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Rosenberg H.M. — Low temperature solid state physics. Some selected topics |
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Chloro-iridates 306
Chloro-iridates, specific heat associated with anti-ferromagnetic transition 34
Chloroiridates, specific heat 34
Chotkewitsch, W, I. see Shubnikov
Christian, J. W., and Spreadborough, J., (1956), Phil. Mag. 1 1069 85
Christian, J. W., Jan, J. P., Pearson, W. B., and Templeton, I. M. (1958), Proc. Roy. Soc. A 245 213 264
Chromium potassium alum, susceptibility 295 296
Chromium potassium alum, susceptibility, d a.c 321
Chromium potassium alum, susceptibility, d.c 296
Chromium, effect on resistance minimum and maximum 88
Chromium, thermal conductivity 119
Clark, C. W. see Giauque
Classical theory of specific heats 3
Clathrate, oxygen, susceptibility 319
Clathrates 318
Clausius — Clapeyron equation for superconductors 162
Closed orbits 109 110
Closed shell 288
Clusius, K. (1932), Z. Mektrochem. 38 312 147
Clusius, K., and Perlick, A. (1934), Z. Phys. Chem. B 24 313 33
Co-operative effects, anti-ferromagnetism 33
Co-operative effects, entropy 33
Co-operative effects, ferromagnetism 310
Co-operative effects, lambda point 32
Co-operative effects, rotational ordering 33
Co-operative effects, specific heat 2 32
Co-operative effects, transition temperature 32
Cohen, A. Foner (1957), Proc. 6th Int. Conf. Low Temp. Phys., and Chem. (University of Wisconsin Press) p. 355 66
Coherence length in superconducting states 185 186 187 189 192
Cold worked see also Deformation
Cold worked surfaces, of superconductors 171
Collins, S. C. (1955), Conf. de Phys. des Basses Temp Suppl. to Bulletin of the Intern. Inst. of Refrigeration (Pans) p. 588 149
Coltman, R. R. see Blewitt
Columbium see Niobium
Combination of mobilities in semiconductors 226 236
Combination of spin and orbital magnetic moments 289
Compensation in semiconductors 213 232 237 238 239
Compensation in semiconductors, by neutron irradiation 240
Compensation in semiconductors, in impurity conduction 238 ff.
Compensation point 317
Complex susceptibility 320
Compounds, superconducting 180 205
Compressibility see Elastic constants
Conduction band 210 228 230 236 250
Conduction electrons, diamagnetic susceptibility see de Haas — van Aiphen effect
Conduction electrons, paramagnetic resonance 337
Conduction electrons, paramagnetic susceptibility 348
Conductivity, electrical see Electrical conductivity
Conductivity, thermal see Thermal conductivity
Conservation laws for electron-phonon interactions 92 189 190 281
Conservation laws for phonon-phonon interactions 49
Constantan, thermal conductivity 124 127
Contact with zone boundary see Zone
Conwell, E. M. see Debye P.
Conwell, E. M. (1956), Phys. Rev. 103 51:
Conwell, E. M., and Weisskopf, V. F. (1950), Phys. Rev. 77 38a 225
Cooke, A. H. see Bogle
Cooke, A. H. (1950), Repts. on Progr. in Phys. 13 276 320
Cooke, A. H. (1960), Amer. J. Phys. 28 91 188 192;
Cooke, A. H. Meyer, H., and Wolf, W. P. (1956), Proc. Roy. Soc. A 237 404 29
Cooke, A. H. Meyer, H., and Wolf, W. P., Evans, D. F., and Richards, R. E., Proc. Roy. Soc. A 225 319
Cooke, A. H., and Duffus, H. J. (1954), Proc. Phys. Soc. A 67 525 318
Cooke, A. H., and Duffus, H. J., and Wolf, W. P. (1953), Phil. Mag. 44 623 307
Cooke, A. H., and Edmonds, D. T. (1958), Proc„ Phys. Soc. 71
Cooper, L. N. (1956), Phys. Rev. 104 1189 194
copper see also Noble metals
Copper alloys, CuAu, ordered and disordered, electrical resistivity 79
Copper alloys, CuFe, resistivity minimum 89
Copper alloys, CuZn, Debye 6 22
Copper alloys, CuZn, deformed, dislocation densities 139 140
Copper alloys, CuZn, deformed, electrical resistivity 85
Copper alloys, CuZn, deformed, thermal conductivity 138
Copper alloys, CuZn, stacking fault probability 85
Copper alloys, CuZn, thermal conductivity 123 125
Copper alloys, electrical conductivity 77
Copper alloys, electrical resistivity, rule 77
Copper alloys, thermo-electric force, resistance minimum 274
Copper gold alloys, electrical conductivity 72 76
Copper gold alloys, electrical conductivity, Cu Au ordering 72 80
Copper iron alloys, temperature of resistance minimum 89
Copper nickel, thermal conductivity after deformation 137
Copper potassium sulphate, HFS 3 8
Copper potassium sulphate, nuclear HFS 338
Copper tutton salt, number of ions per unit cell 335
Copper zinc alloys, after deformation 137
Copper zinc alloys, effect of deformation on resistivity 84
Copper zinc alloys, lattice specific heat 21
Copper zinc alloys, stacking fault probability 84
Copper zinc alloys, thermal conductivity 122 123 124 138
Copper, creep 374
Copper, crystal, magneto-resistance 109
Copper, de Haas — van Alphen effect 356 357
Copper, effect of deformation on resistivity 84
Copper, effect of Sn on thermopower 274
Copper, fatigue 379 383
Copper, Fermi surface, from anomalous skin effect 104 105 109
Copper, Gr neisen, 39 40
Copper, heat flow down rods 127
Copper, high purity, resistivity ratio 81
Copper, internal friction 382 383
Copper, magneto-resistance 108
Copper, recovery of resistivity after irradiation 85 86
Copper, resistance minimum 87 272
Copper, serrated stress-strain curves 372
Copper, specific heat 4
Copper, stacking fault resistivity 84
Copper, temperature variation of shear modulus 361
Copper-constantan thermocouple 275 276
Corak, W. S., Goodman, B. B., Satterthwaite, C. B., and Wexler, A. (1954), Phys. Rev. 96 1442 161
Corenzwit, E. see Hein Matthias
Corrosion in fatigue 378 381
Corruccini, R. J. see Powell R.
Corundum see Sapphire
Cottrell, A. H. (1953), Dislocations and Plastic Flow in Crystals (Clarendon Press, Oxford) 359 370
Cottrell, A. H. (1958), Vacancies and Other Point Defects in Metals and Alloys (1nstitution of Metals, London) p. 1 85
Cottrell, A. H. (1958a), Trans. Met. Soc. A.I.M.E. 1952 371
Cottrell, A. H., and Hull, D. (1957), Proc. Roy. Soc. A 242 211 379
Coupling see Interaction Scattering
Covalent ions, paramagnetism 304 308
Crack propagation 381
Creep of metals 373 ff.
Creep of metals, exhaustion theory 374
Creep of metals, liquid He temperatures 377
Creep of metals, logarithmic creep law 373 375
Creep of metals, tunnel effect 377
Creep, Cu 374
Critical field of superconductors 149
Critical field of superconductors, curves 149 150
Critical field of superconductors, deviations from 151 160 197
Critical field of superconductors, parabolic law 149
Critical field of superconductors, small specimens 171
Critical shear stress see Yield stress
Croft, A. J., Faulkner, E. A., Hatton, J., and Seymour, E. F. W. (1953), Phil. Mag. 44 289 89
Cross slip 366
Cryostat design see Design of apparatus
Cryotron 205
Crystalline electric field 292
Cu, constantan, thermo-electric force 276
Cu, de Haas — van Alphen effect 356 356
Cu, elastic coefficient, 361
Cu, electrical resistivity deformed 83
Cu, electrical resistivity deformed, recovery after deformation 88
Cu, electrical resistivity deformed, recovery after irradiation 86 87
Cu, fatigue 379
Cu, Fermi surface 105
Cu, force-distance curves 369
Cu, Gr neisen 40
Cu, internal friction 383
Cu, ratio tensile/fatigue strengths 380
Cu, serrated stress-strain curve 372
| Cu, specific heat 17
Cu, tensile strength 370
Cu, thermal conductivity 119
Cu, thermopower 267 274
Cuevas. M. see Fritzsehe
Curie constant, 3 group 295
Curie constant, 4 group 297
Curie — Weiss law 310 311 318 347
Curie’s law 292
Curie’s law, departures from 292 295 297 298 306 309 318 343 347
Curie’s law, experimental confirmation 295
Current density, ratio of normal to superconducting 168
Current, electric, simple treatment 72 113 210
Curvature of energy surfaces 228
Cyanides, complex, paramagnetism 304 308
Cyclotron resonance in semiconductors 230 240
Cyclotron resonance in semiconductors, conditions for observation 244
Cyclotron resonance in semiconductors, determination of mobility 243
Cyclotron resonance in semiconductors, difficulty with metals 243
Cyclotron resonance in semiconductors, experimental results 241
Cyclotron resonance in semiconductors, temperature dependence 243
Cyclotron resonance in semiconductors, using infrared 241 243
Cyclotron resonance in semiconductors, width of line 243
Cyclotron resonance, effective masses, table 215
Cyclotron resonance, in Si 242
D sirant, M., and Shoenberg, D. (1948), Proc. Phys. Soc. 60 413 167
D sirant, M., and Shoenberg, D. (1948a), Proc. Roy. Soc. A 194 63:
Darby, J., Hatton, J., Rollin, B. V., Seymour, E. F. W., and Silsbee, H. B. (1951), Proc. Phys. Soc. A 64 861 135
Dark current 257
Daunt, J. G. see Heer
Daunt, J. G., and Mendelssohn, K. (1938), Nature 141 116 128 277
Daunt, J. G., and Mendelssohn, K. (1946), Proc. Roy. Soc. A 185 225:
Davis, D. D. see Bozorth
Davis, H. see Beyen
De Boer, J. H. see de Haas
De Haas — Van Alphen effect 110 146 354 355 948
de Haas — van Alphen effect, Al, Ga, Zn 355
de Haas — van Alphen effect, conditions for observation 354
de Haas — van Alphen effect, Cu, facing 356 Plate 2
de Haas — van Alphen effect, Fermi surface investigations 349 353 354 365 356
de Haas — van Alphen effect, main periods, Cu, Ag, Au, table 356
de Haas — van Alphen effect, periodicity of oscillations 353
de Haas — van Alphen effect, quantized states 350
de Haas — van Alphen effect, semiconductors 357
de Haas, W. J, and Bremmer, H (1936), Physica 3 672 687 126
de Haas, W. J, and Bremmer, H. (1931), Proc. Ron. Akad. Wet. Amst. 34 325 126
de Haas, W. J, and de Boer, J. H. (1934), Physica 609 98
de Haas, W. J, and de Boer, J. H., and van den Berg, G. J. (1934), Physica 1 1115 87 88
de Haas, W. J, and Gorter, C. J. (1930), Leiden Comm. 208c 296
de Haas, W. J, and van Alphen, P. M,, Leiden Comm. 212a 349
De Haas, W. J. see Gorter
de Haas, W. J., and Voogd, J. (1931), Leiden Comm. 214c 149
de Haas, W. J., and Voogd, J., and Jonker, J. M. (1934), Physica 1 281 150
de Klerk, D. (1956), Hand. d. Phys. 15 38 344
Debye , CuZn alloys 22
Debye , elements, table 8
Debye , from elastic constants and specific heat, Sn, Cu, KCl, KBr, KI 13
Debye , temperature variation, Na, K 12
Debye , temperature variation, Zn, Cd 14
Debye characteristic temperature, 6
Debye characteristic temperature, , for CuZn alloys 21 22
Debye characteristic temperature, , for longitudinal phonons 117
Debye characteristic temperature, , calculation from elastic constants 13
Debye characteristic temperature, , change with purity 123
Debye characteristic temperature, , in thermal expansion theory 38
Debye characteristic temperature, , table 8
Debye relaxation expressions 320
Debye specific heat function 7
Debye theory of specific heats 5 47 68
Debye theory of specific heats, law 6 7
Debye theory of specific heats, deviations 11 117 118
Debye theory of specific heats, function 6 7
Debye theory of specific heats, vibrational spectrum 94 116
Debye theory of thermal conductivity 44 ff.
Debye theory of thermal conductivity, objections to 46
Debye, P. (1912), Ann. Phys. (4) 39 789 5
Debye, P. (1914), Vortrage uber die kinetische Theorie der Materie und der fflektrizitat, M. Plank et al. (Teubner, Leipzig and Berlin), p. 19 44
Debye, P. (1929), Polar Molecules (The Chemical Catalog Co. Inc.—Reinhold Publishing Corp.), ch. 5 320
Debye, P. P., and Conwell, E. M. (1954), Phys.Rev. 93 231
defects see Dislocations Irradiation Point
Deformation, effect on, electrical conductivity 83 226
Deformation, effect on, internal friction 382 ff.
Deformation, effect on, sharpness of superconducting transition 148
Deformation, effect on, thermal conductivity 136 1
Deformation, effect on, thermopower 275
Deformation, recovery of resistivity 85 91
Degeneracy temperature 233
Degeneracy, in semiconductors 232 235 278
Degeneracy, in semiconductors, removal at very low temperatures 309
Degrees of freedom 3
Dekker, A. J. (1957), Solid State Physics (Prentice Hall, New Yoik, Macmillan, London) 68 218 220 308 316 359
Density of carriers in semiconductor see Carrier density
Density of states of AgCd alloys 21
Density of states, semiconductor 217
Density of states, superconductor 194
Density of states, transition metals 19
Design of apparatus, heat flow down rods of various materials 127
Design of apparatus, low thermal conductivity alloys 124
Design of apparatus, thermal expansion 41
Design of apparatus, thermal switch 134
DeSorbo, W. (1960), Phys. Rev. Letters 4 406 178
Destruction of superconductivity: by current 149 179
Destruction of superconductivity: by field 149 154 174
Destruction of superconductivity: thin films 172
Detectors of infra-red see Infra-red detectors
Determination of purity, by electrical conductivity measurement 80
Deuteron irradiation, recovery of electrical resistivity 85
Deviations from Debye specific heat theory 11 117 118
Devices, semiconducting, cryosar 260
Devices, semiconducting, infra-red detectors 257
Devices, superconducting 204 ff.
Devices, superconducting, bolometer 209
Devices, superconducting, cryotron 205
Devices, superconducting, soelnoid 205
Devices, superconducting, transformer 209
Dexter, D. L., and Seitz, F. (1952), Phys. Rev. 86 964 226
Diamagnetic materials, nuclear specific heat 32
Diamagnetism 285 286 288
Diamagnetism, approximate value 287
Diamagnetism, of metals 348 ff.
Diamagnetism, of superconductor 154 156
Diamond, Debye and specific heat 61
Diamond, energy gap 211
Diamond, thermal conductivity 61
Dielectric constant of semiconductor 212 225
Dilution, magnetic 292 304 307 316 347
Dingle, R.B. (1953), Physica 19 311 102
Dipole-dipole interaction 304 307 319
Dipole-dipole moment see Magnetic moment
Direct and indirect transitions in semiconductors 247
Direct process for spin-lattice relaxation 324 329
Discontinuous yielding 372
Discrete lattice, vibrational spectrum 47
Discrete lattice, vibrational spectrum, optical branch 52
Dislocation densities, deformed CuZn alloys 139 140
Dislocations 136 359
Dislocations, density, determination from heat conduction 137
Dislocations, electrical resistivity 75 82
Dislocations, electronic thermal resistivity 111 113
Dislocations, forest 360 365
Dislocations, impurity atmosphere 370
Dislocations, internal friction 382
Dislocations, loops after irradiation 141
Dislocations, obstacles to motion 360 365
Dislocations, Peierls — Nabarro force 385
Dislocations, scattering of electrons 75 81 111 113 136
Dislocations, scattering of phonons 55 59 66 121 136
Dislocations, sessile 365
Dislocations, stacking faults 57
Dislocations, strain field 56
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