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Rosenberg H.M. — Low temperature solid state physics. Some selected topics |
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Semiconductors, Nernst effect 261
Semiconductors, neutral impurities 222 227 235 237 244
Semiconductors, optical absorption 244 ff.
Semiconductors, overlap of wave functions 238 239
Semiconductors, overlapping levels 233 235 250 251 260
Semiconductors, paramagnetic resonance 337
Semiconductors, phonon drag 280 ff.
Semiconductors, phonons 222 227 235 244 258
Semiconductors, photo-conductivity 245 252
Semiconductors, pure specimens 210 217 220 222
Semiconductors, purification, importance of 222
Semiconductors, recombination 243 253 254
Semiconductors, relaxation time 222 ff. 230 241 243
Semiconductors, resistivity, experiments 233 247
Semiconductors, Rutherford scattering 224
Semiconductors, scattering by dislocations and point defects 226
Semiconductors, scattering calculations, general principles 222
Semiconductors, shallow states 212 ff.
Semiconductors, specific heat 21
Semiconductors, surface recombination and trapping 243
Semiconductors, temperature dependence of 245
Semiconductors, thermal conductivity 43 111 143
Semiconductors, thermo-electricity 278
Semiconductors, transitions, direct and indirect 247
Semiconductors, transverse and longitudinal 229 230 242
Semiconductors, trapping of carriers 240 243 253 254
Semiconductors, two types of carrier 230
Semiconductors, valence 210 228 230 236 241 250
Semiconductors, very impure specimens, conductivity 233 235
Semiconductors, width of line 243
Semiconductors, ‘hot’ carriers 257 ff. 261
Sensitivity of infra-red detectors 257
Separation, of lattice and electronic conductivities 122
Separation, of specific heats 16
Serin, B. see Chanin Reynolds
Serin, B. (1956), Hand. d. Phys. 15 210 147 163 180
Serrated stress-strain curve, Cu 372
Serrated stress-strain curves 372
Serrated stress-strain curves, twinning 372
Serrated stress-strain curves, unstable flow 373
Sessile dislocation 365
Seymour, E. F. W see Croft Darby
Shallow states 212 249
Shallow states, ionization energy, optical and Hall data compared 250 251
Shalnikov, A. I. see Meshkovsky
Sharvin, Yu. V. see Balashova
shear modulus see Elastic constants
Sheard, F. W see Berman
Shell, closed 288
Shell, incomplete 288
Shepelev, J. D. see Shubnikov
Sherrill, F. A., Wittels, M. C., and Blewitt, T. H. (1957), J. Appl. Phys. 28 526 372
Shockley, W. see Bardeen
Shockley, W., and Read, W. T. (1952), Phys. Rev. 87 835 254
Shoenberg, D. see D sirant Laurmann
Shoenberg, D. (11960), Phil. Mag. 5 105 356
Shoenberg, D. (1938), Nature 142 874 180
Shoenberg, D. (1940), Proc. Roy, Soc. A 175 49:
Shoenberg, D. (1952), Superconductivity (Cambridge University Press) 147 150 156 159 160 162 165 171 172 177 179
Shoenberg, D. (1957), Progr. in Low Temp. Phys. 2 226 349 354 355
Shoenberg, D. (1960a), Proc. 7th Int. Conf, Low Temp. Phys. (University of Toronto Press) p. 200 Plate
Shubnikov, L. W. see Rjabinin
Shubnikov, L. W., and Nakhutin, I. E. (1937), Nature 589 175
Shubnikov, L. W., Chotkewitsch, W. I., Shepelev, J. D., and Rjabinin, J. N. (1936), Phys. Z. Sowjet. 10 165 182
Silicon, band structure 228 229
Silicon, cyclotron resonance 242
Silicon, effective masses of carriers 242
Silicon, energy gap 211
Silicon, energy surface, conduction band 229
Silicon, infra-red absorption 249 250
Silicon, ionization energy of shallow states 251
Silicon, mobility data 236
Silicon, mobility of holes and electrons 236
Silicon, optical, etc., absorption, of doped 249 250
Silicon, paramagnetic resonance 337
Silicon, thermal conductivity 64 65
Silicon, thermo-power, -type 280
Silsbee hypothesis 151
Silsbee, F. B. (1916), J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 597 151
Silsbee, H. B. see Darby
Silver see also Noble metals
Silver normal alloy, thermopower 269
Silver palladium alloys, thermal conductivity after deformation 137
Silver, anomalous skin effect 104 105
Silver, de Haas — van Alphen effect, periods 356
Silver, effect of deformation on thermopower 275
Silver, force-distance curves 369
Silver, ratio tensile/fatigue strengths 380
Silver, resistance minimum 87
Silver, resistivity ratio 81
Silver, tensile strength 370
Silver-cadmium alloys, density of states 21
Silver-cadmium alloys, electronic specific heat 20 21
Silver-cadmium alloys, thermal conductivity after deformation 137
Simmons, R. O. see Ballnffi
Simon, F. E see Berman Mendelssohn
Size effects see also Boundary scattering Thin
Size effects, critical field, superconductors 171
Size effects, magneto-resistance 100
Size effects, thermopower, semiconductors 283
Skin depth, classical 103 168
Skin effect, anomalous 102 ff. 168 171 357
Skin resistance, classical 102 103
Skin resistance, in superconductors 168 169 171
Slack, G. A. (1957), Phys. Rem. 105 829:
Sleeswyk, A. see Basinski
Slip, in crystals 359 360
Small angle grain boundaries, scattering of phonons 60
Small angle scattering of electrons 92 114 115 120
Small specimens of superconductors, critical field 171
Small specimens of superconductors, magnetic moment 165 166
Small specimens of superconductors, penetration of field 177
Smith, P. L. see Meyer
Smith, P. L. (1937), J. Chem. Phys. 5 320 28
Smith, P. L. (1940), Phys. Rev. 57 426 325
Smith, P. L. (1955), Phil. Mag. 46 744:
Smith, P. L., and Wolcott, N. M. (1956), Phil. Mag. 1 854 12 18; Hill Meyer
Smith, R. L., and Rutherford, J. L. (1957), Tram. Amer. Inst. Min. Met, Eng. 857 371
Sodium, Debye 12
Sodium, effect of umklapp-processes on resistivity 96
Sodium, fine wires, resistivity 100
Sodium, magneto-resistance size effect 101 102
Sodium, magneto-resistive size effect 102
Sodium, martensitic transformation 272 372
Sodium, resistivity ratio 81
Sodium, thermal conductivity 117 119
Sodium, thermopower 268
Softening by fatigue 381
Solder, thermal conductivity 124 126
Solenoids, superconducting 205
Solid helium, Debye 62
Solid helium, methane, rotational ordering 33
Solid helium, ortho-hydrogen, rotational ordering 33
Solid helium, thermal conductivity 62 63 65
Sondheimer, E. H. see Reuter
Sondheimer, E. H. (1954), Proc. Roy. Soc. A 224 260 102
Sondheimer, E. H., and Wilson, A. H. (1947), Proc. Roy. Soc. A 190 435 108
Specific heat 1 ff
Specific heat, alkali metals 17
Specific heat, alkali metals, alloys 20
Specific heat, alkali metals, divalent metals 17
Specific heat, alkali metals, transition metals 18
Specific heat, anomalous 2 23
Specific heat, Cd, Li, Na, K, Zn 12
Specific heat, cerium ethylsulphate 30
Specific heat, chloroiridates 34
Specific heat, co-operative effects 2 32
Specific heat, co-operative effects, from magnetic measurements 326
Specific heat, co-operative effects, hyperfine structure 30 32
Specific heat, co-operative effects, nuclear 30
| Specific heat, co-operative effects, quadrupole interaction 32
Specific heat, co-operative effects, Schottky 23 326 343 344
Specific heat, Cu 17
Specific heat, Cu — Zn alloys 22
Specific heat, Debye , tables 8 13
Specific heat, Debye function 7
Specific heat, definition 1
Specific heat, electronic 13 ff. 40 70 112 115
Specific heat, electronic coefficient elements, tables 18 20
Specific heat, ferric methylammonium sulphate 29
Specific heat, lattice 3 ff. 160
Specific heat, lattice, alloys 21
Specific heat, lattice, classical theory 3
Specific heat, lattice, Debye theory 5 47 68
Specific heat, lattice, deviations from 11
Specific heat, lattice, Einstein theory 3
Specific heat, liquid He at lambda point 8 9
Specific heat, metals at low temperatures 16
Specific heat, Nb, superconducting 159
Specific heat, relation between and 3
Specific heat, Schottky 25 26
Specific heat, semiconductors 21
Specific heat, semiconductors, of free carriers in 22
Specific heat, Sn, superconducting 159
Specific heat, solid hydrogen 34
Specific heat, superconductors 128 156 157 160
Specific heat, terbium 31
Specific heat, V, superconducting 161
Spectroscopic ground state, 3 group 295
Spectroscopic ground state, 4 group 297
Spectroscopic ground states 295 297
Spectroscopic notation 289
Specular reflection: electrons 100
Specular reflection: phonons 61
Spencer, A. N. see Berman
Spin quantum number, 288
Spin temperature 323
Spin, electron, nuclear see Electron Nuclear spin
Spin-lattice relaxation time 322 323 331 339
Spin-orbit coupling 289 294 295 306
Spin-spin relaxation time 322
Spinel structure 315
Splitting of energy levels 30 31 292 298 329 331
Splitting of energy levels, determination from paramagnetic resonance 331
Splitting of energy levels, due to nuclear interaction 308 309
Spreadborough, J. see Christian
Stacking fault probability, CuZn alloys 85
Stacking faults, electrical resistivity of 84
Stacking faults, electronic thermal resistivity of 113
Stacking faults, of phonons 57 137
Stacking faults, probability, CuZn alloys 84
Stacking faults, scattering of electrons 84 113 136 137
Stages 1, 2, 3 of stress-strain curve 364 365 369
Stainless steel, thermal conductivity 124 126 127
Steel, austenitic, serrated stress-strain curves 372
Stevens, K. W. H. see Bleaney B
Stevenson, R. W. H. see Berman
Stiles, P. J., Burstein, E., and Langenberg, N. (1961), Phys. Rev. Letters 6 667:
Stout, J. W. see Giauque
Stradling, R. A. see Bagguley
Strain field of a dislocation 56
Strain rate experiments, force-distance curves, Al, Cu, Ag 369
Strain, effect on superconducting transition 148 178
Strain-rate experiments 366
Strength of metals at low temperatures 369 370
Stress-strain curves see Tensile properties
Sulphates, susceptibility 305
Super-exchange 308
Superconductivity 147 ff.
Superconductivity, curves for Hg 155
Superconductivity, for PbIn alloy 182
Superconductivity, , Hg films 173
Superconductivity, alloys and compounds 180 205
Superconductivity, anomalous skin effect 168 171
Superconductivity, basic properties 147
Superconductivity, BCS theory 128 188
Superconductivity, Bi 186
Superconductivity, bolometers 209
Superconductivity, bulk modulus 162
Superconductivity, coherence length 185 186 187 189 192
Superconductivity, correlation 185 187 192
Superconductivity, critical field 149 171
Superconductivity, cryotron 205
Superconductivity, curves 149 150
Superconductivity, density of states 194
Superconductivity, dependence on number of valence electrons 182
Superconductivity, destruction by current 179
Superconductivity, devices 204 ff.
Superconductivity, diamagnetism, perfect 154 156
Superconductivity, elastic constants 162
Superconductivity, electrical resistance transition for Sn 149 150
Superconductivity, electron pairs 190 193 198
Superconductivity, electron-phonon interaction 186 188 189 197
Superconductivity, elements with transition temperatures 148
Superconductivity, elements, table 148
Superconductivity, energy gap 161 188 189 194 195 196
Superconductivity, energy gap parameter 196 198
Superconductivity, energy gap parameter, BCS theory 200
Superconductivity, entropy difference, normal and superconducting states 156 157
Superconductivity, excited states 194
Superconductivity, experimental observations of 177
Superconductivity, exponential 161 188 197
Superconductivity, ferromagnetic 183
Superconductivity, field 149 154 174
Superconductivity, field in specimen, formulae 164 165
Superconductivity, free energy 156 171 173 174 189 197
Superconductivity, free energy of 176
Superconductivity, frozen-in flux 133 152 153 154
Superconductivity, ground state 193
Superconductivity, hard superconductors 151
Superconductivity, high frequency effects 167 ff. 198
Superconductivity, high frequency resistance, Sn 170
Superconductivity, hysteresis 154 178 179 180 181
Superconductivity, infra-red reflection and transmission 169 171 188 198 203
Superconductivity, infra-red reflectivity, absorption edge 199 200
Superconductivity, intermediate state 131 174
Superconductivity, intermediate state structure, facing 178
Superconductivity, isotope effect 185 197
Superconductivity, laminae 174 175 176 177 186
Superconductivity, latent heat 157
Superconductivity, London theory 163 167 187
Superconductivity, long range order 186 187
Superconductivity, magnetic moment 165 166
Superconductivity, magnetization of Sn films 172
Superconductivity, measurements 198 ff.
Superconductivity, mechanical properties 162
Superconductivity, Meissner effect 152 163 176 180 181
Superconductivity, modulators 209
Superconductivity, Nb Sn, current field data 206
Superconductivity, normal-superconducting boundary, surface energy 176 186 187
Superconductivity, nucleation of superconducting regions 179
Superconductivity, penetration depth 164 166 168 169 171 172 187
Superconductivity, penetration depth, Hg 166
Superconductivity, penetration depth, Sn 170
Superconductivity, penetration effects 163 ff. 168 177
Superconductivity, perfect conductor, properties of 152
Superconductivity, persistent current 148 149
Superconductivity, resistivity 188 198
Superconductivity, reversibility of transition 155 156
Superconductivity, sharpness of transition 187
Superconductivity, Silsbee hypothesis 151
Superconductivity, small specimens, critical field 171
Superconductivity, solenoids 205
Superconductivity, specific heat 128 156 157 160
Superconductivity, supercooling 179
Superconductivity, surface currents 152 163
Superconductivity, surface reactance and resistance 168
Superconductivity, susceptibility, Hg colloid 166
Superconductivity, table 148
Superconductivity, thermal conductivity 122 125 137 140 161 197
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