloys 124 126
Thermal conductivity of metals, temperature variation of 120
Thermal conductivity of metals, thermal switch 134
Thermal conductivity of metals, Wiedemann — Franz law 112 115 120 122 142
Thermal conductivity of non-metals 43 ff.
Thermal conductivity of non-metals, anharmonicity 45
Thermal conductivity of non-metals, boundary scattering 53 55 58 59 62
Thermal conductivity of non-metals, Debye theory 44 ff.
Thermal conductivity of non-metals, dislocation scattering 55 59 66
Thermal conductivity of non-metals, elastic continuum 44 45
Thermal conductivity of non-metals, experimental results 59 ff.
Thermal conductivity of non-metals, exponential rise 52 55 58 62 63
Thermal conductivity of non-metals, glasses and polycrystalline specimens 44 67
Thermal conductivity of non-metals, high temperatures 53 55
Thermal conductivity of non-metals, irradiation damage 64
Thermal conductivity of non-metals, isotope scattering 54 58 59 62
Thermal conductivity of non-metals, point defect scattering 52 54 58 59 64
Thermal conductivity of non-metals, semiconductors 43 111 143
Thermal conductivity of non-metals, summary of behaviour 58 59
Thermal conductivity of non-metals, temperature of maximum 62
Thermal conductivity of non-metals, umklapp-processes 49 57 59 62
Thermal conductivity of non-metals, vibrational spectrum of discrete lattice 47
Thermal conductivity, Al, superconducting/normal 130
Thermal conductivity, Cd, in magnetic field 145
Thermal conductivity, ChZn alloys 123 125
Thermal conductivity, deformed 138
Thermal conductivity, Ge, isotope effect 64
Thermal conductivity, Ge, pure and -type 144
Thermal conductivity, heat flow down rods of technical materials 127
Thermal conductivity, In, normal and superconducting 129
Thermal conductivity, microcrystalline and glassy materials 67
Thermal conductivity, Nb, normal and superconducting, irradiated 142
Thermal conductivity, Or, Cu, Li, Na 119
Thermal conductivity, Pb, normal and superconducting 129
Thermal conductivity, Pb, superconducting, deformed 141
Thermal conductivity, PbBi alloy, intermediate state 134 135
Thermal conductivity, reduced diagram for several crystals, isotope effect 65
Thermal conductivity, sapphire 60 61 66
Thermal conductivity, sapphire, neutron irradiated 66
Thermal conductivity, Sb, lattice and electronic 143
Thermal conductivity, scattering mechanisms for phonons, formulae 59
Thermal conductivity, Sn, superconducting 132
Thermal conductivity, solders, nylon, Perspex, glass, graphite, and technical alloys 67 126
Thermal conductivity, solid helium 63
Thermal conductivity, Zn, in high magnetic field 145
Thermal equilibrium, by -processes 52
Thermal equilibrium, establishment at low temperatures 7 8
| Thermal expansion 36 ff. 46 245;
Thermal expansion, alkali halides 41
Thermal expansion, considerations in apparatus design 41
Thermal expansion, contribution from electrons 40
Thermal expansion, experimental results 39
Thermal expansion, simple explanation 36
Thermal expansion, superconductors 162
Thermal expansion, table of coefficients and Gruneisen 41
Thermal expansion, thermodynamic derivation 36
Thermal expansion, transition metals 40
Thermal switch 134
Thermo-electricity 262 ff.
Thermo-electricity, alkali metals 268
Thermo-electricity, boundary scattering 283
Thermo-electricity, coefficients 262 ff.
Thermo-electricity, correlation with resistance minimum 89 272 276
Thermo-electricity, effect of carrier concentration 283
Thermo-electricity, free electron metal 265 266
Thermo-electricity, impurity effects 272
Thermo-electricity, in impurity conduction range 283
Thermo-electricity, low temperature measuring technique 264
Thermo-electricity, Nemst, effect 261
Thermo-electricity, noble metals 267
Thermo-electricity, phonon drag 280 ff.
Thermo-electricity, phonon drag, metals 269
Thermo-electricity, positive 265 267 268
Thermo-electricity, semiconductors 261 278
Thermo-electricity, superconductors 264 276
Thermo-electricity, theory 264
Thermo-electricity, thermocouples for low temperatures 275
Thermo-electricity, thermopower of lead, data 264 269
Thermocouples for low temperature use 262 275
Thermocouples for low temperature use, copper, constantan 275
Thermocouples for low temperature use, gold cobalt:silver gold 275
Thermocouples for low temperature use, gold iron 276
Thermocouples for low temperature use, reproducibility 276
Thermodynamics see also Third law of thermodynamics
Thermodynamics, intermediate state 176
Thermodynamics, mechanical properties 162
Thermodynamics, of paramagnetic substances 326
Thermodynamics, of superconductors 156 160 162 171
Thermodynamics, of thermal expansion 36
Thermodynamics, relation between and 3
Thermopower and thermo-electric force, Au Co:Ag Au 276
Thermopower and thermo-electric force, Cu 267
Thermopower and thermo-electric force, Cu and alloys, resistance minimum 274
Thermopower and thermo-electric force, Cu, constantan 276
Thermopower and thermo-electric force, Ge, -type 279
Thermopower and thermo-electric force, Li, K, impurity effect 273
Thermopower and thermo-electric force, Li, Na, and K 268
Thermopower and thermo-electric force, Pb, table 264
Thermopower and thermo-electric force, Si, -type 280
Thermopower and thermo-electric force, Sn, superconductivity 277
Thermopower, definition 263 (see also Thermo-electricity)
Theta for longitudinal phonons 117
Theta from resistivity data, 95
Thickness of laminae in intermediate state 177
Thin films and rods, cryotron 208
Thin films and rods, electrical resistivity 98 ff.
Thin films and rods, electron microscopy 84 139
Thin films and rods, magnetic moment and penetration depth 165 ff.
Thin films and rods, magneto-resistance size effect 100
Thin films and rods, superconductors, critical field 171
Thin films and rods, tunnelling experiments 199
Third law of thermodynamics, application to, elastic moduli 360
Third law of thermodynamics, application to, elastic moduli, superconducting transition field 157
Third law of thermodynamics, application to, elastic moduli, thermal expansion 88 39
Third law of thermodynamics, application to, elastic moduli, thermo-electricity 262
Thomas, J. G. see Mendoza
Thompson, M. W. see Chaudhuri
Thomson coefficient, definition 262 (see also Thermo-electricity)
Thorsen, A. C., and Berlincourt, T. G., Phys. Rev. Letters 6 617 357
Time effects in superconductivity 178
Tin, electrical resistivity of thin foils 101
Tin, grey, not superconductor 185
Tin, high-frequency resistance 170
Tin, hysteresis in superconducting transition 179
Tin, magnetization of superconducting films 172
Tin, magnetization of thin films 172
Tin, nucleation of superconductivity 179
Tin, penetration depth 170
Tin, resistivity of thin foils 100 101
Tin, sharpness of superconducting transition 148 149
Tin, small specimens, field penetration 177
Tin, specific heat, normal and superconducting 158 159
Tin, superconducting bolometer 209
Tin, superconducting transition 14 150
Tin, superconducting, specific heat 159
Tin, thermal conductivity 132
Tin, thermal conductivity, intermediate state 133
Tin, thermopower, superconductivity 277
Tin, thermpower 269 277
Tinkham, M. see Ginsberg Glover Richards P.
Tirmizi, S. M. A. see Berman
Titanium, resistivity ratio 81
Titanium, thermal conductivity 119 122
Torus, superconducting 152 181
Townes, C. H. see Gordon
Transformer, superconducting 209
Transition alloys 181
Transition dependence on, field direction 149 154
Transition dependence on, measuring current 151
Transition dependence on, reversibility 155 156
Transition dependence on, sharpness of 148 149 174 187
Transition dependence on, thin films 172
Transition group metals, electrical resistivity 98
Transition group metals, electronic specific heat 20
Transition metals alloys, electrical conductivity 77 79
Transition metals, band structure 18 79 97
Transition metals, effect on resistance minimum and maximum 87
Transition metals, electrical conductivity 97
Transition metals, electronic specific heat 18
Transition metals, magnetic properties see Magnetic properties
Transition metals, thermal conductivity 118
Transition metals, thermal expansion 40
Transition probability in resonance experiments 330 339
Transition temperature, of co-operative effects 32 33 35
Transition temperature, of superconductors, table 200
Transition, superconducting 126 147 149
Transverse effective mass 230 241 242
Transverse field, destruction of superconductivity by 149 154 174
Transverse Hall effect 214
Transverse phonons 51
Transverse phonons, do not interact with electrons 117
Trapped flux in superconductor see Frozen-in flux
Trapping of carriers in semiconductors 240 243 253 254
Trapping of carriers in semiconductors, at surface 243
Trapping of carriers in semiconductors, difference in and -type materials 255
Trapping of carriers in semiconductors, temperature dependence 254
Trichlorides 305
Tungsten alloys, superconductivity 182
Tunnel effect in creep 377
Tunnelling experiments with superconductors 199 ff.
Tunnelling experiments, Al 202
Tunnelling experiments, Al — Pb 204
Tutton salts 305
Tutton salts, number of ions per unit cell 335
Twinning 372
Two fluid model of superconductivity 128 158 187 197 198 277
Two stage demagnetization 135
Tyler, W. W. see Newman
Ultrasonic measurement of elastic constants 361 362
Umklapp-processes, electrons 73 92 94 96 116 118 121
Umklapp-processes, electrons, effect of non-spherical Fermi surface 96
Umklapp-processes, phonons 49 55 57 59 62
Umklapp-processes, phonons, experiments on sapphire 59
Umklapp-processes, phonons, phonon drag 271
Umklapp-processes, phonons, probability of 52
Umklapp-processes, phonons, solid He 62
Uranium, resistivity ratio 81
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